Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 266 Trust the leader again

Chapter 266 Trust the leader again

"Just show up and leave?"

Lu Chaoding felt that a lot of his glory had been taken away.

He was a little unhappy and wanted to chase True Lord Xuansha, but he returned after two steps.

"Qing Lingzi!"

Lu Chaodong fell in front of Qing Lingzi. The leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect looked sluggish at the moment, with bloodshot eyes hanging from the corners of his mouth.

He glanced at Lu Chaoding and said, "What do you want, kid?"


When Lu Chaoding heard this title, his face turned dark.

"You can't see Taishan, do you know who I am? How dare you call me a kid!"

"Hmph!" Qing Lingzi said, "You kid, aren't you the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu Chaoding?"

"You actually know my name!" Lu Chaoding was slightly surprised, and then said: "No more chatting with me, I want to borrow your Hongchen Fairy Sword!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding reached out to grab the Hongchen Fairy Sword.

The sword was still floating above Qing Lingzi's head at this moment, its blade exuding a gleaming light.

"You dare! This is our sect's sect-suppressing magic sword, a six-star thing, and you dare to touch it!"

Qing Lingzi was shocked and wanted to stop Lu Chao from reaching the top, but he couldn't. The Demonic Heaven Formation was broken and he suffered a backlash. Just when he was about to take action, his chest heaved violently and he vomited a large mouthful of blood.

And in such a short time, Lu Chaoding had already caught the Hongchen Fairy Sword.

This is a six-star weapon with special usage restrictions and cannot be wielded by non-Hongchen Sword Sect members.

However, Lu Chaoding did not want to use this magical sword. The reason why he wanted to take this sword was because this sword was the key to Li Hongtian's escape.

Li Hongtian is the previous host of the unreliable system. He had too much fun and was sanctioned by the system. He was trapped in Hongtian's secret realm, the Universe Furnace, playing the role of NPC.

Under normal circumstances, Li Hongtian can get out of trouble simply by bringing the Hongchen Fairy Sword into Hongtian's secret realm and using it to destroy the Qiankun Cosmic Furnace.

However, the unreliable system had tampered with his mission. If he had used the Hongchen Fairy Sword to destroy the Qiankun Cosmic Furnace, Li Hongtian would not have been born.

Lu Chaoding still doesn't know how to rescue Li Hongtian. He wants to get the key props first and then study it slowly.

After easily collecting the Hongchen Immortal Sword, Lu Chaoding's heart moved and he went to collect the Daluo Immortal Sword and the Qinglian Holy Sword.

These two swords are the treasures of the Daluo Sword Sect and Qinglian Sword Sect, and are related to many important plots.

Sang Jueshen, the leader of Daluo Sword Sect, and Li Twelve, the leader of Qinglian Sword Sect, were in similar condition to Qing Lingzi at this time. Lu Chaoding could almost be said to have picked up these two top weapons from them.

This made many players and NPCs under the black stone platform unable to stand it. Soon some people shouted loudly, and some even rushed up to the stone platform to harm Lu Chaoding.

"Who dares to act rashly!"

Ye Longxing, Xiang Ruyan and others rushed onto the platform and guarded Lu Chaoding.

In fact, Ye Longxing and others came to the Devil's Secret Realm to rescue the Devil, and they also wanted to join forces with the Devil's Sword Sect to eradicate the masters of the three major sword sects in Thresh in this secret realm.

This is a good opportunity to start a war.

Although the three major sword sects have many masters besides their sect leaders, Lu Chao's presence here gave Ye Longxing and others great confidence.

The atmosphere immediately became extremely tense.

But at this moment, Lu Chaoding said: "You guys fight, I'm leaving, I'm going after True Lord Xuansha!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding's figure disappeared directly. This was using his sword eyes to cast his mind clone elsewhere.


"The leader is gone?"

"There's going to be a war soon. Why does the leader leave now?"

"The leader is not running away, is he? He wants us to cut off the rear?"

"No matter what, the current situation is such that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. It has to be fired. Everyone, prepare to fight!"

"I thought the leader could take action this time, but I was too naive!"

"Our leader is indeed unreliable!"

"Let's just show our cards. Brothers of the Demon Sword Sect, we are a team and we will deal with the three major sword sects together..."

Amid the discussion, a battle broke out, and battle flags were quickly erected. It is worth mentioning that after the battle started, Niu Daoren also rushed over.

This guy came to seek revenge from Qing Lingzi.

Despite his rough appearance, he was actually rough but subtle, and could even be said to be cunning. He carefully concealed himself, and finally took advantage of the chaos to take away Qing Lingzi, the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect.

That Qing Lingzi was also unlucky. A dignified peak master was seriously injured due to the backlash of the Demonic Heaven Formation, and almost became a useless person.

Let's talk about Lu Chaoding. He used his sword eyes to explore the four directions and kept launching his mental clones. However, after launching them more than ten times in a row, he finally lost track of True Lord Xuan Sha.

"What is this True Lord Xuansha doing? Why does he bring the demon with him? What is his purpose..."

Lu Chaoding was confused, but no one could give him an answer.

After wandering aimlessly for half a day, Lu Chaoding returned to the Demonic Heaven Secret Realm.

The official entrance to the Demon Sky Secret Realm is under Jinglei Lake in Tianyun Prefecture. It is actually very secret and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

And when Lu Chaoding returned to the black stone platform, the battle was over.

"Fuck, Master, Master, you're here after the battle is over!"

"Master, where have you been?"

"Master, I think you did it on purpose..."

Many players gathered next to Lu Chaoding, teasing and joking.

Lu Chaoding has a brief understanding.

This battle was won by our reliable sword sect and the Demon Sword sect!

The three major sword sects suffered heavy losses, many NPCs and players died, and the leader of the Hongchen sword sect even disappeared in the chaos.

Of course, the Reliable Sword Sect and the Demonic Sword Sect also suffered losses, and many players and NPCs were also killed.

"You are really working hard. If I had known this, I should have taken action to destroy those three sword sects just now, so as to save you from such unnecessary losses."

Lu Chaoding sighed, "Well, then I will go to the headquarters of the three major sword sects and level them!"


"Is this leader still telling lies?"

"When will you leave?"

"Now... just wait and hear the server-wide announcement!"

Lu Chaoding looked confident, but suddenly, he noticed a figure appearing in the distance.

The man wore a high crown, a yellow robe, and a gloomy face. He was none other than Prince Gui.

Lu Chaoding recognized it immediately, and his brows instantly furrowed, remembering True Lord Xuansha's warning.

"That group of top bosses are really going to hunt me down? They will be detrimental to my relatives and friends..."

Lu Chaoding's thoughts flashed in his mind. In the Hongchen Sword World, he did not dare to be as fearless as in other game planes. He was still worried about involving the reliable sword sect. Therefore, Lu Chaoding made a quick decision and quickly flew to Prince Wei. He yelled: "What's your name? Where do you belong? Do you dare to fight with me for three hundred rounds in a spacious place?"

Prince Wei always had a gloomy smile on his face, and he said: "Son of Detachment, please cooperate and come with me!"

"Where to go?" Lu Chaoding asked.

"Evil Ancestor World, Linnian Mountain!"

As he spoke, Prince Wei stretched his hand to the side, and a bright arch appeared.

Lu Chaoding laughed and strode into the light door, followed closely by Prince Wei. After both of them entered the light door, the light door disappeared immediately.

Many players were attracted. They didn't recognize Prince Gui and didn't know what Lu Chaoding was going to do with him, so they gathered together and talked about it.

"Is the leader going to attack the three major sword sects?"

"Who was that person just now?"

"Is nothing going to happen to the leader? Why do I feel like the leader is being threatened!"

"Don't worry, the leader is powerful, far beyond our imagination. We are just waiting to hear the server-wide announcement of the destruction of the three sects!"

"Then trust the leader one more time..."

(End of this chapter)

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