Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 28 3 Stars and Earth Only

Chapter 28 Three Star Land
Lu Chaotai feels stable!
He took medicine to fill up his health, then took the sword into the air, rose as high as possible, and then dived down the cliff!
Lu Chaoding came to Linlang Cave again as his vision went dark and then brightened.

"Four times jumping off the cliff, four times entering the Linlang Cave, there is only one person in a billion who can obtain all four Linlang secret treasures! This reliable swordsman did it!"

Lu Chao's face was filled with joy. He rode his iron sword into the Linlang Cave, and went all the way to the third floor. He put four compressed biscuits in the chance treasure box on the third floor, and then entered the end of the Linlang Cave without hesitation. layer!
Facing the entrenched and majestic Moon Shadow Dragon, Lu Chaoding was filled with anticipation. He slowly raised his hand 40 meters away from the green dragon and said, "Feel the endless despair brought by the shadow of the sword!"

The next moment, the sword and 32 sword shadows, with firelight, like meteors and rockets, quickly hit Yueying Qingjiao.

boom boom boom...

The green dragon was immediately beaten and howled, its body was set ablaze, and it looked at Lu Chaoding fiercely. Just as it was about to rush over, there was a roar, and the flame explosion was triggered. The green dragon's body was curled up, and it let out a painful cry. Roaring, followed by a louder explosion.

The second fire blast triggers!
Qingjiao was directly blown to the ground softly.

Only then did its body turn into white light and enter the battle space.

Lu Chaoding naturally also entered the battle space.

He opened the battle record unhurriedly.

Just now he attacked first, with one blow from the sword, 32 sword shadows struck 32 times, directly breaking the toughness. Due to the refinement of [Ghost Panel Ax], the toughness breaking damage this time was as high as 912!

After that, two more flame blasts were added, and Lu Chaoding's first attack killed 4014 points of life of [Moon Shadow Green Jiao]!
This is almost half of his life.

One minute later, Lu Chao used his combat skill [Reverberation of the Sword], and the damage was directly maxed out. However, since there was no rupture damage, the total damage in the end was only 1 points.

"Fire blast is finally settled and accumulated. If there is rupture damage, then the first fire blast can increase the rupture damage by 0.5 times. The second fire blast is equivalent to an increase of 1.5 times the rupture damage. , cumulatively, that’s twice as much rupture damage!”

Lu Chao looked over the battle records and thought that the toughness damage of the refined +2 [Ghost Face Axe] was still considerable. It would be great if [Moon Shadow Green Jiao] could recover a little toughness before each attack. His damage output Can improve hugely.

At this time, it has entered the turn of [Moon Shadow Green Jiao]. It has 2352 health points left. It is burning with fire, but it also looks ferocious. When it opens its mouth, a green lightning strikes on the top of Lu Chaoding's head.

"-436, slow down by 20%"

The damage number popped up from the top of Lu Chaodian's head. His health bar was reduced by more than half, and his resilience was emptied.

Lu Chaoding didn't feel much pain, but found that he was poisoned and his whole body glowed with blue light.

"Ding, you have been poisoned and fell into a state of slight paralysis. Your speed is -20%, which lasts for one round!"

"You're just a little poison, what can you do to me? End your poisonous life!"

Lu Chaoding laughed, his turn had come, and he ruthlessly used [Sword Echo] again. After the sword shadow bombardment, Qingjiao's health bar was directly blackened!
The battle is over!

Before leaving the battle space, Lu Chaoding saw Qingjiao's body turn into a cyan ball of light. After returning to Linlang Cave, he found that the cyan ball of light was already in his storage space.

To his surprise, it turned out to be a ground bird!
Earth creature: Moon Shadow Green Dragon

Number of stars: three stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Current effect: Attack 100% and add a [Three-pronged Demonic Thunder] bombardment. [Three-pronged Demonic Thunder] has 10% attack power, inherits the main weapon attack type, and can slow down the target by 20%, which lasts for one round.

Note [-]: Using [Blue Dragon Essence] can improve the level of the Moon Shadow Green Dragon.

Note 6: The Moon Shadow Green Jiao can be upgraded to LV[-].

Note 6: After the Moon Shadow Green Dragon is upgraded to LV[-], it can evolve into a four-star Moon Shadow Blue Dragon or Moon Shadow Blue Dragon King. Please explore on your own for details.

Note [-]: The land will be bound after upgrading.

"Three-star land!"

Lu Chao said sincerely that his luck was really good. He carefully studied the attribute information of the [Moon Shadow Green Jiao]. Although it is a three-star land creature, in its current state, it may not be as useful as the two-star [Boiling Blood Lion Dog]. , but it can be upgraded 5 times, and after level [-], it may evolve into a more advanced Moon Shadow Azure Dragon or Azure Dragon King.There is no doubt that it has higher growth potential and is more worthy of cultivation.

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and replaced [Boiling Blood Lion Dog] with [Moon Shadow Green Dragon]. He now has high output, which can be regarded as expanding his advantage.

Next, Lu Chaoding went to collect the last Linlang secret treasure.

After opening the lid of the treasure box, Lu Chao looked inside the box and only saw a small golden ball named [Heart of the Cave].

[Heart of the Cave: A special prop that generates an exclusive cave in the secret realm after use. The exclusive cave in the secret realm is a relatively safe area, and the entrance and exit can only be summoned during non-combat periods. 】

"This is the ultimate secret treasure? An exclusive secret cave? So, I got a suite?"

Lu Chaoding put away the small ball and then teleported out of Linlang Cave.

His opportunity to jump off a cliff ended here. Although he could still jump off the cliff at Lion Cliff in the future, without the cliff jumping mission, it would be impossible to enter Linlang Cave again.

Lu Chao glanced around and saw that the place was still safe, so he crushed the small ball in his hand with a little force.

The next moment, a circular portal as tall as a person appeared in front of him.

Lu Chaoding did not hesitate, stepped into the portal, and his figure and the portal disappeared at the same time.

At this moment, what Lu Chaoding didn't know was that the discussion post he posted on the forum had already gone viral.

A player nicknamed "Professional Sword Demon" was frantically replying: "Zhao skirt, you are such a big liar, you tricked people into jumping off a cliff, and you gave me my life!"

"Professional Sword Demon: I'm not done with you anymore, don't let me see you in the big world, otherwise I'll chop you every time I see you!"

"Professional Sword Demon: Don't listen to Zhao's advice. Jumping off a cliff naked in the dark is simply a lie!"

"A shot from eight hundred miles away: @professionalsworddevil, did you really jump? Poor baby!"

"Yijian Guanghan Jiuzhaozhou: Haha, you can tell it's a lie at first glance, and some people actually fall for it!"

"Professional Sword Demon: Please give me some information about Zhao Skirt. Can any master help me with her human flesh?"

"Jianjun Junbuxiao: I was also tricked and died miserably. I also want to ask for information about Zhao's skirt. I must not let this liar go!"

"Zhao Skirt: I, Zhao Weike, the young prince of the Titan Star Bichon Kingdom, am I afraid of you? I have the guts to fight!"

“Professional Sword Demon: @ Zhao skirt, don’t be joking!”

"Riding Sword Fairy: @赵 skirt's true deity, Zhang Defa, don't you want to hang out anymore?"

"Zhao Skirt's true self: @奇剑仙, ah, how do you know who I am?"

"Zhao Skirt Trumpet: Because your reply has a voice!"

"Professional Sword Demon: Is Zhao Skirt Zhao Weike?"

"Zhao Skirt Xiaoxiao: Yes! Zhao Weike, a professional sword demon, come over and get him!"

"Professional Sword Demon: @赵 skirt, wait for me when I open the sword theory..."

The replies in the post continued, and more and more players were "playing bricks". Finally, just when Lu Chaoding had just finished researching his own exclusive cave, the mission goal of [-] bricks was actually achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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