Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 262 Anchor Sword Immortal

"Anchor Point Sword Immortal, yes, it's called Anchor Point Sword Immortal!"

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly and immediately started testing his abilities again.

Such as [Gaze Sword Technique], [Super Peak Sword Technique], [Immortal King Lin Jiutian], etc., these are all game skills given to Lu Chaoding by the system, which are effective in the game world, and Lu Chaoding mutated into an evil god, and he My own real abilities are also effective in this real game world, but they are affected to a certain extent.

After a simple try, Lu Chaoding felt that he was a bit outrageous now.

With the help of the spatial anchor point, he can project his mind clone into the strange world at will and without any consumption. When the mind clone dies, it will not cause any damage to the body and can be projected again immediately. This is clearly immortal. .

In addition, Lu Chaoding discovered that he could not only establish one spatial anchor point, but seemed to be able to establish countless ones.

"Use your mind clone to open the anchor point, and then use the anchor point to launch your mind clones infinitely. You are invincible! Although this world is big, where can I find my opponent?"

Lu Chaoding felt very comfortable, and then he started exploring the strange world at will.

The place he came to was called Tongtian Peak, named after Tongtian. This mountain peak is naturally extremely high, and there are a large number of high-level NPCs living in seclusion on the peak. Most of these NPCs have humanoid shapes, but it is difficult to communicate with them. They are all crazy and act illogically. .

The first person to fight Lu Chaoding was a strange bird named "Carrion". This strange bird had the head of a human and the body of a bird. After discovering Lu Chaoding, he laughed crazily, shouted "Death to evil spirits", and then summoned a group of crows. The monster looked like launching an attack on Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding casually glanced over and killed all the carrion monster birds and his younger brothers. However, their corpses did not disappear. Instead, they merged into a disgusting sarcoma. This sarcoma grew a head and small wings, and became a Level 130 "Carrion Monarch".

This rotten flesh sage looked disgusting and ferocious, with extremely strong vitality and would be resurrected. Lu Chaoding used his gaze sword technique to kill it ten times before finally killing it. Then he received a system notification and obtained the status of the "Great Sage Association" Wanted, there was a red, arch-shaped light strip on his head.

The light band can be seen from a long distance, and it is a wanted sign.

Two days later, Lu Chaoding was wanted by the "Daojun Society", "Xiexie Society", and "Weird Society". The light strips on his head turned into four, red, orange, yellow and green, stacked together, and It looks like a rainbow, extremely eye-catching.

At this time, Lu Chaoding had a preliminary understanding of the strange world of Dao. Corresponding to the four major professions in the Hongchen Sword World, there are also four major professions in this strange world, namely "Great Sage", "Dao Lord", and "Evil Spirit". ”, “weird”.

The Great Sage Association, the Dao Lord Association, the Evil Spirit Association, and the Weird Association are the top forces in the Taoist and Weird World. Their members are all high-level professionals, and most of them are NPCs.

These four major forces are hostile to each other.

Lu Chaoding was wanted by four major forces at the same time, which was unique in the Taoist world. He swaggered through the city with a conspicuous mark of light, and not only did he not have the slightest bit of cover as a wanted person, but he looked quite glorious.

There is a plane passage at the foot of Tongtian Peak. The one-mile radius of this plane passage is like a battlefield. When Lu Chaoding arrived, a war was breaking out here. A large number of NPCs were fighting with players in one place. It was chaotic and fierce, and there were battles everywhere. flag.

Someone discovered Lu Chaoding, and about thirty people rushed towards him. Most of these guys were wearing robes and strange cloth hats that looked like monks' hats. There were players and NPCs.

Lu Chaoding glanced at the group of minions. The highest level was no more than 100. He didn't care at all.

However, these players were very powerful and started shouting from a distance.

"There's another intruder."

"Hey, he is a cruel person. He is actually wanted by the four major churches at the same time!"

"This guy must be a high-level figure in other planes. Killing him will definitely bring huge benefits!"

"The big BOSS is coming, everyone, come quickly!"

"Everyone, be careful, we still don't know his details..."

With shouts and screams, these players came to Lu Chaoding, but no one dared to take action rashly, so they surrounded Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, Anchor Point Sword Immortal. I am not a bad person. I come here to hunt for treasures and go sightseeing. If possible, I want to coexist peacefully with you." !”

"It's quite a cup!"

"Anchor Point Sword Immortal? What the hell?"

"It must be an evil spirit!"

"For sightseeing? Bah, I don't believe you!"

"Go on, beat him to death!"

Amidst the shouts, some players launched an attack on Lu Chaoding, and suddenly pulled him into the battle space.

In the battle space, Lu Chaoding looked at the four players opposite him, shook his head and smiled bitterly, saying: "You are asking for your own death!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding launched an attack.

He thought he could kill the four people on the opposite side with just a few glances. After all, even if his super-powerful swordsmanship was just a normal attack, the damage would be extremely high, and it was simply not something that ordinary players could withstand.

However, what surprised Lu Chaoding was that after the preparation time was over, it took him twelve rounds to kill all four opponents.

This is not because those four people are strong. In fact, their bodies are very fragile, just like paper. Lu Chaoding's every attack is an instant kill, and the damage is overflowing, but they all have strange resurrection methods. Said that one of them was simply resurrected four times. One was resurrected as a werewolf after being killed, one was resurrected as a strange bird, and one was resurrected as an ugly flesh ball...

After leaving the battle space, Lu Chaoding couldn't help but murmured: "What kind of monsters are these?" Before he could finish speaking, Lu Chaoding was pulled into the battle space again.

There were also four people who pulled him into the fighting space. They also had weird resurrection methods. It took Lu Chaoding another twelve rounds to kill them all.

Later, just after leaving the battle space, Lu Chaoding was attacked again by other players and entered the battle space again.

Repeatedly, Lu Chaoding went through a total of twenty battles and killed eighty players before anyone dared to attack him rashly again. He strolled around the battlefield with four strips of light, and everyone gave way.

Suddenly, a monster with the head of a bull and wearing tattered Taoist robes stopped in front of Lu Chaoding. He showed an excited look and shouted to Lu Chaoding: "Hey, fellow Taoist, I, the old cow, look familiar to you, let's We’ve suffered together in the past, right?”

Lu Chaoding looked up at Taoist Niutou and saw his attribute information. His name was "Taoist Niu".

"Back then, I killed a Taoist Sheep in the Ancient Sword Immortal Cave. The reward given by the unreliable system seemed to be Taoist Niu's successor. Could it be that Taoist Niu in front of me?"

Lu Chaoding felt that it was interesting. Without waiting for his reply, Taoist Niu continued: "Hey, fellow Taoist, can you help me break out of the siege?"

"Ding, the special NPC Niu Taoist has sent you an invitation to form a team. Please accept it."

Lu Chao said sincerely that it was interesting and immediately responded to the system: "Accept!"

So, Lu Chaoding formed a team with Niu Daoren. Niu Daoren was ecstatic, and then he led Lu Chaoding on a killing spree.

Of course, his fighting ability is actually very average. He looks for others to fight with great arrogance. In fact, he mainly relies on Lu Chao's top shots, which feels a bit like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Soon, Taoist Niu arrogantly killed the strongest level 130 NPC in this battlefield, and immediately took Lu Chaoding to a place called "Lost Optimism".

This "Unoptimistic" is an important stronghold of the Daojun Association, and there are two level 130 Daojuns in it.

Niu Taoist had a grudge against them and couldn't defeat them. He didn't dare to come here before, so this time he brought Lu Chaoding to regain his position.

In this hopeless situation, Lu Chaoding discovered clues to the plane artifact. After a battle, the senior Taoist in the temple was beaten to death by Lu Chaoding, and the treasures were also plundered by Lu Chaoding.

Niu Daoren was very excited to get his revenge, but he took Lu Chaoding to fight elsewhere without stopping.

This lasted for five days. During this period, Lu Chaoding was either fighting or on the way to fight, and he discovered that this Taoist man had many real enemies.

After five days of continuous fighting, Lu Chaoding's harvest was extremely rich, and he collected nearly forty fragments of the plane's main artifact.

On this day, Taoist Niu brought Lu Chaoding to Xie Chong Mountain.

This Xie Chong Mountain is a special secret realm. Taoist Niu used special props to open it.

After Lu Chaoding entered it, he found that this secret realm was very similar to the cultivation cave he was familiar with. Overall, it was like a small mountain floating in the chaotic void.

Taoist Niu brought Lu Chaoding to the top of Xiezui Mountain, pointed to a bright portal on the top of the mountain, and said to Lu Chaoding: "Friend, this is a plane passage, and the other end of the passage is the Hongchen Sword Realm. Niu’s enemies in the Weird World have basically been killed by you. Next, let’s go to the Hongchen Sword World, where there are still enemies.”

"You have so many enemies!"

Lu Chaoding sighed, thinking that it would be good to go back to the Hongchen Sword Realm like this, but just when he was about to enter the face passage, a person suddenly flew out of the face passage.

This man had long silver hair and a cold face. When Lu Chaoding saw it at a glance, he couldn't help but shrink his neck and take two steps back.

"Yu Wai Sword Cultivator, True Lord Xuansha!"

Lu Chao was shocked.

Since entering the game, the only person who has frustrated Lu Chao is Zhenjun Xuansha. This guy has a level as high as 180 and is extremely powerful.

"Why are True Lord Xuansha here? Are you here to snipe me, or is there some plot?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes. He was now arrogant and had no fear of True Lord Xuan Sha.

True Lord Xuansha naturally also discovered Lu Chaoding and Taoist Niu. His eyes fell on Lu Chaoding. He was stunned for a moment and let out a light sigh, but soon his body turned into lightning and flew straight into the distance.

"Where to go, you will have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth!"

Suddenly there was another shouting sound, and the plane passage suddenly exploded, and eight more figures rushed out from it.

Each of these eight figures had their own mysterious features, and not all of them were in human form. Lu Chaoding looked over and saw their names. They were Taojun Caesar, the Great Sage Burying Flowers, Prince Gui, Xie Qita, and Ling Ling. Flesh Buddha, Great Holy Spirit, Source of Fall, Green Fire Dragon King.

The levels of these eight beings have all reached level 180, and they are obviously top bosses in different game planes.

"Good guys, top boss group, are they hunting down True Monarch Xuan Sha? What has this True Monarch Xuan Sha done that is outrageous?"

Lu Chao had a suspicion in his mind. He calmly pointed to the direction in which True Lord Xuan Sha escaped, and said to Dao Lord Caesar, who was at the forefront among the eight level 180 beings: "The dog thief Xuan Sha ran in that direction!"

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, the eight level 180 beings did not continue to pursue True Lord Xuansha, but quickly scattered around him and surrounded him. (End of chapter)

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