Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 77 Alice (Thanks to Boss Liushui Fuyun for the reward)

Chapter 77 Alice (Thanks to Boss Liushui Fuyun for the reward)

"The first auction item, five ship spirits!"

Alice opened the first small treasure box, which contained a small white light ball. Inside the light ball, there were five silly little people.

The five little people all have pig noses and pig ears, with fat bodies, big bellies, and blowing snot bubbles from their noses. They have one, two, three, four, and five curls on their heads. hair.

They are completely incomparable to the exquisite and cute little girls like Lu Daxuan.

And their quality is incomparable. They are just one-star ship spirits.

Lu Chaoding can see their attribute information. They are sailor-level ship spirits. They can only perform simple ship operations and have no other abilities.

Compared with them, Lu Daxuan, who can manufacture, repair, and improve ships, is a senior engineer. He will also have the ability to be a captain in the future, but he is much stronger.

Alice showed the five small ship spirits, and then said: "The base price is 500 gold yuan, who will bid?"

Jinx, disguised as a vampire, raised his hand and said, "I'll pay you 600 gold dollars!"

"Is there anyone else bidding?" Alice asked.

A vampire stood up and said, "I'll pay you 700 gold dollars!"

Jinx said: "800!"

Another vampire stood up and shouted: "900!"

Jinx looked determined to win and said: "1000! Actors, please stay off the stage!"

This time, as expected, no other vampires raised bids. Alice said: "Are there no bids? If not, then these five ship spirits will..."

"Wait a minute!" Lu Chaoding spoke. He looked at Alice, took out five gold coins, lined them up on the table, and said, "I'll pay five dollars!"

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

Alice's expression froze as if she was down.

The four Jinx people reacted quickly.

"Five dollars? This is an auction. The reliable swordsman doesn't understand the rules!"

“I’ve already shouted 1000 yuan!”

"Hey, keep your voice down, you're not afraid of him cutting you!"

They murmured quietly.

To their surprise, after standing still for a minute like a wooden sculpture, Alice actually showed a gentle smile to the landing roof and said: "Deal, these five ship spirits belong to you!"

After saying that, Alice brought the small treasure box to Lu Chaoding and took away the five gold coins he had discharged.

The four Jinx stared at this scene and were stunned.

"I'm sorry, what's going on?"

"Protest, how can this be a deal?"

"Is Alice stupid? Isn't she the vampire duke? She was so black-hearted before!"

"I guess Alice succumbed to the power of the reliable swordsman. After all, the reliable swordsman is a powerful evil god who can kill the ghost battleship..."

They felt very unbalanced, and Lu Chaoding also felt strange at this time.

"Is it really possible? So... the unreliable system interfered with Alice? Make this vampire gathering, for me, a pleasant operation anyway?"

While he was thinking this, vampire Duke Alice had already opened the second small treasure chest.

"The second lot, a special item, is the production drawing of the Devil's Shark Cannon. The Devil's Shark Cannon is a ship-borne weapon, and the gun king can also use it as a personal weapon. This drawing, the captain, gun king, and high-level ship Lingdu It can be used, and the base price is three thousand gold yuan."

As soon as Alice finished speaking, before Jinx and others could speak, Lu Chaoding said directly: "I want one dollar!"


Alice's expression immediately changed from confused to joyful, and she directly sent the blueprints for the Devil's Shark Cannon to Lu Chaoding.

"Very good! Very reliable!"

Lu Chaoding took the blueprint happily. Although he couldn't use this blueprint, he expected that the five-star ship spirit Lu Daxuan could.

"After the ship-borne weapons are produced, they should be able to be equipped on the Daxuan ship, right?"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently, and when he saw that Alice was going to continue to auction the third small treasure box, he said: "The third treasure does not need to be auctioned, it is also mine!"

After saying this, he threw out another gold dollar very generously.

"Oh, you are such a generous vampire, deal..."

Alice's expression showed signs of being slightly evil. As she spoke, she placed the third small treasure box in front of Lu Chaoding.Lu Chaoding knew that the unreliable system was at work, so he felt confident and said, "I'm not a vampire, I'm a swordsman!"

"You are really good at joking." Alice smiled, "You are a real vampire, I will never mistake you. Okay, the items I took out from the ancestor's treasury have been auctioned, let's do it next Share the information.”

A vampire immediately stood up and said: "The ghost battleship in the second highland has been killed!"

Another vampire started fighting and said: "It seems that the one who killed the ghost battleship was not a Nut Fortress combatant!"

Next, vampires spoke one after another.

"I heard the whisper of the Evil God Tank, he was asking me for help!"

"I heard that Bunonuo, the A-level combatant of Nut Fortress, is going to visit Afeng Castle tomorrow!"

"Hey guys, I got an ancient potion that turns my hair green!"

"Shadow Castle is a secret camp!"

"I heard there's a wandering Frankenstein in the northwest corner of Second Highlands!"

"The Duke is a vampire captain!"

"The Duke is the king of the night!"

"Do you know that I buried 500 yuan under the abandoned iron tower east of the Second Highlands!"

"I once killed an artillery king. His blood was very delicious. I threw his equipment in the northeast corner of the third highland. It can be found at eight o'clock in the evening."

The vampires kept talking to each other, and as for what they said, some were nonsense, some were obviously treasure hunting clues, and there was still a lot of valuable information.

Jinx and others listened carefully.

In fact, they had prospered by attending vampire gatherings at midnight.

This is a daily activity, and you can participate by getting mission props.

For them, this activity is not dangerous at all. They have interacted with vampire Duke Alice many times and there has never been any accident.

Lu Chaoding was currently studying the third small treasure box.

There is a two-star pendant inside, called [Vampire's Fang Amulet]. The effect is +10% blood-sucking attack, but it is limited to professional equipment of the Gunslinger.

"Another unusable piece of equipment!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He put away the [Vampire's Fang Talisman]. When he looked up, he saw vampire Duke Alice looking at him. Lu Chaoding was keenly aware that the NPC's eyes were a little strange. There seems to be some energy.

"Could it be that...this vampire duke is also about to awaken?"

Lu Chaoding looked at Alice and said, "What are you looking at?"

Alice said: "Who are you..."

Lu Chaoding said: "Can't you see the hot title on my head? I am the reliable swordsman Lu Chaoding! I am not a vampire!"


Alice's expression immediately started to look weird, her brows furrowed and then relaxed, then relaxed and wrinkled again. Suddenly, she asked Lu Chao: "Do you know my identity?"

"What is your identity?"

"The top executive of Nut Base and the strongest law enforcer, Weeping Angel, she is my sister!"

"and then?"

"My intuition tells me that if I kill her, I will be free, so... Reliable Sword Immortal, are you willing to help me?"

"Huh?" Lu Chao's mind suddenly moved. He realized that the vampire duke in front of him must be a very important plot character, and even if she has not awakened now, she is probably almost there.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Chao asked: "Are you rich?"

"Money? What do you mean?"

"Give me 100 million and I'll help you kill the Weeping Angels!"

"One million!" Alice shook her head, "I don't have that much!"

"how much do you have?"

Alice said: "One hundred thousand!"

"One hundred thousand is fine!" Lu Chao said, "Take someone's money to help them eliminate disasters. If you bring me 10, I will help you kill the Weeping Angels!"

(End of this chapter)

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