Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 45 Special Mission of Opportunity

Chapter 45 Special Mission of Opportunity
The unreliable lottery ticket in Lu Chaoding's hand, if used at 12 noon, will definitely draw a three-star prop.

He arrived at the Destiny Platform at the right time, shook his hand and raised the unreliable lottery ticket. As the light disappeared, a vortex of clouds and mist appeared in the sky, and then a blue light appeared from it and quickly landed in front of Lu Chaoding. Made a ball of light.

Lu Chao smashed the ball of light, and the four characters "Demon-Conquering Sword Formation" appeared.

Secret Skill: Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation

Number of stars: three stars

Occupation: Sword Fairy

Level: LV1
Explanation 10: If you arrange the Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation in advance, the toughness of those who enter the sword formation will be reduced at a faster rate (sword formation level × 5%), and the defense will be reduced by (sword formation level × [-]) points.

Note 200: Spend [Cultivation] × 2 to upgrade the secret skill level to LV6. Three-star secret skills can be upgraded to LV[-].

Note [-]: After the secret skill level is increased, the skill book is bound and cannot be traded.

"It's actually a secret skill book. It's a pity that there can only be one secret skill. My splitting sword shadow is better!"

Lu Chaoding was slightly disappointed. He put away the secret skill book and planned to sell it for money after the trading house opened.

Next, Lu Chaoding started running the map.

The income of junglers during the day was too low, so Lu Chaoding thought that if he ran around the map today, he might encounter unexpected surprises.

After a while, Lu Chaoding met Wang Yingluo and others who were teaming up as junglers. He took out the broken sack and showed it. Wang Yingluo understood and immediately stepped forward and offered 700 gold coins, saying: "Brother Ding. Don’t tie me up, I’ll pay back the 700 yuan first, and let me save up the remaining 1300 yuan. I’ll pay you back as soon as I get rich!”

Lu Chao nodded, put away the gold coins and left.

Lu Chaoding then spent three hours exploring the entire Boiling Blood Lion Mountain.

The Boiling Blood Lion Rock is actually not very big, and the area where players can move is also very limited. The more suitable places for hunting are the Lion Cliff, the coastal beach, and an unknown hillside in the back mountain.

The unnamed hillside is gentle, and behind it is a road leading to Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain. From a distance, you can see a sword monument and a destiny platform at the end of the road.

However, this road is now impassable. There is a light curtain sealing it. Obviously, the light curtain will not disappear until the plot mission is completed.

After Lu Chaoding explored this circle, he only collected a few [Boiling Blood Grass] plants and gained nothing else.

"It doesn't matter if there is no BOSS, not even wild treasure chests? Isn't this novice map too boring?"

Lu Chaoding came to the beach unwillingly and rushed directly to the sea on a tiger and a sword.

There are no prohibited travel settings in the sea. Lu Chaoding moved forward in a straight line and quickly increased his speed to the limit, which was 20 meters per second.

"Isn't there some adventure in this vast sea?"

He shouted, then maintained the ultimate speed and flew for an hour and a half, about 100 kilometers outside the island, and finally saw the light blue light barrier.

The light curtains stretched high into the sky, extending to the left and right to the end of the field of vision, seeming to surround the entire Tianxing Island.

Lu Chaoding couldn't break through the light barrier, so he walked along the edge of the light barrier. After flying for another two hours, he suddenly discovered a small island.

The small island is within the light curtain and is about the size of a football field. The scenery inside can be seen at a glance. The only thing that attracts attention is a tall figure wearing a bamboo hat sitting cross-legged on a rock facing the sea. .

When Lu Chaoding saw that figure, he suddenly felt happy.

"Found a wild NPC!"

He thought to himself that if he met an NPC in such a remote place, how could he make sense if he didn't click on "adventures" or "hidden missions"?
So Lu Chao, riding a tiger and wielding a sword, quickly climbed onto the island. When he came close to the figure, he was suddenly stunned.

The NPC turned around, and it turned out to be Senior Brother Niu Daren.

"Junior brother Lu Chaoding, why are you here?"

This Niu Daren raised his eyebrows and spoke. He was different from the one at the mountaintop camp. The one in the mountaintop camp was only level 11, but the one in front of him was level 25. The fashion he was wearing seemed to be like that. He was wearing a blood-boiling battle suit and carrying a nice-looking jade scabbard sword on his back.

"Senior Brother Niu Daren!" Lu Chao said, "I go to sea with a sword, so I came here to look for opportunities!"

"There is no chance here, you go back!" "There is no chance? What is senior brother doing here?"

"I am here……"

Niu Daren's face turned red, he smiled guiltily and said, "Of course I'm here to enjoy the scenery!"

At this time, a small hole appeared in the light curtain in front, and a "spaceship" slowly sailed through it.

The shape of the spaceship was like a boat, with colored silk hanging from the eaves and corners. The hull was crystal clear, as if it was carved from jade, and at the bow stood a woman with a strong back and a strong back.

This woman was wearing a colorful skirt. Her height was estimated to be over 1.9 meters. She looked very bold and bold, like a female version of Zhang Fei. She also had several moles on her face.

Lu Chaoding saw her attribute information.

[Ye Cuihua: LV25 Sword Demon, the contemporary head of the Tiancong Ye family, the leader of the Tiancong Merchant Group, and the master of the Linglong Flying Boat.Description: Dajianmen and Tiancong Ye family have been enemies for generations! 】

When this "Ye Cuihua" saw Niu Daren, her face showed joy, she waved from a distance and shouted: "Da Ren!"

Niu Daren also showed joy on his face and said hurriedly: "Cuihua!"

Soon, the flying boat docked, and Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua couldn't wait to hug each other. Ye Cuihua was taller than Niu Daren, and her figure was thicker. She even hugged Niu Daren and turned around several times.

Lu Chaoding looked at it with irritation from behind, thinking that Niu Daren actually came for a tryst, good guy, the other party is also the leader of the enemy force!
"This senior brother is really a bit unusual!"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.

Soon, Niu Daren led Ye Cuihua to Lu Chaoding and said, "Junior brother, this is..."

Lu Chaoding immediately showed an "I understand" smile, cupped his hands and said, "I know, Master's Wife!"

Ye Cuihua's face turned red, she lowered her head slightly, bowed and bowed, and then held her orchid fingers to cover the side of her face.

Lu Chaoding once again sighed, but he returned the favor.

Ye Cuihua said again: "Da Ren, you brought this junior brother to me. I think you trust him very much."

Niu Daren actually nodded and said: "Yes, Junior Brother Lu Chaoding is my most trusted Junior Brother, we don't need to hide our affairs from him!"

"Yes!" Ye Cuihua bowed to Lu Chaoding again and said, "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, I won't hide it from you, I am from the Ye family of Tiancong Prefecture!"

Lu Chao nodded, thinking that he could tell.

Ye Cuihua added: "As we all know, our Ye family and the Dajian Sect have a deep hatred and have been enemies for generations. If the people in charge of the Dajian Sect know that you are dealing with me, they will definitely not spare you..."

Niu Daren said: "Cuihua, there is no need to say this. For you, I am willing to betray the Dajian Sect. The master is kind to me, but you are the love of my life and I can't live without you. Otherwise, I will do it now." Come with you!"

Lu Chao rolled his eyes and said secretly: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother, you can actually say such things. If you say you are not following a rich woman, I won't believe you!"

Ye Cuihua's wide face like a basin showed a shy and moved expression, and said: "Daren, I understand your intentions. In fact, why don't I want to stay and fly with you and become a couple of gods? But, this time I Come here, if you can’t find your father’s bones, you will definitely not leave.”

Suddenly, Ye Cuihua looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, are you willing to help me?"

Lu Chaoding's heart was moved, and he thought that a mission finally came. He quickly raised his hand and said: "Of course I am willing! Senior brother and I are very fierce. If the senior sister-in-law has anything to say, just say it. If I can help, I will definitely help!"

Ye Cuihua nodded, sighed again, and then said slowly: "My father, Ye Linlang, died in the Lion Mountain of Guizong. It has been 20 years. I came here this time just to find my father's bones!"

"Your dad? Who? Ye Linlang?"

Lu Chaoding immediately thought of the Linlang secret realm under Lion Cliff.

Ye Cuihua took out a piece of green jade and continued: "This object is called the Jiji Jade. It can guide the location of my father's bones and has the effect of protecting the body. Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, if you can find my father's bones for me, I am willing to give you a piece of jade." As a gift from the inheritance of ancient sword cultivators."

"Ding, receive the special opportunity mission [Searching for Bones]: Find [Ye Linlang's bones] in the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain and give it to Ye Cuihua. After completing the mission, you will receive [Ancient Sword Cultivator Heritage] x 1!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: Find [Ye Linlang's Bones] 】×10!”

(End of this chapter)

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