Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 64 A Hidden Profession

Chapter 64 Ten Hidden Professions
The stars are hidden and the night is like fog.

Lu Chaoding brushed the night beast on the top of Canine Tooth Mountain.

The Dungeon Dungeon dungeon is gone, as is the Tengu Secret Realm. The top of the mountain now resembles a volcanic crater, with a circular pit hollowed out. The night beasts spawned in it are generally between level 15 and 20, and are stronger than those in other wild areas. Nocturnal beasts are stronger.

"Just a little while longer, raise [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] to LV4 and then go to sleep!"

Lu Chaoding muttered. In fact, he was also a little sleepy at this time. After all, he was a mortal body of flesh and blood. It was inevitable that his physical strength would decline. Being able to continue fighting relied on perseverance.

In the end, Lu Chao stayed up until early in the morning and pushed [Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hate] to LV5 before returning to the cave to rest.

But before ten o'clock on the second day, Lu Chaoding got up again, and continued to level up [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds] with high morale, ignoring other things, not even going to the Great Sword Poxu Mountain.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Lu Chaoding sat on a rock and took a nap. Just after taking two bites of compressed biscuits, the lead jade automatically flew out of its storage space, and Ye Cuihua's voice came from inside: "Little Junior Brother, have my father’s bones not been found yet? That’s all, things will change later, so I’ll go find it myself!”

with a snap.

The charm is broken!
Lu Chaoding then received another system prompt: "Ding, please complete the special opportunity mission [Recovery] as soon as possible. The mission ends at 18:[-] today and will be invalidated after it expires."

"There is actually a time limit for this mission?"

Lu Chaoding didn't care about eating biscuits anymore, rode a tiger and sword, and immediately went to sea.

Two hours later, he arrived at the small island. When he stepped on the reef near the sea, the plot was immediately triggered.

The gorgeous small building boat broke through the light barrier and landed on the island.

"Junior brother Lu Chaoding!"

Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua flew off the ship holding hands. Ye Cuihua said with a look of surprise, "Junior brother, did you find my father's body?"

Lu Chao said: "We lived up to our expectations and exceeded our expectations. Not only were the bones of your Majesty found, but 26 of them were found!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding opened the storage space and arranged the 26 [Ye Linlang's bones] neatly in front of Ye Cuihua and Niu Daren.

"This is great..."

Ye Cuihua's expression suddenly switched back and forth between surprise and confusion in a ghostly manner.

Niu Daren maintained a sculptural smile.

"If you don't believe it, you can inspect the goods. I guarantee that they are all genuine. If they are fake, you will be compensated ten percent!" Lu Chaoding said with a smile.

Niu Daren said: "It is undoubtedly the bones of Senior Ye!"

Ye Cuihua had a ghostly expression on her face, but she also said: "Junior brother is very capable and admirable. Alas, back then my father was bewitched by a traitor and broke into the Great Sword Sect alone. He eventually died. It has been 20 years since I, an unfilial descendant, killed his ten corpses. Welcome back...junior brother Lu Chaoding, please pay homage to Ye Cuihua!"

"Master's wife does not need to salute, as long as you fulfill your promise and give me the inheritance of ancient sword cultivation!"

"That's natural!"

While speaking, Ye Cuihua waved her sleeves, and one [Ye Linlang's corpse] disappeared. She was stunned for a moment, then waved her sleeves, and the second [Ye Linlang's corpse] disappeared, and then waved her sleeves and waved. He waved his sleeves and collected 10 [Ye Linlang's bones] in a row.

Then, Ye Cuihua took the initiative.

"What's wrong? The computer crashed?"

Lu Chaoding's heart tightened and he hurriedly said: "Master's Wife, Master's Wife, what's wrong with you? Master's Wife, you can't freeze! The reward hasn't been given yet!"

Fortunately, just five breaths later, Ye Cuihua moved again. She took out a piece of jade from her arms, and just as she was about to hand it to Lu Chao, she retracted her arm, and then took out the second piece of jade from her arms. Lu Chao When Ding wanted to take it, she retracted her arm, then repeated the movements like a ghost, and finally held ten jade pieces in both hands and sent them to Lu Chaoding.

There is no doubt that those ten pieces of jade are the "inheritance of ancient sword cultivation".

Lu Chaoding secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He took a look at the 16 [Ye Linlang's bones] on the ground and said, "Master's sister-in-law, take a closer look. These remaining 16 corpses are all genuine. Why don't you collect them too?" Okay, just give me some reward." As he spoke, he happily took the ten jade pieces, but without waiting to check, he immediately received the system prompt: "Ding, congratulations on getting the opportunity item, you will receive it automatically. Opportunity mission: Use the inherited jade talisman, change your job to a hidden profession, obtain professional characteristics, and the reward for completing the mission will be +1000!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts. Update the tracking task: use 10 inheritance jade talismans, transfer to a hidden profession, obtain 10 professional characteristics, and the reward for completing the task will be -1000!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked.

Hidden occupation!

He quickly checked the jade piece in his hand.

They have been bound to Lu Chaoding. They are all job-changing jade talismans, corresponding to ten hidden professions. After use, they can be transferred to: [Duobao Sword Immortal], [Qinglian Sword Immortal], and [Shangqing Sword Immortal]. , [Dayan Sword Immortal], [Yin Yang Sword Immortal], [Daluo Sword Immortal], [Tai Chi Sword Immortal], [Wuji Sword Immortal], [Moral Sword Immortal], [Huangquan Sword Immortal].

But obviously, ordinary players who get these jade charms for job transfer can only transfer to a hidden job and obtain a job characteristic. If they are used too much, they will just keep changing jobs and replacing them. They cannot superimpose the job features.

But when it comes to Lu Chaoding, there are occasional unreliable system tampering, and maybe you can change your job to ten hidden professions at the same time.

Lu Chaoding suddenly became excited and shouted: "Ten hidden professions!"

He couldn't wait to use the jade talisman for job change immediately, and immediately received the system prompt: "Ding, you used the [Duobao Sword Immortal] jade talisman for job transfer, and changed your job to [Duobao Sword Immortal]. You will gain professional characteristics: every time the character improves by 10 level, your weapon slot, fashion slot, backpack slot, and pendant slot will each increase by one!"

"Ding, you used the [Qinglian Sword Immortal] Jade Talisman for job transfer and obtained professional characteristics: after entering the battle, the fighting spirit will reach the full value immediately, and when the action starts, a certain amount of fighting spirit will be automatically obtained..."

"Ding, you used the [Moral Sword Immortal] Jade Talisman for job transfer and obtained professional characteristics: after being attacked, you will not enter the battle space. Every time the character increases by 10 levels, the number of saves +1..."

"Ding, you used the [Shangqing Sword Immortal] Jade Talisman for job transfer and obtained professional characteristics: increase the level limit of all secret skills. Every time the character increases by 10 levels, the level limit +1..."

"Ding, you used the [Dayan Sword Immortal] Jade Talisman for job transfer and obtained professional features: increase the level limit of all combat skills. Every time the character increases by 10 levels, the level limit +1..."

"Ding, you used the [Daluo Sword Immortal] Jade Talisman for job transfer and obtained professional features: increase the level limit of all stunts. Every time the character increases by 10 levels, the level limit +1..."

Lu Chaoding used up all ten pieces of inherited jade talismans. In name, he was still the first to change his profession to become the "Multiple Sword Immortal", but his professional characteristics were really superimposed.

"Haha, it's taking off, I'm taking off! No, it's ascending! I'm ascending!"

He roared excitedly.

But at this time, Lu Chaoding received another system prompt: "Ding, an unknown error was found and will be repaired automatically!"

Boom boom boom!

Lightning suddenly fell from the clear sky and struck Lu Chaoding, making him tremble as if he had been electrocuted.


Lu Chaoding's consciousness was clear. He felt severe pain. He opened his mouth and blew out a puff of thick smoke. He then received a system prompt: "Ding, automatic repair!"

Immediately, another lightning struck down. Lu Chaoding could not dodge at all, and was struck straight up and trembling.

"Ding, occasionally the system starts unreliably, protect the host program from running!"

"Ding, host, please continue to accept system lightning strikes. Occasionally, the unreliable system is looking for loopholes in the order system for you and rewriting the protection plan!"

"Ding, the protection plan has been rewritten successfully. Congratulations to the host for changing his job to a hidden profession [Shangqing Daode Yin Yang Wuji Huangquan Qinglian Dayan Taiji Luo Duobao Sword Immortal], referred to as Duobao Sword Immortal. The special characteristics are reshaped and integrated, and the time is spiritual. If it doesn't work, please feel free to accept the system lightning strike. This system has tried its best. If you are satisfied, please give it a five-star rating!"

boom boom boom boom...

The system's lightning strikes continued to fall. Lu Chaoding's body stiffened and he trembled: "Hot chicken, you're a bad system, one-star negative review..."

 Thanks to Yun Xiyu, Gorgeous Fireworks and other bosses for the rewards, and thank you all for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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