Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 69 This vampire’s resentment is too deep

Chapter 69 This vampire’s resentment is too deep

"This vampire is quite powerful, at least it is at the prince level. Be careful!"

Although the artillery king Dal Ding, who was kneeling on the ground, could no longer move, he could still speak. He continued: "Visually estimated that his toughness is at least [-], and his health value is close to [-]."

Marcus, who was driving an iron-clad mecha, said: "The toughness is a bit exaggerated, but the life is actually not very high. Give me three rounds, and I can kill him even without breaking the toughness!"

Chubis said: "As long as I enter the battle space, as long as I control him with combat skills, I can kill him, but I have to build up some fighting spirit first!"

Dahl said: "We still have a chance to win! Marcus, you have high speed, go up and beat him!"

"Okay!" The iron-clad mecha nodded, and Marcus's voice came from inside: "My speed is as high as 150. I'll punch him first to get hatred..."

Lu Chaoding looked at the iron mecha opposite with some curiosity.

This mecha is very crude, as if it was modified from a dump truck. The iron sheet covered with scratches and oil stains is placed casually outside. A large number of mechanical parts are exposed. There are two exhaust pipes behind it that emit steam. Lu Chao top You can even see the driver inside through the gaps in those parts.

However, the driver's attribute information was hidden. There were only health bars and toughness bars on the iron mecha's head.

"Mard, drive a Gundam! But so what, I am a swordsman, and it's just a dump truck Gundam, just cut it down!"

A slight smile appeared on Lu Chaoding's face.

In his eyes, the players on the opposite side are nothing more than plane achievements.

He didn't quite believe that there was a player who could be stronger than himself now, and he happened to meet one.

Soon, the one-minute preparation time ended, and the pilot Marcus was stunned.

"What's going on? It's not my turn. My speed is as high as 150!"

He exclaimed.

Lu Chaoding on the opposite side couldn't help but sneer.

His speed at this time was as high as 206, so he was naturally the first to act at this moment.

"Please help me practice!"

Lu Chaoding said that he didn't want to waste too much time and immediately used his special skill: [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate]!
With the blessing of [Qinglian], he is full of fighting spirit at the beginning, and uses his unique moves as soon as he comes up.

With one move of the sword, clang clang clang clang...

The shadows of Taiyi's split light sword, Pifu sword and Tao Dao sword appeared neatly above Lu Chaoding's head, like a sword array, one by one, sparkling and ready to go.

Suddenly, the characteristics of [Duobao] failed, and the swords fell from the sky with a clang, and the shadows of the 32 swords disappeared, but this did not affect the overall situation. Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry to pick it up, and struck first. Then he slashed at the iron mecha.

"If you hate me, the power of heaven will not come out!"

Six golden consecutive characters appeared above Lu Chaoding's head, and the Taiyifen lightsaber and its sword shadow immediately washed out like a flood that broke a bank, and quickly burned.

"-1152, Shen Lian!"

"-576, lightsaber, Shen Lian!"

"-576, lightsaber, Shen Lian!"




"Breaking Toughness!-4640!"



The iron mecha's health and white bars were immediately empty, and before the flame blast was triggered, it exploded with a loud bang.

The damage overflows directly.

Lu Chao raised his sword again, and Taiyi's split light sword and 96 sword shadows returned, forming a neat sword formation again.

At this time, the iron mecha had exploded into parts and began to turn into light and disappear. The pilot Marcus was not dead. He crawled out of the iron mecha and exclaimed in surprise: "My mecha, ten thousand Durability and toughness of 50, just give me seconds?"

"Oops, how can he continue to take action after seeing him?"

Of course Lu Chaoding can continue to attack. His [Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hate] has been raised to LV5 and can be slashed five times in a row!
"The second hateful place is hard to find!"

The big characters floated up, the sword made a false move, and Marcus, who had just crawled out of the wreckage of the iron mecha and had not yet stood up, turned into a half-kneeling posture in defiance of physics. "Three Hate Sword Skills Are Unfavorable!"

Lu Chaoding simply struck out with his third sword, and Gunslinger Cupis was also killed.

The battle space was shattered, and the sword automatically returned to Lu Chaoding's storage space.

But Lu Chaoding, who returned to the camp, went straight to the Machine King's Cross without hesitation, and then attacked with his sword 50 meters away, and pulled the three gunners, Dart and Ding, into the fighting space.

These three people were completely confused at the moment.

Lu Chaoding was too lazy to talk nonsense. After the round started, he used his first hatred, second hatred, and third hatred, and made three false cuts with his sword before killing three more people.

After returning to the big world, he mercilessly struck again and killed Daldian with one knife. However, this time the three of Daldian had disbanded the team, and Chubis and Marcus immediately ran away separately.

"How dare you run away!"

Lu Chaoding continued to use his sword and sword, and beat the two people to death again before they were out of his attack range. Then Lu Chaoding had a thought in his mind, and the eighteen fireballs also appeared like the shadow of the [Black Saber Tooth Tiger]. They flew out, howling and roaring, and immediately surrounded the Machine Emperor Cross.

These little puppy heads are of course the [phantoms of the Fire Tengu].

Although they may seem vicious, they are actually phantoms at this time. They have no attack power and cannot be attacked. Only in the battle space will they transform into battle attendants and possess attributes.

At this point, the Underworld Sword Spirit is much better than Xiaotou. The Underworld Sword Spirit has real attributes. Lu Chaoding can summon them in the battle space or in the big world. They obey Lu Chaoding. Ding's commands also have a certain degree of autonomy and independence. To a certain extent, they are no different from players. They can pull enemies into the battle space, and can also be pulled into the battle space by the enemy. If Lu Chaoding does not cooperate with If they team up, they won't be affected.

However, Lu Chaoding did not summon the Huangquan Sword Spirit due to the professional characteristic of "sometimes working but not working".

"Damn it, this vampire has too much resentment. He blocked the resurrection point and killed us!"

"He actually summoned his servants!"

"He is not a vampire. Vampires are not like this. He is an evil god!"

"Isn't the Evil God sealed in the Nut Dungeon? And, isn't the Evil God a tank?"

"He must be another evil god! You two cover me, I'll go find Jinx!"

"it is good!"

The three of them hurriedly talked to each other, and their habitual thinking had prevented them from suspecting that Lu Chaoding was an "other world" player. Moreover, even though Lu Chaoding had said that he was a sword fairy, they still insisted that he was a vampire or an evil god. . .

Lu Chaoding killed them three more times in a row. When he was about to attack Dar Ding again, Bibis and Marcus suddenly blocked him with all their strength. Dar Ding also burst out with bravery, ran at top speed, and actually escaped. Lu Chaofeng's attack range.

Lu Chaoding smiled contemptuously.

He did not chase, but blocked the resurrection point, slashing Bibis and Marcus down one level at a time. When he could no longer obtain plane merit from these two people, he rode a tiger and a sword to chase Dar. nail.

Dahl was running in the direction of the huge battleship, but how could his running speed be as fast as that of the sword?
In less than 5 minutes, Lu Chaoding caught up with him. He equipped himself with a torn sack and sneaked up on Dar Ding from behind. He kicked him over first, then bullied him forward and stuffed him with three strikes. Into the sack.

As a swordsman, if you don't move your sword, it won't count as an attack, and you won't enter the battle space.

Lu Chaoding didn't say anything. He put the torn sack on his back and quickly returned to the Machine King's Cross. He threw the torn sack to the ground, and Dal Ding climbed out of it.

"You, you carried me back to the resurrection point!"

His face was distorted with shock, and his heart felt even colder.

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face, raised his sword, and shouted: "How dare you speak without my consent."

After saying that, he slashed with the sword, and the shadow of the sword washed away...

2 minutes later, Dal Ding was also knocked back to level one.

Lu Chaoding was satisfied. He rode a tiger and wielded a sword, and flew leisurely towards the huge battleship.

He felt that there should be wild monsters there that could be farmed.

On the way, Lu Chaoding checked the plane merit points he had accumulated, and surprisingly he already had 699 points!
"This meritorious service seems to be awarded based on the level for killing players below level 10, and for killing players above level 10, it is based on the level plus [-]..."

Lu Chaoding studied silently.

Suddenly, a system notification rang: "Ding, the Novice Village No. AACDBHJLMDE has completed all clearance tasks, the ghost battleship has awakened, and the plot has advanced. The ghost battleship Fetri has officially landed on Kuosen Island. It is about to start ruthless killings, and everyone in its field of vision appears. All the beings in it will be regarded as their undying enemies!”

"Ding, the main plot is advancing. It is expected that the senior combatants of Nut Fortress will arrive on the battlefield in two hours."

"Ding, while the ghost battleship is raging, all copies of Kuosen Island will be closed, all wild monsters will be hidden, the night beasts will no longer appear, and the camp safety zone will be cancelled, until the ghost battleship is eliminated!"

"Ding, the world BOSS ghost battleship related rankings, first kill records, etc. are online on the Kuosen Forum, so stay tuned!"

(End of this chapter)

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