Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 263 Execution Experiment

"What are you going to do?"

Lu Chaoding was surrounded, but he didn't care. He put his hands behind his back and glanced at the besiegers leisurely.

Daojun Kaiser said: "I searched all over the eight wastes and nine realms but couldn't find him. I didn't expect to meet him here. Everyone, this guy is very likely to be the son of transcendence in the prophecy, and it is also the opportunity for us to transcend."

"Yes, I've already sensed it, it's him!"

"Hahahaha, after waiting for so long, it's finally here. Let's work together to take it down and study it well!"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The eight top bosses were very excited.

Among them, Lord Caesar, the Great Sage Burying Flower, Prince Wei, and the Buddha of Soul and Flesh had human body shapes. They talked loudly, and Lu Chaoding could hear every word clearly.

However, Xie Qita, the Great Holy Spirit, the Source of Fallen, and the Green Fire Dragon King are not human beings, so they just roar, hiss, or make weird sounds that make people tremble when they hear them.

At this moment, Taoist Niu ran away without saying a word, without even looking back.

"I don't know what the settings of this Evil Ancestor world are. Am I being contained now? Does containment have a special meaning? What is the name of the new character... let's just call him Evil Ancestor Sword Immortal!"

Next, Lu Chaoding waited for about five minutes. A light lit up in the dark space. Lu Chaoding saw a scene similar to an underground palace, surrounded by dark brown walls.

As he finished speaking, the whole body of Xieqi Tower was glowing. It was a strange creature that looked like a tall tower. Lu Chao looked up at it, and suddenly his vision went dark. He didn't understand what was going on, but he was pulled into a... A dark space.

Suddenly, a door opened on the wall on one side, and then a white rhinoceros rushed out of the door.

The rhinoceros was as big as a tank and looked similar to an ordinary rhinoceros, except that each of its limbs had a weird fiery red eye on the knee.

Lu Chaoding laughed loudly when he heard this, but said: "Okay, I will listen to you, I will not resist anymore, I will kill or chop you as you please!"

The Great Sage Burying Flower followed: "Be smart and don't ask for trouble!"

"This guy is so heartless!"

"Execution test? What the hell?"


Lord Caesar said: "Your Excellency is surrounded by us and there is absolutely no possibility of escape. It is better to give up resistance and stop struggling in vain!"

Since his main body was very comfortable on the Hongchen Ancient Road and he was just taking risks in his avatar, Lu Chaoding was not at all panicked in his heart and had a travel mentality.

"Ding, your fairy clone has entered the world of Evil Ancestor. Turn on the player settings. Please give the fairy clone a name!"

Lu Chaoding could see the simple attribute information of the white rhinoceros, and when it got closer, a deep voice suddenly sounded in the underground palace: "982 execution test has begun, test number 001, the executioner is 008 Nightmare Rhino Angus , start recording!”

Lu Chaoding's answer stunned the eight top bosses. After about half a minute, Kaiser Dao Lord waved his hand and said: "Get him!"

Lu Chaoding silently responded to the system, and his game character in the evil ancestor world was established.

Lu Chaodong glanced at Taoist Niu's back, sighed, raised his head, raised his chest, and said loudly: "If you want to fight, hurry up!"

"Ding, your Anchor Sword Immortal character has been taken into custody by Xie Qi Tower and received the number 982!"

When Lu Chaoding received the system prompt, he thought it was strange that he had entered a new game dimension just like that.

[Nightmare Rhino Angus: LV130, Xieqi Tower Containment Number 008? ? ? 】

"Ding, your anchor sword fairy character has left the strange world!"

Before Lu Chaoding could figure out the situation, Angus, the nightmare rhinoceros on the opposite side, was already charging toward him ferociously.

"In the end, we still have to fight!"

With a thought in Lu Chao's mind, he activated the sword technique with his gaze. The sword eye appeared quickly and strangled Angus, the nightmare rhinoceros.

The battle here will not enter the battle space. Lu Chaoding did not move. In less than a minute, the nightmare rhino Angus was killed. Then the white rhino actually came back to life again. After being resurrected, he did not dare to attack Lu again. Chao Ding launched an attack, but instead ran toward the wall in despair. Soon the door on the wall opened again, and it exited.

And then a black mantis as big as a car crawled out of the gate.

This mantis is quite strange. It has no face, its name is [Head-Cut], and its level is 133.

"Execution test 982 continues, test number 002, the executioner is 125 beheaded, start recording."

The weird prompt sounded again.

Lu Chaoding already understood at this moment that he was clearly thrown into a place similar to an arena. The so-called "execution" meant sending the BOSS from the Evil Ancestor World to attack him.

"Are those eight bosses watching the battle? Are they studying me?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and activated his sword skills again. With an extraordinary giant sword technique and a punch of the Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds, he killed the beheader without much effort.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of colorful light mist appeared again.

The light flowing in this mist gives people an indescribable and weird feeling. It actually has a name, "Symphony", and its level is as high as 140.

"Execution test 982 continues, test number 003, the executioner is 222 Symphony, start recording."

When the prompt sounded, Lu Chaoding also activated his gaze sword technique, but the all-inclusive gaze sword technique had little effect this time. The sword's eyes hit the "Illusion Color" and could not hit it. of health bars. "Um?"

Lu Chao frowned slightly.

"Why can't I hit you? According to the system, my gaze sword technique is a physical attack transformed from sword intent. It can hit all monsters and monsters. No matter whether the target is physical or not, I hit it when I see it and reduce the upper limit of its health. How to hit it? Don’t move this phantom?”

As his thoughts flashed rapidly, Lu Chao raised his right hand and pointed at Xiancai. This time he used a combat skill, which was the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique].

I saw a huge lightsaber appearing above Xiancai. As soon as the sword eyes on the sword opened, it fell rapidly, instantly nailing Xiancai to the ground.

Huancai's body was distorted and seemed to be pinned. However, after the sword eyes disappeared, it immediately became active again and was still approaching Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding was about to use his special move, but after thinking about it, he gave up and let Xiancai get closer.

This phantom was really like light mist, and it quickly enveloped Lu Chaoding. Then Lu Chaoding's body also lit up with light, and then strangely, his clothes and skin began to melt little by little.

"My body feels like it's made of wax."

Lu Chaoding sat down cross-legged and didn't resist at all.

Five minutes later, the mist-like illusion dispersed, and Lu Chaoding's figure had disappeared.

The surroundings fell into silence, except for the colorful mist-like illusion floating aimlessly.

After a while, a voice sounded: "The suspected execution was successful. 982 was executed. There was no energy leakage and no dropped objects. The phantom state of the executioner 222 was intact. The possibility of determining that 982 was the Son of Detachment was 25%. It needs to be updated." More test data..."

"Containment of 222 started, containment successful!"

"The shelter is currently emptied!"

After the prompt sounded, and another three minutes passed, seven figures arrived at the so-called shelter, none other than Caesar Daojun and others.

"How could the execution be successful?"

"As long as the execution is successful, why are there no drops?"

"It seems that 982 is not the prophesized son of transcendence!"

"But I let True Lord Xuan Sha run away!"

The seven top bosses inspected the shelter while talking softly.

And suddenly, in the center of the shelter, a group of light and shadow suddenly appeared. The light and shadow quickly solidified, and it was Lu Chaoding who appeared.

Lu Chaoding is back!
To be precise, he used the spatial anchor point to send another thought clone over, and the previous thought clone was indeed digested by the illusion.

Seeing the reappearance of Lu Chaoding, the seven top bosses including Caesar Daojun were all stunned, and then quickly disappeared one by one.

"982 reappeared, the sensory state was normal, the data was resubmitted, the execution record was corrected, the execution test 003 failed, the application for repeated execution was submitted, the application was approved, 222 is being released..."

A low tone sounded, and then the door on the wall opened again, and the phantom light and mist that had just left the scene floated out again.

Lu Chaoding, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, moved his neck. He looked around, and finally cast his gaze on Xiancai, and said with a smile: "Come on, beat me to death!"

The mist-like phantom didn't seem to have much intelligence. It floated leisurely towards Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding didn't hide, avoid or resist, letting it wrap itself up.

Five minutes later, Lu Chaoding's thought clone was melted by the phantom again, and before the weird prompt sounded, Lu Chaoding appeared again.

Of course, this is Lu Chaoding throwing another mental clone.

"If this doesn't work, send someone more powerful!"

Lu Chaoding raised his head and said something with a relaxed and indifferent expression, and then used his gaze sword technique to attack Xiancai with his extraordinary giant sword technique.

Lu Chaoding's extraordinary giant sword skills were not without any threat to Xiancai. In fact, after Lu Chaoding stared at her seriously for a few times, Xiancai's size shrank a bit, as if it was shrinking, and it was not as active as before. .

"It seems that the damage is just not obvious. This weird thing called Phantom is weird, but it still doesn't pose much of a threat to me..."

Lu Chaoding pondered silently.

At this time, the low tone sounded again: "The test is over. The execution failed. 222 cannot pose a fatal threat to 982. It is initially determined that 982 has void-like rebirth ability. The execution test will continue. 982 data is being collected."

"Release the non-homogeneous containment object 365 and start the execution test of 365 on 982..."

After the prompt sounded, the door on the wall opened again, and this time a giant snake-shaped thing appeared.

Lu Chaoding looked over with interest. The giant snake-shaped thing was called [Mouth of the Abyss]. It was a level 150 existence. It looked like a giant snake, but it was actually not a creature of flesh and blood. After it appeared, it killed Lu Chaoding with one bite. Swallowed.

The next moment, Lu Chaoding felt like he was falling into the abyss. His body seemed to be in a state of free fall, but the surroundings were dark and he could neither see nor hear anything.

Lu Chao estimated that ten minutes had passed, and the weird free-fall state was still continuing. He became a little impatient, so he took away his mental clone and returned his consciousness to his original body.

"It's boring for those eight guys to test me. I won't play with them anymore. I'd better continue to travel through the planes and collect the master artifacts of the planes."

With a thought in Lu Chao's mind, the sword eyes appeared from the void and quickly dispersed into the surroundings. (End of chapter)

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