Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 50 500 raffle tickets

Chapter 50 500 raffle tickets

"Trash Zhao skirt, come to our village to kill people and steal treasures!"

"Zhao Skirt also invaded your place? This turtle grandson is really a cancer!"

"He got Linlang's secret treasure in our village!"

"Can this guy jump off an infinite cliff?"

"Zhao Skirt beat me to death twice, I'm so angry!"

"Although Zhao Skirt is trash, it is undeniable that he is really strong!"

"I would like to advise those in Novice Village who haven't finished getting Linlang's secret treasure to jump off the cliff to get it quickly. Don't take advantage of Zhao Skirt!"

"Share the real cliff jumping strategy. Collect the following materials. The chance of surviving the cliff jumping and entering Linlang Cave can be increased to 40%..."

"Being able to defeat the secret treasure guardian beast is the key..."

There are more and more discussion posts about "Zhao Skirt Jumping off a Cliff" in the forum. It seems that "Zhao Skirt Jumping off a Cliff" has aroused public outrage, so much so that at eight or nine o'clock in the night, someone would randomly shout "Trash Zhao Skirt" in a post. skirt" will quickly attract a large number of players to like it.

Lu Chaoding had no idea about this.

He has already raised nocturnal beasts in the wild area of ​​the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain. For a Liver Emperor like him, visiting forums is a leisure activity, and any more is a waste of time. Working hard can bring him more happiness and joy. A sense of fulfillment.

Lu Chaoding has already explored the camp at the foot of Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain and Elder Mo’s Sword Cottage halfway up the mountain. Because it was night, the NPCs refused to talk and could not interact. Lu Chaoding could not receive tasks. After exploring After a while, he chose to brush the night beast on the bottom of a slope halfway up the mountain.

Most of the nocturnal beasts here are night wolves, with occasional bears, tigers, leopards and other beasts, most of which are around level 15.

Lu Chaoding's main weapon at this time has been replaced by the Daxuan Sword.

This Great Mysterious Sword has been refined to the limit by him using [Mysterious Gold and Jade], which means refinement +6. The weapon characteristics are: attack +240, weapon damage increased by 40%, and speed -40!

If the Daxuan Sword at this time were used as a flying sword, its blade would already be three feet long and nearly three meters wide, which was quite exaggerated.

Lu Chao's top speed is high. Even if he uses the Daxuan Sword as his main weapon, his speed is reduced by 40 points, and he still has 152 points, which is higher than the speed of most night beasts. He no longer rides the Black Sword Shihu, and the ground only With the Little Clam Spirit, blessed by the Shadow of the Fractional Light Sword, with a first attack, even ten-level night beasts can easily break through the toughness and kill instantly, and the efficiency of killing monsters is extremely high.

"I am now in the Breaking Toughness Instant Kill style!"

Lu Chao roared. With the blessing of the light sword and shadow, he wielded the big sword with both hands. He felt very domineering.

As for Zhao Weike and others, they are now in a temporary camp at the foot of the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain.

There are also the Resurrection Sword Monument and the Destiny Platform here.

"Early tomorrow morning, I will take you to find Elder Mo. Elder Mo is also a very important NPC and a salesman, but he only sells sword-making maps and refreshes the products from time to time. Please pay more attention. If you encounter someone with three stars or higher I have to get the star-numbered sword-making atlas to save money..."

Zhao Weike was explaining the plot of Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain when Zhang Defa suddenly raised his hand and said: "Zhao Skirt, you are angry!"

"What the hell?"

"You've become popular on the forum, tsk tsk, people are telling you to jump off a cliff and show off your skirt!"

"Haha, you also noticed that I have been browsing the forum for a long time, and I have been holding back my laughter!"

"His Royal Highness is so mighty!"

"Many people want to beat Zhao Skirt to death..."

Zhao Weike was stunned by what these people said. Zhang Defa saw this and said, "Zhao Skirt, don't you go to the forum?"

"I'm so busy, how can I have time to visit the forum!" Zhao Weike said, "You should stop visiting the forum, it's such a waste of time. Brother Ding's AI must be fighting night beasts at this time. If we don't work hard, the gap with him will be even greater. Come bigger!”

Although Zhao Weike said this, he still opened the Tianxing Forum. He just glanced at it casually and saw several posts with the words "Zhao Skirt" in the title.

"What the hell, someone is ruining my reputation! Who is it, Brother Ding?"

Zhao Weike's brows immediately wrinkled. He carefully read through a few posts and gradually figured out what was going on. "It must be Brother Ding! He used my name to invade other novice villages! Maybe his AI program was messed up, so he just jumped off the cliff without thinking?"

Zhao Weike was very unhappy, so he immediately published a post under the nickname "Riding Sword Fairy" with the title "Shocked! The real identity of Zhao Skirt who jumped off the cliff is actually AI!".

In the post, he exposed Lu Chaoding's information and claimed that Lu Chaoding was an AI and could cheat. All the so-called cliff-jumping Zhao skirts were all pretended by him.

"Zhao Skirt Trumpet: Top!"

"Zhao Kuirou's true identity: So Dingge is Zhao Kuiuo, and Zhao Kuiuo is the sword-riding fairy?"

"Zhao Skirt Xiaoxiao: How dare you post Zhao Skirt!"

"Zhao skirt clone: ​​Brother Ding, is there a bug?"

"Jump off the cliff and take Zhao's skirt: Anyway, let's fuck Zhao's skirt!"

"Junzi Zhao of jumping off a cliff: On the top floor!"

"Lezirenhuagangan: What's going on in your village? Why are there still AI players?"

"Zhao Skirt's real body: Lu Chaoding is the one who tops the damage ranking list! With full health of [-] Prince Turtle, he can deal nearly [-] damage!"

"The greatest swordsman in the universe: What the hell are you all?"

"Ok Orcs: I announce the establishment of the Cliff Jumping Cult, and its spiritual leader, Zhao Kuirou..."

That night, Zhao Weike, Zhang Defa and others stayed up until midnight to post and were still fast asleep at [-] o'clock the next day.

Lu Chaoding, who had been fighting all night, was already talking to Elder Mo.

This is an NPC with white beard and hair. He is wearing coarse clothes and has many wrinkles on his face. He said lazily: "When you enter my Great Sword Sect, you must learn sword making. For newbies, there is a man 500 meters east at this time. We are in the Fiery Cave, collect some Fiery Stones from it, and then come over and talk to me."

"Ding, the main plot is advancing!"

"Ding, get the task [Turn in the Fire Stones]. Mission description: Turn in the Fire Stones to Elder Mo. You will get one gold dollar for each stone turned in. The task continues until the group has turned in a total of 5000 Fire Stones. Task Tips: The Fire Stones can be found in Collected from level 15 dungeon Fiery Cave."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, and the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: hand over gold yuan to Elder Mo, and you will get a fire stone for each piece turned in. The task continues until the group has handed over a total of 5000 gold yuan."

"Good fellow, this mission has been changed. What do I need the Fire Stone for?"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He felt that it was okay if he didn't do this task, but it was still necessary to take a look at the level 15 copy of the Fire Cave.

After a while, Lu Chaoding came to the Fire Cave.

Dungeon name: Fiery Cave
Entry level: LV15~LV20
Number of players in a team: 1~4
Number of entries: 0/5 (limited to 5 entries per day)
Copy description [-]: The power of the Agni Tengu stirs up the flames of the earth veins. Many Agni Cave appears in the Dog Tooth Mountain. The Agni Cave contains Agni Stone, but many flame spirits are often born.Kill the fire elves in the cave, and you will have a chance to obtain fire stones, fire beads, natural fire swords, fire sword skill books, etc. Please explore on your own for details.

Copy description 50: If you clear the Fire Cave for the first time, you will get [-] lottery tickets.

After Lu Chaoding read the introduction to the dungeon, he used more than 200 training experience books to raise his level to level 15, and then entered the Fiery Cave.

After he entered the Fire Cave, the occasionally unreliable system started immediately, telling him that he could get 500 unreliable lottery tickets for clearing the Fire Cave for the first time!
"How many?"

Lu Chao was stunned for a moment, then became ecstatic.

"500 pictures! The dog system is interesting this time!"

Lu Chaoding suddenly felt as if he had been given a shot of blood. He was not sleepy at all. He held up the Daxuan Sword and ran rampantly in the Fiery Cave.

With his current strength, there was no pressure to clear the Fiery Cave alone. Lu Chaoding came out of the dungeon half an hour later.

"Ding, complete the first pass of the Fiery Cave, and the reward will be +500 unreliable lottery tickets!"

(End of this chapter)

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