Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 38 Little Clam Spirit

Chapter 38 Little Clam Spirit

Time passed and it became late at night.

In the camp on the top of the mountain, Zhao Weike fell asleep with the thought of besieging Lu Chaoding, while on the beach on the coast, Lu Chaoding was still sweating.

He has changed several bases, taken a lot of blood-restoring pills, and even sought refuge in a special cave twice.

After all, there are too many nocturnal beasts, each with a large warning range, fast refresh speed, and team members. Lu Chaoding has been very careful, but he was still attacked several times, and once he accidentally hit a team player. Crabs, but after entering the battle space, they directly faced three big crabs.

Fortunately, Lu Chaoding has his own cave where he can take refuge in emergencies. Generally speaking, he has had no dangers so far in the battle.

"The quality of the nocturnal beasts on this coastal beach seems to be higher than that of Lion Cliff... Another wave of big crabs has spawned. Come on, it's time to move positions again..."

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently. He was about to change to a place with less monsters when he suddenly saw a black bulge appearing on the sea in the distance. The bulge was like a large upside-down bowl. According to visual inspection, the diameter may be more than one foot, and it was slowing down. Slowly approach the shore.

"What monster? A giant turtle?"

Lu Chaoding was too far away from the bulge and could not see its attribute information. He carefully walked around to a rock. One minute later, the "big bulge" landed on the coast, and Lu Chaoding also saw its attribute information. .

[Black Clam Essence: LV8, health 8000, attack power 400, toughness 40, defense 40, speed 120. 】

"I thought it was a BOSS, but it turns out it's just a powerful clam... This thing doesn't even have legs, so how can it have a speed of 120? It's outrageous!"

Lu Chao saw that there were no other wild monsters next to the [Black Clam Spirit], so he gave it a sword blow from 40 meters away.

After entering the battle space, Lu Chaoding was stunned because he saw that in addition to a [Black Clam Spirit] as big as a jeep, there was also a black, calf-sized, level 8 [Black Clam Spirit] that looked like an iron pot. Black Clam Essence]!
"Damn it, where did this big clam come from, and they didn't even tell me when they formed a team!"

Lu Chaoding muttered depressedly, that [Black Clam Spirit] is small, and its panel data is worse than [Black Clam Spirit]. Although it has 8000 health points, its toughness is only 3 points, and its defense is only 4 points!
"This time we have to lose blood again, these two monsters are too insidious!"

Lu Chaoding took out an Invigorating Pill and swallowed it, raising his fighting spirit to 10 points. After the round started, he directly released the unique move Dawei Tianlong.

"Dawei Tianlong, subdue demons!"

Following Lu Chaoding's shout, a golden dragon broke through the sky, and with unstoppable momentum and fierce attitude, it crashed into the middle of the [Black Clam Spirit] and [Black Clam Spirit].

The dragon roared loudly, and the earth shook.

The mighty Tianlong rushed out from the ground again, rolled up his body, rolled up the black clam spirit and the [black clam spirit] into the air, and gave them a claw attack. Then the black clam spirit and the [black clam spirit] fell, and the mighty dragon opened his mouth and spit out lightning. , and blasted them into the air again.

At this point, the mighty heavenly dragon finished subduing the demon, flew away in the air, turned into a sword and 32 sword shadows, and returned behind Lu Chaoding.

[Black Clam Spirit] and [Black Clam Spirit] then landed, and then two cyan trident lightning strikes came over, splitting them into green.

There were two booms, and the flame explosion was triggered immediately. [Black Clam Essence] and [Black Clam Essence] caught fire, smoked, and exuded the aroma of meat.

Only then did the damage figures appear from both of them.

Lu Chaoding checked the battle record at this time. Dawei Tianlong was an area attack with a total damage of 1630. Black Clam Spirit and [Black Clam Spirit] were evenly divided, that is, each suffered 815 points of damage.

At the same time, Dawei Tianlong has four stages of attacks, which respectively cut off four points of toughness of Black Clam Spirit and [Black Clam Spirit].

The black clam spirit was not very tough, with only three points. It was broken immediately, and it suffered 1220 points of damage from breaking!
Then the Moon Shadow Green Dragon added a trident lightning strike. Both [Black Clam Spirit] and [Black Clam Spirit] were damaged, so they were both added. The former lost 21 life points, and the latter lost 10 points.

As for [Black Clam Essence], at this time, the 40 points of toughness have finally been exhausted, triggering 1220 damage of breaking toughness.

Then there were two flame blasts from Tianquan Yinghuo.Fire blast is calculated based on the damage received. [Black Clam Spirit] and [Black Clam Spirit] receive different damage, so the damage of fire blast is also different.

In the end, in this round, [Black Clam Spirit] lost a total of 6456 life points, and [Black Clam Spirit] lost 6334 life points. The two had 3544 and 2914 life points left respectively.

"The mighty Tianlong is a bit explosive. He can't even kill these mere clam spirits and clam spirits!"

Lu Chao shook his head, ready to be beaten.

He waited for about a minute before the [Black Clam Spirit] slowly launched its attack. It opened the clam shell and a large cloud of black mist spewed out. Lu Chao's head was rushed by the black mist, and his toughness dropped a little, and his life dropped. 1 points!
[Black Clam Spirit] followed up with an attack, slamming water on Lu Chaoding, and also knocked away 185 points of Lu Chaoding's life and a bit of toughness.

At the beginning of Lu Chaoding's round, he hit [Black Clam Demon] with his sword, basic attack, sword shadow bombing, trident lightning strike and fire blast. The total damage was 3008, and the damage overflowed. [Black Clam Demon] was killed and his body turned into light. , leaving a small treasure chest.

Since [Black Clam Spirit] was hit by the trident lightning and was poisoned and slowed down, it was Lu Chaoding's next turn. Lu Chaoding used the combat skill [Reverberation of the Sword], and [Black Clam Spirit] was also killed. Likewise A small treasure chest drops out.

At this time, the battle ended, the battle space was shattered, and the two small treasure boxes automatically entered Lu Chaoding's storage space.

It is rare for night beasts to drop treasure chests. Lu Chaoding quickly checked and found that the treasure chest dropped by [Black Clam Essence] contained 15 gold coins and the two-star material [Night Pearl]. The treasure chest dropped by [Black Clam Essence] There are 5 gold coins and a small clam spirit the size of a fist.

Ground creature: little clam spirit
Number of stars: two stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Current effect: The Little Clam Spirit has (400 × level) points of health, 2 points of toughness and 2 points of defense. After equipped, when the player is attacked, the Little Clam Spirit has a 100% chance of taking the damage on behalf of the player.

Explanation [-]: After the battle, the status of the little clam spirit will be restored to full.

Note [-]: Using [Xuan Shui Essence] can improve the level of the Little Clam Essence.

Note 3: The Little Clam Spirit can be upgraded up to LV[-], and will be bound after the upgrade.

"This little clam spirit is quite interesting. It doesn't have a high number of stars, but it's quite useful to me!"

Lu Chaoding immediately replaced the three-star [Moon Shadow Green Jiao] with the two-star [Little Clam Spirit]. The output capacity was slightly reduced, but the survivability was greatly improved.

He continued to fight and continued to explode, and before he knew it, the time came to 05:30 in the morning.

Lu Chaoding stopped playing in the wild. He took stock of his harvest. He didn't gain much gold and yuan, but gained a lot of cultivation experience, clam shells and other materials. The best trophy was of course the [Little Clam Spirit].

As for level, Lu Chaoding has now reached level 12.

Excluding equipment bonuses, its basic health points reached 1420 points, and its basic attack power reached 142 points.

"After level 11, you need too much experience to upgrade. Even if I use all my Yuan-Pui Yuan Dan, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach level 20..."

Lu Chaoding sighed. He didn't plan to go wild at this moment. He stretched out his hand a little in front of him and opened the entrance to the exclusive cave.

After entering the cave and resting for a while, Lu Chaoding left again. He took up the Daxuan Sword and headed towards the top of the mountain.

When the time came to 6 o'clock in the morning, daylight began, and Lu Chaoding arrived at the mountaintop camp on time.

At this time, Zhao Weike and others had already gotten up. They gathered around the NPC Niu Daren, as if they were already waiting for the sword debate in Lion Rock.

Thanks to the bosses such as Jin Mei, Xiao Kui, A Hanxue Yeyue N, Cuzuo, Book Friends 33021207827500, etc. for their reward support. Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

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