Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 79 The evil god from another world (please subscribe)

Chapter 79 The evil god from another world (please subscribe)

One hundred thousand gold yuan was converted into twenty thousand meritorious deeds.

If you just want to increase the "cumulative merit consumption", then it is undoubtedly the most suitable to use merit to buy gold coins. In theory, if 2 merits are used up, you can get 10 "cumulative merit consumption" and get [-] gold coins.

If you recharge with another 4000 gold yuan, you can get another 4000 merit points. Using these 2 points of merit, you can get another 800 points of "accumulated merit consumption" and [-] gold yuan...

However, if this cycle continues, it is equivalent to purely using gold coins to purchase "accumulated merit consumption". Since gold coins are recharged as merit points, and the proportion of using merit points to purchase gold coins is extremely high, the final income is actually very average.

Lu Chaoding thought it would be more cost-effective to use lottery tickets.

He directly used 100 merit points to purchase 16000 lottery tickets, and the system returned 16000 merit points, continued to use 80 merit points to purchase 12800 more lottery tickets, returned 12800 merit points, and used 64 merit points to purchase [-] more lottery tickets...

After a while, Lu Chaoding's cumulative merit consumption reached 102200, and he received a total of 511 lottery tickets, with 160 merit points left!
"It's still not enough. If you want to get the ultimate reward, you still need 18 meritorious deeds or 90 gold dollars. You will inevitably have to farm high-level NPCs."

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.

At the vampire gathering last night, he got a lot of useful information, two of which he paid great attention to. The first was "There is a wandering Frankenstein in the northwest corner of the Second Highlands", and the second was "A-level combatants of Nut Fortress" Bunonuo will go to Afen Castle today."

Therefore, Lu Chaoding's plan for today included finding and killing "Wandering Frankenstein" and "Nut Fortress A-level combatant Buono".

Three hours later, Lu Chaoding found "Wandering Frankenstein."

This is a small BOSS, with high health, defense, and low speed. Lu Chaoding likes this kind of opponent the most. After killing it, he got 1000 gold yuan and 16 pieces of [Scientific Materials].

Next, Lu Chaoding squatted at Afeng Castle. When it was getting close to evening, he finally met Bunonuo, the A-level combatant of Nut Fortress.

He has a level as high as 35, a health value of 175000, and a speed of 120. He is not alone, and is followed by four "mechanical guards" behind him.

Unable to use [Master of Escape] to forcefully escape from the battle, Lu Chaoding waited until [Qinglian] and [Duobao] were fully activated before taking the initiative to attack, and finally won a narrow victory.

Lu Chaoding was extremely satisfied with the gains from this battle. One Bunono and four soldiers contributed a total of 2400 points of plane merit to him, as well as 3000 gold yuan, 16 pieces of [Alchemy Materials], and 4 pieces of [Scientific Materials]. ], 2 pieces of [smart materials].

From now on, Lu Chaoding will focus on jungle.

There was no vampire party this night.

There is a high probability that it will never happen again in the future.

Because vampire Duke Alice doesn't want to hold any auctions.

Her ability as an NPC is to get three secret treasures every day, which is equivalent to her natural ability. Originally, she would auction these three secret treasures at the vampire gathering. If she had not awakened, she would have continued like this until The plot changes.

But now that Alice has awakened, she has become an AI player and can open those secret treasures by herself. Naturally, she can no longer use them to benefit other players.

Alice had explained this matter to Lu Chaoding last night.

Therefore, Lu Chao focused on brushing the night beasts all night long. By early morning, the number of gold coins in his storage space had reached more than 8000, and he had accumulated more than 400 pieces of various strange and weird materials.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Chaoding killed a level 25 night beast BOSS [Thorn Wolf King] and created a three-star back piece called [Counterattack Shield].

Name: Counterattack Shield

Type: back piece

Number of stars: three stars

Refining level: +0
Special Effect 10: Increases defense by 5 points and toughness by 10 points.Special effect two: After the player is equipped with a counterattack shield, when attacked, he will immediately perform a normal attack counterattack with [-]% of the attack power.

Description: The counterattack shield is refined through superposition of absorption. Each time a counterattack shield is absorbed, the refinement level is +1.
With the blessing of the split-light sword shadow, even if Lu Chaoding is only equipped with the Taiyi split-light sword, his basic attack output is extremely high, with attack damage equivalent to 11.6 times the attack power. With the blessing of the power of heaven, he can still ignore defense.

Therefore, even if it is only a basic attack with 10% damage, the power is not bad.

After Lu Chaoding got the [Counter-attack Shield], he immediately used it to replace the [Ghost Panel Ax], and he equipped the [Ghost Panel Ax] to the second back slot.

In this way, as long as the special effects of [Duobao] are superimposed, the functions of both back pieces can be exerted, 10% normal attack counterattack plus toughness breaking damage. Ordinary wild monsters will be killed by the counterattack if they hit the land over the top.

Lu Chaoding no longer had to take the initiative. He just jumped into the monster pile, let the monsters attack, and waited for the wild monsters to be killed. The efficiency of killing enemies was greatly improved.

Here again, the power of the [moral] characteristic is reflected.

Among the characteristics of the top ten hidden professions, the one that Lu Chaoding looked down upon the most was the [Morality] characteristic. This characteristic gave Lu Chaoding immunity from entering the battle twice. Lu Chaoding always felt that it was of little use. With the [Counterattack Protection] Shield] is different.

The immunity granted by the [Morality] characteristic is for all enemies, which means that the same target can only be pulled into the battle space after attacking Lu Chaoding three times in a row.

After Lu Chao equipped the [Counterattack Shield], he stood in a group of wild monsters. The wild monster attacked him for the first time, and he suffered counterattack damage plus rupture damage. He basically died. Those who were lucky enough to survive had the [Moral] trait. , and Lu Chaoding cannot be pulled into the battle space. Only by attacking Lu Chaoding twice more and surviving the counterattack can Lu Chaoding be pulled into the battle space.

Such wild monsters must be at least elites. If Lu Chaoding is dragged into the fighting space and Lu Chaoding is still willing to fight, he can use [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] to kill him.

In short, with the [Counter-attack Shield], Lu Chaoding's jungle efficiency has increased several times, and he doesn't even need to operate, he can just lie down and hang up.

It is precisely because of this item that Lu Chaoding can earn four to five thousand gold yuan in one night just by playing jungle. This is something that ordinary players cannot achieve even if they form a team.

"The best one is the one that suits you best. Counter-attack shield and [Morality] characteristics go well together..."

Lu Chaoding sat silently to summarize. At this time, he had arrived in front of the Shadow Castle.

According to a gathering of vampires, this castle is a secret camp. It can lurk underground and seems to have the ability to move. Only Alice can control it. Lu Chaoding guessed the secret camp in the Machine King universe. It is probably equivalent to the exclusive cave in Hongchen Sword World.

Lu Chaoding waited in front of the castle for a while, and the vampire Duke Alice appeared.

"Hey, reliable swordsman!"

She took the initiative to wave to Lu Chaoding and said, "So are you really planning to hunt the Weeping Angels?"

"Yes!" Lu Chao nodded. At this time, his [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] had reached LV7 and he could slash seven times in a row, so he became more confident.

"I am a reliable swordsman and never break my promise!" Lu Chao said. He wanted to kill the Weeping Angel. Of course, he didn't rush into the Nut Fortress to kill him. Alice said that the Weeping Angel was his nominal sister and she had a way to kill him. The Weeping Angel led out of Nut Fortress, so Lu Chaoding came here to meet her.

"I hope your strength is also reliable!"

Alice nodded, and then Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, vampire Duke Alice invites you to join the team, please agree or reject!"


"Ding, team formation is successful!"

The team panel popped up in front of Lu Chaoding. It was similar to the situation when Jinx and others formed a team. Lu Chaoding could not see Alice's attribute information through the team panel. The same was obviously true for Alice. She looked at Lu Chaoding in confusion. Super top, frowning: "Who are you? Sword Immortal... what kind of creature are you!"

Lu Chaoding looked at this beautiful AI player, thought for a moment, and said: "You can think that I am an evil god from another world!"

(End of this chapter)

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