Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 267 You plotted against me

Lu Chaoding came to a strange space with a bloody sky.

He saw Taoist Emperor Caesar and the Great Sage Burying Flowers, and also saw more figures behind them. Among those figures were big black dogs, fish-headed monsters, giants like Buddha statues, sphinxes, and others. The girl with translucent butterfly wings...

"Huh? Madam?"

Lu Chaoding also noticed the snake-shaped woman coiled behind Xie Qi Tower. Her face was exactly the same as Lan'e's.

But obviously she can't be Lan'e.

The woman with a snake body sensed Lu Chaoding's gaze, smiled sinisterly, showed her sharp teeth, and said: "My name is Dusk Realm. I used the willow leaves at dusk to separate six strands of souls. They were all captured by the system and cast into Xu Ling, I feel the power of one of the Xu Ling's wishes from you, and I am destined to be with you."

"What? I don't understand very well..."

Lu Chaoding muttered softly.

The woman with a snake body who claimed to be from the Dusk Realm said again: "You will understand! Everyone, let him feel it!"

"Okay, let me do it!"

A barefoot girl with translucent butterfly wings flew in front of Lu Chaoding and said, "My name is Guangnian, let me show you the truth of everything."

As she spoke, the girl flapped her wings, and some bright pollen-like light spots appeared from her body and rose into the sky, creating light and color.

"Are you sure you're not going to execute me like last time?" Now that Lu Chaoding was here, he wasn't afraid and looked up with interest.

Quickly, a holographic image appeared in the blood-colored sky. Lu Chaoding felt as if he had been transported to the depths of the universe, and what he saw was the vast starry sky.

The girl's voice sounded leisurely: "I have briefly observed the real world. We believe that beyond the system-dominated plane world and countless virtual worlds, there is a broader material world. You and others will be separated from that real world by the Order Spirit Network. The world is captured, turned into a spirit body, and becomes a player in this world, and we, born in this world, are void spirits created, bred or transformed by the system..."

Along with the girl's voice, the scene in the sky changed. One after another planet images flashed in front of Lu Chaoding. Those images were also marked with text information, such as: "Deep Blue Titan", "Obisri" , "Water Source Star", "Lego Star", and so on.

Suddenly, Lu Chaoding saw an image of the Earth Star. There were a series of question marks underneath the image, but Lu Chaoding would not admit it.

In addition, unlike other planets, there is a light blue shield outside the Earth Star. There are strange patterns on the shield, which look like portraits of gods and demons, or complex formations.

The image of the Earth and the Star was quickly replaced, and images of other planets continued to be displayed. Lu Chaoding continued to watch calmly.

The girl's voice continued: "We have done countless research into this world, and we are convinced of the real existence of the Order Spirit Network. This Order Spirit Network can capture souls and is the foundation of this world. Within the Order Spirit Network, there are With an extremely powerful will, that is the system.”

Daojun Kaiser spoke at this time: "About this system, through the countless data we have collected, we suspect that it is a free-range thing. The Order Spiritual Network captures souls, reads civilization information, and weaves various game planes. It seems that it is all for Make it grow.”

Prince Wei continued: "We call it the system. There are data indicating that it has other names, such as the way of heaven."

The voice of the Great Sage Burying Flowers sounded: "We have reason to believe that outside the order, in the real material world, there are observers. They observe the order spiritual network, observe the game plane, and observe the growth and development of the system. Changes, everything, can be observed, including us, and observation is just a process. What they want is to harvest, harvest the system, harvest the way of heaven, harvest us, and harvest you."

The spiritual and flesh Buddha said: "Therefore, all living beings suffer, and everything ends up in nothingness."

The Green Fire Dragon King said: "To escape fate and see the truth, we must break the shackles of the system, break out of this ethereal spiritual world, and change from illusory spirit to real spirit."

Other top bosses also spoke one after another.

"Yes, our pursuit is to become a true spirit and gain true freedom and peace!
"But we were created by the system, and all abilities are given by the system. We cannot confront the will of the system head-on. If we want to become true spirits, we can only rely on external force!" "This external force is you, to be precise, it is another person in your body. A system!”

"We understand that in the long years after the system was placed in the Order Spirit Network, it suffered several external impacts. The impact was said to have come from a mysterious planet. This planet was captured by the Order Spirit Network, but it had strong protection. With its power, all living beings are protected, and the souls born cannot even be captured by the Spiritual Network of Order."

"We have reason to believe that the planet is protected by a more mature Heavenly Way. The invasion of the Order Spirit Network led to a counterattack by that Heavenly Way, triggering a high-end war between advanced civilizations."

"This form of war is called Heaven's Devouring or Heaven's Penetration!"

"Therefore, in today's virtual game world, there is a second system. The outcome of the battle between this second system and the order system has extremely far-reaching significance and can lead to the destruction or mutation of countless civilizations, because of its nature It is an encroachment between the laws of the universe and the will of the universe. The loser's inherent laws will be replaced, which is tantamount to the destruction of the world. "

"You should understand, right? This second system resides in your body. Only it can fight against the order system and provide a glimmer of possibility for us to become true spirits!"

"Well, I understand!" Lu Chaoding nodded. He glanced around at the top bosses and said, "You are virtual spirits now. You want to go out, get rid of the constraints of the system, and become true spirits! But you can do it yourself. No, you need me to fight the system and give you a glimmer of hope."


All the top bosses nodded.

Lu Chao said: "Actually, why bother? You are all extremely powerful and can do whatever you want. Isn't it good to enjoy life in this world? Is it really important to become the so-called true spirit? Even if Now, maybe it’s better to be a boss here and be comfortable? Isn’t it more practical to live a comfortable life than to pursue the truth and become a true spirit?”

Kaiser Taojun said: "Tao is different, you don't understand, there is no need to say anything more, just say that now, you know our intention, and you are willing to help."

"So what if I help? So what if I don't help?"

"Help, we will let you feel free and comfortable, and allow you a certain amount of freedom. If you don't help, we will force you to help!"

"The reason why we are telling you this in detail is not to ask for help from you, but to let you understand the reasons for everything. If you persist in understanding it, wouldn't it be self-destruction?"

"Stay here and listen to our instructions. In fact, this matter is not up to you."

"In my opinion, it's better to capture him first and let Xie Qita take him under his wing."

"Yes, take him down. The system in his body must be intercepted."

"Xieqi Tower, prepare to contain us!"

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he burst out laughing and said, "My fate is up to me. If you want to catch me, it's impossible. Just leave!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding was about to withdraw his thoughts and give up this thought clone.

However, the next moment, he was still standing under the bloody sky, and his mind did not return to his original body.

"Huh?" Lu Chaoding was a little panicked, "Damn, I miscalculated, you plotted against me!"

But at this moment, there was a roar, and a bolt of lightning broke through the bloody sky, and then in the dazzling thunder light, True Lord Xuansha descended from the sky.

There were six figures behind him, none other than Qin Jiashan, Tianmo, and the four great figures in the Hongchen Sword World: Gan Duoduo, Kun Manman, Yu Fanfan, and Zhou Yuyu. (End of chapter)

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