Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 71: He is an SS-level combatant (additional update for A Hanxue Yeyue N)

Chapter 71 He is an SS-level combatant (additional update for A Hanxue Yeyue N)

Lu Chaoding came back after escaping for 2 minutes.


He folded his hands and frowned at [Ghost Battleship Frederick].

Just before escaping from the battle, Lu Chao launched a series of attacks and destroyed [Ghost Battleship Fetri] for a total of 204728 points of damage. Then he escaped. He thought about using [Escape Master] to fly a kite and slowly destroy [Ghost Battleship]. Frederick] grind to death.

But [Ghost Battleship Fetri] didn't pursue it at all, and just lay there to recover health.

And [Escape Master] also gave Lu Chao an escape state where he could not fight back for 3 minutes.

"In 3 minutes, [Ghost Battleship Frederick] can recover 15 HP! Doesn't it mean that I can only kill 5 HP in one attack? From entering the battle to releasing my escape state, it's almost the same. It also takes 5 minutes. If you can't use special skills, just kill 5 blood in 500 minutes. Even if you fly a kite, it will take eight hours to kill this [Ghost Battleship Fetri] with [-] million lives. …”

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He didn't have so much time to spend with this [Ghost Battleship Frederick], and the system announced that Nut Fortress would send combatants. The longer he stayed, the more variables there would be.

He actually also understood that fighting this [Ghost Battleship Frederick] was similar to fighting the Fire Tengu. He probably had to wait for the NPC to cripple it first, and then go pick it up.

But he is a stowaway now, and the Nut Fortress combatants may attack him if they come. In short, there are too many uncertain factors.

"It has the characteristic of being active and inactive at times, so be strong. Whether you can eat this big monster or not depends entirely on you!"

Lu Chaoding muttered.

At this moment, the three players who had escaped from the ghost battleship were hiding behind a rock and looking at Lu Chaoding.

"Hey, Jinx, is that a combatant from Camp Nut?"

The blond female player pointed at Lu Chaoding, who was riding a tiger and holding a sword in mid-air, and asked the gunner Jinx beside him.

"It should be, but it's just not very powerful, and it took 20 blood from the ghost battleship!" Jinx shook his head repeatedly.

Another female player said: "But he escaped unscathed. It seems that he can still take action. How about we go out and form a team with him?"

Jinx still shook his head and said: "Don't put too much hope in him. A beta tester on the forum broke the news that the combatants of Nut Fortress are graded, with the strongest SS level and the weakest B level. This one is riding a tiger. He was the first one to arrive, but the system didn’t notify him. He’s probably a B-level one. We’d better wait for a more reliable combatant to appear before we talk about forming a team.”

"Yes, teaming up with hot chicken combatants is tantamount to death!"

"Let's take a look at it first..."

The three of them talked in low voices and already regarded Lu Chaoding as a combatant sent by the Screw Base.

After all, he was able to knock out 20 health points of [Ghost Battleship Frederick], which is already outrageous and not something ordinary players can do, but when it comes to NPCs, it's not surprising.

In fact, Lu Chaoding also discovered these three players, but because he was in a state of escape, he was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Three minutes passed quickly. Lu Chaoding's escape state was lifted and he could attack again.

At this time, the characteristics of [Double Treasure] and [Qinglian] were both effective. Lu Chaoding immediately equipped the [Da Xuan Sword] to the second weapon slot, reducing the speed by 40 points.

"[Ghost Battleship Frederick] cannot be repelled, cannot be slowed down, and continuous actions cannot be achieved. It doesn't matter whether the speed is more or less. In any case, it can exceed it by a hundred, and it can run away after a hit, and it can escape the battle."

Lu Chaoding made a decision quickly. At this moment, his attack power reached 2160. He rode the tiger forward for a certain distance, then attacked with his sword 50 meters away, triggering a battle and entering the battle space as he wished.

"Qinglian's characteristics, please hold on, give me full fighting spirit, and use a special move!"

Lu Chaoding shouted, and he was ready to take action at this moment. The Taiyi splitting light sword, two physical splitting light swords, 96 Taiyi splitting light sword shadows, as well as the sword shadows of the Daxuan sword and 32 Daxuan swords were already in the sky above his head. Arranged into a sword formation.

The small dog head and the Bone Sword Master were also released.

After the preparation time was over, Lu Chao was overjoyed and received a system prompt: "Ding, the [Duobao] feature is partially out of order. Your Daxuan Sword loses 40% of its weapon damage increase!"

"Damn, I was shocked! I thought Qinglian's characteristics were gone!"

Lu Chao let out a breath. At this time, the characteristics of [Qinglian] were not malfunctioning. He immediately used his special skill without saying a word.

"I hate that the power of heaven cannot be released!"

"The second hateful place is hard to find!"

"Three Hates Magic Sword is disadvantageous!"

"Four Hate Fashions Are Too Ugly!"

Lu Chaoding launched four consecutive sword attacks as quickly as possible. When he was about to launch the fifth attack, the Daxuan Sword fell and the [Multiple Treasures] feature completely failed.

But in the end, Lu Chaoding fired his fifth sword.Boom boom boom boom...

[Ghost Battleship Frederick] was blown over again. The fire was beating wildly on its body, and the damage numbers were connected in a series. Before the damage numbers disappeared, three bone sword masters followed closely.

Lu Chaoding quickly looked through the battle records at this moment. He saw that the previous attack was preceded by the Taiyi Light Sword and the Daxuan Sword. The damage was 5120, and the total damage was 77220!

And then in the first round, the first four swords of [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds] had the attributes of Taiyi Light Sword and Daxuan Sword superimposed. Each attack stably dealt 102684 points of damage. The fifth sword Daxuan Sword dropped. The output is slightly lower at 67116.

Therefore, the first attack plus the first round attack, the total damage is 555072!

"55 damage! Okay!"

Lu Chaoding nodded. At this time, Huang Quan Sword Spirit and Xiao Xiaotou had completed their attacks. He ran away with the bucket again and used [Master of Escape] to get out of the battle.

After returning to the big world, Lu Chaoding found that [Ghost Battleship Fetri] was still lying on the spot repairing itself.

"This annoying blood regeneration speed!"

Lu Chaoding's heart suddenly moved. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground. A dark yellow circle of light appeared, and Huangquan Sword Spirit 001 crawled out of it.

"Although I can't attack now, my sword spirit can take action. Huangquan Sword Spirit 001, go ahead and chop it!"

Lu Chaoding gave a loud shout.

Underworld Sword Spirit 001 walked towards [Ghost Battleship Fetri] clumsily but firmly, then made a chopping motion, released his sword energy, and then pulled [Ghost Battleship Fetri] into the battle space, and a battle flag appeared out of thin air. .

"When entering the battle space, the ghost battleship Fetri cannot repair itself, and there is 1 minute of preparation time in the battle space. This means that Huangquan Sword Spirit 001 can buy me at least 1 minute to let the ghost battleship Frederick lost at least 5 HP, and the price was... Underworld Sword Spirit 001 was killed!"

Lu Chaoding thought quickly, and as he expected, about a minute and a half later, the system prompt rang in his ears: "Ding, your Huangquan Sword Spirit 001 was killed by [Ghost Battleship Fetri], and its level dropped by 1." , return to hell!"

There was a buzzing sound, the battle flag was broken, and [Ghost Battleship Fetri] reappeared, with its eyes spinning around and its tentacles dancing wildly, still repairing itself.

Lu Chaoding repeated his old trick and summoned Huangquan Sword Spirit 001 again. Its level had been reduced to LV9, but it didn't matter, Lu Chaoding let it die.

The obedient Huangquan Sword Spirit 001 quickly pulled [Ghost Battleship Fetri] into the battle space. When the battle was over and [Ghost Battleship Fetri] reappeared, Lu Chaoding's escape state had been lifted.

"Haha, two harassments, 15 lives lost!"

Lu Chaoding was very proud. At this time, with his [Duobao] and [Qinglian] characteristics, he did not dare to delay. He hung the Daxuan Sword on the second weapon column and immediately attacked the [Ghost Battleship]. Frederick].

This time, Lu Chaoding successfully used [Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hate], a unique move that dealt damage plus first attack, and the total damage hit a new high, reaching 590640!

"This is almost my highest output in a single action so far! If I do this a few more times, killing this ghost battleship will not be a problem!"

Lu Chao was very motivated to fight. He would use the Skeleton Sword Master to harass him after he got out of the battle. He would take action himself when the escape state was released. The [Underworld] trait was very reliable this time and never failed. The [Duobao] trait and [Qinglian] 】The characteristics are sometimes effective and not effective, which makes Lu Chaoding very depressed, but even if these two characteristics are not effective, Lu Chaoding's damage output is still very impressive.

In this way, about four and ten minutes later, when Lu Chaoding escaped from the battle again, [Ghost Battleship Fetri] suddenly only had 10 health points left!

Lu Chao was overjoyed, and just when he sent the Underworld Sword Spirit 001, which had been knocked down to the first level, to continue harassing [Ghost Battleship Frederick], the Jinx trio who had been hiding behind the rocks in the distance suddenly rushed over. .

"I made a mistake. This NPC must be an SS-level combatant!"

"He's pulling back and forth, is he just waiting for players to come forward and form a team?"

"This must be the case. We can't hesitate any longer. [Ghost Battleship Fetri] has only its blood skin left. If we don't form a team, we won't be able to catch up!"

"Haha, great, we can get the first kill!"

"It can also be reported to the whole server..."

The three of them were very excited and sent an application to form a team to Lu Chaoding from afar.

"Ding, player Jinx invites you to join the team. Do you agree?"

Lu Chao was stunned.

Can we still form a team?
He thought for a while, an idea came to his mind, and then responded to the system: "Agree!"

The next moment, the team panel popped up, and the team was actually formed successfully!

 That's it in the morning, and then continue in the evening!

  Thank you all for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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