Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 85 Why are they so rich (paying off the debt of 87100 for Mr. Nuanyang)

Chapter 85 Why are they so rich (paying off the debt of 87100 for Mr. Nuanyang)

"Who dares to wander in front of the fortress? Come back with me to face trial!"

The A-level combatant who followed Jinx and the others was named Ariel. She was a hot female gunner NPC. When she saw Lu Chaodong, she was similar to the previous NPCs. She also took the initiative to scold and take action!
Lu Chaoding pulled her into the fighting space with a sword. After 3 minutes, the battle ended and she reappeared in front of Jinx and others.

The profit this time was very good. He received 2200 plane merit points and 1578 gold coins, and also shot a three-star weapon [submachine gun]!
"Hey, how dare you be a swordsman!"

Darjian walked up to Lu Chaoding and asked, "Do you have the blood of the evil god?"

Lu Chaoding looked up at him and was so frightened that he quickly put on a black top hat and shouted: "I'm wearing a hat!"

"We wore them too!"

Jinx, Joanna and others also quickly put on a hat of the same style as Dahl.

Lu Chaoding stared.

Good guy, are you so confident?
But can wearing a hat prevent being killed?

These guys are so silly and cute.

However, Lu Chaoding found it interesting and did not kill him immediately. He looked at Dar Ding carefully and said, "Yes!"

He does have a bottle of [Blood of the Evil God], which is the five-star prop he got from killing the ghost battleship.


Dar Ding was overjoyed and said: "The blood of the evil god is an important tool for awakening the evil god's tank. How dare you, Sword Immortal, give me the blood of the evil god? For this reason, I am willing to be your dogleg... Oh no, faithful Servant!"

"Awakening the Evil God Tank..."

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he began to think silently.

He can only stay in the Machine Emperor Universe for a few days. When the time is up, he will be forcibly transported back to "outer space". Before leaving, he has set three goals for himself.

The first one is, of course, to complete the task of "consuming a total of 100 million plane merits".

The second one is to brush [Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hate] to LV9!
For this reason, Lu Chaoding cherishes his time and has been selling his liver.

The third one is to see the evil tank, the final BOSS here.

Therefore, when Dar Ding said that [Blood of the Evil God] was the key item to awaken the Evil God Tank, he couldn't help but become interested. After thinking for a moment, he said, "How to awaken the Evil God Tank with the Blood of the Evil God?"

Darjian said: "Just go to the underground seal area of ​​Nut Fortress and use the blood of the evil god. It's very simple!"

"Really?" Lu Chaoding slowly raised the big black knife and suddenly said: "How dare you lie to me!"

After saying this, the sword fell, and the shadow of the sword was like a torrent, directly killing Dal Ding.

He has no psychological burden on killing players from other worlds. After all, they are his enemies in the future.

With a crash, Dar Ding's body turned into light and disappeared, but a large number of items were scattered on the ground.

"Sure enough, if players in the Machine King Universe are killed at night, they will also drop treasures!"

Seeing this, Lu Chaoding no longer hesitated and continued to hunt Jinx and others.

"Shadiao Darding, why do you want to deceive Jingdao Sword Immortal? Isn't this harmful to others?"

"Are we going to run with our hats on?"

"You can try it without running away..."

Jinx and others were in chaos. Lu Chaoding was the first to catch up with Jinx. Jinx shouted from a distance: "I'm wearing a hat, I bought a new one, look!"

Lu Chao said: "How dare you wear a hat."

After saying that, Jinx fell down with the sword, and a large number of items fell out with a crash.

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry to pick it up. He went after other players first and achieved six kills in a moment.

What surprised him was that these six people were too rich. They did not mention various materials, food, etc., but only talked about gold dollars. Marcus dropped 32654 yuan, Cupis dropped 44568 yuan, and Polana dropped 54156 yuan. 68974 blocks were dropped, Joanna dropped 73104 blocks, Dalnail dropped 79444 blocks, and Jinx dropped [-] blocks.

The six people dropped a total of 352900 gold coins.

"What a profit! How come these guys are so rich!"

Lu Chaoding said that he was very satisfied.At the resurrection point of Nut Fortress, Jinx and the other six people were depressed.

"Daddy's money!"

"That was the reward given to me by the audience!"

"How dare you dare to kill the swordsman without wearing a hat? He will kill even if he wears a hat!"

"Who dared me to meet him?"

"I didn't lie to him, really!"

"Made, I will bring powerful combatants to kill him!"

"If you can't do it alone, you have to lead a group and form a team!"

They were shouting.

The black man Hans passed by, laughed loudly, and muttered: "You white-skinned pigs, you must be wiped out by Master Sword Immortal. It's really fun!"

Behind him, followed an S-class combatant.

There are only two S-class combatants in the entire Nut Fortress. The S-class combatant Hans brought is named [Ginyu]. He is a pilot with a level as high as 40 and a health value of 40!
After a while, Hans took the S-class combatant out of the Nut Fortress and brought him to Lu Chaoding.

After a battle, Lu Chaoding once again gained 10000 points of plane merit, 2000 gold coins and 15 pieces of [Mobile Materials]!
A moment later, Jinx and others appeared again. This time, they brought a large group of high-level NPCs, including one S-level combatant, ten A-level combatants, and 30 B-level combatants. of.

"Go ahead, beat the Sword Immortal to death!"

"Don't run away if you have the guts, just do it head-on!"

"How dare the Sword Immortal come to fight us for three hundred rounds!"

"Old fellows, now is the special event for hunting the Jingdao Sword Immortal, we have formed an NPC brigade!"

"Completely encircle and suppress the Jingdao Sword Immortal, I will definitely kill him this time..."

Jinx and others were very resentful, and the NPC combatants they brought out became more and more arrogant, and they were still in a team.

If it was a one-on-one challenge, Lu Chao would not be afraid, but if he fought alone in a group, he would definitely not be able to defeat them. He retreated decisively and fled from the third highland to the first highland, and then to the sea.

A group of NPC combatants were unable to go to sea. They were all stuck on the coast, maintaining their team status, facing Lu Chaoding who was standing on the Daxuan ship across the sea.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Daxuan and the others have installed 12 devil shark cannons on the current Daxuan ship. Lu Chaodao has enough materials, and Lu Daxuan continues to make devil shark cannons!
"Everyone, you dared the Sword Immortal to escape, and now our large forces have driven him overseas! The hot chicken dared the Sword Immortal to escape, and he didn't dare to go ashore, hahaha!"

Jinx was standing on a coastal rock and shouted loudly to the live camera.

Suddenly, his vision went dark, and a sack covered his head.

After a while, Jinx saw the light again, and he suddenly found himself on a small island.

He was carried over by Lu Chao in a torn sack.

"How dare you not wear a hat!"

Lu Chaoding yelled out the old lines and killed Jinx instantly with one blow. Then he took up the Daxuan Sword again and came to the coast. Relying on the immunity granted by the [Morality] attribute to enter the battle, he forcibly killed a B-class combatant. He put a sack on his back and carried it to the island.

The team status stopped working after a certain distance. Lu Chaoding easily killed the B-level combatant on the island. Then, when the status returned to full, he repeated his old trick and used a torn sack to kill another fighter. An NPC combatant carried them to a small island in the sea and forced a duel with them.

In this way, Lu Chao worked hard all night and into the morning of the next day. He fought continuously for more than 17 hours before completely eating up the team of 41 NPCs.

At this time, Lu Chaoding's plane achievements reached 91720!

And the gold yuan has been saved to 45!
He called up the merit store panel and exchanged all 45 gold dollars into plane merits, and now he had more than 18 merits!
"Ding, after consuming 10 plane merit points, you have successfully purchased the [Exclusive Material Copy]. This copy has been automatically installed in your exclusive cave. Please check for details!"

"Ding, return 8 points of plane merit!"

"Ding, you spent 161600 points of plane merit and successfully purchased 808 [lucky tickets]!"

"Ding, return 129280 points of plane merit..."

Lu Chaoding sat alone on the island and built a merit store.

(End of this chapter)

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