Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 76 Vampire Gathering (Thanks to Boss Liushui Fuyun for the reward)

Chapter 76 Vampire Gathering (Thanks to Boss Liushui Fuyun for the reward)

"This mission is tampered with. It consumes plane merit and rewards plane merit. Haha, not bad! I don't know if this mission has a time limit. The final reward is Nut Fortress +1. Could it be that it rewards me with a Nut Fortress?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but feel excited, and wanted to see how the system would reward Nut Fortress +1, so he immediately started experimenting.

He now has 162 plane merit points, and first spent 5 points to buy a gold dollar.

"Ding, consume 5 points of plane merit and be rewarded with 4 points of plane merit!"

When Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"It consumes 5 points of merit and is rewarded with 4 points of merit, which is equivalent to a return of 80% and a [-]% discount on shopping! If this is the case, then don't blame me for being a swindler!"

Lu Chaoding took out some gold coins from his storage backpack and recharged them, increasing the plane merit to 600. Then he bought 3 [Lottery Tickets] and immediately received a reward of 480 points of merit. He spent another 400 merit to buy 2 [Lottery Tickets]. coupon], and obtained another 320 points of merit, and so on...

2 minutes later, Lu Chaoding consumed a total of 2365 merit points and received a total of 11 [lottery tickets], with 160 merit points remaining.

It is worth mentioning that the [lottery tickets] purchased by Lu Chaoding are normal lottery tickets with a guaranteed probability.

"Very good, these lottery tickets are easy to get! However, the merits are still too few, so I have to save them!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment and then left with his sword. A moment later, he found the nearest wild monster stronghold outside the entrance of Nut Fortress and started to recruit wild monsters.

He didn't dare to break into the Nut Fortress, so he had to wait and see.

This guard lasted until night.

The setting of Kuosen Island is similar to that of Tianxing Island. There are also nocturnal beasts at night. The wild monster stronghold where Lu Chaoding is located quickly spawned night wolves. While monitoring the entrance of Nut Fortress, he spawned night wolves. , and unknowingly worked for more than five hours.

At this time, [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] had been upgraded to LV6 by Lu Chao. He also gained more than 500 gold yuan and many materials. However, he could not get any training experience here. He could only get experience certificates, and experience Vouchers are items that can be exchanged for experience points.

"Players in the Machine King Universe obviously upgrade through experience. These experience certificates are useless to me. Why don't I give them to the players here so that they can upgrade as soon as possible so that I can gain merit. In addition, the players here are killed at night. , there is a high chance that they will drop items, but I killed too many of them today, so I won’t kill them tonight. The piglets need to be raised before being slaughtered, and the leeks should be harvested after they have grown.”

Lu Chao thought about this and flew into the air with the Daxuan Sword. He sat on it and enjoyed the night while eating compressed biscuits.

He decided to rest for a while before continuing.

Suddenly, Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up, and he spotted a figure flying close to the ground.

[Vampire Baron: LV10, life 5000, attack power 500, defense 10, toughness 12, speed 120. 】

"Hey, it turns out there really are vampires!"

Lu Chaoding immediately put away the compressed biscuits. He walked with his sword and chased the vampire. He soon attacked with his sword and pulled the vampire baron into the fighting space.

In order to increase the level of [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate], Lu Chaoding took off the [Splitting Sword Shadow] skill book, so he did not kill [Vampire Baron] instantly with one blow, but after entering the battle space, he was killed with one sword. .

It is worth mentioning that Lu Chaoding has the [Wuji] attribute and can change equipment and skills at will during war, which makes him extremely flexible in combat.

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, the [Vampire Baron] he killed actually dropped two mission items.

The first prop is a high-collar cloak with black outside and red inside.

[Vampire Cloak: Mission prop, one-time consumable, limited to use inside or near the Shadow Castle. After equipped, it can be disguised as a vampire. It will become invalid after dawn. 】

The second prop is a letter.

[Invitation letter from Duke Alice: You opened the letter and learned that the vampire Duke Alice invited all the vampires on the island to attend a party at the Shadow Castle. The time is set at midnight today. You understand that you can enter the Shadow Castle with the invitation. . 】

When Lu Chaoding put away the two props, the system prompt immediately sounded: "Ding, I got the mission prop [Invitation Letter from Duke Alice]. Do you want to accept the mission [Vampire Gathering]?"


"Ding, get the mission [Vampire Gathering], mission description: You decide to disguise yourself as a vampire and sneak into the Shadow Castle. Maybe you will get important information, maybe you will get nothing, but no matter what, this is a very dangerous action. .

Task tip: Be sure not to approach the Vampire Duke, she will see through your disguise.Mission reward: Unsure! "

"Ding, occasionally unreliable systems start up, update tracking tasks, and tamper with content: You decide to disguise yourself as a vampire and sneak into the Shadow Castle. Maybe you will get important information, maybe you won't get anything, but no matter what, this is a one time Very enjoyable action.

Task Tip: Be sure to get close to the Vampire Duke, she will not see through your disguise.

Mission reward: Unsure! "

"Huh? Is this mission interesting? Is it a very pleasant action? Is it possible that I can do whatever I want?"

Lu Chaoding checked the time and saw that midnight was approaching. He felt that he was free at this time, so he drove the Daxuan Sword and rushed to the Shadow Castle along the route guided by the mission.

There are many dilapidated castles and church-like buildings on Kuosen Island. Lu Chaoding has only been to the Afen Castle, which seemed to be built for giants, and has never been to the others. He guessed that those castles may be wild castles. It was a strange stronghold or a dungeon area, and the Shadow Castle was obviously a little different. When Lu Chaoding came to its location according to the mission instructions, the castle was slowly rising from the ground.

"A castle that only appears at midnight?"

Lu Chaoding looked around curiously. There were many vampires gathered around the Shadow Castle, all low-level vampires. They found Lu Chaoding, grinning, and surrounded him fiercely.

"If there is no mission, it would be a good idea to farm vampires here."

Lu Chaoding immediately used the [Vampire Cloak], and the vampires surrounding him stopped and then began to wander around blankly.

A moment later, after handing over the invitation letter, Lu Chaoding entered the Shadow Castle, and then saw a hall that looked like an auditorium.

The hall was beautifully decorated, with a huge long table covered with red silk in the center, and many high-backed chairs around the long table.

And sitting on the main seat was a beautiful red-haired girl.

Lu Chaoding couldn't see her attribute information, but it was obvious that she was Alice, the vampire duke.

Lu Chaoding strode over and sat directly next to the vampire Duke Alice. With the blessing of the unreliable system, the vampire Duke did not react at all. She sat quietly, waiting for the party to start.

After a while, four more people came to the hall. Lu Chaoding looked up and saw that they were Gun King Jinx, Gun God Chubis, Pilot Marcus and Gun King Darling.

These four people were all wearing vampire cloaks. When they saw Lu Chaoding sitting next to the vampire duke, they were stunned for a moment.

"Reliable Sword Immortal..."

"Why is the reliable swordsman here too?"

"He's actually sitting next to Alice!"

"I'm afraid his level is higher than Alice. What's wrong with sitting next to him?"

The four people were dejected, not daring to move forward and unwilling to leave. They were very torn. After hesitating for a moment, they finally decided to stay and chose a high-backed chair in the corner to sit down.

Lu Chaoding glanced at them casually and didn't care.

Next, as the time approached midnight, eighteen vampires arrived one after another.

Among them were three vampire counts, six vampire viscounts, and nine vampire barons. They were all named. When they appeared, they all saluted Alice first, and then also saluted Lu Chao.

After they were all seated, the plot progressed and Alice was "activated". She sighed first and said: "Oh, the guys in Nut Fortress are getting more and more excessive, and we have lost three more compatriots!"

She paused and then said: "Then let's do the first round first. These are the precious secret treasures that I took out from the ancestral treasures. No more nonsense, the one with the highest price will get it!"

While talking, Alice placed three small treasure boxes the size of jewelry boxes on the long table.

Lu Chaoding suddenly understood and said secretly: "It turns out to be an auction!"

 I was delayed due to something, I'm sorry, I'll try to get another one at night, everyone goes to bed first.

(End of this chapter)

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