Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 75 Nut Fortress (please subscribe)

Chapter 75 Nut Fortress (please subscribe)

Lu Chaoding studied the [Plane Merit Store] for a while, and then spent 1000 merit points to buy the [Second Level Equipment Upgrade Scroll].

Later, Lu Chaoding took out the torn sack.

Although the broken sack is only a one-star carrying item, this thing is extraordinary and can even be called a strategic carrying item.

Lu Chaoding had already used the one-star [Refined Jade] to refine the broken sack to +1. At this moment, he thought about it and immediately received the system prompt: "Ding, are you sure you want to use the [Second Level Equipment Upgrade Scroll] to upgrade the back part of the broken sack?"


"Ding, the upgrade was successful. Congratulations on getting the two-star back piece [Broken Sack]!"

Along with the system prompt, the golden light of the torn sack in front of Lu Chaoding flashed, and then returned to its original state. It was still a dirty torn sack with holes.

Name: broken sack
Type: back piece

Number of stars: two stars

Refining level: +1
Special effect one: Comes with 20 storage compartments.

Special Effect [-]: The broken sack can temporarily suit players or small monsters, NPCs, etc. The target of the broken sack suit will lose the ability to move and attack for a short time.

Special effect three: When the broken sack contains living creatures, attacks from behind the player will be borne by the target in the broken sack, and the player will not enter the battle space.

Note [-]: The broken sack is a semi-automatic prop. It requires movement guidance to complete the function. A set of tutorials on how to set the sack is given as a gift [click to watch the video]. Sneak attacks or mastering the movements can increase the success rate of the sack suit.

Note [-]: Since the sack has been torn, players, small monsters, NPCs, etc. that have been set can easily fall out. Please explore on your own for details.

"Hey, there's a special effect of blocking the gun, it feels pretty awesome!"

Lu Chaoding put away the broken sack with satisfaction.

He checked the plane merit store again.

"You can still recharge. I don't know how the sales of my flaming swords are going. How much money did they make for me?"

Lu Chaoding muttered.

He can't bring up the trading bank panel now, nor can he withdraw the gold coins in it. There are not many gold coins in the storage space. Including the gold coins collected from Jinx and the others' glory chest, it is just over 1000. If If you use it to recharge in the plane merit store, you can only get more than [-] points of plane merit.

"This recharge is a bit tricky... A copy of the exclusive material should be a good thing, but it's a pity that it's too expensive and I can't afford it! That's all, let's get a title for fun first."

Lu Chaoding thought about this, so he spent 2500 yuan in the plane merit store, and then bought a [custom title].

Immediately, the "Customized Title" settings page appeared in his character information panel.

Lu Chaoding studied it for a while, and after a while, a row of golden characters appeared above his head: "Reliable Sword Immortal LV99".

The row of golden characters is of course Lu Chaoding's custom title. It does not have any additional attributes and cannot be changed after it is set.

Of course, Lu Chaoding can automatically turn it off, and the number of custom titles is unlimited, and more can be purchased.

"Interesting! With the title, I am more like an NPC."

Lu Chaoding felt very comfortable, and after a while he went to chase Jinx and the others again.

Half an hour later, he carried Jinx back to the camp resurrection point in a torn sack. "I finally caught one. It's not easy to catch someone now!"

Lu Chaoding said silently, and after releasing Jinx, he began to kill mercilessly. After 2 minutes, Jinx was reduced to level one. Killing him again will not give him any plane merit, so Lu Chaoding will no longer kill him. He wanted to hunt down Joanna and Polana.

Jinx finally had a chance to speak. He stared blankly at the title on Lu Chao's head and said: "Reliable Sword Immortal, it turns out you are Reliable Sword Immortal, we thought you were Gudarous Sword Immortal! "

Lu Chaoding stopped when he heard this, gave Jinx a profile look, and said: "With 2500 V, I can become the Jingdao Sword Immortal!"

"What? Want money? I don't have any!"

"How dare you not wear a hat!"

Lu Chaoding beat Jinx to death again, and then didn't waste time with him. He took his sword into the air and continued to arrest people.

About an hour later, Lu Chaoding did not find Joanna and Polana, but he found Hans, the black man.

The black man Hans was playing in the wild area. He saw Lu Chaoding and took the initiative to greet him. He said, "Oh, Lord Sword Immortal, are you looking for Joanna and Polana? I saw them heading towards Nut Fortress. You’re going, do you need me to lead the way?”

"No need, keep practicing!"

Lu Chaoding said gently, and at the same time dropped the three-star weapon [small psychic cannon], and continued in his heart: "I can continue to harvest when my level is high."

"Oh, my God, it's a three-star weapon. Lord Sword Immortal is so generous. I'm willing to be your loyal servant!"

The black man Hans picked up the [small psychic cannon] with a face full of surprise, and quickly bowed to Lu Chao to please him.

Lu Chaoding had no reaction and left coldly.

Then he headed straight towards the Nut Camp.

In fact, even if Joanna and Polana didn't go there, Lu Chaoding planned to explore the Nut Fortress.

In his mind, the Nut Fortress should be comparable to the Great Sword Poxu Mountain, and the Great Sword Poxu Mountain is where the Great Sword Sect is stationed. There should be many NPCs in it, and the Nut Camp should be similar, he thought. Maybe you can get trophies by killing the high-level NPCs in Nut Fortress.

After a while, Lu Chaoding arrived at the third highland where Nut Fortress was located.

He looked at the dark, metallic high wall. He did not move rashly, but raised the Daxuan Sword to the highest position and looked at it from a distance.

In Lu Chaoding's field of vision, the entire Nut Fortress seemed like a three-layer black steel cake. Its base was a black, gear-shaped platform. The diameter of the gear platform was probably more than 1000 or two hundred meters. It was slowly moving The rotation caused the huge fortress to rotate slowly.

The high wall outside the fortress is the first layer of the steel cake. It looks like cast iron. It is visually estimated to be a hundred meters high and more than 20 meters thick. There are many forts scattered on it and a large number of patrols walking around.

Behind the high wall, on the second floor of the fortress, there are eight huge, tower-like metal pliers arms evenly distributed.

The tall tower-like buildings Lu Chaoding had seen before were these metal pliers arms. Their diameter could be 40 to 200 meters, and the length of the robotic arms was visually estimated to be more than [-] meters. The huge mechanical parts on them were completely exposed, and the structure was full of The sense of power and oppression of the mechanical body.

Later, on the third floor of the fortress, there were three launch vehicle-like things erected there. Lu Chaoding was not sure whether they were buildings, launch vehicles, or weapons. In short, they looked very technological. .

In the center of the fortress, which is also the highest point, there is a platform. Lu Chaoding could vaguely see a huge statue of a female standing in the center of the platform. The statue was completely white, and the contrast with the black of the Nut Fortress was very obvious. It supported With huge wings and a sword in front of his body, he looked like an angel statue.

As soon as Lu Chaoding saw the statue, he felt that it was not simple. He wanted to get closer to see it more clearly. Suddenly he received a system prompt: "Ding, a large force stronghold in another world has been discovered. Automatically receive the task: attack the Nut Base and destroy it. As a result, plane merit will be rewarded in real time. If the Nut Fortress is successfully destroyed, an additional plane merit +100 million will be awarded!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts. Update the tracking task: consume plane merit. Depending on the consumption results, the plane merit will be rewarded in real time. If the total plane merit is consumed 100 million, an additional reward of Nut Fortress +1 will be given."

(End of this chapter)

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