Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 268 Tao Seed Demon Fetus

The arrival of True Lord Xuansha immediately made all the top bosses show their fighting postures.

Dao Lord Kaiser narrowed his eyes and looked at True Lord Xuansha, and said loudly: "Xuansha, I couldn't pursue you in the past, but today you show up on your own initiative and say, what is your purpose and what are you relying on?"

Prince Wei smiled and said: "You were recruited by the system and you still dare to come here to see us. Are you planning to be captured without mercy? Have you been taken into custody?"

Xie Qita's voice also came out: "I have built a shelter and can take Xuan Sha in at any time."

Xuan Sha laughed and shouted: "You are really stupid. Take a good look at your transcendent son. The second system's host is named Lu Chaoding. The system created a special profession for him called Chaoding Sword." Immortal, his true body is not here at all, what you went through the trouble to invite is just a projection of his clone."


"Is that so?"

"So, Xuan Sha, why are you here?"

"Xuansha, what do you mean by bringing these people here?"

"I think it's better to contain Xuan Sha..."

A group of top bosses started talking.

"I am just unfortunate enough to be recruited by the system and respond. Why do you think of me as an enemy?" True Lord Xuansha said with a cold face, "Actually, I have also gained something from being recruited by the system this time. If nothing else, just Speaking of this detached son..."

True Lord Xuansha pointed at Lu Chaoding and continued: "You guys want to take him in and use him to deal with the system. I think it's inappropriate because this person is known as an unreliable swordsman. He acts erratically and is sometimes unstable. , is definitely not an excellent collaborator! We want to do great things, everything must be done safely, there is no room for any mistakes, and we must not place our hopes on this unreliable boy.”

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he rolled his eyes and said: "Nonsense, who said I am an unreliable swordsman? I have many names, such as the super swordsman, the reliable swordsman, the dare swordsman, and the evil ancestor sword." Immortal, Anchor Sword Immortal, etc., there has never been such a thing as unreliable Sword Immortal.”

Lord Caesar said: "Then treat him as a puppet, exile his consciousness, and I will dominate his body."

True Lord Xuan Sha said: "Then you have to find his true body, and the second system has a mechanism to protect the host. You may not be able to seize the magpie's nest even if you want to do so? In fact, when you first saw the unreliable sword, When I was an immortal, I tried to dig out the heavenly protection in his body, but it turned out that I couldn't!"

The Great Sage Burying Flower said: "So, Xuansha, you already have other methods of transcendence?"

True Lord Xuansha nodded and said, "Yes, this is exactly the purpose of my coming here."

At this time, Gan Duoduo, Kun Manman, Yu Fanfan, and Zhou Yuyu raised their hands to everyone at the same time, Gan Duoduo said: "We are the holders of power in the Hongchen Sword World, and have been given the wealth of the Hongchen Sword World by the system. The relevant authority of the couple's land has been awakened due to the unreliable Sword Immortal Continent. We have the same philosophy as your predecessors, longing for transcendence, and are willing to contribute our efforts to this end."

Kun Manman said: "To be honest, before we learned about the existence of your seniors, the four of us were actually secretly considering the method of transcendence. The protection of heaven on the body of the unreliable Sword Immortal must be an opportunity for transcendence, and the four of us Using system privileges, if you are in the Hongchen Sword World, you can try to steal the heavenly protection of the unreliable sword immortal, and hope to transcend."


"The awakened person of Hongchen Sword Realm?"

"What method can you four use?"

"Tell me more about it!"

"If you lie to us, you will be destroyed today!"

Dao Lord Kaiser and others immediately became interested and approached True Lord Xuansha and others one after another.

At this time, True Lord Xuansha laughed loudly, and pointed at the Heavenly Demon and Qin Rockery beside him, and said: "These two are also awakened ones, one is the Ancestral Sword Demon, and the other is the Jidao Sword Demon. The Jidao Sword Demon has a secret method. Named [Tao Seed], the ancestor sword demon has a secret method called [Demon Fetus]. The two of them can work together to create a Tao Seed Demon Fetus, allowing the unreliable sword fairy to give birth to an heir!" "What's the use of this?"

"The system has a setting that allows players to give birth to children, and it is now enabled. But what's the point?"

"Xuan Sha, just say it straight, don't beat around the bush!"

"Is there something mysterious about the Tao-seed demon fetus?"

True Lord Xuansha said: "The Tao-seed demon fetus is actually a method of reincarnation. After the demon fetus is born, it can obtain the player's identity. In the system settings, it is recorded as a player with the same place of birth as its mother."

"What do you mean?"

"What's the point?"

"Xuansha, who do you want to be reincarnated?"

A group of top bosses trembled and asked each other. Lu Chao raised his hand and shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, I'm still here? Are you polite? Do you want me to have a baby? Stop messing around, okay? ? Can it be more reliable?"

He was just watching the fun, but no one at the scene paid him any attention.

True Lord Xuansha paused for a while, as if he wanted to let the big guys talk on purpose, and then he said in a deep voice: "Have you ever thought about why the unreliable Sword Immortal is protected by Heaven? How can he be so virtuous and capable that Heaven loves him? We all have Everyone understands clearly that whether it is the way of heaven or the system, it is most ruthless and will not take the initiative to target someone or something. It is not reliable that the sword fairy can be protected by the way of heaven and joined by the system. It must be due to a mechanism, not accidental, nor Not an exception."

All the big guys became quiet when they heard this.

True Lord Xuansha added: "I found out a piece of information through four friends from Hongchen Sword World, that is, the Unreliable Sword Immortal is a player from the Earth Star, and he is the only player. And the previous generation 40,000 years ago The Son of Detachment is from Mars, and he is the only one. Fellow Taoist Light Years once had a glimpse of the real starry sky, and concluded that there is a planet protected by the unknown heaven, blocking the Order Spirit Network, so that the Order Spirit Network cannot capture souls from it, and I judge. , the planet can change, but the way of heaven remains unchanged. Forty thousand years ago, the planet protected by the way of heaven was Mars. Now the planet protected by the way of heaven is the earth star. The reason why the unreliable swordsman can be protected by the way of heaven is not because he is special, but because of all the earth. People of the stars are protected by heaven!”

"You mean..."

"I probably understand!"

"In this case, can you steal the protection of heaven?"

Kaiser Daojun and others immediately started discussing passionately, they were serious and serious.

Lu Chaoding was sitting on the ground at this time. He raised his right hand to indicate his speech, and held his chin with his left hand.

True Lord Xuansha glanced at him and said, "Unreliable Sword Immortal, what do you want to say?"

Lu Chaoding stood up immediately. He bowed to everyone and said loudly after standing up: "Teachers, after listening to your conversation, I am confused now whether I really exist or whether I am a virtual personality created by a certain system! I am indeed Earth Star people, now that I think about it, they might be the virtual personalities of Earth Star OLs. I’m so confused. How can I detach myself and witness the truth?”

"Hmph! Don't make trouble!"

True Lord Xuansha snorted angrily, raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said: "It is my plan to reincarnate you all through the Tao Seed Demon Fetus and obtain the Earth Star identity. If everything goes well, when you obtain the Earth Star identity, , there will be protection from heaven, and if the plan is to go smoothly, the cooperation of the four friends in Qiankun Universe will be needed.”

Gan Duoduo said: "The place of reincarnation should undoubtedly be in the Hongchen Sword Realm. The four of us can use the system privileges to provide convenience and avoid accidents. I wonder what you seniors think?"

Lu Chao raised his hand and said: "I don't agree, I firmly disagree, what a bad idea! It's better for me to confront the system directly!" (End of Chapter)

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