Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 81 Live broadcast, how dare the Sword Immortal fight the Weeping Angel (please subscribe)

Chapter 81 Live broadcast, how dare the Sword Immortal fight the Weeping Angel (please subscribe)

"-2412, Shen Lian! Repulse with a riding chop!"

"-603, lightsaber, Shen Lian!"

"-603, lightsaber, Shen Lian!"




"-2412, Shen Lian!"



One attack, two main weapons, 128 sword shadows, Lu Chao's maximum damage, total damage 95574!

Also beat back the Weeping Angels two thousand miles!
Jinx and others, who knelt in a row in front of the Weeping Angel, exclaimed again and again.

Because at this time, the Weeping Angel not only had empty toughness, but also lost nearly one-fifth of its blood.

"Too brutal!"

"This guy won't just hack the Weeping Angel to death!"

"I really want to steal his skills!"

"Is there such a thing as a reliable Sword Immortal? I really want to change my profession. The Artillery King is a badass..."

Among these six people, Jinx suddenly calmed down and said: "Live broadcast, live broadcast, I'm starting the live broadcast!"

He cleared his throat, a professional smile immediately appeared on his face, and said: "Hello, viewers, I am Jinx. An evil god invasion occurred on Kuosen Island where I am... Why is my face gray, oh , because I have been beaten to death, yes, I am kneeling now to live broadcast! Let me show you what the evil god looks like..."

Similar to the Tianxing Island setting, after the second act of Kuosen Island ends, players will also unlock the live broadcast function.

Jinx had already tried the live broadcast yesterday, and the popularity was very good. At this moment, he felt that once this battle was broadcast live, regardless of the result of the battle, the number of views would be extremely high.

In his live broadcast interface, a large number of barrage comments also appeared.

"Hot chicken anchor, you knelt down as soon as the battle started!"

"Kneel down and live broadcast, I really belong to you!"

"Who is the BOSS?"

"Damn it, isn't it? The evil god is invading? The unknown evil god is beating the Weeping Angels!"

"Please host give me a close-up of the Weeping Angels. I haven't seen the Weeping Angels yet..."

"Oh, what kind of evil god is this? Riding a big tiger? Carrying a machete? What is that above his head? Is it a flying sword?"

"Hot chicken anchor, please post the battle record!"

Jinx felt that he was going to be popular. Through the live broadcast panel, he found that the number of online viewers in his live broadcast room had exceeded a thousand, and it was still increasing at a rapid rate.

“That’s the benefit of not having competitors!”

Jinx sighed, and at the same time quickly followed the instructions in the barrage comments, posting the battle record that was updated at any time, and said: "Someone asked who the invading evil god is, please allow me to solemnly introduce the Jingdare Sword Immortal to everyone. , oh no, it’s a reliable swordsman!”

He pointed the live camera at Lu Chaoding and said: "Did you see the row of big golden characters, Reliable Sword Immortal LV99, is it eye-catching? Is he level 99? It's very possible!"

When Joanna and others saw Jinx actually playing live broadcast, they were shocked by him!
"Damn it, you're broadcasting live!"

"It's really fun!"

"You are a genius!"

"Mad, I'm coming too!"

"Hello viewers, I am the new anchor Joanna, please take care of me!"

"The broadcast is on, is there anyone here? Please comment!"

"It's on, it's on, how dare you fight the Sword Immortal against the Weeping Angel..."

Under the operation of these people, six live broadcast rooms were opened in Kuosen Forum.

These six live broadcast rooms are also the only live broadcast rooms in Kuosen Forum today, so they quickly attracted a large number of viewers.

"Hey, it's live broadcast. It's interesting. Take a look!"

"How dare the Sword Immortal fight against the Weeping Angel? I know the Weeping Angel, but who dare the Sword Immortal be?"

"Oh, this Kuosen Island is a bit unusual!"

"All six live broadcast rooms are broadcasting the same content?"

"Shadow anchor, can you give Weeping Angel a shot?"

"Haha, these six broadcasters are all kneeling during the live broadcast!"

"Come on, come on, watch the live broadcast!"

A large number of viewers poured into the live broadcast room of Jinx and others. They watched more and more barrage comments in the live broadcast room. Jinx and others were enthusiastic about the live broadcast, and their voices became louder and louder.

"New fellows, please click and follow, follow to avoid getting lost, and get gifts if you don't agree with me!"

"I asked how to get gifts? Is there a rich man who wants to give gifts? I haven't opened the gift channel yet, so I will open it now. Hey, the reward props are customized. Ladies, I customized a Jingdao Sword Immortal. , 1 gold dollar each, bosses who want to reward, come on!"

"Jinx, are you really good at playing? Old man, I can also buy gifts here, how dare you give Sword Immortal 1 gold yuan!"

"Thank you Boss Franky for the reward, Jingdao Sword Immortal, I love you!"

"Thanks to boss Mikal, the artillery king, for rewarding me with a reliable swordsman. The boss is very generous!"

"Hey, can you guys teach me how to activate gifts?"

"Old fellows, the Jingdao Sword Immortal opposite dropped his equipment and an axe. Look at his expression. He is frowning. Is he a little dazed?"

"Old fellows, I've opened a quiz. Guess who can win this battle?"

"Old fellows!" "Old fellows..."

Opposite these people, Lu Chaoding was dumbfounded as he listened to them talking.

"What are these idiots doing? They are all kneeling so happily!"

He muttered.

At this moment, the battle space has actually entered the round of Huangquan Sword Spirit.

Under the control of Lu Chaoding, the three Huangquan Sword Spirits stepped on their horses, bent slightly, and made uniform gestures to draw their swords.

Above their heads appeared the five characters "Slaying the Sky and Drawing the Sword Technique" at the same time, and a progress bar appeared at the same time, and the progress bar had been filled by one-third of the black light.

After discovering that the Weeping Angel could be repelled, Lu Chaoding thought that taking her down would not be a problem. He would not have to run away at all, and the Huangquan Sword Spirit could safely hold back his special moves.

Next, it was the turn of the 18 puppy heads to attack. They rushed forward together and bit into the Weeping Angel. They looked as ferocious as tigers, but only did 5400 damage after a dozen or so.

After they returned, Lu Chaoding, who was riding a big tiger, raised the big black sword again, with a big word on his head, but there was a clang, and the sword fell!
This is the second piece of equipment that Lu Chaoding dropped after the battle started. Just now in the first round of attack, the ghost panel ax on his back dropped.

The professional characteristics sometimes work well and sometimes don't work, which highlights an instability. The [Multiple Treasures] characteristic that affects the four equipment columns can be said to be the most unstable characteristic. It often fails partially. Sometimes the weapon column fails, and sometimes the back item column fails... …

Lu Chao estimated that the Shenji Miaojue costume hanging in the second fashion column would also fall down later.

At this moment, he is not in a hurry to pick up the sword and ghost axe. He has 24 points of fighting spirit and can use two special skills in a row. Naturally, he will use [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] next!
Big characters appeared quickly on Lu Chaoding's head, and Lu Chaoding just chopped mercilessly.

Little did he know that due to the operations of Jinx and others, he had already gained many fans.

"How dare the Sword Immortal take action!"

"Riding a tiger, using knives and flying swords is outrageous!"

"I like this evil god so much!"

"Shadow anchor, tell me quickly, how to spawn Jingdao Sword Immortal?"

"I'd like to ask for it, I also want to create a Jingdao Sword Immortal in the village to play with!"

"Cut it, chop it, he chopped it! Shameless anchor, change the camera, I want to see the damage number!"

"I'm sorry, there are so many swords. I just came here. What's going on?"

"Knockback effect! Knockback 20%!"

"The reliable swordsman is about to chop his sword again!"

"Repulse again!"

"The third knife!"

"The fourth cut!"

"How dare the Sword Immortal have so much resentment? Look at the big characters above his head!"

"Oh my God, he stabbed me five times!"

"Didn't anyone notice those skeleton soldiers with their swords drawn?"

"I noticed, the text on their heads should be the names of skills, they are holding back skills!"

"Hey, how dare the Sword Immortal pick up the fallen iron sword from the ground!"

"This is the sixth sword, and all the swords have been repulsed!"

"The damage of this sixth sword has increased. Is it because I picked up the iron sword?"

"The seventh sword! Looking at the battle record, seven times of riding and slashing were used to repel the Weeping Angel by 140% in total!"

"It's so brutal, it beat the Weeping Angel so hard that it fell off the track! The Weeping Angel is really going to cry!"

"Weeping Angel, Danger!"

"The fight is finally over. It's so outrageous. It took seven consecutive cuts before the round ended!"

"Damn it, the total damage in one round is 469812!"

"I finally understand why the host has to kneel down to broadcast live. It's so harmful that I can't do it without kneeling!"

"The Weeping Angels have less than 40 lives left!"

"The charging progress of the three skeletons has been increased by one-third!"

"Shadow anchor, I gave you a Jingdao Sword Immortal, how dare you not thank me!"

The live broadcast rooms of Jinx and others were more and more cheerful, while Lu Chaoding launched the attack step by step.

In the third round, the second equipment slot worked. Lu Chaoding re-equipped the Pifu Sword, but due to lack of fighting spirit, he used [Reverberation of the Sword], with a total damage of 173964!

Then the progress bar of Huangquan Sword Spirit's special move is full, and the [Heaven-Slaying Sword Drawing Technique] can be activated in the next round!
After the second attack of the puppy heads, Lu Chaoding ushered in the fourth round.

At this time, he had an excited look on his face and said, "It's over!"

After saying that, he quickly slashed twice and hit [Reverberation of the Sword]. The Weeping Angel's health bar was empty and the damage was overflowing.

However, the end of the battle that Lu Chaoding expected did not happen.

There was a flash of light in front, and the Weeping Angel reappeared with full health. Along with it, Jinx and others who had been kneeling for a long time also stood up.

"Ding, Weeping Angel has triggered the group resurrection ability. Enemy units are resurrected at full status and immediately get an opportunity to take action!"


Lu Chao raised his eyebrows.

At this time, Gun King Jinx laughed loudly and shouted: "Old fellows, the Weeping Angel has resurrected me. I can fight. Look at me!"

While he was shouting, a translucent single-shoulder rocket launcher appeared above his right shoulder. With a moment's movement, a translucent shell flew towards Lu Chaodong.

With a bang, the damage number appeared on Lu Chao's head: "-33"!
Then, clang clang clang clang clang, the [Counter-attack Shield] came into effect, and the torrent of sword shadows flowed automatically, drowning Jinx immediately.

After a burst of explosions, Jinx knelt down again and shouted: "Old men, see if I kneel upright?"

(End of this chapter)

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