Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 29 The sword is opened

Chapter 29 The sword is opened

"Ding, you posted a low-quality discussion on the Tianxing Forum and received 100 bricks. The task is completed and you will be rewarded with +100 unreliable lottery tickets and +[-] gold dollars!"

When Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt, he thought that this task was too easy to complete.

"With so many tricks, it's unlikely that someone would jump off a cliff in the dark. Tsk, tsk, tsk, Zhao's skirt is really harmful."

Lu Chao smiled and continued to study the exclusive cave.

This cave has its own name. It was called "Lu Chaoding's Exclusive Cave" from the beginning. After entering through the portal, you will come to a courtyard-style cave about the size of two football fields.

There are luminous night pearls on the top of the cave, dotted like stars. Below is the dirt floor, magically covered with green grass. There is a spiritual spring on the left and right sides of the cave. The spring water flows gurglingly, converging into two small clear pools. , the water in the pool does not overflow, there seems to be an invisible drain.

This courtyard-style cave also has a function, which is to allow the animals to be freed. The animals released inside are equivalent to the residents of the cave. They usually have certain functions or special abilities and will grow slowly in the cave.

Lu Chaoding released the boiling blood poodle, and there was actually a red-haired poodle as big as a ball in the cave. It barked and ran and jumped happily on the grass. Its special abilities also appeared, which not only added more to the cave. With a spiritual energy index of 10 points, it can actually produce [Blood-Blooding Violent Pill].

The effect of this elixir is still unknown. The Boiling Blood Poodle will produce it on its own without providing any materials. However, the production time is uncertain, and the output depends on the condition of the Boiling Blood Poodle.

There are three small caves behind the courtyard-style cave, and they all have names, namely "Lu Chaoding's training room", "Lu Chaoding's bathroom", and "Lu Chaoding's lounge"!
Lu Chaoding checked one by one. It was obvious that these three cave rooms were the studio, bathroom and bedroom. The facilities inside were very complete.

There is a wooden target with unlimited life in the training room, which can be used to test damage.

There is also a "Tianxing Bagua Furnace" for refining weapons and elixirs.

There is a "Tianxing Jade Bed" in the lounge for resting.

After taking a tour of his cave, Lu Chaoding once again called up the cave's information panel.

Cave: Lu Chaoding’s exclusive cave

Type: Secret realm
Level: LV1
Aura index: 10/100
Free range animal: Boiling Blood Poodle LV1
Equipment: [Tianxing Bagua Furnace] LV1, no recorded formula, limited to refining one-star props, can be upgraded by refining props.

Supporting facilities: [Immortal Wooden Pile], unlimited life, available for damage testing!
Supporting facilities: [Tianxing Jade Bed] LV1, players can rest on the Tianxing Jade Bed and can gain 10 points of cultivation every hour, and the calculation will be done every hour.

Explanation [-]: The aura index of the cave can be increased by raising certain land animals or through other methods.

Explanation [-]: When the aura index reaches full value, the cave will be upgraded. The level of the cave determines the upper level limit of [Tianxing Bagua Furnace] and [Tianxing Jade Bed].

Note 200: Currently, alchemy rooms, kitchen rooms, and storage rooms can be opened in the cave. Each time one is opened, [-] points of spiritual power will be consumed.

Note 200: [Immortal Wooden Stake] can currently be added to the cave. Each addition requires [-] points of spiritual energy.

Note 3: Secret caves are relatively safe areas and will be discovered by certain natural properties, weapon properties, skill properties, etc., so there is a risk of being breached and sneaked into. Cave mansions above LV[-] are allowed to arrange guardian formations, guardian beasts, etc., specifically Please explore on your own.

Note [-]: After the cave abode reaches the top level, it can be transformed into a cave heaven. Please explore on your own for details.

"This cave is not bad. I guess it will be a production base in the future. Now it can at least serve as a portable shelter. With it, I don't need to go back to the camp to sleep in a tent!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment, then left with his hands behind his hands. After passing through the cave exit, he came to Lion Cliff again.What follows is another exciting moment. Lu Chao rides on top of a flying sword and uses his sword to attack from a distance. His shot is an instant kill. The shadow of the splitting sword behind him is like a missile. He is like a humanoid self-propelled turret, killing the enemy with one strike. , no need to enter the battle space, and the efficiency of killing enemies is extremely high.

With Lu Chaoding's current attack power, night beasts below level [-] can basically be killed instantly. Usually, the night beasts will fall as soon as the rupture damage comes out, and there is no need to have the sword shadow maxed out.

Coupled with Lu Chaoding's fast speed and long attack range, he can easily kill monsters without taking any damage.

He fought from Lion Cliff to the coast and beach, and back again. He kept brushing back and forth, and even ordinary night beasts of more than 20 levels dared to touch them.

In the temporary camp, Zhao Weike and others were browsing the forum until they dozed off, yawned and got into the tent to fall asleep. However, Lu Chaoding forced himself to stay awake, unwilling to waste a minute and a second, and shuttled through the night, ruthlessly like an unknown person. Tired robot.

When the sky turned white, the number of night beasts began to decrease rapidly. Lu Chaoding stopped hunting in the wild. He checked his harvest. That night, just by killing enemies, Lu Chaoding had reached the tenth level. There is still a lot more left.

There are also a lot of materials to be brushed. There are actually 3256 bloody teeth in the storage space. In addition, there are cultivation experience, night wolf blood, night wolf heart, wolf skin, pig skin, tiger skin and so on. , and a lot of them were obtained, and even twelve bottles of blood-sucking potions and five bottles of critical strike potions were obtained.

"I have to say that the explosion rate of the Night Beast is still good! We can't rest now, it's time to prepare to fight the Prince Turtle..."

Lu Chaoding thought about this, took out some dry food and drinking water from the lottery, and went back to the cave to take a shower, then rested for 5 minutes, and immediately felt refreshed.

Now that conditions are limited, Lu Chao must keep everything simple.

At six o'clock in the morning, Lu Chaoding returned to the temporary camp on time.

At this time, only Niu Daren was standing like a wooden man in the camp, and the other players had not gotten up yet.

"What a bunch of unreliable guys."

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He came directly to Niu Daren and handed over all three thousand blood-colored teeth in one go.

Niu Daren was stunned.

He counted the bloody teeth and said: "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, you did a good job. You handed in a total of three thousand bloody teeth. This cultivation experience can provide [-] points of cultivation, so I will give it to you. ...Hey, how come I have this thing?”

Niu Daren looked at the cultivation experience he had taken out and scratched his head.

Lu Chao took over the cultivation experience, and the system notification suddenly sounded.

"System notification: No. 523131241 Novice Village plot is advancing, and the Lion Rock Sword Debate plot has started. All players are requested to follow the arrangements of guiding NPC Niu Daren and participate in the Lion Rock Sword Debate!"

"System notification: All players in Novice Village No. 523131241 have unlocked the sword discussion function. Players can participate in virtual battles through the sword discussion window. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, the plot of Sword Theory is released!"

"Ding, player Lu Chaoding, please actively look for and guide NPC Niu Daren to complete the sword theory registration and understand the details. You will receive the sword theory number and cultivation subsidy in the order of registration. The maximum subsidy is 1000 and the minimum subsidy is 200."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, update tracking task: please passively search and guide NPC Niu Daren to complete the sword theory registration and understand the details. After registration, you will receive the sword theory number and cultivation subsidy in the order of registration, the maximum subsidy is -1000, Minimum subsidy - 200.”

(End of this chapter)

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