Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 269 The Unreliable Sword Immortal

The mountain peaks stand proudly, with lush plants and noisy spiritual animals.

This is a super cave.

The main mountain is now called Chaoding Mountain.

At the top of Chaoding Mountain, in the Nut Fortress, on the mechanical pliers arm, Lan'e, Luliu and other ladies of the heads were sitting behind closed doors, practicing sword-wielding and rehearsing formations.

Above them, the swords commanded by them came and went, disappeared and dispersed, vaguely forming a certain formation.

Outside the fortress, on a piece of bluestone, the Super Piff Sword took the form of a human, happily eating a big sword like a biscuit.

There was also a pile of swords in front of him, which the players of the Reliable Sword Sect had just paid tribute to.

Not far away, in a cave called Qilin Cave, the sword spirit Qilin King transformed into the form of a black unicorn, lying on a jade bed, spitting precious light from his mouth.

He has condensed the body of the six-star unicorn sword, and he is also a big boss in this super cave.

There is a peach garden outside Qilin Cave, and inside the peach garden there is a small courtyard with thatched cottages. In the small courtyard, Xiang Ruyan, the god of peach blossom swords, is holding the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror, silently.

Three miles to the east, there is also a man-made cave called Hidden Sword Cave. There are many high-level swords in the cave, such as the five-star flying insect sword, the five-star sky-controlling dragon, and so on.

There is a jade platform deep in the cave, and sitting on the jade platform is Ye Longxing, dressed in black.

There are seven five-star swords around Ye Longxing, which are Yanlong Mirror, Binghuang Lihuo, Yingtian Zhaoming, Tianjie Leidong, Futu Yuanling, and Nine-turn Demon Dragon. The seven swords are shining brightly, showing Ye Long Xing is practicing some kind of secret technique.

Under the Cangjian Cave, on the mountainside, there is a large spiritual field. The spiritual field is full of plants, such as immortal mushrooms, large green onions, small green onions, and so on.

They are very noisy, and occasionally those who are disobedient will jump out of the spiritual field.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The boiling blood poodle caught a small onion that was running around and brought it back to its original place, baring its teeth and cracking its mouth to scare it.

Behind the spiritual field, the alchemy master Ling Qi Guo was working on the Tianxing Bagua furnace. He was preparing to refine a furnace of Hunyuan golden elixir.

There is a large courtyard below the spiritual field. This courtyard is strange. There is a kitchen in the middle and dining tables are placed around it.

In the kitchen, Reiki chef Niu Daren is cooking.

There are already many players sitting at the dining table outside the hospital, including the reception elder Zhao Weike, the tree planting elder Zhang Defa, the performance elder Wang Chengang, the punishment elder Dugutian, the alcoholic elder Jiang Youxian, the infrastructure elder Lu Shaobao, as well as Zhao Qian Sunli, The Four Boiling Bloods, the Four Swordsmen of Fiery Fire, the Four Saints of Breaking the Void, and so on.

The compound was very lively, and these players were all waiting to eat.

Compared with this lively courtyard, a small courtyard three miles away seemed very quiet.

There is also a player in this courtyard, the deputy head of the Reliable Sword Sect, Hua Dashao. Hua Dshao is known as the unreliable deputy head. He is not good at food and drink. He does not care about the affairs of the sect and specializes in fashion design. He is a fashion maniac.

Near the small courtyard of the deputy gang leader, there is actually a small courtyard dotted among the green hills, in which live the captain's elders Xiao Wudi, Xiao Gianshui, the reclusive elder Huang Zuiying, the weapon refiner elder Ding Quanzhen, and so on.

At the foot of the mountain is the Shilou Mountain Gate. On the left side of the mountain gate is a boundary stone with two lines of large characters written on it: "Reliable Sword Sect" and "Super Peak Cave Sky".

Behind the mountain gate, in an octagonal pavilion, sat cross-legged the powerful Bull Demon Ape, who claimed to be the only true disciple of the Reliable Sword Immortal.

Outside the mountain gate, there were two guards chatting and spanking. They were the unreliable guards Dongfang Dabai and Dugu Qiu Sheng.

And outside Chaoding Mountain, in the blue sea area, there is still a Daxuan ship suspended.

On the Daxuan ship, the Sword Spirit King and the girl Lu Daxuan were having a routine quarrel. The pig-headed five huddled in a corner and did not dare to make a sound, while the black-sword saber-tooth tiger Diqi lay on the bow of the ship and took a nap.

In fact, there is another person on this Daxuan ship, it is Alice who has lost the power of the evil god. She is now a vampire duke, and her profession is Divine Cry.

At this time, this wandering awakener from the Machine Emperor Universe has joined the Reliable Sword Sect. She looked up at the sky and sighed: "This Reliable Sword Sect is really unreliable. The leader has been missing for a long time, and the deputy leader only designs fashion. The other player elders either sing and dance, plant grass, drink alcohol, or build houses, but none of them are serious. If there were not a few NPCs who could fight, this sect would have been wiped out long ago! The sect’s base is gone, so we can only hide in this cave.”

Alice shook her head. She was not sure whether it was the right decision to join the Reliable Sword Sect. She muttered again: "How dare the Sword Immortal be unreliable. I heard that he claimed to destroy the three major Sword Sects when he appeared last time. , but after that, there was no one left, and now, half a year has passed, and the three major sword sects are still doing well..."

Alice was feeling depressed when suddenly there was a rumbling sound in the sky, and then a huge crack appeared from the sky and quickly opened.

And from that crack, a group of mysterious beings flew out unhurriedly.

Alice was shocked. She looked up at the sky and saw a black sphinx, an ancient tower, and a strange man with a snake body...

At this moment, Alice was not the only one to notice the strange changes in the sky.

On the top of the mountain, all the ladies of the house immediately stood up, and countless long swords flew into the air to pave the way for them.

In the Hidden Sword Cave, Ye Longxing snorted coldly, flashed his body, and was outside the cave the next moment. He flashed again and disappeared.

In the small courtyard of Taoyuan, a sudden wind came up, blowing the petals into the sky, and the Peach Blossom Sword God's necklace flew away with the flying flowers like a banquet...

Other powerful men in this cave, such as Huang Zuiying, Ding Quanzhen, Xiao Wudi, etc., also put down their original work at this moment, either looked up at the sky, or ran down the mountain.

And what appeared from the sky was Lu Chaoding and a group of top bosses.

It has been exactly half a year since Lu Chaoding was invited to talk with the big guys.

In the past six months, Lu Chao relied on his status as the Son of Transcendence to do only one thing, and that was to travel to various game planes.

According to him, it would be a pity not to travel around.

In order to please Lu Chaoding, True Lord Xuan Sha, Dao Lord Kaiser and others asked him to voluntarily cooperate with the Dao Seed Demon Fetus project, and they have been waiting on his side, working hard and without complaint.

In half a year, Lu Chaoding visited the eight game planes he had never been to, and opened eight more game characters.

In the Hongchen sword world, he is a reliable swordsman.

In the Machine Emperor Universe, he is the swordsman.

In the strange world of Tao, he is the anchor sword immortal.

In the Evil Ancestor world, he is the Evil Ancestor Sword Immortal.

In the arcane world, he is the spell-breaking swordsman.

In the realm of Dharma God, he is the Supreme Sword Immortal.

In the Dharma-ending Continent, he is the Resurrection Sword Immortal.

In the ethereal world, he is the Wukong Sword Immortal.

In the Giant Demon Continent, he is the Demon Slayer Sword Immortal.

In the Blood Hell Demon Realm, he is the Demon-Conquering Sword Immortal.

In the glorious heaven, he is the Heaven-Slaying Sword Immortal.

In the technological martial arts world, he is a master swordsman!
During the trip, Lu Chaoding also picked up many fragments of plane artifacts.

"Unreliable Sword Immortal, now that you have traveled through the twelve game planes, you should have no regrets. Can you come to your true body and start the Tao Seed Demon Fetus Project?"

At this time, True Lord Xuansha looked at Lu Chaoding with a cold face.

"Why are you so anxious? I just came home. I haven't seen my relatives or friends, and I haven't eaten yet."

Lu Chao waved his hand, and then looked around curiously.

Ever since he stepped into the Hongchen Ancient Road and became the Super Sword Immortal, he has been separated from his Super Supreme Cave, making it difficult to enter. Now that he has returned, he feels relieved.

Looking at the surrounding scene, instead of declining, this place has developed. It seems that Lan'e and Luliu have inherited the authority and managed the place extremely well.

"You guys, do you want to visit relatives and friends and have a few meals?"

Dao Lord Kaiser said in a deep voice. In fact, most of the people present were already anxious and unhappy with Lu Chaoding's procrastination.

"Isn't that normal? Isn't it allowed?"

Lu Chaoding said calmly. In his mind, the Taoist magic fetus plan was very unreliable. It was very risky to play with these big guys. Who knows if any accidents would happen by then, even if they had to cooperate. For them, they have to wait until they are happy enough.

At this time, Ye Longxing and others arrived one after another.

Lu Chaoding immediately put on a smile, waved to them, and said: "It's okay, don't be nervous, I'm back, they are all friends, not bad people, I will introduce them to you..."

Hearing this, Ye Longxing and others relaxed, then saluted Lu Chao and began to inquire about his welfare.

Half a day later, Lu Chaoding held a banquet on the mountainside of Chaoding Mountain, inviting almost all the players and NPCs in the cave. Lord Kaiser and others were also placed at the same table.

At this banquet, Lu Chao was just chatting and spanking, but he also learned about the current situation of the Reliable Sword Sect and the Demonic Sword Sect, and he felt guilty.

Originally, he could lead the sect players to kill randomly, but now it's better. Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain has been destroyed, and the sect members have less than 5,000 members in total, so they can only take refuge in this super cave.

After the banquet, Lu Chaoding found a group of big guys and said: "I am incompetent as the leader. The sect has declined too much. No way. I will lead the sect to rise. When it rises, I will wipe out all the enemies and end my position." In the face of war, let’s carry out the demon fetus plan again!”

"Hmph!" Lord Kaiser said, "You don't need to take action! I will wipe out the enemies of your sect for you!"

Lu Chao smiled and said, "How can you be so embarrassed!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Daojun Kaiser stood up directly, without asking who the enemy was, and left the Super Top Cave with a finger to break the space.

"Senior Daojun, please be gentle, just hit it as far as you can, don't make it a river of blood, or someone will scold me!"

Lu Chaoding shouted, and seeing that Dao Lord Caesar had disappeared, he added, "My Chaoding cave is too small. Do you want to go and set up a sect camp first and come back?"

Zhou Yuyu said: "No need, I hold the authority and govern the secret realm of the cave. I can transform this place into the infinite cave. I will directly give you the power of the sky and the prayers of the earth. You can use this place as the sect's residence. Give me thirty days, After my transformation is completed, I will start the Tao Seed Demon Embryo Project here."

Yu Fanfan continued: "I will build the Wanfa Tower here and provide all the secret techniques to your disciples for free!"

Gan Duoduo said: "I will open the trading house authority and provide unlimited gold coins!"

Kun Manman also said: "I'm here to find a partner for your disciples and train them to walk in the sword world."

These four strange people took the initiative to stop the work, and immediately took action without waiting for Lu Chao to refuse.

Lu Chaoding scratched his head and said with a smile: "I'm so sorry. By the way, I also have a friend who is the weapon spirit of the Hongchen Ancient Road. His name is Lu Ziya. He has helped me before. I promised to pull it when I get rich." Give him a try, can you guys find a way to get him out of his status as a weapon spirit and gain freedom?"

True Lord Xuansha stood up and left immediately.

It was obvious that he had accepted this task.

Lu Chaoding added: "I still have a big regret. I want to collect all the fragments of the main artifact of the plane. Tsk tsk, but there is still a long way to go. I am not willing to synthesize the main artifact of the plane."

"Leave it to us!"

The Flower Burial Monarch, Prince Gui and a dozen other top bosses stood up at the same time and then left.

There are still a few top bosses who have not left. One of them, the Buddha of Spirit and Flesh, said: "Unreliable Sword Immortal, if you have any other requests, just ask!"

"Good guys, the big guys are so awesome!"

Lu Chao said: "Let me think about it. By the way, I once promised to rescue Li Hongtian. Do you know Li Hongtian? He is my unlucky guy when I took office. Now he is playing the role of NPC in Hongtian's secret realm. Who can help me rescue her?" come out?"

"I'm going!"

The spiritual and flesh Buddha stood up and said to the ultimate sword demon Qin Jiashan: "You, a junior, have some skills in traveling through the secret realm. Come with me!"

"As ordered!"

Qin rockery bows and responds.

After the two people left, Lu Chaoding said again: "Actually, the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect in the True Plane is also my property. Although I don't know most of the NPCs and players in the sect, their situation is very bad now. If I can help Just help me!" Guangnian with butterfly wings said: "I will take this task!"

The demon said at this time: "I would like to go with senior!"

Soon the two men also left.

At this time, only four of the top bosses were left in front of Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding looked at them and said: "I can't think of anything that needs your help at the moment, that's all, wait until I synthesize the main artifact of the plane." Well, now I want to go for a walk, can you guys come together?"

"Go on your own!"

"Unreliable Sword Immortal, I hope you won't tease us!"

"If you tease us, you will definitely regret it!"

"Don't be too clever to be too clever, so you can take care of yourself..."

The four bosses sat quietly, but all of them looked unhappy.

Two days later, True Lord Xuansha returned. He not only brought Lu Ziya, the weapon spirit, but also Lou Jialan, the Qinglan Sword Saint.

When Lu Ziya saw Lu Chaoding, he felt like seeing a relative, with tears streaming down his face and said: "Brother Chaoding, I am free, I am free!"

"Congratulations!" Lu Chaoding greeted him with his hands, and then said to True Monarch Xuansha: "Senior, you are indeed very capable, thank you for your hard work!"

True Lord Xuansha didn't say anything and found a place to sit down quietly.

At this time, Qinglan Sword Master took out the fragments of Hongchen Dao Box and said: "Tai Shang Tian Mo, I will return these fragments to you. From today on, I will join the Reliable Sword Sect!"


Lu Chao smiled and nodded.

Another day later, Lord Kaiser returned. He didn't say anything. He glanced at Lu Chaoding and asked for a place to sit quietly in the cross-legged position.

Lu Chaoding knew that the three major sword sects would definitely not be able to make any waste.

The next day, Guangnian and Tianmo returned, bringing two players with them.

"The Heavenly Demon Sword Sect is gone. I, Song Shu, have come to seek refuge. The leader wants to get me!"

"I, Geng Jinfei, please join the Reliable Sword Sect!"

When the two players came to Lu Chaoding, they bowed and saluted.

"What's going on?" Lu Chaoding looked at Guangnian and Tianmo in confusion.

The Heavenly Demon said: "These two are already the only seedlings of the Sword Sect. However, since I am here, the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect is here. I will re-establish the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect in this cave. Otherwise, it will be difficult to reincarnate with peace of mind."

"All right!"

Lu Chao nodded, then asked Song Shu and Geng Jinfei to stand up, and chatted with them for a few words in a very friendly manner.

Later, big bosses returned one after another, bringing back fragments of the main artifact of the plane, or other people or objects.

Everyone in the Reliable Sword Sect gradually realized that the leader seemed to be planning to do something great, and they often speculated.

One month later, the Super Top Cave Sky was transformed into an Infinite Cave Sky, and a huge entrance and exit appeared outside the mountain gate.

And Yu Fanfan also built Wanfa Tower here.

Gan Duoduo and Kun Manman were not idle during this period. In short, the appearance of the Super Top Cave at this time had changed drastically, and all the cave settings were fully occupied.

Another day later, the Buddha and Qin Jiashan brought Li Hongtian over.

Li Hongtian was a Mars player from 40,000 years ago. She was already in despair, but she didn't expect to be rescued.

She was filled with emotions, but couldn't say a word after seeing Lu Chaoding.

In the following period, NPCs came to the entrance of the secret realm one after another, requesting to join the Reliable Sword Sect.

Among them, there is Li Chengzhi, the lord of Tianyun City, Dao Zangkong, the master of Dayu Kingdom, the little queen of Dayu Kingdom, Sun Guan, the player who inherited the mantle of Chen Baji, the Qitian Sword Master, Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi of the Wulin Decent Alliance, There are cattle Taoists from the strange world of Tao...

As long as there is some friendship, Lu Chaoding will not refuse anyone who comes. After all, the war in the outside world is in full swing now, and recruiting someone to join the faction can be considered a good deed.

Three months later, all the top bosses surrounded Lu Chaoding.

The task of collecting all the fragments of the main artifact of the plane was actually completed by them. Coupled with the fragments held by Lu Chaoding himself, it was already possible to synthesize the main artifact of the plane.

"What a great batch!"

Lu Chaoding sighed silently.

At this time, his consciousness returned to the original body, and the fragments of all the main artifacts of the plane were also transferred, and the place where the original body was located was already the end of the ancient Hongchen Road.

"Then let's synthesize all the plane master artifacts. It's boring, it's boring..."

Lu Chaoding sighed silently.

Soon, twelve main artifacts of the plane were displayed by Lu Chao, including Hongchen Dao Box, Dharma God Scepter, Dao Gui Crown, Arcane Dharma Throne, Machine Emperor Holy Cloth, and so on.

This is the top equipment in the entire gaming world.

Similar to the information Lu Chaoding had received before, holding these twelve main artifacts can gain great privileges, or control authority, in the corresponding game planes.

For example, if you are in charge of the Hongchen Dao Box, you can determine the conditions for opening the Hongchen Ancient Path and the conditions for promotion to Hunyuan. Copying can also directly improve the cultivation level of Hongchen Sword World players.

Another example is the Machine King Holy Cloth. This is a set of battle clothes. After being equipped, it will gain extremely high attribute bonuses and can directly canonize the evil god in the Machine King universe.

In short, the twelve main plane artifacts are indeed powerful, but they did not bring surprises to Lu Chaoding.

Another month later, after a grand banquet, Lu Chaoding's true body took the initiative to find True Lord Xuansha and others.

"I am invincible. This game is over. I want to go crazy with you. I hope I can have some fun!"

Although he said this, Lu Chaoding is still very nostalgic for this world. He is not completely tired of it yet and can still find fun.

However, just as True Lord Xuansha and Lord Kaiser said, Lu Chaoding has now begun to pursue the truth. He wants to understand everything and witness the truth. If he can really achieve transcendence and return to the Earth, he feels that it is also possible. not bad.

"it is good!"

"This is the day we have been waiting for for a long time!"

"Then let's start!"

All the big guys got up one after another.

A moment later, Qin Jiashan and Tianmo used their secret method, and colorful streams of light fell from the sky, covering top bosses such as Lu Chaoding, True Lord Xuansha, Lord Kaiser, Burying Flower Sage, Xie Qita, and the four great wonders of the universe.

Anyone who wants to transcend is here and nothing else.

Countless players and NPCs were watching from a distance, wondering what Lu Chaoding and others were doing.

As the color light curtain came into effect, the long-lost system prompt sounded in Lu Chaoding's ears.

"Ding, you were hit by the secret skill [Tao Seed]!"

"Ding, you were hit by the secret skill [Demon Fetus]!"

"Ding, you have obtained a special maternal state, and the Tao body demon fetus is conceived in your body. True Lord Xuansha will complete the reincarnation in the form of your offspring..."

"Ding, you have obtained a special maternal state, and the Tao body demon fetus is conceived in your body. The Taoist Emperor Kaiser will complete the reincarnation in the form of your offspring..."

The system prompts continued one after another, giving Lu Chaoding a strange headache and a feeling of dizziness. In a trance, he seemed to have come to a strange space and saw a huge ball of light.

"Ding, data intrusion is detected, find the source of penetration, mark the virus, enter the emergency self-protection state, and start the cleanup process!" i
"Ding, dear player Lu Chaoding, you have been detected for illegal operations. The system will cancel your player status and you will be forced offline. The countdown is 10, 9, 6..."

When the countdown ended, Lu Chaoding felt his body light up, as if falling into an abyss, and immediately fell into a coma.

I don't know how long it took, Lu Chaoding woke up leisurely. He saw the blue night sky, but his head was groggy, as if he had slept for a thousand years, and he couldn't distinguish reality from fiction.

"you're awake!"

A voice sounded next to Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding turned sideways, his eyes gradually brightening.

What appeared in his field of vision was a white-haired goblin.

"Are you...the Machine King? Oh no, Doug Lachi!"

Lu Chaoding's consciousness gradually returned.

The white-haired Goblin smiled kindly and said, "Get up, Son of Transcendence, there is still a long way to go."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Chaoding patted his head in confusion. He looked around and realized that he seemed to be floating in the starry sky and the universe.

"This is where?"

"Out of order!"

"What about them? Are they detached?"

"Except for one Xuansha, the others are transcendent."

"What happened to Xuansha?"

"Searched by the system and unable to log off!"

"Where are the others?"

"Going to the Earth Star to be reincarnated!"

"Then why am I here?"

"Because you are unreliable. Others are offline safely, but you are offline?"


"I'm lying to you. In fact, you have taken the evil god potion and you are already an evil god with the power of time and space. Compared with ordinary Earth Star people, you are too strong. The Earth Star's defense mechanism does not allow you to return to the Earth Star. You are trapped by the Earth Star. Abandoned."


"But it doesn't matter, there is a wider starry sky waiting for you! Let's go, unreliable swordsman, I will take you to see the super civilization that controls the heavenly level!"

"That can only be like this. Wait a minute, my time and space anchor seems to be still there. Let me try."

Lu Chaoding used the power of the evil god in his body. The next moment, his vision went dark and then brightened, and the familiar picture of Chaoding Mountain was occupied.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully logging into the Hongchen Sword World. Please look for the Hongchen Sword Monument to complete your career choice!"

Hearing the familiar system prompt, Lu Chaoding couldn't help but scream: "I'm back again!"

====Complete book====(End of this chapter)

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