Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 87 Level 2 mighty dragon, bombarding other worlds

Chapter 87 The twelve-level mighty dragon, bombarding other worlds
"The great god's Kuosen Island has sunk!"

"The Evil God Tank is too powerful!"

"How did the Evil God Tank blow off the NPC's head?"

"The anchor said that if you enter the evil god's attack range, you will hear the evil god's whisper. If you can't answer the evil god's question, you will be shot in the head!"

"The evil god whispers? Is it so outrageous?"

"This ability has no solution. No matter how strong it is, as long as you can't answer the question, you will be shot in the head!"

"The Weeping Angels died by being shot in the head!"

"Then even a divine outfit is useless!"

"Even if there is no whisper of the evil god, who can beat it with its offensive and defensive attributes?"

"The Evil God Tank is designed to be invincible, and the sinking of Kuosen Island is the plot!"

"Yes, if Kuosen Island doesn't sink, how can we leave Novice Village? How can we encounter the Samurai God Fleet?"

"Next, it's time for the Samurai Fleet to appear, right?"

"The big guys are coming out of Novice Village, I'm envious!"

"Everyone, hurry up and watch the live broadcast of those six sand sculptures. Their nut fortress ran away with a bucket!"

"What, running away with a bucket? What do you mean?"

"Haha, I'm laughing so hard. Their fortress was lost overnight!"

"Nut Fortress: I can't stand it anymore. The players in this village are all idiots. I'll run away first out of respect!"

"Can Nut Fortress still escape? Does it mean it was stolen?"

"Just go and take a look and you will know. The expressions of those six idiot anchors are so funny!"

"They were carried to the island in sacks by Jingdare Sword Fairy last night and tortured. They didn't make me laugh to death. What the hell did they do today?"

"Pass it on: How dare the Sword Immortal carry away the Nut Fortress!"

"Pass it on: How dare Sword Immortal elope with Nut Fortress!"

"It's getting more and more outrageous!"

"The most miserable Kuo Sen Island in history, everyone, go and see it, those six sand sculptures are going to make me happy to death!"

"A few big living people can't even stand up to such a big fortress. It's so cool!"

The barrage comments in the seventh live broadcast room took off, but gradually, the taste of those comments changed. More and more players mentioned the live broadcast room of Jinx and others, causing the audience of the seventh live broadcast room to quickly lose stand up.

At this moment, Jinx and others stood at the old site of Nut Fortress, which looked like a garbage dump. They all looked around with their big eyes open, their heads full of question marks.

"Where's Nut Fortress?"

"How did it become like this?"

"What the hell happened?"

"When I woke up, why was the Nut Fortress missing?"

They were very puzzled and quickly dispersed to watch everywhere.

After a while, they had to admit the fact that their nut fortress was gone!

Not even a single part can be found!

"This is too miserable. Oh, how dare you give me a dollar as a gift!"

"There's something fishy about this matter. It's either related to the Jingdao Sword Immortal or the Evil God Tank!"

"Anchor, go find Jingdao Sword Immortal!"

"Go and see if the Evil God Tank is still there?"

"The Evil God Tank is still there, why is such a big fortress gone?"

"Haha, this Kuosen Island is very interesting..."

More and more players are entering the live broadcast room of Jinx and others.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding was sitting on the Daxuan ship and studying the plane merit store.

He currently still has 560 plane merit points, and has purchased a total of 4490 [lottery tickets]. However, since the task of "consuming a total of 100 million merits" has been completed, there will be no refunds for further consumption of plane merit purchases.

"I don't know if the Tianming Platform here can be used. These lottery tickets have a novice guarantee. A thousand draws will guarantee a purple, and a thousand draws will guarantee a gold. I have to continue to work hard and strive to collect [-] lottery tickets during the novice period!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding drove the Daxuan Sword to the ruins of Nut Fortress.

He thought that he wouldn't be able to stay here for long, so he had to seize the time to do more plane achievements. After all, there would be no store like this after passing this village.Soon Lu Chaoding arrived at the outskirts of the ring-shaped garbage mountain. With the experience of being chased by the NPC group last time, Lu Chaoding did not dare to be too high-profile. He moved forward carefully and met a B-level combatant after a moment. , after confirming that this NPC was alone and not in a team, Lu Chao held his sword 50 meters away and killed him with one blow, easily gaining 60 plane merit points.

"Only 60 points, he seems to be the worst combatant!"

Lu Chaoding knew the combatants of Nut Fortress very well. If you kill a B-level combatant, you can get 50 to 500 plane merit points, depending on their strength. If you kill an A-level combatant, you can generally get more than 2000 points. Point plane merit points, and Lu Chaoding also killed two S-class combatants, and both received [-] merit points.

Lu Chaoding's current idea is to hunt down all the combatants in Nut Fortress and then wake up the Evil God Tank.

A moment later, Lu Chaoding hunted another lone B-class combatant, but was also discovered by Jinx, Dardian and others.

"I caught the daredevil swordsman!"

"What is he going to do? Hunt combatants?"

"How dare Sword Immortal not want to kill all the combatants in Nut Fortress!"

"Old fellows, if the anchor risked his life to track down the Jingdao Sword Immortal, can't he give him a gift to encourage him?"

Jinx and others were following Lu Chaoding on the live broadcast, live broadcasting him hunting NPC combatants.

About half an hour later, in the live broadcast of Jinx and others, Lu Chaoding suddenly stood still, then stretched out his hand to point to the sky and shouted: "Look at me, the mighty Tianlong!"

Quickly, fire appeared in the sky, and then a missile appeared through the sky. With a bang, the missile suddenly exploded. In the fire, there was a man with a beard with copper horns, scales like gold, and a body wrapped with golden lightning. A huge dragon appeared.

"Whoa, whoa..."

It was born with a kind of coercion, making a sound as loud as thunder, and suddenly plunged towards the earth.

boom boom boom boom...

The ground shook, thunder and lightning surged, followed by another long groan.

Jinx and others saw the huge dragon dragging thirty or forty NPC combatants into the sky, and then attacked them fiercely in the sky.

About ten seconds later, those combatants fell from the sky. The divine dragon roared and erupted a thick bolt of lightning from its mouth. The lightning struck the ground and turned into a rushing electric light. The enveloped NPC combatants fell directly. The light disappeared.


The dragon roared and circled in the sky again, then slowly flew into the sky and disappeared.

"Damn it, what kind of ultimate move is this? It's so cool!"

"It seems like dozens of NPCs were killed at once!"

"Made, this is the unique skill of Dare Sword Immortal!"

“Old fellows, after seeing such a cool ultimate move, why don’t you get some gifts?”

Jinx and others exclaimed repeatedly, and many players watching the live broadcast were excited by the appearance of Dawei Tianlong.

Lu Chaoding shook his head at this moment.

"Twelve-level mighty dragon, cross-border bombing, can only be used once every 24 hours. It looks cool, but it only killed 39 B-level combatants?"

Lu Chaoding felt that although [Dawei Tianlong] had a group attack effect, it was best used to attack a single target. Otherwise, the group attack would share the damage and could only be used to clear out miscellaneous soldiers.

He had finally finished testing the power of the martial arts cannon, and was still hunting NPC combatants outside the pit.

Two hours later, Lu Chaoding had hunted down a total of 33 lone combatants, and finally attracted a small team of combatants to pursue them.

Just like last night, Lu Chaoding took them all the way to the beach, and then used a torn sack to break the team status and force a one-on-one duel with them.

From then on, Lu Chaoding seemed to have turned into a robot, focusing on hunting NPC combatants, leading a boring, yet fulfilling life.

Jinx and others followed Lu Chaoyang from a distance, not daring to get too close, but after a long time they couldn't hold on any longer and retreated one after another.

Since Nut Fortress is gone, what they can do now is very limited. In addition to live broadcasting, they are clearing the castle dungeon or fighting jungle monsters.

They are very much like awakening the Evil God Tank. As long as the Evil God Tank wakes up, the popularity of their live broadcast room will definitely increase a lot, but it is a pity that they do not have the blood of the Evil God.

Time passes, day and night repeat...

At this time, Lu Chaoding, who had been fighting for two days and three nights, flew towards the sealed area in the pit.

He has killed all S-class and A-class combatants in Nut Fortress, and has also killed a total of 324 B-class combatants.

The only combatants left in Nut Fortress are one SS Thunder Wing and 500 B-class combatants.

However, they have always maintained a team status and are stationed together. Lu Chaoding is a little helpless towards them, unable to lure them out, and he does not dare to carry sacks of people against this large force.

"The planned goal has been basically achieved, it's time to meet the Evil God Tank!"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently. In his field of vision, the tank located in the center of the huge formation under the deep pit became increasingly clear.

(End of this chapter)

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