Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 82 Tears of Gods and Tears of Devils

Chapter 82 Tears of Gods and Tears of Devils
"Does this anchor want to laugh me to death?"

"The show's effect is explosive!"

"How dare you, Sword Immortal: Kneel down!"

"Kneeling is not straight at all. Get up and kneel again!"

"I figured it out, but the anchor just made a fool of himself!"

"How dare you attack the Sword Immortal!"

"How dare the Sword Immortal be able to fight back?"

"This wave must give the anchor a reward for the brave swordsman!"

In Jinx’s live broadcast room, barrage comments took off, and the custom-made one-dollar gift "How Dare the Sword Immortal" was also posted non-stop.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Jinx sneered, he felt that this kneeling was worth it.

Artillery King Dar Ding and others also followed suit. They launched attacks on Lu Chaoding, but they were all killed by automatic counterattacks. However, they were not ashamed of it, but felt proud of it.

"Haha, old guys, I was beaten to death too, please give me a small gift."

"How dare the Sword Immortal be so powerful!"

"The iron mecha I piloted was actually killed by me. Please comfort me..."

Their speeches and their kneeling postures naturally caused a flood of comments.

"Do you still want to show some respect?"

"You guys, get out of here!"

"Weeping Angel: I finally brought you back to life!"

"Weeping Angels: I can't carry you, I really can't carry you!"

In this atmosphere of entertainment, the Weeping Angels took action.

She pointed at the kneeling Jinx and said: "The elves struggling in the world, the fighting souls that have not yet been extinguished, have recovered from grief and continue to fight for dignity!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jinx's body flashed with golden light, and he actually jumped up again.

"Hahahaha, old guys, I'm alive again, and I've got another chance to act! The Weeping Angels asked me to fight for my dignity, so..."

Jinx smiled and launched an attack at Lu Chaoding, but was immediately killed by a counterattack and knelt down again.

"Made, is this your fight for dignity?"

"The anchor has so much dignity that his knees are even gone!"

"Weeping Angel, why are you resurrecting this sand sculpture? How dare you attack with a sword?"

"No, I want to laugh when I see the anchor kneeling so upright!"

"Can the idiot anchor be more serious?"

"Oh, the skeletons are moving, all three of them together, the movements are so neat!"

"Cut the sky and draw the sword!"

"Damn it, the skeleton soldiers can deal such high damage..."

Jinx's live broadcast screen was filled with barrages, and in the battle space, the three Underworld Sword Spirits finally launched their ultimate move that they had been holding back for three rounds.

The actions of the Weeping Angels, Jinx and others are triggered and released immediately after resurrection. After their actions, the battle cycle continues, and it is the turn of the Underworld Sword Spirit.

They made the action of drawing their swords in unison, and then fired three bright white crescent-shaped sword auras.

"-40000, critical hit ×40!"

"-40000, critical hit ×40!"

"-60000, critical hit ×60!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked when he saw the damage figures floating above the head of the Crying Sword Immortal!
This damage is too much!

Two have a forty times critical hit, and one has a sixty times critical hit!
Moreover, critical hit damage is not subject to defense damage reduction and toughness damage reduction!
"These are three level 10 Huangquan Sword Spirits. The Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique is indeed a unique skill!"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but sigh. Unfortunately, after the three sword spirits launched this attack, they quickly fell apart and fell to the ground, turning into three small piles of bones.

The [Yellow Spring] feature is out of order.

The next battle was nothing special. Lu Chaoding just used [Reverberation of the Sword], and Huangquan Sword Spirit just held back his ultimate move.

Finally, after Lu Chaoding entered the fifth round again, Weeping Angel's health bar was emptied again.She fell to the ground, and her body was like a statue, with cracks slowly appearing on it.

"The end of everything is destruction, the end of everything is nothingness, the destination of everything is silence, the end of everything is death, I look at the other shore at the starting point of divinity, I look up at immortality at the end of destiny, I was born in tears, I am I grow up through suffering, I realize through my fall, and I will assimilate with the world..."

The Weeping Angel chanted, and then its body turned into light dust, shattered, decomposed, and finally disappeared into the wind and snow. A large golden treasure chest slowly appeared where it originally was.

"Ding, the system reports: The Weeping Angel, the top executive of Nut Fortress, has died, and the relevant plot is forced to end!"

As the system prompt sounded, the live broadcast of Jinx and others was filled with barrage comments.

"How dare you sword immortal Niubi!"

"How dare you be the invincible swordsman!"

"Stop kneeling, get up and grab the treasure chest!"

"Weeping Angels: God-like opponents, pig-like teammates!"

"The guardian of the evil god is dead, and the evil god is coming out!"

"Shadow anchor, I will give you a thousand Jingdao Sword Immortals. Can you go and release the evil god?"

"How dare the Sword Immortal want to open the treasure chest!"

"Damn it, you idiot anchor, why did you reach the resurrection point?"

"Go back quickly, I want to know what the Weeping Angel dropped!"

Jinx and others have now returned to the resurrection point of Nut Fortress.

"Don't worry, old guys, I'll run back right away and I'll definitely provide you with the follow-up story!"

"Old fellows, please follow my perspective and capture the Jingdaan Sword Immortal alive. Newcomers please click and follow..."

Jinx and others were completely immersed in the pleasure of the live broadcast. They quickly rushed out of the resurrection point and rushed out of the Nut Fortress.

At this time, Lu Chaoding had a look of joy on his face. He received a system prompt and was pleased to receive 10000 plane merit points. In addition, he also received a large treasure box.

Opening the big treasure box, Lu Chaoding gained a lot of loot. He quickly counted it and got a total of one mission prop [Tears of God], 5000 gold coins, three resurrection coins, and a super experience voucher. , [Divine Material] 16 pieces.

Among them, the resurrection coin is a five-star consumable prop. The effect is to resurrect the person in full condition after death without any loss.

The [Tears of God] is a crystal-like thing the size of an abacus. It is a mission prop. Lu Chaoding cannot see its specific attribute information.

At this time, Vampire Duke Alice walked out of the Shadow Castle, with an excited look on her face, and said: "Hey, how dare you, Sword Immortal, you actually did it!"

"Yeah, I actually did it!"

"Can you give me the Tears of God's Weeping?"

"For the sake of the one hundred thousand gold yuan, yes!"

Lu Chaoding is still very generous. He can’t use [Tears of God], so he doesn’t feel reluctant to give it to Alice.

"Hey, Dare Sword Fairy, you're great!"

Alice accepted the [Tears of God's Crying] and then swallowed it in one gulp. She said, "In return, I will give this to you!"

After saying that, Alice took off her necklace and handed it to Lu Chao.

There was a black gem in the necklace. Alice explained: "This black gem is called Devil's Tears. In your eyes, it may be a mission prop. It has a hidden function, that is, it can allow players to escape on the Destiny Platform." Change your job to a hidden job: Devil May Cry!"

"Devil May Cry?"

"Yes! Oh, you definitely won't be able to use this prop, but maybe it can be used to train your subordinates!"

"Okay, then I'm welcome!"

"Dare Sword Fairy, please remember my name. My name is Atina. Vampire Duke Alice no longer exists. From now on, I will be the evil god Atina. I will return to Shadow Castle. In the next period of time, I will lie dormant until the plot of Kuo Sen Island is over."

"I understand, it's a long way to go. We'll see each other again by fate!"

"The evil god from another world, see you again by fate!"

Alice left with a smile. Lu Chao looked at her back and knew that she was no longer an ordinary NPC. Maybe she was an AI player, or... she was an existence that he could not understand yet.

After a while, the Shadow Castle sank into the earth.

Lu Chaoding released the Great Mysterious Sword, and he would continue to earn achievements in the plane.

 Sorry, I was delayed during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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