Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 31 It’s obviously still a death sentence

Chapter 31 It’s obviously still a death sentence
Lu Chaoding waited for nearly half an hour before Sword Saint King Yingluo and Gu Xiaoxiao got up.

The two people rubbed their eyes and walked out of the tent, shouting about washing up and having breakfast. They woke up very angry.

Lu Chao said: "Conditions are limited, keep everything simple, move quickly, think of you as soldiers on the battlefield, don't complain, don't procrastinate, maybe in the little time you have to dress up, you will be chased away by countless players Super, maybe just because you speed up your steps a few times, you can surpass countless players, so be nervous and don’t waste every minute!"

At this time, Zhang Defa yawned and climbed out of the tent. He didn't know what was going on in his mind. He suddenly raised his hands and shouted: "I am willing to indulge in women!"

"I'm willing to be a big-headed ghost! Go ahead and dream of your dreams!"

Zhao Weike kicked Zhang Defa on the buttocks, knocking him to the ground.

This is a normal interaction, and if players do not move their swords, it will not be considered a battle.

Zhang Defa woke up immediately and shouted: "Zhao skirt, you're fucking attacking me!"

"You were the one who made the sneak attack. Who asked you to leak my information!"

Zhao Weike put his hands on his hips and said viciously.

While browsing the forum last night, Zhang Defa revealed all his secrets, including his name, occupation, novice village number, etc. The key point is that many players are looking for trouble for "Zhao Skirt" because of the cliff-jumping post on the forum. , there is nothing wrong with this, but the blame is all pointed at himself.

"Who among you dares to use my nickname as a nickname?"

Zhao Weike continued to roar.

Xiao Ning, who had just emerged from the tent, said: "Marshal Zhao is admitting his nickname, haha!"

The surrounding players also followed suit, like a group of heartless people having fun.

As for who Zhao skirt was, it became a mystery for a while because no one recognized it.

At this time, Zhao Weike looked at Lu Chaoding as if he was investigating. Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face and repeated his previous words: "Imagine you as soldiers on the battlefield, don't complain, don't procrastinate..."

"Haha, Brother Ding has turned on AI mode again!"

"Brother Ding is right, everyone should act faster!"

"No matter how quick it is, we have to solve the problem of eating, drinking and diarrhea..."

"Imagine you as soldiers on the battlefield, don't complain, don't procrastinate..."

Under Lu Chaoding's constant urging, it took more than ten minutes for his four-person team to be formed, and then they hurriedly rushed to the beach.

The four people who were not part of the team also followed, ready to watch the fun.

These players were laughing and chatting constantly along the way, but almost all of them were not optimistic about this operation.

"Brother Ding, the Prince Turtle has leveled up after killing you. Are you dragging us along because you think it doesn't level up fast enough?"

"Brother Ding, give up, I really can't beat you!"

"You don't even like Zhao's skirt, why is Brother Ding so confident?"

"Brother Ding, you have one immortal, one demon and two saints, but you don't have a great sword god and no output!"

"Brother Ding, don't listen to them. I believe you. The worst case scenario is that you will be beaten to death and demoted!"

"Speaking of which, Brother Ding's leveling up speed is really outrageous. What Linlang secret treasure did he get?"

"Brother Ding has been silent. I really think he is an AI!"

"Same feeling!"

"Made, there is no reporting channel. I really want to report it and let the authorities check whether Brother Ding is an AI..."

Lu Chaoding's face turned dark as he listened to the discussions of these unlucky players.

"A group of grinding sand sculptures, the efficiency is too low, and it is too far away from the title of the Fourth Natural Disaster. I really don't want to take them."

Lu Chaoding shook his head secretly, thinking of kicking them out of the team and going to fight the Prince Turtle alone.

It took the group more than ten minutes to get from the camp to the beach.

At this time, the [Prince Turtle] has appeared, crawling along the beach along the coast, taking three steps at a time, as leisurely as an old man walking.

"Ready to fight!"

Lu Chao shouted, no longer delaying, he immediately activated the Heavenly Power Ring and the Earthly Halo, equipped the Ghost Face Axe, and then raised his hand to point at the [Prince Turtle].

At this time, Lu Chaoding was more than 40 meters away from [Prince Turtle], but [Prince Turtle] was already within its attack range. As Lu Chaoding thought, the burning sword and 32 flaming sword shadows flew out at the same time. , like a fireball, it quickly hit the back of [Prince Turtle].


"-10" "-10"


A large number of damage numbers overlapped and floated into the sky.

What was different from the past was that after the sword shadow bombing ended, a cyan, trident-like lightning appeared from the sky and struck hard on the head of [Prince Turtle].

The huge [Prince Turtle] retracted its neck into its shell, and the white strips representing toughness were almost empty. It staggered and its body was ignited with flames.

Zhao Weike and others were immediately stunned.

The next moment, Lu Chaoding, Zhao Weike, Wang Yingluo, Gu Xiaoxiao and [Prince Gui] all turned into light and disappeared at the same time.

They entered the battle space!
"Damn it, no, Brother Ding's output is so explosive!"

"How much damage did Brother Ding just do? The damage numbers make me dizzy!"

"Visually, Brother Ding has the firepower of a company!"

After Zhao Weike and others entered the battle space, they couldn't help but started talking loudly.

Lu Chaoding took out four Invigorating Pills and gave one to each of them expressionlessly.

At this time, he could clearly see the attribute information of Zhao Weike and others.


Wang Yingluo: LV4 Sword Master, life 160, attack 46, toughness 0, defense 0, speed 100, fighting spirit 0.

Gu Xiaoxiao: LV4 Sword Master, life 160, attack 46, toughness 0, defense 0, speed 100, fighting spirit 0.

Zhao Weike carried the blame, dressed as a pig marshal, and held his iron sword.

Wang Yingluo and Gu Xiaoxiao were both wearing novice uniforms, one holding the [Jade Sword] and the other holding the [Golden Snake Sword].

Lu Chaoding has asked before. Zhao Weike is equipped with the two-star combat skill [Blood Mask], and Wang Yingluo and Gu Xiaoxiao are equipped with the three-star combat skill [Sacred Heart Art].

"All obey my command!" Lu Chaoding spoke again, "Take the Invigorating Pill and prepare to fight!"

After saying that, Lu Chaoding took an invigorating pill himself and immediately gained two points of fighting spirit. In addition, the four-star fashion magic trick automatically gained four points of fighting spirit when entering. Lu Chaoding was shocked at this moment. There are already six points of fighting spirit.

Zhao Weike and others immediately took the Invigorating Pill.

As an internal beta player, Zhao Weike was still studying Lu Chaoding's damage. He looked at the battle records and said: "Holy shit, when Brother Ding took action, sparks and lightning struck, he actually hit 35 attacks, directly Cutting off 35 points of toughness from the Prince Turtle is outrageous! But...it looks gorgeous. Brother Ding, your actual output is only 652. The Prince Turtle has [-] health. This is obviously a death situation! That’s all, I just treat it as accompanying you. Let’s play!”

"Brother Ding is so reckless!" Gu Xiaoxiao also looked at the battle records and shook his head.

Wang Yingluo sighed: "Oh, is it too late to quit the team now?"

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face.

The one-minute battle preparation time passed quickly. Without saying a word, he casually launched a normal attack.





"-10, broken toughness, -1020!"


"-21, slow down 8!"

"-881, flame blast!"

"-2961, second blast!"

Sword shadow bombing, lightning bombardment, flame blasting!
With the sound of bombing, the damage figures appeared.

The [Prince Turtle], which was bigger than a tank, was blown over and turned upside down, roaring.

Zhao Weike sat down on the ground, his eyes widening. He looked through the battle records and exclaimed: "Fuck, a casual sword attack, a total of 5622 injuries! What kind of magical damage is this!"

He quickly stood up again and shouted to Wang Yingluo and Gu Xiaoxiao: "Get serious, hurry up, don't delay me from getting the first kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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