Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 51: Elder

Chapter 51: Elder

Lu Chao was very happy after receiving 500 unreliable lottery tickets.

He immediately took out the lottery tickets and looked at them carefully one by one.

"The chance of extracting one-star props has been slightly increased, you hothead!"

"The probability of extracting beef jerky is greatly increased, spicy chicken!"

"The chance of drawing unreliable lottery tickets is greatly increased? Using lottery tickets to draw lottery tickets? Ridiculous!"

"The probability of extracting two-star materials has been slightly reduced, you jerk!"

"The probability of extracting the back piece is greatly reduced, and it's also a badass!"

"The chance of drawing nothing is greatly increased. Thank you for participating."

"There must be a four-star prop, haha, this one is pretty good..."


Among them, the best coupon has a random effect that will produce a five-star prop!
"Don't overdo it with these five-stars. It's okay to use heavenly powers, land animals, equipment, and skills, but don't use spicy materials that you won't use!"

Lu Chaoding muttered, he quickly cleaned up, and then returned to the mountainside Jianlu.

Elder Mo said that he would talk to him after collecting the fire stones. Lu Chao thought that there should be another mission.

After clearing the Fire Cave once, Lu Chaoding got a total of 50 Fire Stones. He felt that the income from this copy was very average, and he did not plan to continue to clear it. He thought that if there were no important tasks, he would go to the lottery and check it out again. Trading house, then go back to the cave to sleep, and continue to invade and play cliff jumping in the afternoon.

When he came to Jianlu, Lu Chaoding saw Zhang Defa.

"Just wait for me, isn't it the Fire Stone? I'll give it to you when I reach level [-]..."

Zhang Defa yelled at Elder Mo. He was wearing a blood-boiling battle suit and seemed to be full of fighting spirit. He took two of the three sword-discussing rewards, and his enthusiasm was obviously aroused.

"Ah, Brother Ding! Hello, Brother Ding. Goodbye, Brother Ding..."

Seeing Lu Chaoding, Zhang Defa shrank his neck, said hello cautiously, and hurried away.


Lu Chao nodded, suddenly his heart moved, and said: "Zhang Defa, don't leave, come here!"


Zhang Defa was startled, and suddenly had a bitter look on his face. He reluctantly came to Lu Chaoding, tried his best to smile, and said: "Brother Ding, what are your orders?"

Lu Chao asked: "Are you rich?"

"Money? No, no, I'm a pauper!"


"I only have a little bit...no, not much!"

"Give me as much as you have!"

"No, Brother Ding, are you going to rob me in broad daylight in front of Elder Mo?"

Lu Chao said: "Stop talking nonsense and take it out quickly!"

Zhang Defa's face was so tangled that he almost bloomed, but after all, he still did not dare to disobey Lu Chaoding, an AI who was always ready to trap people. He reluctantly took out 100 gold yuan and said: "This is all I have..."

Lu Chaoding didn't waste any time. He directly accepted the hundred gold yuan and handed it to Elder Mo, saying: "Buy the fierce fire stone!" Elder Mo had no expression on his face and hummed: "I don't sell strong fire..."

Suddenly he burst out laughing, accepted the 100 gold yuan, stroked his beard and said, "That's right, kid. Here are a hundred fire stones, just give them to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a small cloth bag appeared in front of Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding didn't even look at it. He handed the small cloth bag to Zhang Defa and said, "Turn it over and change it for money. Give me the money!"

Zhang Defa was stunned, what kind of operation is this?
He knew that Elder Mo would get one gold dollar for every Fire Stone he turned in, but he had never heard that you could buy Fire Stones from him.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"

"Oh, I'll do it, I'll do it now!"

Zhang Defa handed the small cloth bag to Elder Mo. Elder Mo smiled and gave him 100 gold yuan. Zhang Defa handed the 100 gold yuan to Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding bought another [-] gold yuan from Elder Mo. Yuan Lie Fire Stone.

"Come again, continue to hand it over, and give me the money in exchange!"

"Ah? This, this, this..." Zhang Defa's eyes widened, "Brother Ding, are you..."

Lu Chaoding smiled enigmatically and said, "No need to doubt it, I am just cheating. Do you want to report it?"

"Brother Ding, you actually cheated!" Zhang Defa jumped up exaggeratedly, then slapped his thigh hard and said: "Hahaha, I like it! Take me, take me, brother Ding take me! I still have three hundred gold here. Yuan……"

"Didn't you say you only have one hundred gold dollars!"

Lu Chaoding was not surprised. He continued to collect money from Zhang Defa, then exchanged the Fire Stone from Elder Mo, and then asked Zhang Defa to hand over the Fire Stone in exchange for gold coins.

After going back and forth like this, 10 minutes later, the collective task of "turning in 5000 fire stones" was actually completed.

"Ding, the system is reporting that the main plot of Novice Village No. 523131241 is advancing, and the sword-making mission of Dog Tooth Mountain has officially started."

Following the system prompts, Elder Mo laughed loudly in front of Lu Chaoding and Zhang Defa. He said: "You are a good disciple. You actually collected 5000 pieces of fire stones so quickly. Now I am publishing the casting diagram of the fire sword." , you collect materials for me according to the requirements on the map, and I will forge a batch of flaming swords, which is also an assessment for you."

At this moment, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, the main plot is advancing. Congratulations on getting the casting map of the Fiery Sword. Collect the relevant materials in the map and entrust Elder Mo of Jianlu to cast a two-star Fiery Sword for you. "

"Ding, as the main plot progresses, you will automatically receive the collective material collection task. The task requires collecting and turning in the casting materials for 400 sets of Fire Swords. For each set turned in, you will be rewarded with 100 gold yuan. After the collective task is completed, the subsequent story of Tianxing Island will begin."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the content: Collect and turn in 400 gold coins. For each piece turned in, you will be rewarded with 100 flaming swords. After the collective task is completed, the follow-up story of Tianxing Island will begin."

Zhang Defa was stunned at this time.

Lu Chaoding was also stunned at this time.

Zhang Defa was in a daze because he had actually completed the collective task of handing over 5000 fire stones in just a moment!
According to Zhao Weike, the Fiery Stone can only be punched out from the Fiery Cave, which can produce 50 pieces at a time. The Fiery Cave has a limit on the number of times it can be entered, and it cannot be entered until it reaches level 15, so in theory, even if there are eight people in a village, If all players have reached level 15 and are clearing the Fire Cave alone, it will take at least two and a half days to collect 5000 Fire Stones.

In fact, it may take several days to reach level 15.

But now, in less than 10 minutes, this collective task has been completed.

He could only shout loudly in his heart: Brother Ding, Niubi.

Lu Chao was in a daze because the unreliable system was getting more and more outrageous. According to the instructions for this tampering mission, he could get 400 flaming swords as long as he handed Elder Mo 40000 gold yuan.

Moreover, the story of Forging the Sword in the Canine Tooth Mountain will most likely end, and the passage to the Great Sword Poxu Mountain will probably be opened.

"Outrageous, really outrageous. 400 yuan, 40000 flaming swords, an average of [-] flaming swords. Where can you buy at such a price? It's not so outrageous in wholesale, right? Wouldn't this bankrupt Elder Mo? What if these flaming swords are sold How much money can you make if you resell it to a trading house?"

Lu Chao couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. Looking at Elder Mo again, he felt that he was suffering from great hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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