Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 63 Exclusive stunts

Chapter 63 Exclusive stunts
"Swallow? Evolve to a star? So, is there really a six-star?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the mighty tiger with black and white stripes in front of him. He felt that [Swallowing] was a very good magical power, but it was a pity that it could only be used once, so the "ingredients" had to be carefully selected.

"There don't seem to be many corpses. I do have 10 Ye Linlang's bones here, but they are obviously not good ingredients..."

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment, and then took out three more skill books. They were the five-star secret skill [Pan Tough Treasure Body] skill book dropped by the Agni Tengu, the four-star secret skill [Fire Wings] skill book, and the three-star combat skill [Fire Slash]. 】Skill Book.

These three skill books are common to all professions.

Lu Chaoding looked carefully.

The secret skill [Pan Tough Treasure Body] can provide the basic special effect of automatically replenishing toughness after starting an action, and increase defense value, toughness and health value. Skill level LV1 can increase defense by 10 points, toughness by 10 points and health by 1000 points. Skill The higher the level, the higher the defense value, toughness and health value will be increased.

This is a pure defensive secret technique, and its effect can be said to be very powerful.

However, Lu Chaoding is very clear that [Splitting Light Sword Shadow] is the foundation for his current life. When paired with Taiyi Light Splitting Sword, it is equivalent to increasing the attack power and damage by 9.6 times. Without this secret skill, his output ability will become very generally.

So now that you can only have one secret skill, [Splitting Sword Shadow] is undoubtedly the main battle secret skill, and its status cannot be shaken. [Pan Tough Treasure Body] can be used as a backup tactical secret skill, and there is no need to upgrade it for the time being. After all, As the skill level increases, the skill book is bound.

The effect of [Fire Wings] is to allow the player to transform fire wings on his back, and then have the ability to fly, and increase defense. As the skill level increases, the number of flame wings will increase, becoming four wings, six wings, eight wings, etc., thus providing Players add more defenses.

Lu Chao knew how to handle a sword, but he didn't like this secret skill at all.

As for the three-star combat skill [Fire Slash], its effect is to release flaming sword energy. Looking at the skill description, it cannot be linked with [Splitting Sword Shadow]. Lu Chaoding thought it was very average.

After putting away these three skill books, Lu Chaoding took out the five-star prop [Enlightenment Sticker].

[Enlightenment Sticker] was opened by Lu Chaoding from the Super Cultivation Gift Pack, and the Super Cultivation Gift Pack is a temporary item created after the system automatically repairs it. The quality is definitely higher than the regular luxury training gift pack. Lu Chao I estimate that its value may be reflected in the [Enlightenment Sticker].

[Enlightenment sticker: a special five-star prop that creates an exclusive skill for the player after use.

Note [-]: Opening the Enlightenment Sticker requires consuming one professional enlightenment.

Note [-]: After opening the Enlightenment Post, complete the skill description according to the system guidance, and the system will randomly calculate and generate the skill book.

Note [-]: The exclusive skill book is directly bound and cannot be traded. 】

"Exclusive skills? It's a bit like custom skills or self-created skills..."

Lu Chaoding was curious and used the [Enlightenment Poster] on the spot without hesitation.

"Ding, after consuming one copy of [Sword Immortal's Enlightenment], you have opened the Enlightenment Post!"

"Ding, a Sword Immortal skill will be created for you by default. Please select the skill type. You can choose secret skills, combat skills, or stunts (selecting stunts requires an additional [Sword Immortal's Enlightenment] to be consumed)!"

"I choose... stunt!"

"Ding, consume one copy of [Sword Immortal's Enlightenment], and we are creating exclusive skills for you, calculating..."

"Ding, please select three of the following entry tags generated by the system as skill descriptions (you can select repeatedly). Your selection will become an important basis for the system's random calculation."

Following the system prompt, a translucent form popped up in front of Lu Chaoding. There were many words and phrases in the form, such as "active attack", "passive trigger", "wind special effect", "thunder special effect", "fire special effect" ”, “glare special effects”, “continuous attack”, “multi-stage attack”, “melee attack”, “sword attack”, “increased damage”, “direct damage”, etc., there are 99 in total.

Lu Chaoding studied for a while, and in order to be able to relate it to [Splitting Sword Shadow], he selected "Continuous Attack" three times!

"Ding, please choose the skill upgrade method: material upgrade, cultivation upgrade, enemy kill upgrade, random calculation!"

"Choose to kill enemies to upgrade!"

"Ding, confirm the skill description. Do you want to increase the skill star number? The default base star number is three stars. Every time you consume a copy of [Sword Immortal's Enlightenment], you can increase it by one star, up to a maximum of five stars!"

"Mention five stars!"

"Ding, consume two copies of [Sword Immortal's Enlightenment], your exclusive skill is an enhanced type, and the skill is being created..."

"Ding, the exclusive skill creation is completed. Congratulations on getting the skill book of Sword Immortal's unique skill [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds]."

After the system prompt ended, a skill book with a gold cover appeared out of thin air in front of Lu Chaoding. =====
Special skill: Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hatreds (Sword Immortal Continent’s super exclusive skill)
Number of stars: five stars

Level: LV1
Explanation [-]: The Sword Immortal has twelve hatreds: the first hatred is that the power of heaven is not available, the second hatred is that the land is difficult to find, the third hatred is that the magic sword is unfavorable, the fourth hatred is that the fashion is too ugly, the fifth hatred is that the backpack is too heavy, the sixth hatred is that the pendant is missing, and the seventh hatred is that the secret skill is ordinary , The eight hatreds are that the combat skills are ineffective, the ninth hatred is that there are too few gold coins, the tenth hatred is that the immortal couple is hard to find, the eleventh hatred is that there are too many mediocre people, and the twelve hatreds are that being alone is invincible.

Explanation 12: Consume 12 points of fighting spirit and launch (skill level) attacks consecutively. If the [-]th hit is achieved, the total skill damage will be doubled.

Note 10: Use stunts to kill 2 enemies, and your skill level can be upgraded to LV12. Five-star stunts can be upgraded to LV[-].

"Good guy, the Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds is indeed an exclusive skill. It is more suitable for me than the mighty Tianlong. It's a pity that the skill level is only LV1 now, which is just a basic attack!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment and left the cave directly.

"Why rest? If you don't sell your liver now, when will you sell your liver?"

Lu Chaoding muttered that he couldn't wait to go to the jungle so that he could upgrade the Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds.

Soon, Lu Chaoding entered the reopened Fire Cave instance.

He replaced the [Flying Snow Battle Clothes] with [Shenji Miaojue], replaced [Taiyi Spectral Light] with [Pifu Sword], took off the [Spectral Light Sword Shadow] skill book, and did not equip the [Black Sword Sabre-toothed Tiger].

In order to ensure that he can kill the target with his special skill [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds], Lu Chaoding did not dare to let his attack power be too high. After all, activating this combat skill requires twelve points of fighting spirit. Lu Chaoding took the Invigorating Pill, and then Coupled with the characteristics of [Magical Awareness], you can only enter the battlefield with 10 points of fighting spirit. You must launch two attacks to accumulate 12 points of fighting spirit, and then you can use [Sword Immortal Twelve Hate] to complete the attack. kill.

After an hour of busy work, Lu Chaoding upgraded [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] to LV2.

He came out of the [Hine Tooth Cave], riding a tiger and wielding a sword, heading towards the Lion Mountain.

The time has come for him to proceed with the invasion.

The invasion activities have not changed. 500 gold yuan can be used to invade once. Lu Chaoding went from two points to six points and spent 8000 yuan. He invaded 16 times in total and was able to get the treasure box every time.

By nightfall, Lu Chaoding had collected 26 Ye Linlang's corpses and produced a large number of skill books. Unfortunately, the skill book he wanted most, the [Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique], was still not available.

Lu Chaoding did not rest, riding a tiger and wielding a sword, and went to hunt night beasts again.

At the Great Sword Breaking the Void Mountain, Zhao Weike was heading along a dark secret passage.

"Junior brother, where are you going?"

A voice sounded behind him.

Zhao Weike turned around and looked around, and found Niu Daren coming out of the darkness.

"Oh shit, why are you still following me!"

Zhao Weike was very surprised. Before entering this secret passage, he went around and around and finally got rid of all the players such as Zhang Jiaqiang. Unexpectedly, he failed to get rid of this NPC.

"This seems to be the passage to the forbidden area in the back mountain." Niu Daren walked slowly to Zhao Weike.

Zhao Weike spread his hands and said, "Yes, what's wrong? I'm going to see the old demon Ye Longxing, what can you do?"

Niu Daren laughed, then suddenly turned cold and said, "Junior brother, you are actually an undercover agent of the Golden Sword Sect!"

After saying this, Niu Daren suddenly drew his sword, and Zhao Weike let out an ouch and his eyes widened.

A large sword penetrated his chest.

His health bar was completely empty.

The next moment, Zhao Weike's body turned into light and disappeared, and the items in his storage space fell out.

Niu Daren bent down, rummaged through the pile of items with some disgust, and found the [Yangshen Pill]. Then he stood up, looked at the dark passage, and continued to move forward after a slight hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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