Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 46 Island Jumping off the Cliff (please follow up)

Chapter 46: Return to the island and jump off the cliff (please follow up)

Lu Chaoding blinked.

What the hell?

Ten bones found?

Does Ye Cuihua have ten fathers?

The team died in Lion Rock?

How else would you get together ten of them?

"Hot chicken system, how to complete this task?"

Lu Chaoding felt depressed. The mission reward was very tempting. He was curious about what the ancient sword cultivator's inheritance would be, but the mission goal was too outrageous.

He took the piece of Jiji Jade from Ye Cuihua's hand without interest, and suddenly received another system prompt.

"Ding, you have obtained the mission prop Jade, and under the influence of the Jade, you will definitely enter the fifth level of Linlang Secret Realm when you jump from the Lion Cliff!"

At this time, Niu Daren said: "Without further delay, Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, if you can help me, please go back to Lion Mountain to search for the body of Senior Linlang. Cuihua and I will be waiting for you here. If you bring back the body, we will sit on it together." Cuihua’s flying boat has left Dajianmen and will develop in Tiancong State in the future!”

"All right!"

Lu Chaoding was a little depressed, and asked again: "Do you still have this jade, can you give me ten yuan?"

Ye Cuihua said: "This is the only jade that leads to the machine. After my junior brother found the remains of my father, he came here. I will fulfill my promise!"

After saying this, the powerful master's wife took Niu Daren and slowly flew towards the Linglong Flying Boat.

Lu Chaoding still wanted to follow, but was bounced back by an invisible force. He fell on the rocks and could only watch as Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua boarded the exquisite flying boat. Then the flying boat turned around and passed through the light barrier. And disappear.

"You two are happy and free, do you think I'm a strong man?"

Lu Chao shook his sleeves. He estimated that it would be difficult to complete this chance mission that had been tampered with by an unreliable system. If it really couldn't be completed, he would report it. When he met the NPC in charge of Dajianmen in the future, he would report Niu Daren. , maybe he can still make meritorious deeds.

After a while, Lu Chaoding left the island. He had no patience to continue running the map. He thought that it would be good to go back to Lion Cliff and jump again. Although it was unlikely that he would find ten [Ye Linlang's bones], that Linlang There might be a secret treasure in the fifth level of the secret realm.

On the way back, Lu Chaoding was a little bored, so he entered the Tianxing Forum.

The Tianxing Forum is very popular now, with many players active in it. There are already many discussion posts, and Lu Chaoding's post about jumping off a cliff in the dark has long been submerged.

Lu Chaoding browsed for a while, and was quickly attracted by a post. The title of the post was [The True Story and Unofficial History of Niu Daren], and the poster's nickname was "The famous movie star Niu Daren".

"As we all know, Niu Daren is our most lovable senior brother. He has 12 incarnations, distributed in Lion Mountain, Dog Tooth Mountain and Pokong Mountain. He guides us all the way and fights side by side with us. So, about this famous NPC of Tianxing Island, everyone How much do you know? I am not talented, but as a beta player, I am here to recall every moment of getting along with my senior brother Niu Daren. I have some feelings and write down some thoughts for your reference..." "I first met Niu Daren in In the Lion Mountain Sword Monument Camp, in my opinion, he was just an ordinary task-guiding NPC salesman with very limited intelligence. It wasn’t until I saw him release the Fire Tengu in the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain that I realized how honest and honest we were. My senior brother is actually an undercover agent arranged by the Golden Sword Sect in the Dajian Sect..."

"Later, when I met Senior Brother in the secret room of the leader of Po Kong Mountain, I realized that I had been deceived by Senior Brother's acting skills. It turned out that he was a double undercover agent. He was planted by the Great Sword Sect in the Golden Sword Sect and was also deceived by the Golden Sword Sect. Men placed an undercover agent in Dajianmen! But this is not the truth..."

"Our senior brother also has another identity. He is the son of the Taishang Elder of the Great Sword Sect. He is an unparalleled genius who has been sealed for 300 years. He is a trump card used by the Taishang Elder to deal with the ancient sword demon Ye Longxing. In terms of seniority, he is actually our great uncle..."

"When Ye Longxing is born and the masters, protectors, and elders of the Great Sword Sect are slaughtered, our senior brother will find his destiny, transform from a sword demon into a sword god, shoulder the crisis on one shoulder, and block Ye Longxing alone. Dragon Walk, be our savior!”

"It's a pity that Ye Longxing was too fierce. Senior Brother's ending was tragic. He was eventually beaten to death by Ye Longxing, but his sacrifice will buy us time so that we can escape from Tianxing Island safely. Next I will Lists the location and level information of the twelve incarnations of Senior Brother, as well as some plot information about him. Everyone is welcome to check for any gaps..."

This post was very long, with thousands of words in it. Lu Chaoding read it in a hurry. He was not interested in the plot of Niu Daren. The key was to see if there was any mention of Niu Daren on an overseas island in this post. Or Ye Cuihua.

The result is no.

There were many players leaving comments under the post, adding a lot of information about Niu Daren, but no one mentioned Niu Daren at level 25 on an overseas island, and no one mentioned Ye Cuihua.

"Perhaps some beta players are aware of his existence, but have not announced it..."

After Lu Chaoding thought for a moment, he closed the post. He continued browsing and found another interesting post after a while.

Post title: [A brief introduction to the plot of Tianxing Island].

Poster: "Ye Longxing"!
"Let me briefly talk about the plot of Tianxing Island. If it is helpful to you, then give me a like and help me pass the posting task."

"To put it simply, the plot of Tianxing Island only has three acts, namely [Sword Discussing at Lion Mountain], [Sword Forging at Dog Tooth Mountain] and [The Great Tribulation at Poxu Mountain]. As the plot of these three acts progresses, the system The function is gradually opened..."

"I won’t mention the Tianxing Forum and Tianxing Sword. After the plot of [Lion Rock Sword] is over, the trading house will be opened. There is also an intrusion activity here, which allows players to invade other novice villages. Every afternoon From two o'clock to six o'clock, talk to Niu Daren in the camp on the top of the mountain. You can open it by paying 500 gold yuan. It is considered a small game. There is no profit, just playing with each other."

"After [Lion Mountain Sword Discussion] is over, the passage from the back mountain to the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain will be opened. There is a new NPC in the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain named 'Elder Mo'. Elder Mo is a swordsmith. Find him and talk to him. , and collectively hand in 5000 fire stones to start the [Forging Swords in Hounds Tooth Mountain] plot. From then on, you can clear the dungeon, collect materials, and entrust Elder Mo to make swords. Elder Mo has cast a total of 400 three-star flaming swords, and the plot is over. , at this time the system will enable the live broadcast function..."

"Normally, the plot of the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain lasts for 5 to 10 days, but there is an unethical method that can shorten the plot time to three days, and you can also get the four-star weapon Fiery Sword. I will tell you how to do it specifically. Without further ado, I would like to remind closed beta players to use this method with caution, because if you do so, our senior brother will be seriously injured and he will not be so brave in the third act."

"After the plot of [Canine Tooth Mountain Sword Forging] is over, Elder Mo will arrange for us to send the 400 forged Fiery Swords to the Fiery Fire Hall of Dajianmen. The passage to Dajian Pokong Mountain will also be opened, and then follow Niu Daren to eat and drink After playing for a few days, Zhen Ye Longxing will escape from the heavenly prison. At that time, the [Poxu Mountain Catastrophe] will begin, and what we need to do is try not to be beaten to death, and wait for the senior brother to bravely cover our escape. When the time comes, don’t hesitate, take a boat and go to sea immediately, and then you can choose a sect to join, and the plot of Novice Village will be over..."

This post received a lot of likes, and Lu Chaoding also liked it after reading it.

He continued to browse other posts...

About two hours later, Lu Chaoding returned to the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain. It was already night. He closed the Tianxing Forum and went straight to the Lion Cliff. Then he held the Jade and jumped down the cliff on a tiger.

(PS: The results of the new book are a bit poor, please read it and ask for all your support, thank you!)
(End of this chapter)

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