Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 32 Look at me Dawei Tianlong

Chapter 32 Look at me Dawei Tianlong
Wang Yingluo and Gu Xiaoxiao were also shocked by Lu Chaoding's damage output.

"Brother Ding's attack power is only 210, how did he deal more than 5000 damage?"

"How could the damage be so high? It's outrageous!"

The two of them stood still, as if they couldn't hear Zhao Weike's shouts at all.

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face, but he was actually looking through the battle records.

His normal attack this time broke the toughness of [Prince Turtle], with a toughness breaking damage of 1020. Coupled with the second flame blast, the output damage was greatly increased.

The additional trident lightning strike of [Yueying Qingjiao] also had a "20% slowdown" special effect. [Prince Turtle] was poisoned and turned into a green color!
Just before the battle began, Lu Chaoding's first attack also had an additional trident lightning strike, but it had no slowing effect. Now it does.

The speed of [Prince Turtle] is only 40. If it is slowed down by 20%, which is 8, its speed immediately becomes 32.



Zhao Weike and others, whose speed is 100, have action time points of 100, 200, 300...

Therefore, before [Prince Turtle] takes his first action, Lu Chaoding has three turns and can launch three attacks.

Due to the deceleration effect of the trident lightning strike, [Prince Turtle]'s action time was postponed. After Lu Chao's top attack, its remaining mileage was divided by its speed, and finally its first round time was pushed to 296!

Just because of this slowdown, Lu Chaoding was able to play four rounds before [Prince Turtle] took action!

"My turn, my turn, it's still my turn, haha! It's a pity that the splitting sword shadow failed to gather extra fighting spirit for me this time!"

Lu Chaoding was in a very happy mood. When he saw Wang Yingluo and Gu Xiaoxiao standing still, he said: "You two sword masters, attack normally in the first round and use combat skills in the second round to convey your fighting spirit to me! "

Zhao Weike also shouted: "Did you hear that? Take action quickly, don't stand still, now every second counts, we want to get the first kill!"


Wang Yingluo responded, then raised her jade sword, shouted, ran forward, and slashed the right foot of [Prince Turtle] who had just climbed up.


An inconspicuous damage number popped up from the top of [Prince Turtle]'s head.

Wang Yingluo, who had 46 points of attack power, defeated the tough [Prince Turtle] and suffered damage reduction from its 40 points of defense, so the final damage dealt was only 32 points!
[Prince Turtle] didn't even bother to look at her.

"This damage gap is too big. Brother Ding is a god! Look at me next!"

Gu Xiaoxiao also reacted. After her turn started, she ran forward with the Golden Snake Sword and chopped off the left foot of [Prince Turtle].


Another inconspicuous injury.

"Haha, these two unreliable sword masters!" It was Zhao Weike's turn next, and he yelled: "Brother Ding, no need to say anything, I understand, I just want to attract hatred! Don't worry, I am a very reliable swordsman Demon, look at my two-star combat skill, blood light shield!"

After saying this, the guy patted his chest, and a blood-red light shield immediately appeared outside his body.

Lu Chaoding could see his attribute information. His health points had increased by 200 points, and his toughness had also increased a bit.

But the [Prince Turtle] stared sharply at Zhao Weike, seeming to have been attracted to him with hatred.

"Not bad!"

Lu Chao nodded, and then came his second round.

This time, Lu Chaoding still launched a normal attack, and the split-light sword shadow was still gorgeous. The moon shadow green dragon added a trident lightning strike, and then two flame blasts.

Although there was no armor-piercing damage this time, Lu Chaoding's damage was considered to be full. Unfortunately, the splitting sword shadow still failed to give Lu Chaoding extra fighting spirit, and the trident lightning strike did not superimpose deceleration.

Zhao Weike was like the announcer, shouting: "Brother Ding is so powerful, the total damage in this round is 3008! Prince Turtle is about to lose [-] blood!" However, the next round is still Lu Chaoding's.

The time point of his third round was 198, which was stuck before Zhao Weike and others' second round.

At this time, Lu Chaoding's fighting spirit had already reached 8 points, and he directly used the combat skill without hesitation: [Reverberation of the Sword]!
The burning sword flew out first, followed by 32 split-light sword shadows. Like a school of agile fish, they bombarded the [Prince Turtle], flew around it, and then launched the second round of bombing. !

boom boom boom...

Damage figures appeared densely from the top of [Prince Turtle]'s head. The additional trident lightning strike of Moon Shadow Green Dragon was only triggered once, followed by two flame explosions!
Along with the flames and thunder, [Prince Turtle] was blown to the ground again.

Zhao Weike shouted: "What kind of method is this? The total injuries...the total injuries are 5402! Brother Ding is really worthy of the swordsman. This is too explosive. The prince turtle does sit-ups again and again! Haha, it is Wang Ying's turn next, Use your combat skills to share your fighting spirit with Brother Ding!"

"Do you still need to take command?"

Wang Yingluo was also excited. She threw the jade sword in her hand and activated the [Sacred Heart Art].

Since taking the Invigorating Pill before the battle increased her fighting spirit by two points, and her normal attack in the previous round added another point, Wang Yingluo had three fighting spirit points at the moment. She spent one point to use [Sacred Heart Technique], giving away the remaining two points. Lu Chao top!
"I'm coming too!"

Gu Xiaoxiao's round started immediately. Using the same routine, she also sent out two points of fighting spirit.

At this time, Lu Chaoding suddenly had 10 points of fighting spirit!
"The mighty Tianlong is about to come to the world!"

He was full of expectations. In the next round, he would use his special skills, and the next round was only one round away from Zhao Weike.

"It's my turn!"

Zhao Weike roared and used his two-star combat skill [Blood Light Shield] again, so there were two layers of blood light outside the body. With an additional 200 life and a little more toughness, his ability to attract hatred seemed to be stronger.

At this time, Lu Chaoding ushered in his fourth round. He laughed, then raised his hand to the sky and shouted: "Where are you, you monster? Look at my mighty Tianlong!"

After saying that, the 10 points of fighting spirit were quickly cleared, and the burning sword rose into the sky. The shadow of the sword was like a volley of cannons, followed closely behind, and quickly disappeared into the clouds.

The next moment, the wind and clouds in the sky gathered together and quickly formed a vortex. There was a golden light flashing in the vortex, and suddenly a high-pitched dragon roar sounded.


Zhao Weike sat on the ground again. He stared blankly at the sky and said, "Damn it, what have you done?"

Wang Yingluo also looked up at the sky, suddenly stretched out her hand and exclaimed: "Dragon!"

Gu Xiaoxiao screamed and shouted: "Golden Dragon!"

Above the sky, in the whirlpool of golden clouds, a golden divine dragon suddenly appeared. Its eyes were bright, connected with lightning, roaring and roaring with terrifying momentum. It suddenly swooped down, like a divine thunder piercing the sky, and swooped down directly to [ Prince Turtle] approaches.

Violent air waves exploded together with golden light. Zhao Weike and others could not help but put their arms in front of their bodies. The air waves were like strong winds, making them unsteady on their feet.

When they raised their eyes to look again, the [Prince Turtle] let out a howl like a killing pig. It was directly overturned by the mighty Tianlong, and was rolled up into the air by the mighty Tianlong. The mighty Tianlong was at least 50 meters long. Wrapped with lightning, it is extremely powerful and unparalleled in momentum.

The next moment, the [Prince Turtle] was thrown heavily to the ground by the mighty Tianlong. The mighty Tianlong spat out a bolt of lightning in the air, blasting the [Prince Turtle] high into the sky. Then the mighty Tianlong returned to the high sky clouds, and again It turned into a sword and 32 sword shadows, and returned behind Lu Chaoding.

With a bang, the [Prince Turtle] that was blown away landed heavily on the ground, and the damage number appeared above its head.



"-988, flame blast!"

"-3265, second blast!"

Four damage numbers popped up from the top of [Prince Turtle]'s head. It roared in pain, and its health bar had been reduced by one-third!

 Thanks to the owners of "Book Chaser chhea", "Who cares", "Mi Qinggong", "Wandering to Shanghai", "Book Friends 33021207827500" and other bosses for their reward support. Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommended votes.Please support the new book, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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