Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 68 Evil God or Vampire (First order requested)

Chapter 68 Evil God or Vampire (First order requested)
The Machine King Universe, No. AACDBHJLMDE, in the Novice Village, Tianming Terrace.

A short player with a small beard under his nose was drawing.

Not far away from him, under the Destiny Stage, stood a dark-skinned player with dreadlocks.

"Come on, Mr. Jingxia, you will definitely get a five-star weapon this time!"

The dreadlocked player shouted.

"I hope so!"

The short player looked focused. He only had the last lottery ticket left, so he cherished it very much. But just when he raised his arm and wanted to throw out the last lottery ticket, black light suddenly fell from the sky. With a loud bang, it hit the short player in front of him, scaring him so much that he sat down on the ground.

"Oh, my god, black light, why is there black light? Inoshita-kun, what did you pull out?"

The dreadlocked player immediately ran forward curiously.

But the short player rolled back and shouted, "I haven't used the lottery ticket yet."

The black light that descended dissipated at this moment, and a figure appeared on the Tianming Platform.

The one who comes is naturally Lu Chaoding!
"This is the Machine Emperor Universe?"

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes and first looked at the short player in front of him.


"Huh? Alien devils! Gan!"

Lu Chaoding opened his eyes and without saying a word, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward. The Taiyi Light Splitting Sword appeared with a large group of sword shadows. The Piffle Sword also appeared with a small group of sword shadows. Then the sword shadows washed away like a torrent. , like an angry dragon, rushed towards Yasuo Ishita.

Yasuo Inoshita didn't even have a chance to grunt, he was immediately killed. His body turned into white light and quickly disappeared.

"Ding, kill players from other worlds, plane merit +10!"

Lu Chaoding heard the crisp system prompt.

"Oh, my God, who are you and why do you want to kill Jingxia!"

The player with dreadlocks hugged his head and exclaimed.

Lu Chaoding looked at the player again.

[Hans: LV9 Cannon King, life 820, attack 82, defense 1, toughness 1, speed 100! 】

"The King of Artillery? I'll let you know the King of Artillery! Gan!"

Lu Chao raised his hand and pointed at the black man Hans, then he attacked with his sword. The shadow of the sword curled up, killing him easily.

"Ding, kill players from other worlds, plane merit +9!"

Lu Chao waved his sleeves and walked off the Destiny Platform.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out.

It was a gray-haired old woman wearing a black robe, with a hooked nose, wrinkles on her face, and sunken eye sockets. At this moment, she was frowning, looking at Lu Chaoding seriously, and asked: "Who are you?"

Lu Chaoding can see her attribute information. She is the special commissioner of [Nut Fortress], named "Kabaka". She is a level 15 pilot. She is roughly equivalent to Niu Daren of Tianxing Island. She is from the safe zone. guard.

"A pilot wearing a witch's robe?" Lu Chaoding snorted, "How dare you ask me who I am?"

He took action again, with a simple sword attack, killing the level 15 NPC.

Lu Chaoding was now equipped with the Taiyi Splitting Light Sword and the Piffle Sword, two main weapons with an attack power of 2010. With the blessing of the splitting light sword shadow, the output exploded and he could instantly kill a level 15 NPC with ease.

"Japanese, black people, this Machine Emperor Universe is a bit interesting!"

Lu Chaoding mounted the black saber-toothed tiger, then took up the Daxuan Sword. After observing his surroundings for a moment, he flew towards the huge steel cross not far away.

The huge steel cross is called [Machine King Coordinates], and it is a resurrection point. Yasuo Inoshita and Hans have been resurrected here.

"Oh, damn it! Jingxia, did you draw out the evil god?"

"I didn't pull him out, he came out by himself. Yes, yes, he should be the evil god! Or a vampire who ran out of the ghost battleship!"

Yasuo Inoshita and Hans couldn't see Lu Chaoding's attribute information at all. They imagined his identity and shouted loudly. When they saw Lu Chaoding coming over, they quickly split up and ran away.

Lu Chaoding heard Ishita Yasuo's cry and shouted: "Fuck you vampire, I am a swordsman!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward, the shadow of his sword roared, and he killed Yasuo Ishita again.

Yasuo Inoshita was killed before and his level dropped to LV9. Lu Chaoding killed him again and only got 9 points of plane merit.

The captain resurrected under the Cross of the Machine King and shouted: "Why kill me!"

"How dare you grow a devil's beard!" Lu Chaoding ruthlessly killed him again.

After his resurrection, Lu Chaoding took action again.

"How dare you bow your legs!"

"How dare you call Yasuo Inoshita!"

"How dare you... This swordsman must have a reason for killing people, how dare you look like a Japanese!"

"How dare you be a man!"

Lu Chao shouted loudly, killing Inoshita Yasuo once every time he shouted, so he beat Inoshita Yasuo to level one in less than 2 minutes.

At this time, killing Yasuo Inoshita will no longer give him any merit in the plane.

Lu Chaoding shouted again: "How dare you not give merit to the plane!"

He killed Yasuo Inoshita once more, and then he rode a tiger and a sword to hunt down Hans, the black man.

Daxuan Sword carried the black sword Shihu, and the speed was much faster than Na Hans' two legs.

"No, no, no, the vampire has escaped from prison!"

he shouted loudly.

Lu Chao hit him to death with one finger and shouted: "How dare you look so dark!"

Then he blocked the resurrection point and killed Hans all the way to level one.

"This swordsman comes to this world and kills indiscriminately!"

Lu Chaoding felt very comfortable. At this moment, there was a bang. Lu Chaoding felt like something was touched on the back of his head. His health points were reduced by 30 points, and his toughness also dropped a bit.

"Someone attacked!"

He looked back and saw a blond female player in the distance holding a flashy thing that looked like a plastic water gun and aimed at him.

[Chubis: LV15 Gunslinger? ? ? 】

Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up and he saw the brief message from the other party. Without saying a word, he immediately rushed over, riding a tiger and wielding a sword.

"Eh? Why didn't you enter the battle space?" The female player looked confused. He pulled the trigger again, and with a bang, he fired another shot at Lu Chao.

Lu Chaoding predicted in advance that he wanted to block the bullet with Taiyi's splitting lightsaber, but he was not skilled enough and failed to block it. The bullet hit him between the eyebrows. Lu Chaoding only felt like he was hit by a small flying insect.

Due to his [Morality] attribute, Lu Chaoding had two chances to be exempted from entering the battle. At this moment, he was not pulled into the battle space. He pulled out the big black knife from his back and dragged it with his straight arm, like a warrior charging on the battlefield.

The gunner's attack range is farther than Lu Chaoding's, but if Lu Chaoding charges casually, the female player will enter his attack range. "How dare you attack me from behind!"

Lu Chaoding shouted loudly, and 50 meters away, he slashed with a big sword, and a torrent of sword shadows appeared out of thin air and quickly rushed towards the female player.

The female player didn't have time to fire the third shot, and she immediately turned into white light as if being bombarded by dense missiles.

Lu Chao rode a tiger and wielded a sword, and changed direction, thinking of blocking the resurrection point and knocking the female player to level one.

After all, he was here to gain dimensional merit.

But Lu Chaoding soon discovered that there was no figure of the female player under the Machine Emperor Cross.

Yasuo Inoshita and Hans sat paralyzed under the Cross of the Machine King. They witnessed the murder of the gun god Cupis. At this moment, they saw Lu Chao coming over. He was lying down if he didn't want to escape.

Lu Chaoding was too lazy to kill them again and shouted: "Where is Cupis?"

"Qubis?" Yasuo Inoshita raised his hand and said, "She is at the highland resurrection point!"

Hans was more direct, stood up and said: "I will lead the way!"

This old black man actually led the way, and Yasuo Inoshita also followed him, saying: "She can't run very far. Lord Evil God, please be sure to fuck her to the first level!"

Hans said: "Not only her, please Sir Evil God, please kill several other guys as well!"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes.

There's something wrong with these two guys.

Want players from the same village to be killed?

Could it be that he had some trouble with them?
Lu Chaoding didn't bother to think about this. He didn't believe Hans's guidance. At this moment, Yu Jian soared into the air and rose to the highest level, about a hundred meters above the ground, and then observed the terrain from a high place.

This place is obviously not Tianxing Island, but it seems to be an isolated island in the sea. There are no mountains or canyons here. The terrain is distributed in a ladder shape. Looking up, you can see a huge battleship lying on the high ground in the distance. Visually measure the length of the battleship. It is no less than 1000 meters high, like a steel hill, with rusty spots on the outside, as if it has been stranded for a long time.

Under the strange battleship, there is indeed a small camp. You can see the Machine King's Cross and the Destiny Platform inside, and you can also see players active in it.

To the left and right of the battleship, there are some dilapidated church-like buildings.

Looking across the high ground, Lu Chaoding could see further away, as if there was a high black wall standing on the high ground at the top of the steps.

The high wall had a metallic sheen, and there seemed to be many tall towers behind it, but due to the distance and some thin mist, no more details could be seen.

"Could that be Nut Fortress?"

If Lu Chaoding realized something, he looked down along the terrain and could see the coast and a huge building that looked like an old castle or the wreckage of a spaceship in the coastal reef area.

"This is the novice village of the Machine Emperor Universe. I wonder if there is also a three-act plot. If we compare it with Tianxing Island, there are buildings that look like old castles and the remains of spaceships, huge broken battleships, and things that have not yet been determined. The black wall tower area may be similar to the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain, the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain and the Great Sword Poxu Mountain. If this is true, then the players in this novice village are not bad, and at least the plot has been advanced to the second act."

Lu Chaoding thought silently, and soon came up with a plan: "First defeat the players in this novice village, and then I will slowly study the others!"

At this moment, he no longer needed the two guys on the ground to lead the way. He rode a tiger and wielded a sword, and flew towards the small camp under the huge battleship as quickly as possible.

At this moment, in the camp, Chubis, who was resurrected under the Cross of the Machine Emperor, was frowning in a daze.

She still doesn't understand what's going on.

"Hey Cupis, why are you dead?"

A male player with a high nose and blue eyes waved to Cupis and said: "The level dropped by 15, you can't go to the ghost battleship!"

The man who spoke was level 16. His name was Marcus and he was a pilot by profession.

He climbed out of a four-meter-tall humanoid iron machine.

"Marcus, I may have encountered an evil god!"

Chubis said seriously, "He killed me!"

"Evil God?" Marcus smiled, "How is it possible? The Evil God is sealed deep in the Nut Fortress!"

"But that person... is too weird!"

Chubis recalled the battle experience just now. She couldn't figure out why she didn't enter the fighting space even though she hit the guy twice.

"Could you have met a vampire?"

Another person walked out of the camping tent not far away. This person's level was higher, actually reaching level 17. He had silver hair, a tall nose, sunken eye sockets, and a slight brown beard. He had a natural melancholic temperament.

He is the gun king Dahl, and his right arm is supported by a mechanical support like an exoskeleton. The mechanical support is fixed with a short, brass-colored cannon barrel that is as short as a forearm and has simple patterns carved on the outer surface, like an antique.

"The ghost battleship is about to revive, and the mutated vampire sealed inside it may escape."

Darjian said slowly, "But the mutant vampire who can kill you is definitely not bad. There is a high probability that he is a BOSS. Maybe we can form a team to kill him!"

"Mutant vampire?" Cupis shook his head, "No way! He looks just like the player, without the vampire's iconic fangs and wings, and his attack method is also different. He rides a tiger, The tiger stepped on the big sword, and he used a weird long-handled broadsword, but he released a large blade at once and killed me instantly!"

"Oh?" Dal Ding's interest greatly increased after hearing this, "If it is according to what you said, it shouldn't be a prince-level vampire, right?"

"Prince level?"

Marcus also became interested after hearing this, and shouted: "Team up, form a team, let's go and see what happens. If you really encounter a prince-level vampire, you will definitely gain a huge harvest after killing it!"

"Okay, I'll prepare the steam cannon. Marcus, get on your iron mecha. Chubis, get up and lead the way!"

Gun King Darding rubbed his fists.

At this time, without Cupis leading the way, Lu Chaoding, riding a tiger and wielding a sword, had already arrived outside the camp.

"it's him!"

Cupis pointed at Lu Chao's top and shouted.

"It really doesn't look like an ordinary vampire! Is it a prince-level one?" As soon as the pilot Marcus spoke, he immediately got into his iron-clad mecha, and with a rumble, the mecha started to move.

Dar Ding raised his eyes to look, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he said: "What a vampire, he actually came to die and take a shot from me!"

While speaking, the artillery king raised his right arm, and the small antique-looking cannon barrel immediately emitted light, and then with a ripple, a black cannonball was fired from the muzzle.

The cannonball exploded in Lu Chaoding's chest, killing 500 points of his health.

"What a powerful vampire, the health bar is so long!"

Darjing exclaimed and was suddenly stunned. No, why didn't he enter the battle space?

At this time, Lu Chaoding had flown in front of these three people, only about ten meters away from Dar Ding. He heard this guy's exclamation, but he had no patience to talk nonsense with them, and shouted: "Fuck your sister's vampire, I It’s the Sword Immortal!”

After saying this, he slashed with his broadsword, and the shadow of the sword was like a torrent, directly beating the Dal nail into white light.

Even though this guy is level 17, in the face of Lu Chaoding's super high attack power, he is not much different from Yasuo Inoshita and Black Hans.

One touch is dead.

But after this attack, the scenery in front of Lu Chaoding changed.

He entered the battle space.

In the battle space, the gunner Dahl was half-kneeling on the ground. On the left stood the gunner Qubis, and on the right stood the iron mecha.

 Ask for the first order!
(End of this chapter)

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