Chapter 65

On the small island, Lu Chaoding was constantly struck by lightning.

Although he won't be hacked to death, it really hurts, as if his whole body was being pricked with needles!
The two NPCs, Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua, were standing nearby, as if they couldn't see Lu Chaoding receiving the lightning strike, but they were still advancing the plot.

Ye Cuihua said: "I really want to thank Junior Brother Lu Chaoding this time. I have achieved the purpose of this trip and it is time to return. Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, please leave with me and go to Tiancong Prefecture in the Central Plains. My Ye family I have a foundation in Tiancong State and my power is no worse than that of Dajian Sect. If you join the Ye family, I will not treat you badly."

Niu Daren followed: "Yes, junior brother, defect from the Great Sword Sect with me and go to Tiancong Prefecture. The prosperity of Tiancong Prefecture is not comparable to that of this small Tianxing Island! Huh? Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, Why don't you speak?"

Lu Chaoding also received a system prompt at this time: "Ding, trigger the plot, accept Ye Cuihua's invitation or reject it, please make a choice, your choice will affect the subsequent plot!"

It's a pity, how can Lu Chaoding make a choice at this time?
"Junior brother, don't hesitate, leave this small Tianxing Island, the world is vast, I will take you to see thousands of rivers and mountains!" Niu Daren urged.

Ye Cuihua frowned and said in a deep voice: "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, please make a decision quickly. I can't stay here for too long. It will be bad if I am discovered by the Dajian Sect patrol!"

"Junior brother, why don't you speak!"

"Junior brother, don't you want to leave the Great Sword Sect?"

Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua kept asking questions, but Lu Chao was struck by lightning and could not even hum.

In this way, time passed until night.

Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua were still tirelessly urging Lu Chaoding to reply.

Suddenly, the thunder stopped appearing, and Lu Chao, who had been struck by lightning for nearly four hours, lay on the ground like mud.

He felt like his bones were melting and he had no strength left in his body.

"it is finally over……"

Lu Chaoding muttered. At this moment, he deeply realized that no matter whether it was a game system or an occasionally unreliable system, it was a system that could torment him.

And this world really doesn’t care about human rights.

"Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, are you willing to betray the Great Sword Sect and follow me to Tiancong Prefecture?"

Ye Cuihua came to ask questions again.

At this time, a booming, booming, deep sound sounded, as if there was thunder rolling in the clouds in the sky.

Lu Chaoding was lying down. When he raised his eyelids, he saw a huge sword tip in the night sky piercing the clouds. It emitted golden light and slowly revealed a giant tower-like sword body.

Niu Daren was shocked and shouted: "No, it's the Great Elder, the Great Elder is here!"

"Great Elder? The patrol elder should patrol the sea!" Ye Cuihua also exclaimed, "No, leave quickly!"

She quickly pulled Niu Daren and flew towards the Linglong Flying Boat, but she did not forget to greet Lu Chaoding: "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, let's go quickly, don't hesitate. Ying Xunhai is the number one master of the Great Sword Sect, the most arrogant and ruthless, he was Take it down, we won’t survive!”

Lu Chao mustered up his energy and worked hard to get up. He took a look at the 16 [Ye Linlang's bones] next to him and hurriedly went to collect them.

At this moment, these 16 [Ye Linlang's Bones] are useless mission props, and they are also bound and cannot be sold. However, after all, they were hard-earned, so Lu Chaoding thought that there might be some use in keeping them.

"Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, hurry up!"

"It's too late..."

Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua boarded the Linglong Flying Boat and shouted loudly to Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding regained some strength, and he thought, should he go with Niu Daren and the others?
If you go with them, can you really leave Tianxing Island?
This is considered leaving Novice Village early. What are the benefits?
But no matter what the benefits are, I will definitely not be able to participate in the subsequent plot of Tianxing Island, and this loss is not small.

If he stayed, would Xunhai elder Ying Xunhai really have to kill himself?
Or hold a trial, torture or something like that?

Lu Chaoding felt a little headache. After hearing the shouts of Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua again, he stood up with his sword, thinking that he might as well run away with Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua.

But just as he rose with his sword, he paused again.

"I can even kill the Fiery Tengu. It's just a patrolling elder. If you can't just hack him to death, why are you running away? I'll go back and unify the Great Sword Sect..."

His eyes lit up and he turned around suddenly, wanting to take a look at the attribute information of Ying Xunhai. Suddenly he heard a thunderous shout from high in the sky: "The Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword!" The next moment, eight-handled thunder dragons appeared. An ordinary giant sword fell from the sky. Lu Chao raised his head, as if facing the scorching sun, and the golden light quickly occupied his entire field of vision.

"Ding, you have been affected by the Great Universe Shattering Divine Sword that the Great Elder of the Great Sword Sect should patrol the sea!"

"Ding, you were sucked into the Shattered Void!"

"Ding, you have escaped from the boundary of Tianxing Island. You are currently drifting in the void, a special area, and cannot escape through death. Please wait for the void to be repaired or to be rescued by others!"

"Ding, it's estimated that it will take 10 days to repair the void!"

Lu Chaoding rubbed his eyes and quickly glanced around. He didn't know whether Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua were left behind. He was lying on a boulder at the moment, and the boulder was floating. There was nothing around him. It was so quiet that he could only watch. To the deep starry sky.

"The great elder took me to outer space with a sword?"

Lu Chaoding was stunned.

"So, I have to stay in this damn place for 10 days? Is there any mistake? I can even kill the Fiery Tengu. So, isn't the Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword too exaggerated? Isn't the system unreliable? No Reliable system, please come out, you bitch, tell me what to do?"

Lu Chaoding frowned. He studied for a moment and finally accepted the reality.

That is, he is now as if he has been exiled, with nowhere to go. Even the entrance to the exclusive cave cannot be opened, the forum cannot be entered, and he cannot play virtual sword debate or anything like that.

After accepting this reality, Lu Chaoding lay down.

"I have no human rights, but sooner or later, I have to get rid of the system and transcend. It is said that my fate is up to me, so I have to let the system call me brother!"

He shook his head and then opened his properties panel to check.

Name: Lu Chaoding
Occupation: Supreme Pure Virtue, Yin and Yang, Infinite Underworld, Qinglian, Dayan, Taiji, Luoduobao Sword Immortal

Rating: 20
Repair: 0/1000
Professional characteristics: Professional characteristics become stronger as the character level increases, and are strengthened once every 10 levels.

[Superior]: The upper limit of secret skill level +1.

[Dayan]: The upper limit of combat skill level is +1.

[Da Luo]: The upper limit of stunt level +1.

[Tai Chi]: Secret skill column +1, combat skill column +1, stunt column +1.

[Duobao]: Weapon slot +1, Fashion slot +1, Back item slot +1, Pendant slot +1.

[Moral]: Save and enter combat twice.

[Yin Yang]: Allows indiscriminate attacks (can attack enemies, teammates, or empty attacks).

[Wuji]: Allows you to change clothes during war, change skills during war, and use auxiliary props during war.

[Underworld]: Additional secret skill [Underworld Transformation Technique]!
[Qinglian]: After entering the battle, the fighting spirit is fully restored, and the fighting spirit is +1 before each action.

Life: 3900+15000=18900
Attack: 390+1500+30=1920
Toughness: 4+75+6=85
Defense: 4+75+6=85
Tianquan: Yinghuo LV1
Ground animals: Black Sword Sabretooth Tiger LV12, Fire Tengu’s Phantom LV6×18
Fighting spirit: 0/24
Talents: Sword Control (LV5), Sword Flying, Speed ​​Master, Air Escape Master

Secret Skills: Splitting Sword Shadow (LV5), Sky
Special Secret Technique: Underworld Transformation Technique
Combat Skills: Echo of the Sword (LV2) (True Solution·Guiyuan), Kong
Special Skills: Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hatreds (LV5, True Solution·Shen Lian), Kong
Weapons: Taiyi Spectrum (refined +0), air
Flying Sword: Daxuan Sword (refined +6)

Fashion: Magical Awareness (Refined +2), Sora
Pendant: Giant Tiger waist card (refined +3), empty
Back parts: Ghost panel ax (refined +3), empty
Status: The attack type is special fire attack, ignoring defense (from Tianquan).

Status: The main weapon is hidden, and the skill adds the [Riding Slash] special effect (from the ground).

Status: Full resistance +20%, physical dodge +14%, and immediately gain 8 points of fighting spirit (from the divine sense) when entering combat.

Status: The professional characteristics may not work intermittently. When the professional special effects fail, the corresponding equipment, skill books, etc. will be dropped. Players are asked to explore for details.

 Thanks to 0 Liu Shui Fu Yun 0, Qin Shihuang X, Qin Han and other bosses for their generous rewards. Thank you all for your support.I received a notice that it will be put on the shelves tomorrow, which is quite sudden. I will add more updates after it is put on the shelves!

(End of this chapter)

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