Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 72 The Awakened Evil God (Thanks for the reward)

Chapter 72 The Awakened Evil God (Thanks for the reward~~尐嚸声ル)

If the team is successfully formed, a consistent relationship between friends and foes will be established, allowing players to temporarily form a group.

However, because Lu Chaoding is a "stowaway", he and Jinx and others are not in the same channel at all. He cannot see the attribute data of Jinx and others, and Jinx and others cannot see his information. material.

This is very similar to players teaming up with NPCs.

At this moment, Jinx and others were more certain that Lu Chaoding was a combatant from Nut Fortress.

"It's strange that I can't see the name of this combatant, but he must be the highest-level combatant. He may still hold an important position in Nut Fortress!"

"Sir combatant, please kill the ghost battleship quickly!"

"Sir combatant, will the spoils be distributed as needed?"

The three of them also greeted Lu Chaoding warmly.

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face and just listened without speaking. Let these three people think whatever they want!
He agreed to the invitation to form a team, actually out of curiosity, but now that the team has been successfully formed, it is not a bad thing. Firstly, it can prevent these three guys from causing trouble, and secondly... it can also allow them to help him practice.

A moment later, Huang Quan Sword Spirit 001 successfully harassed [Ghost Battleship Feili] twice, and once again died heroically. Lu Chao's escape state was released, and he struck out ruthlessly with a single move of his sword.

boom boom boom...

After the sword shadow bombing, Lu Chaoding entered the battle space with [Ghost Battleship Fetri], Jinx and others.

At this time, [Ghost Battleship Frederick] still has 111660 health points.

"Combatant, show no mercy, kill it quickly!"

"Hey, dear Joanna, after we get the first kill, let's have a crazy party."

"I can't wait to open the Glory Treasure Box now."

Jinx and others were extremely excited, shouting and screaming.

Lu Chao had all the top ten professional characteristics at the moment. When the round started, [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds] took action mercilessly, and the six consecutive characters "One Hatred of Heaven's Power Can't Come Out" appeared above his head.

However, unexpectedly, the target of Lu Chaoding's attack turned out to be Jinx.

The sword shadow rushed, and Jinx was knocked to the ground in an instant.

"Ah? What happened? Why can he hit his own people?"

"Combatant, how did you kill Jinx?"

"How is this going?"

"Why did you hit me?"

Jinx, who was half kneeling on the ground, and the two blond female players were all stunned.

"How dare you make so much noise!"

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face and slowly raised his sword again.

He has [Yin Yang] characteristics and can launch indiscriminate attacks. He can not only hit enemies, but also opponents, and even hit the air.

Lu Chaoding teamed up with these three guys to kill them more conveniently!

After beating Jinx to death like this, Lu Chaoding had already received a system prompt that the plane merits had been credited to his account normally!
"How dare you team up with me!"

Lu Chao struck out with his second sword, and the sword shadow rushed forward, causing the sword immortal to hate him for the second time, and a female player was killed.

Then, Jinx and the three of them were all half-kneeling on the ground.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"This combatant is not normal!"

"He's outrageous. If you team up with him, you'll kill people. I'm so angry!"

"What should we do now? Kneel down and watch him continue to perform?"

"Sacrifice your teammates before the war, how can there be such a thing..."

Lu Chaoding had no time to listen to these three people at this moment. He looked at the ghost battleship expectantly.

"Four Hate Fashions Are Too Ugly!" A series of big characters appeared above Lu Chaoding's head. Lu Chaoding drew his sword at the same time. The sword was a virtual chop and the sword was a real stab. This hate caused full damage, with a total of 102684 injuries!

The ghost battleship still has 8976 life points left!
"The Five Hate backpacks are too heavy!"

Lu Chao made the last slash, and the damage was overflowing. The ghost battleship's whistle blew, and it fell to the ground. A chain explosion occurred on the hull. There was a continuous roar, and smoke billowed up. Those things that grew on the hull His eyes were broken into pieces, and bright red blood spewed out from them. Those tentacles danced and struggled in the flames, but they were all ignited...

The death animation of this weird big BOSS was extremely long. After a full 5 minutes, it slowly turned into light amidst the firelight and smoke, and then revealed a large treasure chest.

Jinx and the three of them knelt down to read it, and they were all sighing at this moment.

"Dead, beaten to death!"

"What a miserable battleship!"

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriI suddenly feel a little sad, poor battleship, hateful combatants!"

"This should be the first kill. There is a server-wide announcement and the Glory Chest. Why haven't they been released yet?"

Amidst the voices of these three people, a server-wide announcement was heard: "Celebrating the whole world, the novice village numbered AACDBHJLMDE killed the world BOSS ghost battleship Fetri for the first time. All participating players will receive a large glory treasure chest, and players in the same village will receive a small glory treasure chest! "

"Server-wide announcement: World BOSS ghost battleship Fetri's ranking data has been updated. Please check it yourself for details."

"Ding, system notification: The plot of Ghost Battleship is over, the passage to Nut Fortress is opened, the wild areas and safe areas related to the Second Highlands are restored, wild monsters reappear, the dungeon is reopened, and the Nut Fortress aftermath troops are about to arrive!"

"Ding, system notification: All players in this village have achieved +500 cultivation, and the live broadcast section has been unlocked in the personal panel..."

At the system prompt, a large golden treasure box appeared in front of the three kneeling Jinx.

That, of course, is the Glory Treasure Chest.

But there was nothing in front of Lu Chaoding!

"Are you working for nothing? I wonder if my name will be on the damage ranking list!"

Lu Chaoding was a little unhappy. At this time, the battle space was not broken yet. He jumped off the back of Shihu, the black sword sword, and slowly came to Jinx. Under his wide-eyed gaze, he took the big treasure chest of glory. The lid was lifted.

There are one thousand gold coins inside as well as the bound [Technology Scroll] and [Evil God Illustrated Book].

Lu Chaoding couldn't pick up the two items, shook his head, and put away the one thousand gold coins inside.

"Damn it, this NPC stole my money!"

Jinx shouted with surprise on his face, but he had been beaten to death and could only kneel and speak, without the ability to move.

"What kind of weird NPC is this? Killing people and stealing money!"

"He knows how to open treasure chests, which is outrageous..."

The other two female players also shouted.

Lu Chaoding completely ignored them. He opened the three glory chests and received 3000 gold yuan.

At this time, Jinx suddenly said: "I understand, he has awakened! He is not a combatant of Nut Fortress, he is an awakened...evil god!"

"What do you mean?"

"The awakened evil god?"

Lu Chaoding originally planned to open the big treasure box dropped by the ghost battleship, but when he heard this, his heart moved and he stopped.

"I saw a post on the forum, posted by a closed beta player. He claimed that NPCs in the Machine King universe have a chance of awakening after experiencing certain events beyond the setting!" Jinx said, "That post The internal beta player is actually not sure about this. He just expressed his speculation, but now it seems that this speculation is probably true. The guy in front of him must be the awakened NPC. Other than that, there is nothing else. possible!"

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he couldn't help but think of Niu Daren who took him to the Tengu Secret Realm.

"If that's the case, then Niu Daren has awakened?" He became curious, turned to look at Jinx, and said, "So, what will happen after the NPC awakens?"

Jinx was stunned for a moment when asked, and then hesitantly said: "After awakening... According to the internal beta player, after awakening, NPCs will become super-free, strange AI players with independent personalities and thoughts. They It has its own behavioral logic and cognitive logic, and will be very serious in order to survive, carry out various activities, and even... kill players! So, you, are you an awakened AI player?"


Lu Chaoding smiled faintly, then flicked his sleeves, turned around and strode straight to the treasure chest dropped by the ghost battleship.

He recalled the behavior of Niu Daren and felt that what Jinx said was probably true, but it had little to do with him now. He was going to open the treasure chest.

 Thank you for your support!Ask for everything!
(End of this chapter)

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