Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 80 Weeping Angel (Thanks to A Hanxue Yeyue N for the reward)

Chapter 80 Weeping Angel (Thanks to A Hanxue Yeyue N for the reward)
In front of the Shadow Castle, Lu Chaoding began to ask Alice for information about the Weeping Angels.

As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy and fight a hundred battles without danger. If the Weeping Angel is not strong, Lu Chaoding will be a big BOSS and will naturally take action. If she is strong, it will be like the outrageous one from the Great Sword Sect who sent her to outer space with one sword. If the Great Elder is so powerful, then Lu Chaoding will certainly not go into battle recklessly.

Alice tells everything she knows and tells everything she knows.

According to her, the level of the Weeping Angel is not high, only level 50. She can barely be considered an evil god. She does not have powerful attack methods. Her best abilities are attack transfer and resurrection. Her overall combat power is not as good as that of a deep-sea battleship.

Plus, her speed is only 120!

"If the speed of 120 can be affected by the Feixue suit and slowed down by 20%, then the speed of the Weeping Angels will only be 96. I can use the Master of Escape to get out of the battle and fly a kite!"

Lu Chaoding thought silently. If the information provided by Alice was correct, he felt that he should be able to kill the Weeping Angels now.

At this moment, Nut Fortress.

When the rising sun dispersed the morning fog and the sunlight penetrated the earth, the player Jinx from Kuosen Island took Joanna, Polana, Dalnail and others into a spiral staircase leading to the dark underground.

This staircase leads to the fortress dungeon.

In the Nut Base, the fortress dungeon is also called the sealed area. The purpose of this area's existence is to seal the evil god!

That evil god is named "Tank"!
It was sealed in the dungeon and guarded by the Weeping Angel himself, and the main plot of Nut Fortress revolves around this strange evil god.

Jinx and the others are currently patrolling the sealed area. This is a small daily task. If they walk around and check in at several important locations, the task will be completed and some gold coins will be obtained.

"Last night, the vampire party was not held. The appearance of the reliable swordsman has begun to affect the plot of Kuosen Island. It is very likely that the third act of our plot will be much earlier."

Jinx said as he walked.

Dahl said: "Jinx, you might as well elaborate!"

Jinx continued: "I contacted a good friend of mine through the Kuosen Forum. He is a senior closed beta player. He told me some important information. Do you know the ending of the Kuosen Island plot?"

"What's the ending?"

"I know!" Joanna said, "The Evil God Tank will break the seal, then destroy the Nut Fortress, and Kuosen Island will eventually be destroyed, collapse, and sink!"

"That's right! Then do you know how the Evil God Tank broke the seal?"

"How did it break open?"

"It was vampire Duke Alice who released it! My friend told me that Alice is a very important plot NPC. Under normal circumstances, she will sneak into the Nut Fortress on the tenth day after the third act of the plot begins, and then release it. Evil God Tank, and the vampire party was not held the night before, which is an important sign. However, the vampire party in our village has actually stopped!"

"So, you suspect that the vampire duke will sneak into the sealed area today?"

"Not impossible!"

"Damn you dare to be a swordsman, oh no, you are a reliable swordsman. If he hooks up with Alice, won't he hasten the demise of Kuosen Island?"

"Jinx, why did Alice release the Evil God Tank?"

"Because she wants to absorb the power of the Weeping Angels and then be promoted to the Evil God!" Jinx said, "In the normal plot, Alice was eventually killed by the Weeping Angels, but the Weeping Angels were killed by the Evil God tanks in the end. The entire Nut Fortress self-destructs, the Evil God Tank is swept into the deep sea, and life and death are unknown. We players will be picked up by the passing Samurai Fleet, and then officially enter the Machine King universe as survivors of Kuosen Island."

"Tsk, tsk, what a tragedy! Is there any way to change this ending?"

"My friend said that whether we side with the Nut Fortress or the Evil God Tank, the outcome will be the same. Our players are too weak to change the situation of the battle."

When Jinx said this, he suddenly stopped.

In front of them, a figure that seemed to be made of silver appeared. She flapped her wings and was climbing up the spiral staircase.

"It's the Weeping Angels!"

"Where is she going?"

"How could she be AWOL?"

"We still have to check in with her. Now that she's gone, what will happen to our daily tasks?"

"Why don't you follow me and take a look, maybe you can encounter some plot missions..."

Jinx and others discussed for a while and then followed the Weeping Angel.

After a while, the Weeping Angels left the Nut Camp and headed straight for the Second Highlands.

Jinx and others followed her, feeling more and more that there was a plot mission.

About half an hour later, the Weeping Angel came to the Shadow Castle.The Shadow Castle did not sink into the ground. In front of it, the vampire Count Alice spread her blood-red wings behind her back. Her long hair was flying, her iconic fangs grew from the corners of her mouth, and an evil smile appeared on her face.

Behind him, there was Lu Chaoding riding a big tiger.

Lu Chaoding looked at Weeping Angel at this moment.

[Weeping Angel: Evil God, LV50, health value 100 million, attack power 10000, defense 100, toughness 100, speed 120, top executive of Nut Fortress? ? ? 】

"A level 50 evil god with a speed of 120. If it is as Alice said, then this battle can be fought..."

Lu Chaoding breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly calculated the situation of the battle with [Weeping Angel]. At the same time, he adjusted his equipment and put the Feixue suit on the first fashion rack. Immediately, there was wind around him. Snow.

It's a pity that the Daxuan Sword has no attack power due to Lu Daxuan's drum. It is a pure flying sword, so what Lu Chao equips on the second weapon column is the refined +3 Pifu Sword.

Jinx and others, who had followed the Weeping Angels, couldn't help but scream when they saw Lu Chaoding.

"It's a reliable swordsman. He is indeed hooking up with Alice!"

"So, the Weeping Angels are here to eradicate them?"

"Weeping Angel, go ahead and beat the reliable swordsman to death!"

The Weeping Angel's face was expressionless, as if it were a statue, but a voice came from its body: "Alice, I said that the Shadow Castle is not allowed to enter the Nut Fortress for 5 kilometers, have you forgotten?"

Alice said: "I know, I did it on purpose. I have an evil god from another world who can kill you. Goodbye!"

After saying that, the vampire count turned around and flew back to the Shadow Castle.

He left simply and left the battlefield completely to Lu Chaoding!

Lu Chaoding didn't waste any time at this moment. Taking advantage of both the [Duobao] and [Qinglian] characteristics, he struck first and raised his sword. The Taiyi Light Sword and its sword shadow immediately appeared above his head, as well as The sword and its shadow!
The next moment, the sword shadow washed away like a torrent and hit Weeping Angel directly, pulling her into the fighting space.

The cold wind and flying snow are ruthless!
The Feixue suit changes the environment of the battle space.

Lu Chaoding was slightly stunned, because in addition to the Weeping Angel, there were also Jinx and others who appeared on the opposite side.

"Hahahaha, the team was successfully formed, I'm so smart!"

"Let us witness the demise of the reliable swordsman!"

"In the plot, the Weeping Angels will kill Alice, I don't think that will change!"

"Even if I am beaten to my knees, I still want to see the reliable swordsman beaten to death!"

Jinx and others shouted as if they were the protagonists of this battle.

Lu Chaoding was too lazy to talk nonsense. With a thought in his mind, eighteen puppy heads appeared behind him, neatly arranged in a straight line. He pointed forward again, and three dark yellow vortexes immediately appeared on the ground. The sword spirit climbed out of it.

It is worth mentioning that Huangquan Sword Spirit 001 was promoted to LV10 by Lu Chao.

The preparation time was over soon. Lu Chaoding was full of fighting spirit at this time, and he immediately released his special move at the beginning.

"I hate that the power of heaven cannot be released!"

The big characters appeared, the sword made a false slash, and the sword shadow washed away. When the torrent of sword shadows approached the Weeping Angel, it suddenly changed direction, and ended up rolling towards Jinx.

"Ding, your attack was diverted by the Weeping Angel!"

"Ding, kill players from other worlds, plane merit +3!"

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt, and across from him, Jinx knelt on one knee.

He looked innocent.

Lu Chao struck a second time, but the Weeping Angel diverted the attack again, and this time Joanna was killed.

Lu Chaoding then slashed four more times in succession, and the damage was transferred by the Weeping Angel. The six players on the opposite side knelt neatly in a row in the cold wind and snow.

"The Secret Skill of the Seven Hates is average!"

Big characters continued to appear above Lu Chaoding's head. Lu Chaoding ignored Jinx and the others. He slashed the seventh sword. This time, the torrent of sword energy struck all the Weeping Angels.

(End of this chapter)

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