Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 30: Discussing Sword Numbers

Chapter 30: Discussing Sword Numbers
Lu Chao was stunned for five seconds.

"As long as I sign up, my cultivation level will be deducted!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head and suddenly gave up the idea of ​​signing up immediately.

He checked the character information panel and found that in addition to the Tianxing Forum window, there was another Tianxing Sword Forum window.

According to the system prompts, through this window, players can engage in virtual battles, that is, virtual sword discussions, and the gameplay is similar to an arena.

This virtual sword debate is different from the Lion Rock sword debate. The Lion Rock sword debate is a duel between players from the same village. The virtual sword debate is for all online players in the server, and no drugs are allowed.

To put it simply, there are two types of virtual sword fighting projects: single-player battles and team battles. There are many ways to fight. Players can challenge by name, they can be randomly matched, they can also put bounties on them, and so on.

Lu Chaoding is currently unable to conduct a virtual sword discussion because he has not yet obtained a sword discussion number.

He did some research and found that the sword theory number is the player's only identity certificate in the virtual sword theory. If you want to challenge a player by name in the virtual sword theory, or track his sword theory, you need to use the sword theory number.

The sword number is generally not displayed. The player's nickname is displayed in the virtual sword discussion. The nickname defaults to the player's name, but it can be modified once for free.

What Lu Chao was most concerned about was the virtual sword discussion task. He rummaged around and found that it was indeed there.

The virtual fencing tasks are actually more like achievements. There are eight tasks in total, including four individual fencing tasks and four team fencing tasks.


Team tasks are similar.

Naturally, all of Lu Chaoding's missions had been tampered with. The victory required by the missions had all turned into defeats for him, while the mission rewards remained unchanged.

"It's much easier to lose than to win. It's hard to achieve a [-]-game winning streak. Isn't it easy to win a [-]-game losing streak? It's a bit more difficult when the team loses in a row. I'm afraid it's hard to find teammates!"

Lu Chaoding silently concluded.

At this time, because he did not have a sword discussion number, he could not do the virtual sword discussion task. Seeing that there was no movement in the tents of Zhao Weike and others in the camp, he became a little depressed.

Those tents were special buildings, completely soundproofed. Lu Chaoding could not force Zhao Weike and others to get up. If he attacked the tents, Niu Daren would probably stop him due to the safety zone settings.

"Lazy alien!"

Lu Chaoding sighed. He still had 100 unreliable lottery tickets in his storage space. They were obtained from the brick-making task. He might as well go to the lottery at this moment.

Lu Chaoding did not examine these 100 unreliable lottery tickets one by one, so he did not know their specific attributes. What Lu Chaoding wanted was an unknown. After arriving at the Tianming Platform, he would directly draw a hundred consecutive draws.


A vortex appeared in the sky, and hundreds of rays of light rushed out of it. Lu Chaoding raised his eyes and his face suddenly fell!
All is white light!

"Other players at least have a guarantee of a hundred consecutive draws, so what does that mean to me?"

Lu Chaoding shook his head, and his enthusiasm for checking the prizes suddenly dropped by half.

Three minutes later, to Lu Chaoding's expectation, he actually opened a [blood-recovering grass], and this time the blood-recovering grass was a one-star one.

Ground only: blood-returning grass

Number of stars: one star

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Current effect: When equipped here, when attacking, being hit, or being affected by a friendly skill, 10 health points will be restored immediately.

Note 2: Using [Blood Recovery Spirit] can increase the level of the blood recovery grass, but the blood recovery grass can only be upgraded to LV[-].

Note [-]: The land will be bound after upgrading.

"It turns out that there are not only animals but also plants in the land! This land seems to be ordinary, but if it encounters an attack like the Light Splitting Sword Shadow, the amount of blood it will return will be considerable. Keep it as a backup!"

Lu Chaoding first put away the blood-recovering grass, thinking that after counting the prizes, he would plant it in the exclusive cave.

He then counted the prizes and unexpectedly received another set of fashion. The fashion was called "Three Good Students". This set of trousers and long coat was in the style of sportswear, with rubber-soled cloth shoes. It was like the standard school uniform of an elementary school, and it was even better than the novice fashion. It's a bit uglier, but it does have attributes, which are "gain +10% for killing enemies". "This should be considered a good fashion, keep it, you can wear it when you go out in the wild!"

Lu Chaoding put away the [Three Good Students]. It took him another 2 minutes to count the prizes. There was nothing worth mentioning.

After a while, Lu Chaoding "stocked" the [Blood Recovery Grass] into the exclusive cave. It was a small red-leaf grass, only as high as a palm. It added 5 points of aura index to the cave. It could actually move. It was in the courtyard at first. In the center, he then ran to the small water pool and took root. The boiling blood poodle was more naughty and took it to Lu Chaoding's feet. As soon as he let go, the grass swished and ran towards the water pool again.

The Boiling Blood Lion Dog whined after him, then picked it back up and placed it at Lu Chaoding's feet as if to claim credit. That time, the Blood Grass actually ran away again. The Boiling Blood Lion Dog waggled its tail and hurriedly chased after it.

In this way, Lu Chao had a great time seeing this dog and grass playing, and it was also interesting.

As for the ability of the blood-recovering grass in the exclusive cave, that is, to produce blood-recovering pills, the production time and output are completely determined by chance.

After all this trouble, when Lu Chaoding returned to the temporary camp, it was already seven o'clock in the day, and Zhao Weike and the others still hadn't gotten up.

"Lazy alien!"

Lu Chaoding sighed again. He sat next to the extinguished bonfire, and then took out the [Cultivation Experience] he got from the jungle last night. After using it until only one copy was left, Lu Chaoding's level suddenly reached level 11. .

"Ding, you have reached level 11, your health is +200, your attack power is +20, your upper limit of fighting spirit is +1, and your upper limit of cultivation is +500!"

"You really have more fighting spirit!"

Lu Chaoding felt happy, and then looked at his attribute information.

Name: Lu Chaoding
Occupation: Sword Fairy

Rating: 11
Repair: 19/1000
Life: 1200
Attack: 120+90
Toughness: 2+2
Defense: 2+2
Speed: 145+7
Tianquan: Yinghuo LV1
Earth creature: Moon Shadow Green Dragon LV1
Fighting spirit: 0/10
Talent: Sword Control (LV5), Sword Flying

Secret Skill: Splitting Sword Shadow (LV5)

Combat Skill: Sword Echo (LV2, True Solution·Shen Lian)
Special skill: Dawei Tianlong (LV1)

Weapon: common sword (refined +3)

Fashion: Divine Intelligence (Refined +0)

Pendant: Giant Tiger Waist Tag (Refined +0)

Back piece: Ghost Face Hatchet (refined +2)

Status: Full resistance +10%, physical dodge +10%, enter battle and immediately gain 4 points of fighting spirit (from the magical awareness)

"210 points of attack power, and it can amplify Wei Tianlong! It's almost enough to fight the Prince Turtle!"

Lu Chaoding rubbed his hands and suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to spend his cultivation level to upgrade. He was afraid that he would encounter another tampering mission that required deliberate death, thus losing his level and wasting his cultivation level.

After a while, Zhao Weike was the first to walk out of the tent. He looked at Lu Chaoding with wide eyes and a look of surprise on his face: "Brother Ding, have you got all the bloody wolf teeth? You've had enough for one night. 3000 pills, are you a devil?”

"Stop talking nonsense, join the group, and fight the prince turtle!"

Lu Chaoding directly sent a team application to Zhao Weike, and Zhao Weike immediately agreed. Then he walked next to Niu Daren and signed up to participate in the Lion Rock Swordsmanship.

Soon, Niu Daren said to Zhao Weike: "Junior Brother Zhao Weike, the sword discussion at Lion Mountain is about to begin. Remember your sword theory number 5231312411. Now, please go to the top of Lion Mountain!"

Then, Zhao Weike's body flashed with golden light, and he was pleased to raise 1000 points of cultivation.

"Brother Ding, why haven't you signed up for the sword debate yet? Haha, I already hold the No. 1 spot!"

Zhao Weike said with a smile.

Lu Chaoding also noticed at this time that the so-called sword theory number is a 10-digit number. The first 9 digits are the number of the novice village. The last digit is probably the registration serial number, which is estimated to be 1 to 8.

(End of this chapter)

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