Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 44 Feixue Armor

Chapter 44 Feixue Armor
Lu Chaoding rode a tiger, wielded a sword and wielded a machete, and fought tirelessly on the coast and beach all night. By early morning, he had reached level 13, and he had gained a lot of low-level materials and training experience.

But it's a pity that no more treasure chests were found.

At this time, he looked at the sky, and then went to the exclusive cave.

Not far away, Zhao Weike yawned and said: "As expected of an AI, I fought against nocturnal beasts all night without resting at all. If I have this ability, why worry about not succeeding in great things? Thanks to him, I finally became a master this night. After getting over it, it’s time to go to the top of the mountain to prepare for the sword debate.”

After saying this, Zhao Weike stood up and walked towards the top of the mountain.

After Lu Chaoding rested briefly in the cave for a while, he released the three-star beast [Black Sword Sabre-toothed Tiger] into the courtyard.

[Black Sabre-toothed Tiger] is still the size of a sheep after being released. It can increase the aura index of the cave by 10 points. Its ability in the cave is also a function. It can be appointed as a protector. If an enemy illegally enters Lu Chaoding's cave, it will take the initiative. Launch an attack.

As for its combat power, the details are unknown, and it is related to the level of the land. When the level of the cave is raised to LV3 or above, the [Black Saber-Tooth Tiger] can also be appointed as a guardian beast.

What's more interesting is that when the little overlord of the cave [Blood-Blooded Lion Dog] saw it, his tail was tucked between his legs, and he walked in a crawling form. He didn't even dare to play with [Blood-Returning Grass], which made Lu Chao extremely happy.

A moment later, at six o'clock in the morning, Lu Chaoding arrived at the mountaintop camp on time, riding a tiger with a sword on his back.

When Zhang Defa and others saw him, their eyes widened.

"No, it's really that weird!"

"What Zhao Skirt said is actually true!"

"Riding a tiger, wielding a sword, and wielding a machete, Brother Ding is so ridiculous!"

"Looking at him sneaking around like this, I wonder if we are playing the same game as him!"

"Brother Ding, show us the attributes of your mount and let us take a look!"

"Brother Ding, I don't owe money anymore. Remember, don't hit me..."

Amid everyone's discussion, Niu Daren "activated". He clapped his hands and shouted: "Junior brothers and sisters, today is the second day of the sword debate. Let's see what the elders of the sect have prepared for you." Prizes!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a ball of light descended from the sky. It was just like yesterday. There was a big question mark in the ball at first, and then it shattered and turned into a set of clothes. The clothes were folded together, and the top one was a red dress. Leather soft armor.

"It's the blood boiling suit!" Niu Daren shouted, "This is an excellent fashion, both practical and beautiful. Even I want it. Junior brothers and sisters, cheer up. If you don't work hard on swordsmanship, I’ll just take this blood boiling suit!”

The system notification then sounded: "The plot of 523131241 Novice Village Sword Discussion is advancing. Today's sword discussion reward is a three-star fashion blood boiling suit. All players are requested to gather at the mountaintop camp and enter the battle space in 5 minutes. No waiting after the expiration date."

"Blood-boiling suit?" Lu Chaoding shook his head. He had four stars of [Divine Intelligence] and had no need for today's reward.

"Ding, automatically receive the task [Second Day of Sword Discussing], task description: Participate in the Lion Rock Sword Discussing, defeat other players and Niu Daren, and you can get the three-star fashion blood boiling suit!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system is turned on, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: Participate in the Lion Rock Sword Discussion, and if you are defeated by other players or Niu Daren, you can get the Samsung Fashion Feixue battle suit."

"Huh? The boiling blood suit turns into the flying snow suit?"

Lu Chaoding was a little doubtful at this moment whether the unreliable system had newly manufactured equipment.

Soon the battle began. This time Lu Chaoding entered the battle space riding a tiger and wielding a sword. He had been promoted to one level, and his attributes were much stronger than yesterday.Although Lu Chaoding's sword was hidden and there was no light sword shadow to help break the toughness, the broadsword attack and the flame blast could stably knock out two points of toughness with one basic attack.

Among everyone, Zhao Weike was equipped with Marshal Zhuang, which could add two points of toughness. Unfortunately, he died too many times and his level dropped below level five, so he only had two points of toughness.

Other players are above level five, but less than level ten, and have only a little toughness.

Therefore, if Lu Chao beats these players, he can break the toughness with one attack. As long as the toughness breaking damage is dealt, it will be an instant kill.

In the first round, Lu Chaoding hacked Zhao Weike to death. The rupture damage in the attack was triggered after the first flame explosion. Of course, Lu Chaoding did not drop the line "How dare you not pay back the money you owe".

In the second round, Lu Chao chopped Wang Yingluo to death, and everyone helped him shout out the line "How dare you not pay back the money you owe".

The rest of the players were no longer in debt, so starting from the third round, Lu Chaoding began to attack Niu Daren. He did not launch normal attacks, but used the combat skill [Riding Slash].

Using [Riding Slash] requires two points of fighting spirit. It has a two-stage attack, that is, it has two attack actions, which can reduce the target's toughness by two points. Its damage output is very good, and the interesting thing is the knockback effect.

If the attack cycle is regarded as running in a circle, and the mileage in one circle is 10000, then the 20% knockback means the knockback mileage is 2000. Specifically, for Niu Daren, whose speed is only 100, a 20% knockback can give him the time to act. Postponed by 20!

Lu Chaoding emptied Niu Daren's toughness in the fourth round and killed him. Then he pretended to be offline, lay down, and waited for death.

Players who didn't owe any money on the field were excited. After a melee of cliques, different agendas, and shouting, it was Zhang Defa who got the blood-boiling suit.

"Thank you, Brother Ding, and thank you all. I didn't expect that I would be the final winner after lying flat all the way. I want to say that this sword debate is so fun."

Zhang Defa was very happy. He directly demonstrated the attributes of the Blood-boiling suit. This set of clothes increases blood and defense, provides 10% critical hit chance, 10% damage reduction, and also provides 50% fighting spirit concentration speed. The attributes can be said to be extremely OK

Lu Chaoding asked Niu Daren for a reward. Niu Daren scratched his head and took out the Feixue battle suit from his arms with a puzzled look on his face.

Fashion: Feixue Battle Suit

Number of stars: three stars

Occupation: General
Refining level: +0
Fashion features: Ice resistance +10%, enemy target speed within the flying snow range -10%.

Note [-]: Equipping [Flying Snow Suit] will give special effects of flying snow. With the target as the center, a flying snow landscape will appear within two meters.

Note [-]: After equipping [Flying Snow Suit] and entering the battle space, the special effects of flying snow will cover the entire battle space.

Note 1: Use [Ice Jade] and [Alabaster] to refine [Flying Snow Suit] to +6, and three-star fashion can be refined to +[-], but it will be bound after refinement and cannot be traded.

"Slowing down by 10%, this effect is still good. If combined with the 20% poisoning slowdown of the Moon Shadow Green Jiao, it is equivalent to a slowdown of 28%, which is not bad. After opening [Master of Escape] in the future, maybe It can be used once, but of course in terms of versatility, there is still a big gap between it and the four-star [Magical Awareness] with a refinement +2!"

Lu Chaoding had no idea of ​​changing his clothes. After putting away the Feixue suit, he opened the entrance to the exclusive cave in front of everyone, and then walked in with an indifferent expression.

By the time Lu Chaoding left the exclusive cave again, it was almost noon.

He held an unreliable lottery ticket and said to himself: "It's stuck at 12 o'clock, let's draw another three-star prop!"

(End of this chapter)

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