Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 84 1 Must awaken the evil god (please subscribe)

Chapter 84: The Evil God must be awakened (please subscribe)
The dark and wide underground space is like a world shrouded in darkness.

The blood-colored array pattern flickered on and off, as if breathing.

In the center of the array, there was a boxy tank. It was not big, only six meters long and four meters wide. It seemed as if it had just experienced a fierce battle. The outer armor was densely covered with dents and scratches. Severely deformed in many places.

This tank is the Evil God Tank!

That is, the ultimate BOSS of Kuosen Island, the rumored culprit who will ultimately destroy the entire Kuosen Island.

At this moment, a figure was rotating around the evil tank with his head shrunk.

He is the gun king Dal Nail.

"Everyone, have you seen it? This is the Evil God Tank!" Dar Ding lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that the voice would be too loud.It will wake up the evil tank.

"That guy Jinx has identified a reliable swordsman and went to live broadcast his daily life. What is there to live broadcast? Shouldn't everyone be concerned about the evil tank? Now that the Weeping Angel is dead, this sealed area is also There will be no more guards, so you can visit the Evil God Tank as you like. Guys, give me some gifts, and I will get closer so that you can have a clearer look at this Evil God!"

As expected, Dahl Ding got closer to the Evil God Tank. Suddenly, he said in surprise: "Old fellows, I have received a system prompt. I only need to sacrifice a drop of Evil God's blood to awaken this Evil God Tank! Fellow fellows, Do you think I want to collect the blood of the evil god? Do I want to wake up the evil god tank? Old men, tell me with your gifts!"

Comments quickly appeared on the barrage.

"It must be awakened to advance the plot!"

"How dare you, Sword Immortal: How dare you awaken the evil god!"

"Don't bother with Jingdao Sword Immortal here!"

"If you want to see someone who dares to be a swordsman, go to Jinx's live broadcast room!"

"Jinx seems to have become the bastard of Dare Sword Fairy!"

"Really? It's such a nonsense, let me go and take a look!"

"Let's do some popular science. Is the Evil God Tank powerful? How dare the Sword Immortal be able to defeat the Evil God Tank?"

"I think it's [-] to [-]!"

"Let's open four or six!"

"Are you kidding me? How can the Dare Sword Immortal be the opponent of the Evil God Tank?"

"It seems that it is necessary to educate you on how terrifying the Evil God Tank is!"

"For those who are interested in the Evil God Tank, please move to the seventh live broadcast room!"

"The seventh live broadcast room, the closed beta has started! The live broadcast is the final battle. The evil tank on their island has awakened!"

"real or fake?"

"Which Kuosen Island is so powerful that even the evil tanks have revived?"

"Go and have a look, go and have a look..."

As some players broke the news, there were fewer and fewer barrage comments in Dalding's live broadcast, and the audience in the live broadcast room quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, Dar Ding couldn't help but frown.

"The seventh live broadcast room? Live broadcast of the final battle? Isn't this taking away my business?"

Dar gritted his teeth and decided that he must wake up the Evil God Tank and create a big event to make his live broadcast room really popular, so that he could be the head anchor.

At this moment, in the live broadcast section of Kuosen Forum, there is indeed a "seventh live broadcast room", and its popularity is increasing rapidly, and it is about to surpass Jinx's live broadcast room.

Because the live broadcast title of this seventh live broadcast room is: "Live broadcast of the final battle on Kuosen Island, the terrifying evil god is about to be born!" The player who opened the live broadcast is nicknamed "Mariao".

Many players clicked in curiously, and to their surprise, the title of the live broadcast turned out to be real.

A certain Kuosen Island.

The huge Nut Fortress is fighting fiercely. The alloy gears on its chassis are rotating rapidly, and the eight huge mechanical pliers arms are retracting. This base is shrinking and deforming at a speed visible to the naked eye!
Eight players stood on the high outer wall of the fortress, with their hands folded in front of their chests, watching the statue of the Weeping Angel in the center of the fortress collapse and collapse, watching the ground crumble, and watching a black platform slow down. rise slowly.

There was a complex array pattern on the black platform, and the Evil God Tank was parked in the center.

The body of the Evil God Tank expanded and contracted like a beating heart.

Among the eight people, there was a player wearing a black tuxedo. He was the host of the seventh live broadcast room of the Kuosen Forum, Maliao.

Maliao cleared his throat and said loudly: "Everyone, for some reason, our plot mission here has been quickly advanced. Have you seen it? The evil tank has been released, and I will broadcast the entire final event live. decisive battle……"

"Let me introduce to you first. The first is our enemy, the level 60 big BOSS, the Evil God Tank. It is already in place. By this time tomorrow, it will fully wake up. By then, the final battle will begin. . Now we have 24 hours of preparation time... The Evil God Tank is a special life form. It has a total of twelve tubes of blood, one tube of blood worth 100 million, and our goal is to destroy its eight tubes of blood..."

"Let me show you our important ally, the Ghost Battleship Fetri! The Ghost Battleship is the big BOSS in the second act, but after meeting a series of hidden conditions, it can actually become an ally and join the final battle with the Evil God Tank. For details on how to operate it, I will reward you with [-] private messages!”

"Then, this is our core support, the Weeping Angel! Her resurrection ability is the key to the final battle. Without her resurrection ability, let alone destroying the evil tank's twelve blood tubes, even two tubes of blood would not be possible. arrive……"

"Look here, everyone, the important fighter, the Nut Fortress Combat Group, is led by the SS-level combatant Ben Lei Wing, including 2 S-level combatants, 20 A-level combatants and 1024 B-level combatants. Want to In the final battle, the damage will be higher, and we must try our best to keep as many combatants in Nut Fortress alive as possible before the final battle..."

"There are also important weapons. Look over there, veterans. The eight mechanical pincer arms of Nut Fortress are familiar to everyone. When the battle begins, they will besiege the Evil God Tank!"

"Look again, yes, those are the rocket launch towers of Nut Fortress. I believe many friends have seen them. In fact, they are the ultimate weapons of Nut Fortress, called martial arts cannons. After the battle begins, the Weeping Angel will operate them to bombard the evil god. tank."

"Finally, please allow me to introduce our captain, who may be the strongest player today, Melperon! His profession is Devil May Cry. Devil May Cry is a hidden profession. He can use guns, swords and other weapons. He has high The attack speed is high and the overall strength is very strong. As for how to obtain this profession, I will give you a reward of [-] yuan in private chat!"

"Some friends have asked, with such a powerful configuration, can you beat the Evil God Tank? Yes, you can't beat it, far from it. In our circle, the Evil God Tank is also called a headshot tank. Let's wait until the battle starts. Okay, let me tell you more in detail..."

Maliao introduced a lot of things in a seemingly professional manner, which attracted many players to post comments.

"With such a powerful configuration, it can't defeat the Evil God Tank? Isn't it outrageous!"

"Excuse me, has the battle space remained unchanged? After the war, will we fight inside the Nut Base?"

"Yes, Nut Base is a special fighting space, just for group fights!"

"I thought that the God of Swordsman could defeat the Evil God Tank, but now it seems that he and the Evil God Tank are not at the same level at all."

"Haha, that sand sculpture novice village dared the swordsman to beat the Weeping Angel to death. Haha, how will their final battle be fought?"

"Crowdfunding, can everyone help me change my job to Devil May Cry..."

Of course, Lu Chaoding didn't know about Maliao's live broadcast in Kuosen Forum. He had been guarding the entrance of Nut Fortress, working hard to sell his liver, and from day to night, he bought 24 B-level combatants, 1 A-level combatants, from these 25 combatants, he received a total of nearly 6 plane merits and nearly [-] gold coins, and also spent a lot of materials.

And the reason why it can be done so smoothly is because of Jinx.

Of the 25 combatants Lu Chaoding killed, 19 were brought over by him. The black man Hans was respectful on the surface, but his work efficiency was far worse than Jinx.

"It's getting dark, I wonder if Jinx will come..."

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, he saw seven figures slowly walking over in the hazy night.

Not only did Jinx come, he also brought five of his friends, as well as an A-level combatant.

(End of this chapter)

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