Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 40 is real, it’s really AI

Chapter 40 is real, it’s really AI
Zhao Weike, who was wearing [Marshal Pig], was immediately killed.

He half-knelt on the ground, still shouting: "Everyone, keep working hard, don't let Defa and I sacrifice in vain!"

"Yeah, just chop Brother Ding!"

"Brother Ding is just an AI, we must not let him get the Flying Dragon Sword!"

"Wang Yingluo, use your combat skills to chop him down!"

A group of people were shouting.

However, the next round is still the top of Lu Chao with a speed of 187.

Lu Chaoding checked his attributes, and with just one blow, the extraordinary characteristics of the light-splitting sword shadow were triggered, restoring a little resilience to him. At this moment, he pointed at Wang Yingluo with a cold face and said: "Wang Yingluo, you actually Dare you not pay back the money you owe!"

After saying this, the sword flew out.

Lu Chaoding used [Sword Echo] again. Wang Yingluo groaned, and her body turned gray under the bombardment of the sword shadow.

At the same time, the extraordinary special effect of the splitting sword shadow was triggered again, which actually restored two points of toughness to Lu Chaoding!
"I was seconded!"

"Brother Ding is so fast!"

"It's a trap in two rounds!"

"Hit him, keep hitting him, don't hesitate..."

Amid the shouts of everyone, Sword Saint Gu Xiaoxiao ushered in her second round. She launched [Heavy Attack] and knocked off 97 points of Lu Chaoding's life with one sword.

After the round, Gu Xiaoxiao shouted to Lu Chaoding: "Brother Ding, don't blame me. Zhao Jiuqurui said that if we don't defeat you, we won't be able to get ahead. You are so strong, so give us the sword debate reward!" "

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face and didn't pay attention at all.

He didn't bother to guess what these players were thinking.

Next, Zhang Jiaqiang, Xiao Ning, and Xiao Panpan took action one after another. Lu Chaoding's health bar also dropped piece by piece. By the time these three people finished attacking, Lu Chaoding's health bar was only less than 700. There are still 3 points of toughness.

"Junior brothers and sisters, your swordsmanship is very good. Be careful next time. Senior brother, I will use my combat skills to sweep across all directions. You are all within my attack range!"

Niu Daren's second round began. As he spoke, he took out a bloody sword and swept it across. A ring of sword energy appeared. Lu Chaoding was closest to Niu Daren and was the first to be swept by the sword energy. He was immediately 92 points of health are lost, and the toughness is reduced by one.

Zhang Jiaqiang, Gu Xiaoxiao and others were also affected by the sword energy and lost blood one after another.

"How is it, senior brother, how is my swordsmanship?"

Niu Daren sheathed his sword, feeling proud.

No one cares about him.

Lu Chaoding ushered in his fifth round at this time. He pointed at Zhang Jiaqiang and said: "Zhang Jiaqiang, how dare you not pay back the money you owe..."

Zhang Jiaqiang quickly raised his hand and said: "I only owe 200!"

However, the ruthless sword and 36 sword shadows still came at him. Zhang Jiaqiang groaned and knelt down.

Lu Chao's movements didn't stop, and the sixth round started immediately. He pointed at Xiao Ning again and said: "Xiao Ning, how dare you not pay back the money you owe!"

boom boom boom...

Amidst the fire and explosion, Xiao Ning also knelt down.

At this time, the only players still standing on the field, apart from Lu Chaoding, were Gu Xiaoxiao and Xiao Panpan.

As soon as Lu Chaoding sheathed his sword, Gu Xiaoxiao ushered in her third round. She shouted at Lu Chaoding: "Brother Ding, I don't owe you money!"

After saying that, he drew out his sword and slashed, a lucky critical hit, knocking off 81 points of Lu Chaoding's life.

Xiao Panpan's third round started. Seeing that Lu Chaoding still had more than 600 points of life left, she said: "It's over. In the next round, Brother Ding will destroy us all! Zhao skirt, you have tricked us again!"

After saying that, Xiao Panpan still struck out with his sword. The main weapon damage plus the additional lightning strike from the sword god's talent and power knocked out 104 points of Lu Chaoding's life, and at the same time emptied Lu Chaoding's toughness!
At this point, Lu Chaogao still has 515 health points left.

Niu Daren laughed loudly, then looked at Lu Chaoding and said: "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, look at my sword!"

After saying that, the sword demon NPC directly attacked Lu Chaoding with 370 points of life.

Lu Chaoding still had 145 life points at this time. He ushered in his sixth round. Like a robot, he pointed at Xiao Panpan with an expressionless face and said: "Xiao Panpan, how dare you not pay back the money you owe!"

After saying that, the sword came out, and after a few bangs, Xiao Panpan knelt down.

Lu Chao's seventh round came soon after. He pointed at Gu Xiaoxiao and said: "Gu Xiaoxiao..."

Gu Xiaoxiao said hurriedly: "I don't owe money, I'll pay it back!" Lu Chaoding actually nodded and said: "Then I'll let you go!"

After saying this, everyone saw that Lu Chaoding actually did not attack Gu Xiaoxiao, but instead turned to attack Niu Daren.

He still uses [Sword Echo].

Niu Daren only had 4000 health points. He couldn't withstand Lu Chao's combat skills and was blown to his knees by the second-stage flame blast.

"I was careless, no flash!"

Niu Daren also said something very unwillingly.

The players who were half kneeling on the ground were not calm now.

"What happened? Brother Ding didn't hit Xiaoxiao?"

"Could it be that the AI ​​determines that only those who owe money will be attacked!"

"This is outrageous!"

"So is Brother Ding an AI?"

"Whether it's AI or not, I think Brother Ding cheated!"

"Gu Xiaoxiao, beat him..."

At this time, the only ones standing on the field were Lu Chaoding and Gu Xiaoxiao. Gu Xiaoxiao was a little confused. It was already her turn. She found that Lu Chaoding still had 145 points of life, and her face was filled with frustration.

She can't do 145 points of damage in one attack.

This also means that Lu Chaoding has at least one chance to act. If Gu Xiaoxiao thinks about it, in the next round, he will definitely kill him with one sword.

"Brother Ding is so strong. I didn't expect that we, together with Niu Daren, couldn't beat him. I'm convinced!"

She shook her head and now she was calm. She slashed with her sword and only knocked out 70 of Lu Chao's health points.

Zhao Weike and others were also sighing at this time, either disappointed, depressed, or angry. Their moods were different.

However, contrary to their expectations, after Lu Chao received Gu Xiaoxiao's sword, he seemed to have become a wooden man, standing motionless until the round timed out.

"Huh? Brother Ding is offline?"


"Looking at it now, if Brother Ding is not an AI, I definitely don't believe it!"

"This is a real hammer!"

"I think Brother Ding has a lot of bugs!"

"Gu Xiaoxiao, what are you doing standing still? Hit him while he's offline!"

"This guy is really outrageous!"

"Who would have thought that it was Gu Xiaoxiao who survived to the end!"

"Brother Hot Chicken Ding, please disconnect as soon as possible..."

The kneeling people felt very complicated. They watched Gu Xiaoxiao use the general combat skill [Heavy Attack], which instantly knocked out Lu Chaoding's health bar.

At this point, the melee ended, the battle space was shattered, and everyone was quickly teleported back to the top of Lion Mountain.

Niu Daren also came back. He clapped his hands and greeted everyone: "Junior brothers and sisters, today's sword discussion is over here. You all performed well, especially Junior Sister Gu Xiao. According to the rules, this three-star weapon The Feilong Sword belongs to Junior Sister Gu Xiao. Don’t be discouraged, keep working hard, there will be a second sword debate tomorrow!"

He gave the sharp-edged Feilong Sword to Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao felt that happiness came too suddenly, and she was stunned for a few seconds before jumping up in joy.

Zhao Weike and others were naturally sighing and envious.

Lu Chaoding also received the system prompt that the mission was completed at this moment. He walked next to Niu Daren, and Niu Daren responded. He took out a ten centimeter-long pocket sword from his arms and said to Lu Chaoding: "Congratulations. Junior brother is defeated, this flying insect sword is yours... Oh, what am I talking about? Why do I have such a thing!"

Lu Chaoding's face turned dark. He didn't want to complain anymore. He took the small pocket sword that was similar to a key pendant, then opened the entrance to the exclusive cave in front of everyone and stepped in.

He doesn't want to do anything right now, he just wants to sleep comfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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