Chapter 41

When Lu Chaoding woke up, it was already afternoon.

After briefly washing up, he remembered that he had obtained a [Flying Insect Sword], and then took it out to check.

Weapon: Flying Insect Sword
Number of stars: one star

Occupation: Sword Immortal, Sword God

Refining level: +0
Attribute bonus: attack power +0, bite attack +1!

Explanation [-]: This sword is as small and slender as a flying insect, so it is called the Flying Insect Sword.

Description [-]: Collect three flying insect swords to automatically synthesize a two-star flying insect sword and maintain the refinement level.

Note [-]: The bite attack is a special attack, with fixed damage and no gain or loss.

Note 1: Use iron crystal sand to refine the Flying Insect Sword. The one-star Flying Insect Sword can be refined up to +[-], and it will be bound after refinement!
"A magical weapon with +0 attack power! Bite attack?"

Lu Chao held the [Flying Insect Sword] on his head and went to the training room.

There is an immortal wooden stake in the training room. This immortal wooden stake is a damage test target. Attributes can be set, such as life, defense, toughness, etc. Lu Chaoding set it to 0 health, 1 defense, and [-] toughness. Come down and start the damage test.

He quickly determined that the Flying Insect Sword was really weird. When wielded, it was like a small metal dragonfly. No matter how high Lu Chaoding's attack power was, it could only deal a fixed amount of damage, but it still did the same. Has a toughening effect.

In addition, the sword shadow separated by [Split Light Sword Shadow] also looks like a flying insect sword, making Lu Chaoding's sword like controlling a swarm of insects, and the attack power of the sword shadow has nothing to do with it, it is Lu Chaoding's attack power. Ten percent, the damage dealt is much higher than that of the main body of Light.

"This sword is not without its merits. The key depends on whether it can be upgraded to a star. If it is completed in a set after rising to a star, and then copied by the splitting sword and shadow in a set, then even if the attack power is not increased at all, just rely on the sword shadow to attack. It can also deal explosive damage, but no matter what, it’s not possible yet!”

Lu Chaoding shook his head. His strongest weapon at this time was still the two-star sword with a refinement level of +3.

After a while, Lu Chaoding placed the [Moon Shadow Green Dragon] in the cave. The green dragon turned into a mini version, only one meter long, occupying the small pool on the right side of the cave courtyard, providing the cave with a full 30 points of aura index.

The Boiling Blood Poodle was very curious about this new neighbor. He ran to the edge of the pool and stretched out his neck to look into the water. He couldn't hold him back and looked like he would jump down to catch the green dragon. He didn't even play with the blood grass anymore.

The little green dragon looked very nervous and scared. It huddled at the bottom of the pool and did not dare to show its head. After the boiling blood poodle ran away, it quietly raised its head out of the water and took a small look at the small cave courtyard.

As for the ability of the moon shadow green dragon in the cave, it is just a function!

The explanation given by the system is: "She can be appointed as the housekeeper of Lu Chaoding's exclusive cave. After becoming a housekeeper, she can manage the places in the cave efficiently and orderly, thereby improving their production efficiency or service quality."

"Her? Could it be that the Moon Shadow Green Dragon is female?"

Lu Chaoding found it very interesting.

As for the [Little Clam Spirit], Lu Chaoding also released it to see its cave ability. Its cave ability was very ordinary. It just produced night pearls, but it could also increase the cave's aura index by 5 points.

Lu Chaoding still wanted to continue to farm the nocturnal beasts at night, so after a while, he re-equipped the ground creature [Little Clam Spirit].

After leaving the cave, Lu Chaoding went to the top of the mountain to clear the [Mountaintop Throne] copy ten times, and the profit was very average.

By this time, the sky was getting slightly darker and it was approaching night.

Lu Chaoding went to the camp on the top of the mountain to check Niu Daren's supply store. There was nothing worth buying in the store. He shook his head, and headed down the mountain with the Daxuan Sword.

Tonight he still planned to go to the coastal beach to hunt nocturnal beasts.

Lu Chaoding met Zhao Weike and his party while passing by Lion Cliff.

"Brother Ding!" As soon as he saw Lu Chaoding, Gu Xiaoxiao ran over with a smile on his face and said: "Brother Ding, here is one hundred gold yuan for you! Don't hit me in the sword debate tomorrow!"

After saying that, he threw a small pile of gold coins directly in front of Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding's face turned cold.

What do you mean?
Throw 100 yuan on the ground and let yourself pick it up?
What do you think of yourself?
He immediately put away the hundred gold dollars and regarded it as if he had picked it up for free.

At this time, Zhang Defa, who was not far away, laughed loudly and said: "Gu Xiaoxiao, you are trying to bribe me. Brother Ding will be the first to give you a bribe tomorrow!"

Gu Xiaoxiao said nonchalantly: "My bribery was successful, yours was an attempted bribery, it's different!"

Zhang Jiaqiang gritted his teeth and stepped forward, threw two hundred gold dollars in front of Lu Chaoding angrily, and said: "Pay off your debt, don't hit me tomorrow!"

Xiao Ning followed and walked over and said: "This is the 200 gold dollars to buy the skill book. I have paid it off. If Brother Ding helps me get the sword theory reward tomorrow, I am willing to give you another [-] gold dollars. I will do what I say!"

"I'm willing to pay four hundred, Brother Ding, to help me!"

Xiao Panpan also ran over, dropped two hundred gold dollars, and said: "I believe you are a smart AI!"

"Smart ass!" Zhao Weike said with a look of contempt on his face: "The logic of his behavior is absolutely chaotic. Even if you pay back your money, it will be in vain. I will leave my words here. As long as you are not disconnected, Brother Ding will be there tomorrow." No matter how I kill you or how I kill you, I won’t pay you back, let’s see what he can do! Let me tell you one more thing, it is possible for Niu Daren’s supply store to produce high-level items, and then the gold yuan will be useful. In addition, after the Lion Rock Sword Discussion is over, the trading house will be opened, and having money at that time means having equipment."

Zhao De was shocked and said: "Zhao skirt, you said this in front of Brother Ding, are you not afraid that Brother Ding will fuck you?"

"He is just an AI, why should I be afraid of him?" Zhao Weike said arrogantly.

Wang Yingluo said: "Well, looking at what Brother Ding did, he really didn't look like a real person. The logic of his behavior is difficult to judge. According to the price he set, I still owe him 2000 gold. If I can not pay it back, of course I will." It’s great, but if I don’t pay back the money, he’ll kill me... I’d better pay back the 500 first, since it’s from the Glory Chest anyway.”

After saying that, the sword master who was forced to sell the [Sacred Heart Technique] and [Horizontal Slash] skill books by Lu Chaoding walked up to Lu Chaoding, clasped his hands in salute like worshiping Buddha, and then threw 500 gold on the ground. Yuan.

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face and bent down to pick it up.

There is no shame in picking up money.

He also thought that these alien players were quite interesting. He was just too lazy to communicate with them. They just thought they were AI. Lu Chaoding didn't intend to explain this. He thought it was quite fun.

Zhang Defa said again at this moment: "I won't do anything this time, let's see if Brother Ding will hit me tomorrow! Speaking of Zhao skirt, what will happen tomorrow? Should we beat Brother Ding together?"

"if not?"

Zhao Weike said: "If we don't beat him together, we won't have any chance to get the sword theory reward. Gu Xiaoxiao is lucky today. Brother Ding is either disconnected or stuck, but we can't pin our hopes on this. In addition, I suggest that tonight Let’s go hunting together?”

"Jungle? Fighting nocturnal beasts?"

"Not bad!"

"That's a huge risk!"

"If you want to become stronger, how can you do it without taking risks? We form a team and only move around the camp. It shouldn't be a big problem. Anyway, if we don't fight the night beasts, we will all be suppressed by the AI ​​of Brother Ding!"

Zhao Weike was pacing and wanted to say something, but suddenly his vision went dark.

In the view of other players, Lu Chao, whom they regard as the AI, circled behind Zhao Weike, suddenly took out a torn sack, covered Zhao Weike's head, then quickly stabbed his mouth, put it behind his back, and then stepped on the flying sword. , and walked away ruthlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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