Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 52 Tengu Secret Realm

Chapter 52 Tengu Secret Realm
Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain, camp at the foot of the mountain.

Zhao Weike rubbed his eyes and got up from the tent.

"I can't sleep anymore. I must act as soon as possible. At this time, the right guardian of the Golden Sword Sect should have appeared. Whether we can make a comeback depends on today!"

Zhao Weike looked up at the Fiery Hounds Tooth Mountain with a smile on his face.

As an internal beta player, he is very familiar with the plot of the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain. If it proceeds normally, he will first complete two time-consuming and exhausting public collection tasks, and then follow Niu Daren to the Tengu Secret Realm.

After going through a short plot in the Tengu Secret Realm, Niu Daren will collect the four-star Fiery Sword on the second level of the Tengu Secret Realm and release the Fiery Tengu. Then the supporting Dajianmen troops will eliminate the Fiery Tengu, and the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain The plot is all over.

This set of plot has been completed completely. It will never be completed without seven or eight days.

But there is another way, you can directly skip the collection mission, and don't let Niu Daren release the Fire Tengu. If everything goes well, the plot of the Dog Tooth Mountain can be over in as soon as one day.

This method requires going directly to the second level of the Tengu Secret Realm through a secret passage.

That secret passage was dug by an NPC named Qin Jiashan.

This NPC has been lurking in the Fire Dog Tooth Mountain for a long time. His true identity is the right protector of the Golden Sword Sect. He lurked in the Fire Dog Tooth Mountain just to release the Agni Fire Tengu and create chaos for the Great Sword Sect.

In the normal plot, Niu Daren will meet the right protector of the Golden Sword Sect in the second level of the Tengu Secret Realm. After correcting the password, you can get the one-time treasures Golden Clothes and Yang Shen Pills given by him, and then you can get them. Take the four-star Agni Sword and release the Agni Tengu.

In fact, if the player wears the Golden Thread Clothes, he can also take away the Four-Star Fiery Sword and release the Fiery Tengu instead of Niu Daren.

All you need to do is meet the right guardian of the Golden Sword Sect in advance and give the secret signal.

That secret code is known to all closed beta players who have experienced the plot of Tengu Secret Realm.

In short, as long as you release the Agni Tengu, find a place to hide, and wait until the NPC army of the Great Sword Sect kills the Agni Tengu, you can go directly to the Great Sword Breaking the Void Mountain and start the story of the Great Sword Breaking the Void Mountain.

However, if we do this, Elder Mo will most likely be killed, Niu Daren will definitely be seriously injured, and he will not get the Four-Star Fiery Sword and Yangshen Pill. Then in the plot of [Poxu Mountain Tribulation], this senior brother will Much weaker.

Players in the same village may also be killed by the Agni Tengu.
Generally speaking, this is a matter of benefiting oneself at the expense of others.

Zhao Weike decided to benefit himself at the expense of others.

He believes that many closed beta players who know the strategy will do this. After all, if they do this, they can not only greatly shorten the plot time in Novice Village, but also get a four-star blazing sword. The harvest is huge.

But just when Zhao Weike was about to go to the secret passage, he suddenly received a regional announcement that the plot of "Forging the Sword in the Dog Tooth Mountain" had officially begun.

"Damn it, no! Who handed over 5000 pieces of fire stone? That's 5000 pieces. How could it be collected so quickly?"

Zhao Weike suddenly had questions on his forehead.

"Is it Brother Ding? He used the Night Beast to get the Fire Stone? This is wrong. Can't the Fire Stone only come out of the Fire Cave?"

Zhao Weike scratched the back of his head fiercely, and after thinking for a moment, he still ran quickly to the back mountain.

The secret passage leading to the second level of the Tengu Secret Realm is in the back mountain.

"So what if Brother Ding Niubi turned in 5000 pieces of fire stones? Don't you still have to go to the Fire Cave and the Dog Tooth Cave to get materials? I can get the four-star Fire Sword today!"

Zhao Weike was thinking like this when he suddenly received another system prompt: "Ding, the main plot is advancing, the [Forging Swords in Dog Tooth Mountain] plot is completed, and the Tengu Secret Realm is opened. Please go to the top of the mountain to find Niu Daren in front of the Canine Tooth Cave dungeon, and enter under his guidance. Tengu Secret Realm!”

"Huh?" Zhao Weike slipped and almost fell to the ground.

"The plot of Forging the Sword of Dogtooth Mountain is completed? How come it is completed? This makes no sense! What happened?"

Zhao Weike felt that his brain was completely exhausted, but he ran as fast as possible.

If Niu Daren were to exchange passwords with Qin Jiashan first, it would be over and he wouldn't be able to intercept Hu.

At this moment, at the sword hut halfway up the mountain, the master swordsmith, Elder Mo, was stacking bundles of flaming swords in front of Lu Chaoding like a ghost.

One hundred bundles!

Lu Chaoding smiled.After spending a night playing Nocturnal Beasts last night, he had accumulated 649 gold yuan, so he gave Master Mo 400 gold yuan on the spot.

Zhang Defa stood aside and slapped his mouth blankly with his hand, muttering: "This must be fake, this must be an illusion! Brother Ding, brother Ding, please tell me, what happened?"

Lu Chao said: "I'm just purchasing goods, what's the fuss about?"

After saying that, he began to store the Fiery Sword in the storage space.

Lu Chaoding has already seen the attribute information of this fire sword. It can add fire damage that ignores defense damage reduction, and can be refined with fire stones. It can be said that the quality is very good, much better than the two-star sword.

Five minutes later, 5 flaming swords were collected.

Elder Mo finally stopped at this moment, with a smile on his face and said: "You disciples are really good. You helped me complete the casting of four hundred fire swords so quickly. Now you can go to the top of the mountain to find your senior brother. , let him lead you into the Tengu Secret Realm. After breaking through the secret realm, come back to me. The four hundred flaming swords I forged still need you to be sent to the Poxu Mountain Fiery Fire Hall!"

Zhang Defa shouted: "Brother Ding, this silly old man said he would take out another four hundred flaming swords!"


Lu Chao nodded. At this time, he had brought up the trading bank panel and started operating happily.

The four good things he put up for sale at auction yesterday have all been bought.

Among them, the transaction price of the two-star [Sailor Dress] was 1100 gold yuan, the transaction price of the one-star [Three Good Students] was even higher, reaching 1300 yuan, the transaction price of the [Tongxin Sword] skill book was 3200 yuan, and the transaction price of [Suppress the Demon] The transaction price of "Sword Formation" is not very ideal, only 2200 yuan.

"The profit is enough!"

Lu Chaoding happily withdrew 8900 gold yuan from the trading house panel, and then hung up a [Tongxin Sword] skill book, a [Moon-breaking Wave] skill book, and a [Shenglong Sword] skill book. , both are in auction mode, with a base price of 2000 yuan.

"Things are rare and valuable, so just sell these skill books slowly one by one! As for the two-star Fiery Sword, we won't auction it. We will hang them all up and price them at 300 yuan each. This shouldn't be too high. I won't do it. Profiteers, small profits but quick turnover, benefiting the majority of players!"

Lu Chaoding did a batch operation and quickly hung [-] flaming swords in the trading house. Then he visited the trading house, hoping to buy some good things.

It is a pity that although the total number of goods in the transaction today is less than [-], Lu Chaoding alone accounts for more than two-thirds, and the high-quality goods are those he lists for sale, and the others Most of the products are one-star junk.

After a while, Lu Chaoding, who had not bought a single item, closed the trading window in disappointment.

"Time waits for no one. We still need to continue to explode. Let's go to the top of the mountain to have a look at the Heavenly Dog Secret Realm. If I don't go, it will be easier for Zhang Defa and the others."

Lu Chaoding thought about this, released the Daxuan Sword, stood up with the sword, and went straight to the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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