Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 43 Riding a tiger, wielding a sword and playing with a machete

Chapter 43 Riding a tiger, wielding a sword and playing with a machete
Lu Chaoding, who entered the battle space, once again confirmed the attribute information of [Black Saber Tooth Tiger].


"With the first strike and the flame blast, it only lost 270 points of life. This little tiger's dodge ability is very strong. It avoided the sword and 18 sword shadows. Does it still have 5 points of toughness..."

Lu Chaoding muttered. He was now equipped with the Ghost Panel Axe. After thinking about it, he did not take the Invigorating Pill. After the round started, he launched a normal attack.

"-0, lost"


"-0, lost"



"-12, broken toughness, -1264!"


"-788, flame blast!"

"-2320, secondary blast"

Lu Chaoding's eyes widened. The little tiger opposite him had just jumped like a beast, and actually dodged the sword and 26 sword shadows, causing his bombing attack to only deal 4685 points of damage.

"This little tiger's dodge probability is too high!"

Lu Chaoding sighed.

Next was the little tiger's turn. It meowed, ran up to Lu Chaoding, jumped up and tried to attack Lu Chaoding's knees, but was blocked by the shadow of the [Little Clam Spirit]. As a result, the little tiger looked like A blow without much power directly dispersed the shadow of [Little Clam Spirit]. Lu Chaoding also received 41 points of damage and lost 1 point of toughness.

Lu Chaoding's turn came and he continued to launch normal attacks.

This time, the dodge ability of [Black Saber Tooth Tiger] was still outrageous, but it failed to avoid the sword and only avoided 28 sword shadows. In the end, Lu Chaoding dealt 1272 points of damage with this attack.

Lu Chaoding's third round came immediately. At this time, he had accumulated 10 points of fighting spirit, and he unleashed his special skills without hesitation.


The mighty golden dragon descended from the sky and ravaged the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger], and then the damage number exploded from above the little tiger's head.

"-1696, the mighty Tianlong!"

"-848, flame blast!"

"-2844, second blast!"

The total damage was 5388, and the damage overflowed. [Black Saber-Tooth Tiger] fell to the ground, his body turned into light, and condensed into a small treasure chest.

At this time, the battle space was shattered, and the treasure box was automatically stored in Lu Chaoding's storage space.

Lu Chaoding returned to the big world. He quickly checked the storage space and found that he had obtained 21 gold coins, a training manual and the [Black Saber Tooth Tiger].

Land animal: black saber-toothed tiger

Number of stars: three stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Current effect: [Black Saber Tooth Tiger] can be used as a mount.

Explanation 10: [Black Blade Sabretooth Tiger] has a variety of land attributes, and the chance of appearing with the mount attribute is [-]%.

Note [-]: During battle, players can ride [Black Saber-Tooth Tiger] or not.

Note [-]: In the non-mounted state, the ground [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] has no protection characteristics and no attribute bonuses.

Note 1000: When riding [Black Saber-toothed Tiger], the player gains a mounted combat form, hides the main weapon, obtains a long-handled black knife, and is forced to melee attack, and additionally gains (Earth Level × 100) points of life, (Earth Level × 10) Attack power, (Earth Level

Description 200: [Riding Slash] is a two-stage attack, which requires two points of fighting spirit to be used. The total damage is (attack power × 20%), and the target will be knocked back by 20% (knockback by 2000% means that the action mileage will be regressed by [-]).

Note 6: Use [Tiger Spirit] and [Beast Controlling Spirit] to upgrade the mount [Black Saber Tooth Tiger], and the three-star land can be upgraded to LV[-].

"There's another beast out of the ground, and it's actually a mount!"

Lu Chaoding immediately became interested, and immediately replaced the [Little Clam Spirit] with the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger]. Then with a thought, a [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] as big as a sheep appeared under his crotch.

"This..." Lu Chaoding found that his mount was a bit small. When riding on it, his two feet could touch the ground, but its attribute data had actually increased.

In addition, his sword was hidden, and there was a long-handled sword behind him.

He took off the long-handled sword and played with it twice. It felt quite comfortable. He threw it away and the sword automatically returned to his back, as if he was carrying it cross-body.

"HP +1000, attack +100, defense +10, toughness +5, speed +1, exciting! But this mount is too small, and it doesn't have any pedals. When I run on it, the soles of my feet grind against the ground!"

Lu Chaoding's heart suddenly moved, and with a clang, a ten-foot-long Daxuan Sword appeared out of thin air, lying flat about twenty centimeters above the ground.


Lu Chaoding shouted, "Black Saber Tooth Tiger" is a ruthless but obedient mount, and jumped onto the Great Xuan Sword with Lu Chaoding on his back.


Lu Chaoding shouted again, and the Daxuan Sword floated leisurely in the air, and then slowly flew forward under Lu Chaoding's control. The [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] actually stood very stable.


An untimely voice sounded.

Zhao Weike, who was waiting to see the outcome of the battle, opened his eyes wide and looked at Lu Chaoding riding a tiger and holding a sword, and shouted: "Are you a devil?"

Lu Chaoding turned around after hearing this.

Zhao Weike immediately shrank his neck and wanted to run away, but he turned around and came back and said: "Brother Ding, you are so ridiculous. You are playing with a sword, riding a tiger, and wielding a sword! I am convinced, I am completely convinced, you Stop hitting me, I'll pay you back, I will definitely pay you back! I can't afford to offend you, can I just hang out with you?"

Lu Chaoding had just developed the idea of ​​riding a tiger and wielding a sword, and now he wanted to experience it. He was too lazy to pay attention to Zhao Weike. He controlled the flying sword and felt it was stable.

"The key to being able to handle the sword like this is the Daxuan Sword! The Daxuan Sword is a two-handed sword. The sword body is originally wide. When wielding the sword, the sword body can be one foot long, so the little tiger can stand on it safely. If it were replaced If you use a sword or something like that, the little tiger might not be able to stand firmly, and it would be easy to cause an accident..."

Lu Chaoding summed it up silently, and then saw a lone level 10 wild wolf in front of him. He drew a long-handled black knife from his back and shouted: "Kill!"

Under his control, the Daxuan Sword carried Lu Chaoding, who was riding a tiger, and quickly rushed towards the night wolf.

In the tiger-riding state, Lu Chao used long-distance combat and turned into melee combat, using a knife instead of a sword. When Ye Lang got close, he would strike vertically with his sword.

As a wild monster, Yelang had extremely limited intelligence. He was stabbed stupidly, and then entered the battle space with Lu Chaoding, and a battle flag appeared on the spot.

Zhao Weike looked at the fluttering war flag, and he really wanted to report it.

"What the hell kind of swordsman is this? Riding a tiger and wielding a sword and wielding a big sword? Isn't AI amazing? Can it just be so messy and do such random things? Is there any law of heaven? Is there still a king's law?"

Zhao Weike was unhappy.

However, Hongchen Sword World is a real body traveling through time and is directly controlled by the legendary order, so there is no reporting channel at all.

Not long after, the battle flag was shattered, and Zhao Weike saw Lu Chao top riding a tiger and wielding a sword reappear.

Obviously, he killed the level ten night wolf.

But he continued to move forward, and soon he rode a tiger with a sword and rushed towards a black clam spirit, triggering the battle again. Before the battle ended in 2 minutes, Lu Chao rode a tiger with a sword and used a machete to continue killing monsters.

Zhao Weike looked envious and hated him, and sighed: "At this time, it is impossible to go back to the top of the mountain. I will just follow Brother Ding. He is killing monsters in front. At least it is safer."

With this idea in mind, when Lu Chaoding finished another battle and reappeared, Zhao Weike decisively sent him an invitation to form a team.

"Ding, the other party rejected your invitation!"

Zhao Weike snorted lightly, already expecting this.

But then, he received another system prompt: "Ding, player Lu Chaoding invited you to join the team. Do you accept it?"


Zhao Weike was overjoyed. The team was successfully formed the next moment. He was just about to smile and say something nice to Lu Chaoding, but Lu Chaoding spoke first: "I'm sorry, I don't have anyone with me!"

The next moment, Zhao Weike received a system prompt: "Ding, you have been kicked out of the team by player Lu Chaoding!"

Zhao Weike's face turned dark immediately and he shouted: "Tang, you are just kidding me!"

 Thanks to Qin Shi Huang

(End of this chapter)

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