Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 74 Plane Merit Store (please subscribe)

Chapter 74 Plane Merit Store (please subscribe)

Lu Chaoding controlled the Daxuan Sword with the rudder steering wheel. He felt that the rudder was quite sensitive, but it could only adjust the direction of the Daxuan Sword.

Compared with the mind-controlling sword, this physical method of launching a ship seems too primitive and clumsy.

"Not only does it lack a seat, but it also lacks accelerator pedals and brake pedals. It would be better to install a speaker. Since this Daxuan Sword is already so weird, I simply let it go through modifications. Well, I will ask Lu Daxuan later if he can install searchlights and A circle of neon tubes…”

Lu Chaoding thought silently. He had an excellent view and quickly arrived at the previous player camp.

But here, there is no figure of Jinx and others, only Yasuo Inoshita and black Hans.

"Oh, Lord Evil God!"

Hans, the black man, waved to Lu Chaoding and shouted: "Are you looking for Jinx, Daldian and others? I know where they are!"

"where is it?"

Lu Chaoding stopped the Daxuan Sword out of curiosity.

Hans said: "They are at Afeng Castle, I can lead the way!"

There was a sneer on Yasuo Inoshita's face, and he made a chopping motion with his right hand, and said gloomily: "Master Evil God must cut Jinx and the others into one level. Hey, by then, Joanna, Polana, and Chubis, these three women can be left to me and Hans to deal with, hehehe, we must let them know how powerful we are."

Lu Chaoding lowered his head and glanced at Yasuo Inoshita, then raised his hand and said, "How dare you speak without my consent!"

After saying this, the sword shadow washed away, and Ishita Yasuo was directly beaten into white light.

Lu Chao had no other reason to kill him except that he looked unhappy.

Black Hans was startled and said, "Oh, Lord Evil God, can I speak?"

Lu Chao said: "You lead the way!"

"Okay, I'm willing to help you!"

Hans was overjoyed and ran out of the camp.

At this moment, in an ancient castle on the edge of the Second Highlands, in a cobweb-covered, dilapidated and huge hall that seemed to be built for giants, Jinx and others were sitting around a round table, as if having a small meeting. meeting.

Jinx said: "It is currently known that the evil god is equipped with a broadsword and can summon flaming dogs and bone skeletons. He has a tiger mount, drives an aircraft that looks like a war sword, can control a large number of flying swords, and likes to kill people!"

Dahl said: "He would also use a sack to carry people to the resurrection point and kill them!"

Chubis also added: "And attacking him will not pull him into the fighting space."

Jinx nodded and said: "It is certain that he is extremely intelligent. Based on these characteristics, I have posted a message on the forum asking for help, hoping to find out his identity, but I have not received any useful information yet, but I can confirm that he He is an awakened AI player."

The blonde Joanna sat next to Jinx. She was a pilot. She raised her hand and said, "Is it possible that he is a real player?"

Pilot Marcus said: "Real players? Real players can come to us? And how can there be such a powerful player?"

"But he claims to be the Sword Immortal!"

"What the hell is Sword Immortal?" Jinx frowned, "As we all know, there are only four initial professions in the Machine Emperor Universe. Even the advanced hidden professions are derived from these four professions, so I doubt that Sword Immortal is not The professional name is a kind of evil god, or another name for a type of evil god, such as the Weeping Angel, the top executive of Nut Fortress, and the sealed ultimate BOSS, Tank!"

Darjing sighed: "How could such a swordsman come to us?"

"There is no point in discussing this now." Jinx tapped his finger on the table, paused for a moment, and then said: "What we should do now is to understand the logic of his behavior as soon as possible, so as to avoid being killed by him, and even Maybe use him, for example, use him to kill the plot BOSS."

Dar Ding nodded, deeply agreed, and said: "This swordsman seems to like to use the word 'how dare'. Once he says it, he will kill people!"

Jinx said: "Let's call him the Jingdao Sword Immortal..."

At this moment, there was a bang, and the broken door of the old castle was shattered. The black man Hans ran in. He put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Hey, white pigs!"

Jinx and others in the dilapidated hall heard the sound and looked around. Not only did they see Hans, the black man, but they also saw Lu Chaoding rushing into the hall with a big sword behind him!

"You dare to be a swordsman!"

"Why did he come here!"

Jinx and others stood up in a hurry. In their field of vision, "Dare Sword Immortal" stood tall and expressionless, while the black man Hass, with his hands on his hips, looked very proud.Hans said again: "White pigs, your doom has come!"

"Mader, Hans, did you bring the Dare Sword Immortal here?" Marcus scolded.

"That's right, it's me!" Hans laughed, "To tell you the truth, Master Sword Immortal was summoned by Mr. Inshaka at the Tianming Tower in order to slaughter you white-skinned pigs!"

"What, it turns out it's you two bastards!"

"Damn it, you should be sealed away!"

"kill him!"

Jinx and others were shouting, but Hans was not afraid at all with Lu Chao on top of his head, and shouted: "I hate two kinds of people the most, the first is racial discrimination, and the second is white-skinned people! Master Sword Immortal, kill them!"

Lu Chaoding didn't bother to care about the hatred relationship between these "other world players". His eyes were already fixed on Jinx. When he saw that this guy wanted to run away, he no longer hesitated and immediately drew his sword.

"How dare you run away!"

boom boom boom boom...

The sword shadow glowed with fire, causing an explosion that engulfed Jinx.

"Ding, kill players from other worlds, plane merit +27!"

Lu Chaoding heard the system prompts and struck even more mercilessly. With his next sword, he aimed at the level 17 pilot Joanna who was standing blankly. With one point, the sword shadow was like a torrent again.

"How dare you be in a daze!"

After several booms, Joanna was immediately killed.

At this point, there was only one senior player in this dilapidated hall. Her name was Polana, and she was a captain. At this moment, she pointed in front of her, and a three-meter-long iron boat appeared.

Although this ship is small, it is still a warship, and it is a warship that can float in the air.

Polana wanted to escape on a battleship, but Lu Chaoding would never give her a chance.

"How dare you not wear a hat!"

After saying this, the sound of swords quickly turned into explosions, and Polana was killed.

The remaining people have all been knocked down to the first level by Lu Chaoding, and there is no gain from killing them. Lu Chaoding ignores them, turns the wheel, turns back, and blocks the resurrection point!
Two hours later, after killing the three Jinks four times in a row, Lu Chaoding's plane achievements reached 1017!

"Ding, congratulations, your plane merit value exceeds one thousand, unlock the plane merit store!"

"Ding, the Plane Merit Store has an independent panel, which is embedded in the character attribute window. The products in it are updated from time to time. Please explore on your own for details!"

After receiving the system prompt, Lu Chaoding temporarily stopped and continued to chase. At this time, he stepped on the Daxuan Sword. With a thought, he called up the mission information panel. After checking it for a while, he found the [Plane Merit Store]. page.

Plane merit store
Player name: Lu Chaoding
Registered plane: Hongchen Sword World

Plane merit: 1017
Product 200: [Lottery Ticket], priced at [-] merit points, with unlimited inventory.Description: A permanent product that can be drawn in a lottery at the Tianming Platform after use.

Product 5: [Gold Dollar], priced at 5 points of merit, with unlimited inventory.Description: For permanent goods, you need to spend [-] merit points to exchange for one gold dollar.

Product three: [One-star refined gem], priced at 100 merit points, with unlimited inventory. Description: A permanent commodity, as a universal material, it can be used to refine one-star props.

Product 500: [Customized title], priced at 9999 merit points, with inventory of [-].Note: This is a limited-time product. After purchase, you can customize the title without attributes. The title will be displayed above the player's head and can be turned off.

Product 100: [Powerful Healing Potion], priced at 9999 merit points, with inventory of [-].Description: Limited time product, non-combat status, health points will be fully restored immediately after taking it.

Product 1000: [Two-star equipment upgrade scroll], priced at 99 merit points, with inventory of [-].Description: This is a limited-time prop. After use, you can upgrade one-star equipment to two-star equipment and retain the refinement level.

Product Seven: [Exclusive Material Copy], priced at 100000 merits, with 1 inventory.Description: Limited-time props, rare props, after use, exclusive material copies can be opened.Tip: Only players with exclusive spaces such as secret camps, exclusive caves, and small worlds can open exclusive material copies.

Note: You can obtain plane merit by recharging or participating in plane battles. The current recharge of 5 gold yuan can be exchanged for a little plane merit.

 The Daxuan Ship modification plan is being solicited.

(End of this chapter)

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