Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 39 How dare you bribe me?

Chapter 39 How dare you bribe me?
Temporary camp at the top of Lion Rock.

Niu Daren, who was like a wood carving, suddenly moved. He clapped his hands and shouted: "Junior brothers and sisters, today is a good day. I am your senior brother Niu Daren. I announce that the Lion Rock Sword Discussion has officially begun! This time Sword discussion is your entrance examination. The sect has high hopes for you and has prepared generous rewards early. Today is the first day of sword discussion, and the winner will receive the first prize. Look, you guys..."

Niu Daren stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky. Zhao Weike and others who had already gathered around him, as well as Lu Chaoding, who had just arrived, looked up in the direction pointed by Niu Daren. They saw a ball of light slowly rising from the sky. After landing, there was a big question mark in the middle of the ball of light.

The question mark trembled a few times, then suddenly shattered, turning into a long sword with a sharp edge.

"It's actually a three-star weapon, the Flying Dragon Sword!" Niu Daren shouted again, "Junior brothers and sisters, this sword is not bad. I'm tempted. Cheer up and perform well. If you win, you can get this Flying Dragon Sword. !”

As soon as Niu Daren finished speaking, the system notification sounded: "523131241 Novice Village Sword Discussion plot begins. Today's sword discussion reward is the three-star weapon Flying Dragon Sword. All players are requested to gather at the mountaintop camp and enter the battle space in 5 minutes. No waiting will be done after the expiration date. "

Lu Chaoding then received another system prompt: "Ding, automatically receive the task [First Day of Sword Discussing], task description: Participate in the Lion Rock Sword Discussing, defeat other players and Niu Daren, and you can obtain the three-star weapon Flying Dragon Sword!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system is turned on, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: If you participate in the Lion Rock Sword Discussion and are defeated by other players or Niu Daren, you can get the one-star weapon Flying Insect Sword."


Lu Chaoding, who was full of fighting spirit, wanted to spit out blood at this moment.

Defeated by other players or Niu Daren!
Reward one-star weapon Flying Insect Sword!

What the hell is a flying insect sword?

What kind of mission is this?
"How can I be allowed to do match-fixing? Besides, shouldn't I be given more subsidies for match-fixing?"

Lu Chaoding was very unhappy. He wondered what would happen if he ignored the tampering task. If he won the sword debate, would it be possible to get the Feilong Sword?

After Zhao Weike and others dispersed, Lu Chaoding came to Niu Daren and asked in a low voice: "Brother Niu Daren, if I win the sword debate, can I also get the Feilong Sword?"

Niu Daren nodded indifferently, but then shook his head. He nodded again, shook his head again, nodded again, and shook his head again.

"Okay, stop being such a bastard, I understand!"

Lu Chaoding sighed helplessly. Seeing that Niu Daren couldn't be punished, he guessed that there would be no reward if there was no mission.

He turned around to find Zhang Defa, pulled him aside and said, "Zhang Defa, where is your more than 300 yuan?"

Zhang Defa looked tense and said, "Brother Ding, what do you want to do?"

"I thought about it seriously, and I think your idea last night was very good. Although three hundred gold yuan is not much, it is still your intention, so I will reluctantly accept it!"

"No no no..."

Zhang Defa quickly waved his hand and said, "I have no money!"

Lu Chao was stunned: "Why did you regret it?"

"What are you regretting? What are you regretting? Hahahaha, Brother Ding, you may have had a hallucination yesterday."

After saying that, Zhang Defa ran away directly.

What's the matter? This is it?

Lu Chaoding was stunned for several seconds, and then took a closer look at Zhao Weike and others. He felt that this group of people was strange this morning. They were surprisingly quiet, and they were avoiding his gaze intentionally or unintentionally.

"There's something wrong with these guys..."

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes, not afraid of anything at this time.

The mission requires you to be defeated, so what else is there to worry about!

He crossed his arms and stood quietly. Five minutes passed quickly. Lu Chaoding felt that the scene in front of him changed and he came to the battle space.

The fighting space was different this time. Lu Chaoding found himself, Niu Daren, Zhao Weike, Zhang Defa and others standing in a circle.

The system prompt sounded at this moment: "Ding, enter the battle space, the melee will start in 1 minute!"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes. The other players didn't say anything, and he didn't say anything either. He silently took out an uplifting pill and drank it, raising his fighting spirit to 10 points.

Soon, Niu Daren spoke: "The sword discussion begins, Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, please take action!"

Lu Chao was the fastest and naturally entered his turn first.

There is no difference from a regular battle. Each round has 2 minutes of action time. Lu Chaoding is not in a hurry to take action and looks up at Zhang Defa.

Zhang Defa avoided looking at him, not daring to look at him, and kept glancing at Zhao Weike.

Zhao Weike wore a pig mask on his face, and his expression could not be seen. He suddenly said: "Brother Ding, your output is explosive, kill Niu Daren first!"

As if Lu Chaoding couldn't hear him, he suddenly shouted: "Zhang Defa!"

Zhang Defa shrank his neck: "What are you doing?"

"How dare you bribe me!"

After saying that, Lu Chaoding directly used [Sword Echo], and the sword and 32 sword shadows rose into the sky behind him like a volley of cannons, blasting directly towards Zhang De with firelight!
"My trough..."

Zhang Defa's small body was directly covered up by the damage numbers. There was no need to trigger the flame blast. A rupture damage, the health bar was directly black, and his whole body turned gray.

In this melee mode, death will not leave the field. Zhang Defa knelt down on the ground and could not move, but he could still speak. He shouted with an unhappy look: "Made, I have been sacrificed, so don't hide it." Come on, hit him, hit him all, avenge me!" Niu Daren said at this moment: "Junior Brother Lu Chaoding is amazingly powerful, Zhang Defa still needs to keep up his efforts, next, please ask Junior Sister Wang Yingluo to take action!"


Wang Yingluo's speed was the same as that of other players, both 100, but apparently there was a default ordering of the same speed in the system settings. Wang Yingluo was a little panicked at this moment. She looked at Lu Chaoding and said: "Brother Ding, don't Blame me, it was all Zhao Skirt’s idea!”

After saying that, she ran up to Lu Chaoding and struck out with a sword on Lu Chaoding's head. Lu Chaoding stood still, and the shadow of [Little Clam Spirit] suddenly appeared around him. The shadow was more than two meters high. , the clam shell was wide open, and it looked like Lu Chaoding was standing inside the clam shell.

Wang Yingluo's attack was blocked by the clam shell shadow.


The damage number appeared from above the shadow of [Little Clam Spirit]. Lu Chao's health bar was intact and he didn't lose any life.

"Ah? What's the situation?"

Wang Yingluo returned in confusion, and the shadow of [Little Clam Spirit] quickly disappeared.

"Junior Sister Wang Yingluo's strength is astonishing. Junior Brother Lu Chaoding has a place to protect him. Next, please ask Junior Sister Gu Xiaoxiao to take action!"

Niu Daren was like the announcer at the moment. Gu Xiaoxiao was stunned when her name was called. She also looked at Zhao Weike.

Zhao Weike said: "Don't hesitate, this is my plan, hit him directly!"

Zhang Defa, who had been killed in battle, also shouted: "Listen to Zhao's skirt and kill Brother Ding, otherwise my death will be in vain."

"Now that it's over, let's fight!"

"What's going on with Earth's shelter?"

"Don't worry about what's going on, just attack!"

"Brother Ding is AI. Look, he is expressionless and motionless again..."

Zhang Jiaqiang, Xiao Ning and others also shouted.

Lu Chaoding had figured everything out at this time.

"These guys actually formed an alliance to target me collectively? Interesting!"

He was not afraid at all.

After Gu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, he finally took action against Lu Chao.

With a clang, the shadow of [Little Clam Spirit] appeared again, blocking Gu Xiaoxiao's attack. Two points of its toughness were broken, and its health dropped by 34 points again.

Zhang Jiaqiang, Xiao Ning, and Xiao Panpan took turns taking action. They were all sword gods and their level had been upgraded to LV7. Because the attack came with additional lightning strikes, and the toughness of [Little Clam Spirit] had been exhausted, they played The damage dealt was around 400 points. After the three of them were defeated, the [Little Clam Spirit], which only had [-] points of life, had only a trace of blood left.

"Please take action from Junior Brother Zhao Weike!"

Niu Daren's voice sounded again.

Zhao Weike had no intention of fighting at this time and could only launch a normal attack. He struck the shadow of [Little Clam Spirit] with his sword and immediately chopped the shadow into pieces. The sword continued to fall and was blocked by Lu Chaoding with his sword. .

With a clang, although Lu Chaoding blocked Zhao Weike's attack seemingly coolly, he was still hurt, losing 14 points of blood, and his toughness was reduced a bit.

This is the result of [Little Clam Spirit] sharing part of the damage for him.

"Damn it, Brother Ding, you still have more than 400 blood points!"

Zhao Weike was a little panicked. After shouting, he returned to his position and stood still.

Lu Chaoding was expressionless and did not answer.

Niu Daren was the last to attack, and he also attacked Lu Chaoding mercilessly.

"Junior brother Lu Chaoding, take my sword!"

Niu Daren jumped up and slashed Lu Chaoding, but Lu Chaoding still blocked it with his sword, but the damage was not reduced by half.


Lu Chaoding's health bar suddenly lost a bit, and his toughness decreased a bit again.

"Great, Niu Daren is also with us. Come on, everyone, we will definitely kill Lu Chaoding in the next round!"

Zhao Weike shouted loudly.

Lu Chao's round came again. He glanced at Zhao Weike indifferently and shouted: "Zhao Weike!"

"what happened?"

"How dare you not pay back the money you owe!"

After Lu Chao finished speaking, he used [Sword Echo]. Zhao Weike was beaten until his body was on fire, and he knelt down as soon as the damage was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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