Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 78 Ten Thousand Dollars (Please subscribe)

Chapter 78 10 yuan (please subscribe)

The second half of the vampire party is a feast. The drinks include blood champagne, dragon tongue blood foam, serum rose, and aged blood. The food includes blood scab platter, cold vampires, curry blood leeches, exploding wolf hearts, etc. etc.

Lu Chaoding felt sick to his stomach and had no appetite at all, but the vampires, Jinx and others feasted on it.

The banquet is over, and the time for the Machine Emperor Universe has come to early morning.

The vampires dispersed one after another, and Jinx and others also quietly walked away.

Lu Chaoding sat motionless.

The plot of today's vampire gathering is destined to be different from the past.

The Shadow Castle has not sunk into the ground, and vampire Duke Alice is still in the hall.

Lu Chaoding looked at her expectantly.

The vampire who looked like a red-haired girl bit her lip, showing a very spiritual hesitation, and said, "I only have one hundred thousand gold dollars!"

"One hundred thousand is enough!" Lu Chao said, "Leave it to me, you won't suffer a loss or be fooled!"

He had been doing ideological work for the vampire all night, and he found that the princess was still very stingy and valued Jin Yuan very much. She had hesitated all night and had not made a decision yet.

"All right!"

Alice finally nodded, then turned her white palm over, and a treasure box appeared in front of her.

Lu Chaoding laughed and immediately opened the treasure box, fearing that Alice would regret it.

The next moment, Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt: "Ding, you have received [-] gold coins from vampire Duke Alice!"

“The system has been authenticated, there’s no mistake this time!”

Lu Chao was overjoyed. It was now confirmed that Alice had awakened. She must have independent thoughts of her own. If it were an ordinary NPC, it would be impossible for Lu Chao to come up with gold coins just by talking nonsense.

"Reliable Sword Fairy, I hope you can fulfill your promise and kill the Weeping Angel. Otherwise, all the vampires on Kuosen Island will be your enemies, and I, Alice, will also launch the most vicious curse on you and teach you You will be a pauper for the rest of your life!" Alice looked at the empty gold coin treasure chest with a distressed face, gritted her teeth and said to Lu Chaoding in a sharp voice.

Lu Chao said: "Don't worry, I am a reliable swordsman. No matter if you are an angel or an evil god, you will die under my sword. Give me a day to prepare. We will meet here tomorrow at this time!" "

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Alice nodded, and then personally sent Lu Chaoding out of the castle.

After leaving the castle, against the backdrop of the early morning sunlight, the vampire duke looked extremely beautiful.

Lu Chao raised his sword and left, looked back from a distance, and muttered: "The vampires here don't seem to be afraid of the sun..."

After a while, Lu Chaoding came overseas with Yu Jian, and he landed on a small island.

It's remote enough here. There are no wild monsters, no players, and no plot triggers. It's very quiet.

Lu Chaoding regarded this place as a temporary base. After landing, he took out all the [weird parts], patted the Daxuan Sword again, and said to him: "Lu Daxuan, get up and work!"

The translucent little loli Lu Daxuan rubbed his eyes and emerged from the hilt of the Daxuan Sword, saying: "Dear master, good morning!"

Lu Chaoding took out the [Devil Shark Cannon Production Drawing] again and threw it to Lu Daxuan, saying: "I'll give you a good thing. Let's see if we can make the Devil Shark Cannon. By the way, I'll give you five more." helper!"

After saying that, Lu Chao took out the ship spirit light ball he bought for five yuan, pointed his finger, and the light ball shattered, and five silly Q-version pig-headed villains appeared. These five little guys were fat and fat, and they looked big after they appeared. Staring with small eyes, there is no mistake.

Lu Chaoding looked at the curly hair on their heads and said: "Let me give you names first. Your name is Yi Mao, your name is Er Mao, your name is San Mao. You two, Four Mao, Five Mao, do you understand? All attached. Come aboard the Daxuan Ship, from now on you will be this ship...the ship spirit of this ship!"

The five little pig-headed men were dumbfounded, two stared at Lu Chao, two picked their nostrils, and one looked up at the sky, as if they didn't know how to respond.

Lu Chaoding shook his head. Looking at the performance of the five little guys, he knew that their intelligence was very limited.Lu Chaoding called Lu Daxuan over again and said: "The five of them will be your younger brothers from now on. You can freely use the modification and upgrade of Daxuan Sword first. Master, I want to rest!"

After saying that, Lu Chaoding found a flat place and sat cross-legged to rest.

"I can't go back to the cave. Conditions are limited. Keep everything simple! Now I have 10 yuan in hand. When I recover a little, I can do more meritorious deeds. In addition, I must get [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hates] to LV7 tonight. I can't deceive vampires!"

After thinking for a moment, Lu Chaoding felt sleepy, and he just sat cross-legged and took a nap.

When he woke up, it was already noon.

He opened his eyes and saw the Daxuan Ship first, and then he was stunned.

He saw an extra row of bicycles in the center of the Daxuan Sword.

"What the hell?"

Rubbing his eyes and looking carefully, Lu Chaoding found that it was an elongated five-seater bicycle, but it had no wheels and was welded to the Daxuan ship.

In addition, there are two more shark-head-shaped cannon barrels on the left and right sides of the Daxuan Sword.

The barrel of the cannon is not big, with a total length of only about one meter. There is a disc bracket underneath, which seems to be able to rotate. The shark-like mouth of the cannon is stuffed with torpedo-shaped shells.

At this moment, Lu Daxuan and the five little pig-headed men were lying on the hilt of the Daxuan Sword, soundly asleep.

"What's the situation?"

Lu Chaoding quickly called up the system records and quickly found the system prompts that the Daxuan Sword had been modified, the original attributes had been overwritten, and the Devil Shark Cannon was installed.

After calling up the Daxuan Ship's attribute information to check, Lu Chaoding found that the Daxuan Ship's flight speed had nothing to do with him.

It has become a human-powered boat, and its flying speed depends solely on pedaling, that is, pedaling. The faster it pedals, the faster it flies.

The ones responsible for "treading" are, of course, the five little pig-headed men.

That tandem bicycle is tailor-made for them.

As for the shark-head cannon barrels installed on both sides of the Daxuan Sword, they are of course the Three-Star Devil Shark Cannon.

As ship-based weapons, their attack power is very limited, which is only 30 points. They have a range of 100 meters and come with special bombing effects. Each bombardment can cover a circular range of two meters in diameter.

Of course, the Devil's Shark Cannon can be refined, up to +6.

However, the Devil Shark Cannon does not attack automatically and requires manual operation. After being installed on the Daxuan Sword, it can be controlled by Lu Daxuan and Wu Xiaozhi. Their ammunition is automatically generated and has a 5-second attack interval.

"Human ships are getting more and more primitive, but where is my captain's chair? Isn't it installed yet?"

Lu Chaoding checked the material consumption again and found that there were only 23 [weird parts] left.

At this time, Lu Daxuan woke up. She flew to Lu Chaoding and said: "Dear master, the Daxuan ship has been transformed. However, due to the material characteristics, the function is not very ideal. Continue to improve the performance of the Daxuan ship and consume more , better quality materials!”

"I understand, go and have a rest!"

Lu Chao stood up, jumped on top of the Great Xuan Sword, woke up the five little ones, and asked them to ride the car.

The five little ones were dumbfounded and reacted very slowly, but they worked hard and quickly climbed onto the bicycle. Then they hummed and kicked off the pedals uniformly.

The Daxuan Sword slowly floated into the air, and Lu Chaoding personally took the helm and headed for Kuosen Island.

After a while, Lu Chaoding handed the rudder to Lu Daxuan. He called up the plane merit store, spent [-] gold yuan in it, and started to collect merit.

(End of this chapter)

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