Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 264 Another Chapter of Hongchen Sword World

In the chaotic void, 30 light clusters were floating quietly.

Within the light group, there may be people sitting cross-legged, there may be giant beasts dormant, or there may be nothing...

If Lu Chaoding were here, he would find that the eight top bosses who captured him and executed him, including Caesar Daojun and the Flower Burial Sage, were all in this strange space. They each occupied a light ball, not far from each other. .

"982 successfully escaped!" A low voice came from the Xieqi Tower. "It has been confirmed that 982 has the means of void-like rebirth. This method is not given by the power of the system. It is most likely 982's own ability. He must It is undoubtedly an extraordinary creature.”

Lord Caesar sat cross-legged in the ball of light, with his eyes closed and his face calm, but he said: "We have also seen it. I think this 982 is an incredible opportunity."

The Flower Burial Saint continued: "Now it is basically certain that he is the prophesied Son of Detachment!"

A tall man wearing a high crown and a yellow robe laughed gloomily. He was Prince Gui, a being on the same level as Dao Lord Caesar and the Great Sage Burying Flowers. He said: "Only the system can fight against it. System, whether we can transcend this era depends on this son of transcendence.”

The spiritual and flesh Buddha said: "Forty thousand years ago, the last Son of Transcendence was a loser. Before we could take action, she was punished by the system and has not yet turned around. I hope that this generation of Sons of Transcendence will not be like him. Of course, we will You can’t just hide here, come out early, either assist the Son of Detachment, or control the Son of Detachment.”

"This son of detachment is probably more active than the last one. He has already ruined a game plane! You may not know it yet, but the Machine King universe has collapsed. It is the handiwork of our son of detachment. This Wang believes that if he continues to do this, no one can stop the sanctions imposed by the system, so he should be captured as soon as possible. If he can be trained, he will be trained. If he fails to be trained, the power of the system will be taken away from him. "

The one who spoke was the Green Fire Dragon King. His body was burning with emerald green flames, and he was looking at a ball of light in the distance.

Inside the light ball, there is a monster with a human head and a snake body. The head is that of a beautiful woman, with long black hair, and a snake-shaped body from the neck down.

After saying that, the top BOSS walked out of his ball of light, then licked his tongue and flew towards a purple ball of light not far away.

The ball of light is empty.

He raised his eyes and looked at the other light balls in this space.

At this moment, Taoist Niu nodded and bowed to Lu Chaoding, and strongly encouraged Lu Chaoding to go to Hongchen Sword Realm with him.

There are living beings in most of the light balls, some are very ancient, some are very weird, and they are all on the same level as Kaiser Daojun and others, but those living beings are all in a deep sleep state.

Lu Chao hummed a little tune, feeling quite happy.

And soon, with the actions of Prince Wei, Daojun Kaiser and others, the space called the Ruins Realm quickly began to shake, then collapsed, collapsed, and shrank again. In the end, only more than twenty rays of light rushed out of it. , flying in different directions.

Prince Wei smiled and said: "Okay, okay, wake them up and shock all the planes!"

The person who brought him here was Taoist Niu.

Because that face is almost the same as his eldest wife Lan'e.

On this day, Lu Chaoding returned to the secret realm of Xie Chong Mountain.

If Lu Chaoding were here and saw the face of the woman with a snake body, he would be extremely surprised.

Xie Qita's voice sounded: "It is difficult to resist the recruitment of the system. In short, Xuan Sha has to guard against it. To be safe, it is best to contain him. I have already built a shelter for him. I am just waiting to catch him." live!"

Anchor Sword Fairy is online again.

In the next half month, Lu Chaoding's life was relaxed and comfortable. He defeated many big bosses and collected more than thirty fragments of the main plane artifact.

At this time, Lu Chaoding had already re-launched his mind clone in the strange world.

The Green Fire Dragon King continued: "Xuansha was recruited by the system and was the first to awaken. He should have intercepted and killed the Son of Detachment in the Hongchen Sword Realm. He should know more about the Son of Detachment than we do. Unfortunately, he has different ideas from us. If he has been incorporated into the system and becomes a law enforcer, then we are all in danger."

Daojun Kaiser narrowed his eyes and said: "The recruitment of Xuansha is enough to prove that the ruins here can also be penetrated by the system, so there is no point in sleeping here. Wake them all up. If you miss this opportunity, I’m afraid we have to wait another 40,000 years!”

Daojun Kaiser said: "If you want to capture Xuansha, I'm afraid you need more helpers..."

"Travel, win treasures, fight the strongest BOSS, see the most beautiful scenery, feel comfortable and comfortable!"

"That's all, let's go to Hongchen Sword Realm!"

Lu Chaoding was a little regretful.

I couldn't play Orbital Alien to a fault.

This game plane is different from the Machine King universe in that there is no setting of world collapse.

A moment later, through the portal of Xie Chong Mountain, Lu Chaoding arrived at a secret realm in Hongchen Sword World.

"Ding, you have left the strange world!"

"Ding, you have arrived at Hongchen Sword Realm!"

"Ding, the clone player identity is activated, please create an account for the mind clone in Hongchen Sword World, and please submit the character name!"

"Do you want to rebuild your character when you return to your hometown? Then it's called the Reliable Swordsman!"

"Ding, character creation is complete!"

"Ding, you have entered the special secret realm of Motian Secret Realm to obtain plot information..."

"Ding, the Demonic Heaven Secret Realm is the place where the three major sword sects joined forces to eliminate demons in ancient times. The first generation leader of the Demonic Sword Sect, Tianmo, was killed in this secret realm. It is said that when the Demonic Demon died, he left the Demonic Soul Seal and many secret treasures in this secret realm."

"Ding, Qing Lingzi, the master of the Hongchen Sword Sect, brought the Hongchen Fairy Sword to open this secret realm. A few days ago, Sang Jueshen, the master of the Daluo Sword Sect, and Li Twelve, the master of the Qinglian Sword Sect, arrived with the Daluo Divine Sword and the Qinglian Holy Sword. In this secret realm, the three sect leaders have now joined forces to activate the Demonic Heaven Formation, intending to force the Demonic Demon to appear through the Demonic Soul Seal in order to slay the demon again!"

"Ding, the current leader of the Demon Sword Sect, Tian Mo, has arrived in the Demon Sky Secret Realm, and a battle between good and evil is about to break out." "Ding, you have entered the Demon Sky Secret Realm, and you can participate in the Demon Sky plot to gain favor with related NPCs and gain prop rewards..."

Lu Chaoding frowned slightly when he heard the system prompt.

Demonic secret realm?

The place where the three major sword sects join forces to slay demons!

The masters of the three major sword sects are here, and the demon is also here?

Is a war between good and evil about to break out here?
"The Heavenly Demon is the ancestral sword demon and is also my subordinate. The situation seems not good for her. If I don't take action, I'm afraid she will suffer a loss!"

Lu Chaoding quickly made a plan.

Taoist Niu said next to Lu Chaoding: "Friend, I have two enemies in Hongchen Sword World. One is Zhang Zifu, who may have died, and the other is Qing Lingzi, the leader of Hongchen Sword Sect. Can you Beat him up for me!"

"The leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect is probably a peak-level swordsman. If his realm is exhausted, he is Hunyuan. In the eyes of others, he is a boss, but in my eyes, he is just a younger brother!"

Lu Chaoding had a smile on his face.

He is now in the Chaotic Source Realm and has reached level 150. With his superb vision swordsmanship and Immortal King Lin Jiutian's ability to project his thoughts, he can already dominate the world and even destroy it.

Lu Chaoding could no longer look down on the top bosses in the Hongchen sword world like Qing Lingzi, the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect.

After a while, Lu Chaoding spread his sword eyes. The sword eyes can provide Lu Chaoding with a field of vision and can be used for reconnaissance and exploration.

Through the perspective provided by Jianmu, Lu Chaoding quickly discovered the demon.

Tianmo is the ancestor of Tianmo Sword Sect and one of the ancestral sword demons. She is currently in the form of a girl in black, standing quietly on a black stone platform more than ten miles away, with a bloody lotus suspended above her head.

From the bloody lotus, green, gold, and white light slowly flowed out. The light was like a thin arrow, as if it was torturing the devil.

On the edge of the stone platform, three NPCs were sitting cross-legged.

An old man wearing a white Taoist robe, with a white beard and white hair, who looked like an immortal.

He is Sang Jueshen, the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect. There is a golden sword suspended above his head. A golden light is projected from the sword, connected to the bloody lotus above the demon's head.

Lu Chaoding discovered that Sang Jueshen's level was only 120, which was considered a peak level master.

The second NPC looks like a middle-aged man with long hair. There is a green lotus mark on his eyebrows that rotates slowly. There is also a long sword floating on the top of his head. The long sword projects a green light, which is also connected to the blood on the top of the demon's head. lotus.

This middle-aged man is Li Twelve, the leader of the Qinglian Sword Sect, and his level is only 120.

The third NPC has the image of a five or six-year-old child with a red dot between his eyebrows. He is Qing Lingzi, the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect.

This Qing Lingzi also has a long sword on the top of his head.

The situation at this time was clearly that the three sect leaders worked together to suppress the demon in the center of the stone platform.

There are many people around the stone platform, including players and NPCs.

Lu Chaoding quickly spotted a familiar face.

Jiang Youxian, Wang Chengang, Dugu Tian, ​​Song Shu, Geng Jinfei, Xuntian Demon Sword Ye Longxing, Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan, and so on.

It seemed that more than half of the masters from the reliable sword sect and the demon sword sect were here.

Of course, many players and NPCs from the three major sword sects also came.

The situation at the scene felt like a confrontation between three parties. The Reliable Sword Sect was on one side, the Three Sects Allied Forces were on the other side, and the Demonic Sword Sect was on the other side.

"It's quite lively! It's not a bad time to show your face! Taoist Niu, I'll take a step first, and you can go due east. If you go fast, you may be able to see your enemy."

As Lu Chao thought, a sword eye slowly flew over the black stone platform more than ten miles away.

Then, in the doubtful eyes of everyone, the sword eyes suddenly opened, and with a flash of golden light, Lu Chaoding appeared.

Nowadays, Lu Chaoding is becoming more and more proficient in the use of his own abilities. He has become accustomed to using the sword eye to expand his field of vision and using the sword eye to launch clones. He himself has a feeling that he can have endless clones.

"Huh? Who?"

"This is... the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu Chaoding?"

"It's him, the unreliable swordsman!"

"I heard that this guy is the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect and is very powerful, but he has almost never participated in sect activities, and he never supports his disciples. Even when the three sects' coalition forces came to the gate of Seven Realms Mountain some time ago, he did not Come out to the rescue!”

"Why don't you call him the unreliable swordsman!"

"This unreliable swordsman has been missing for a long time, and he shows up today. What is he going to do?"

Someone discovered Lu Chaoding under the black stone platform, and the discussion quickly aroused like a tide. This was also because Lu Chaoding appeared in such a high-profile manner that ordinary people would not dare to go up to the black stone platform.

Who dares to appear so arrogantly above the heads of the three sects?
Lu Chaoding's expression was indifferent at this moment. He didn't say any nonsense. With a flash of light in his eyes, he had already used his sword skills, and the target of his attack was clearly the masters of the three major sword sects. (End of chapter)

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