Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 86 Spend [-] and get a free base and fortress

Chapter 86 Spend one million and get a base and fortress as a gift

Lu Chaoding kept buying [lottery tickets], always buying the largest amount. From the beginning, he bought 808 tickets, then 647 tickets, then 517 tickets, then 403 tickets...

Until he could only buy 3 pieces, Lu Chaoding suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, 480 plane merit points will be returned!"

"Ding, a total of 100 million plane merits have been consumed, and the mission requirements have been met. The reward is Nut Fortress +1!"

At this moment, without any sound, the Nut Fortress on the third high ground in the distance suddenly turned into light and disappeared, its foundations were pulled out, and there was only a deep pit left there.

That deep pit is the underground sealed area.

The NPCs and players in this nut base, as well as a large number of debris, building facilities, etc., were quietly scattered to the edge of the pit.

As a result, the edge of the deep pit suddenly seemed to have become a garbage dump, with all kinds of things scattered messily.

Jinx, Daljing and others were sleeping in this ring of garbage at the moment, unaware of what was happening suddenly.

The same goes for many NPCs.

Of course, there are also awake NPCs, such as those standing guard and patrolling. They were stunned for a moment, and then continued to stand guard and patrol!
There are also NPCs drinking in the tavern. The tavern has become an open air. They hold wine glasses and look around blankly. Then they continue to drink and continue to complete their actions according to the system settings.

Lu Chaoding continued to receive system prompts: "Ding: Congratulations on obtaining the special strategic base Nut Fortress. The items have been distributed to your storage space. Please check it yourself..."

"Ding, system error, try to automatically repair, repairing..."

"Ding, Nut Fortress is a large base building and cannot be stored in storage space. It will be automatically installed in your secret camp..."

"Ding, it's detected that you don't have a secret camp yet. There is a system error and it is being repaired..."

"Ding, check the registered address, the Nut Fortress will be installed in your exclusive cave!"

"Ding, system error, repairing..."

"Ding, affected by the laws of the Hongchen Sword Realm, the Nut Fortress was transformed into the Secret Realm of the Sword Realm. Its functions are retained to the maximum extent, and the shape of the building is changed to a certain extent. It is renamed Nut Secret Realm!"

"Ding, congratulations, your Nut Secret Realm was successfully installed!"

At this moment, an information panel popped up in front of Lu Chaoding.

Name: Nut Secret Realm

Explanation: The Nut Secret Realm is a large ancillary building of [Lu Chaoding Exclusive Cave].

Function: [Exclusive battle space], Nut Secret Realm can provide exclusive battle space.If the target has been penetrated into it, the military units, combat facilities, etc. in the secret realm can freely enter the battle.

Equipped facilities: [Active alloy high wall], defense facilities.


Equipped facilities: [Martial Arts Cannon] × 3, durability 100 million, basic attack power 10, defense 300, toughness none, speed none.By mounting unique skills, you can achieve strategic long-distance strikes.

Equipped facilities: [Secret Radar], in the central control room you can search for secret camps, exclusive caves, exclusive caves, small worlds, strategic bases, etc. Please explore by yourself for details.

Note [-]: The metal exterior walls and mechanical arms of the Nut Realm have automatic repair functions, which take effect during non-combat times.

Note [-]: The martial arts cannon must be equipped with the stunt skill book before it can be activated. After the skill book is installed, the skill will be upgraded to the top level and bound immediately, and cannot be changed.

Note 24: Only certain matching attack skill skill books can be mounted on the martial arts cannon. Releasing stunts through the martial arts cannon does not require any consumption and is not subject to round restrictions. However, the [martial arts cannon] has a limited cooldown time of [-] hours and requires precision. Position or guide before attacking.

Note [-]: The martial art cannon can be accurately positioned through the [Secret Realm Radar], or can be guided on-site by the Master of the Secret Realm. Please explore on your own for details. =====
"Good guy, you installed the Nut Fortress directly into my exclusive cave. Is that so outrageous?"

At this time, Lu Chaoding had discovered that the nut base on the third highland had disappeared, and thought that this was really a local resource.

He continued to study the exclusive battle space. Lu Chaoding couldn't figure out how it would work just by imagining it, but he understood the capabilities of the [Armed Mechanical Arm] and [Martial Arts Cannon].

To put it simply, 8 [Armed Mechanical Arms] are eight thugs with extremely high attributes.

The [Martial Arts Cannon] is a long-range attack weapon.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chaoding took out the [Mighty Tianlong] skill book.

"Can this powerful Tianlong be mounted on the martial arts cannon? Once it is equipped, it will be directly raised to the top level?"

As soon as he thought about it, he received a system prompt: "Ding, are you sure you want to equip the [Mighty Tianlong] skill book on the No. [-] martial arts cannon?"

Lu Chaoding hesitated for a moment, then said firmly: "Sure!"

"Ding, congratulations, the No. 12 martial arts cannon is equipped and bound with the special skill [Dawei Tianlong], and the level of [Dawei Tianlong] has been upgraded to LV[-]."

Following the system prompt, the attribute information of the No. [-] martial arts gun popped up in front of Lu Chaoding.

Name: No.[-] Martial Arts Cannon
Equipment skills: Dawei Tianlong
Number of attack stages: four stages

Basic attack characteristics: Attack damage is not affected by damage reduction effects such as defense damage reduction, resistance damage reduction, and toughness damage reduction. It cannot be blocked, can be dodged, and is affected by critical hits, vulnerability, damage increase and other buff effects.

Enhanced attack special effects: [Subduing Demons], after the mighty Tianlong is upgraded to LV6, each attack has a chance to cause a special "return to original shape" special effect on monsters and spirits. Once the target is beaten back to its original form, it will become its original form. It is a small prototype form, which affects its mobility and attribute data. Please explore by yourself for details.After Dawei Tianlong is upgraded to LV12, all targets will have a probability of "returning to their original form" special effect, and it will definitely trigger triple critical hits on demon and spirit targets, and give the target a "deterrence" state for one round...

"More than 30 real injuries, and the special effect of restoring the original shape is outrageous! It's a pity that it can only be released once every 24 hours..."

Lu Chaoding discovered that although he could not open the entrance to the exclusive cave, he could control the No. [-] martial arts cannon, guide it on the spot, and release remote tricks.

He continued to study martial arts cannons, and at this moment, in the live broadcast section of the Kuosen Forum, in the No. [-] live broadcast room, the broadcaster Maliao was explaining excitedly.

"Dear veterans, after 24 hours of preparations day and night, the final battle is finally about to begin. Look, the Evil God Tank has fully awakened. I won't say anything anymore. Please follow my live broadcast and experience it. Just look at the terror of this evil god..."

"Haha, I saw a barrage saying that there was a [-]-[-] split between the Jingdao Sword Immortal and the Evil God Tank. What the hell is the Jingdao Sword Immortal? Is he worthy? Okay, I admit that I have watched the live broadcasts of those idiotic broadcasters, then Jingdao Jianxian does have some abilities, but with all due respect, he is not on the same level as Evil God Tank. There is a huge difference. If he fights with Cthulhu Tank, he will die miserably! Not to mention Jingang Sword Immortal. , let’s watch the decisive battle..."

In the live broadcast, a square, pitch-black tank made a whistle sound. Its gun barrel quickly rotated in a circle, as if it was looking around, and then it made an even louder whistle sound.


There was a loud shout, and the player named Maiperun jumped onto the fighting platform in the center of Nut Fortress. He held a big sword and charged towards the Evil God Tank.

After a jump slash hit the evil tank's gun barrel, the battle officially began.

A large number of players rushed into the live broadcast room crazily. They saw the Weeping Angel activate the martial arts cannon, saw the rocket take off, saw the rocket explode into a huge lightsaber in mid-air, and then fall with thunderous momentum. They also saw eight mechanical arms like war hammers. Generally speaking, violently beating the Evil God Tank, and seeing the Thunder Wings leading all combatants to attack together...

The battle scenes are magnificent.

They then saw the heads of each NPC combatant exploding inexplicably, saw the Evil God tank destroying a fortress' mechanical arm with one shot, saw the Weeping Angel using the resurrection spell, and saw the black cannonball falling to the ground and exploding. Ring shock wave, smoke billowing into the sky...

In short, in less than 10 minutes, the broadcaster Maliao knelt down, and then the live broadcast showed a doomsday scene. The live broadcast footage showed how the Evil God Tank showed its power and carried out massacres.

Less than 10 minutes later, amid countless barrage comments with the word "despair", the earth shattered and Kuosen Island began to collapse, sink, and sink!
(End of this chapter)

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