Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 53 Aura Fruit (please support for new book)

Chapter 53 Aura Fruit (please support for new book)
A certain novice village, the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain, under the Destiny Stage.

A player wearing a tattered robe sat cross-legged, with seven players from the same village standing around him.

"We have players in the cave who can forge swords by themselves without having to entrust Elder Mo. So after the sword-making plot is started, your task is to get the materials and give them to me. I will make the Fire Sword and sell it in the trading house. This This is a good opportunity to make a fortune. The sooner the Fiery Sword is put on the market, the more money you will make..."

If Lu Chaoding were here, he would recognize that this eloquent player is Li Feiyu whom he met in the virtual sword discussion. He is wearing [Eight Bags Elder] fashion and is a very high health player. Sword God.

A player raised his hand and said, "Brother Yu, how much money can you make from a flaming sword?"

Li Feiyu smiled and said: "The Fiery Sword is a high-quality second-level weapon. The material cost is almost 300 yuan. If it is listed in the trading house, it will be sold for [-] gold coins without any problem."

"In other words, we can make 200 yuan by selling a fire sword?"

"This deal is okay!"

"I'm just afraid of competitors."

"Competitors? How many players are there in the cave?"

“Brother Yu, I’ve given you all the materials, what about the plot mission?”

"Don't worry about plot missions. I have a way to pass the plot here." Li Feiyu said with a smile, "What you have to do now is to upgrade quickly and get materials quickly."

Suddenly, a female player raised her hand and said: "Brother Yu, it's bad, someone is selling the Fiery Sword in the trading house."

"Oh? No need to make a fuss. I guess someone drew the Fiery Sword in a lottery and put it up for sale when he didn't need it. How did he sell it and how much did it cost?"

"Three hundred handfuls!"

"Only three hundred? Haha, that's the cost price. It seems like this person doesn't know what he's doing. Buy it quickly and resell it for five hundred, making a free profit!"

The female player hesitated and said: "Buy, I can't buy it..."

"Why, you don't even have three hundred gold coins?"

"No, there are too many flaming swords for sale!"

"Too much? Are they all 300 yuan apiece?"


Li Feiyu slapped his thigh and said, "Wouldn't it be better? Eat them all, and we can act as second-rate dealers and make the difference."

"But, but..."

"But what?"

The female player said: "But I can't eat it. There are tens of thousands of flaming swords hanging in the trading house!"

"What? Tens of thousands, right? Are you kidding me?"

Li Feiyu was stunned.

The other players were also stunned.

They quickly checked the trading house, and sure enough, there were literally tens of thousands of flaming swords for sale in the trading house.

"Mader, who made this? How could there be so many flaming swords and the prices are so uniform!"

Li Feiyu was very unhappy and shouted: "Go and leave a message for the seller!"

Everyone is puzzled.

Li Feiyu continued: "Go scold him, 300 yuan for a flaming sword, this is dumping, this is disrupting the market order..."

At the same time, in the Tianxing Forum, posts about "low-priced fire swords" also began to appear, and there were more and more posts.

Most players are happy about this and praise it as "high quality and low price", "you will make money when you buy it", and "a conscientious businessman".

But there are also a small number of players who, like Li Feiyu, feel confused, even angry and unhappy.

But no matter what, in the trading house, the Fiery Sword was selling like crazy.

As a result, a large amount of gold dollars gathered into Lu Chaoding's trading bank account, which quickly exceeded one hundred thousand or one million...

At this time, Lu Chaoding did not know that he was already a millionaire and was evolving into a multi-millionaire.He had now reached the top of the Fire Dog Tooth Mountain.

Here, he found level 15 Niu Daren standing blankly, and behind him, a cave with red light.

That cave, called Dogtooth Cave, is also a level 15 dungeon.

Dungeon name: Dogtooth Cave
Entry level: LV15~LV20
Number of players in a team: 1~4
Number of entries: 0/5 (limited to 5 entries per day)
Dungeon Description [-]: Under the influence of the Agni Tengu, many powerful flame spirits were born in the Hound Tooth Cave. If you kill them, you will be able to obtain the flame essence, the Agni Bead, the Natural Agni Sword, the Agni Sword skill book, etc. Please refer to the details by yourself. explore.

Dungeon Description 50: If you clear the Hound Tooth Cave for the first time, you will get [-] lottery tickets.

“You can also get raffle tickets here!”

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and was no longer in a hurry to talk to Niu Daren. He entered the canine tooth hole first with his sword.

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: If you don't clear the Hound Tooth Cave for the first time, you will get 50 unreliable lottery tickets!"

Lu Chaoding immediately turned back and left the copy.

This was also the "first time he failed to clear the level", and 50 unreliable lottery tickets came into Lu Chaoding's hands.

"It's easy to get this lottery ticket!"

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, looked at Niu Daren again, and said: "Elder brother, take me to the secret realm of Tengu!"

Niu Daren, who was like a wooden man, immediately "activated" and his eyes became bright. He looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "It turns out to be Junior Brother Lu Chaoding. Are you sure you want to go to the Tengu Secret Realm?"


"Then junior brother, just follow me!"

Niu Daren stretched out his hand and pointed toward the entrance of the Canine Tooth Cave, and the hole immediately emitted purple light. It was no longer the entrance to the Canine Tooth Cave copy, but became the entrance to the Tengu Secret Realm.

"Ahead is the Tengu Secret Realm."

Niu Daren led the way and said as he walked: "Junior brother, do you know what the Tengu Secret Realm is?"

"I don't know!"

"Then, senior brother, let me introduce him to you! Junior brother, do you know that there is a person in our Dajian Sect who has great supernatural powers and boundless magic power."

"I know, it's Monkey King, the Monkey King!"

"Wrong, wrong, what is the Monkey King? I'm talking about the Supreme Elder! Our Supreme Elder is a legend who is invincible across thousands of miles. Although we don't know where he is now, but in our sword His legendary stories are spread everywhere. It is said that 200 years ago, the Supreme Elder went to the Marsh Fantasy Canyon to go hunting. Suddenly a figure fell from the sky and knocked him to the ground. The younger brother guessed that the old man encountered What happened?"

"Could it be that Pan Sen was kidnapped!"

"No, guess again!"

"That's because Lu Bu jumped up!"

"Who is Lu Bu? Well, let me tell you, he met the Fire Tengu! This Fire Tengu is an extremely rare ancient alien species. The Supreme Elder spent a lot of effort to capture it. I wanted to bring it back. The mountain gate was tamed as a guardian beast of the earth, but the Tengu was naturally cruel and wild, so the Supreme Elder had no choice but to seal it in the Canine Tooth Mountain and let it become an underground fire vein. This is how the Tengu Secret Realm came to be!"

"Oh, I see."

Lu Chaoding responded. He had followed Niu Daren into the Tengu Secret Realm. It was like walking into a tunnel. The rock walls on both sides were covered with crystalline fire-red stones, and he could see brighter fire ahead.

Niu Daren continued: "In the Tengu Secret Realm, there is an earth vein array arranged by the Supreme Elder himself. This array suppresses the Fire Tengu and continuously converts its power into the power of fire veins. The power of fire veins can be used to refine weapons and elixirs." , and it is also a kind of spiritual energy that enhances the spiritual energy index of the entire sect’s residence.”

"Aura index?"

Lu Chaoding's heart moved. He owned a cave, and one of the main attributes of the cave was the aura index, and this aura index was the key to upgrading the cave.

"Aura fruits occasionally appear in this secret realm of Tengu. If you take this aura fruit directly, you can gain cultivation, and you can also feed the earth animals. In short, it has many wonderful benefits and is a rare thing. Whether the junior brother can get it in this secret realm, then it's all up to you. It depends on your own opportunities."

When Lord Niu said this, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, trigger a chance event, follow Niu Daren to explore the first level of the Tengu Secret Realm, kill the phantom of the Fire Tengu, and have a chance to obtain the Spiritual Energy Fruit."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking mission is updated, and the content is tampered with: follow the aura fruit to explore the first level of the Tengu Secret Realm, kill Niu Daren, and have a chance to obtain the phantom of the Fiery Tengu."

ps: Thanks to the bosses such as "Qin Shihuang

 The new book is too difficult, I can’t get good grades, and it looks like I’m going to throw myself into the street, so I’m begging for support.

(End of this chapter)

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