Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 88 The Evil God Sleepwalks (Thanks to Qin Feng and Boss Qin Shi Huang for the reward)

Chapter 88 The Evil God Sleepwalks (Thanks to Qin Feng and Boss Qin Shi Huang for the reward)
"A tank is actually an evil god. It would be more believable to say it is a Transformer..."

Lu Chaoding was full of curiosity. He approached the Evil God Tank with his sword, and suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, you realize that the strange life form in front of you is the Evil God sealed by Nut Fortress. The Evil God whispers in your ears, You have learned the important plot, sacrifice the blood of the evil god here, and you will awaken and release the evil god tank!"

"Ding, trigger the plot mission: use the blood of the evil god in the current area. The mission is completed. The evil god tank will wake up and break through the seal!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up. Update the tracking mission: use the blood of the evil god in the current area. The mission is completed. The evil god tank will sleep and break through the seal!"


Lu Chao nodded, thinking that the unreliable system was still so unreliable.

Sleep and break the seal?
What would that be like?
"Ding, the whispers of the evil god continue to be heard in your ears, which makes you feel a splitting headache. You clearly realize that the power of the evil god is eroding your will, and your health begins to decrease..."

The system prompt sounded again, and the damage number appeared above Lu Chaoding's head: "-10"!
"It seems you can't stay here for long!"

Lu Chaoding made a quick decision and took out the [Blood of the Evil God].

"Come on, Evil God Tank, perform a deep sleep for me and break the seal!"

Lu Chao thought about it and immediately received a system prompt: "Are you sure you want to use [Blood of the Evil God]?"


"Ding, the use of [Blood of the Evil God] was successful!"

"Ding, the blood of the Evil God has been absorbed by the Evil God Tank, and the Evil God Tank's power has been replenished!"

"Ding, the Evil God Tank is sleeping. As the plot advances, the Evil God Tank is about to break through the seal, and the Nut Fortress is about to enter a state of combat readiness..."

"Ding, system error, automatic repair."

"Ding, the repair is completed, the plot is advancing, the Evil God Tank has entered a deep sleep and started to break through the seal..."

At this moment, Lu Chaoding saw a text bubble popping up above the head of the Evil God Tank, and in the text bubble was a series of "zzz", but his cannon barrel started spinning around, and the tracks began to rotate, and then Boom, boom, boom, the earth shook, the huge magic circle on the ground lit up, and bright cracks appeared from inside it.

"This... this is sleepwalking!"

Lu Chaoding was surprised.

He backed up a distance with his sword and looked at the Evil God Tank again. It had the "sleep" mark on it and its tracks began to rotate crazily. It was like a headless fly spinning around on the black platform, and it was like a child playing with an unfamiliar remote-controlled toy. With a ghostly and silly look, it moved back and forth, left and right, suddenly accelerated and turned sideways, and overturned. The tracks idled for a while before turning back. It accelerated again, and with a roar, it arched to one side. Half of the body was embedded in the rock wall, and then the tracks turned forward and reverse for a while, holding back a lot of steam from the armored iron plate. After finally pulling himself out of the rock wall, he was suddenly hit by another car that accelerated and reversed. Go to the rock wall and this time embed the back half of your body into the rock wall.

"This sand sculpture tank... Mengjia!"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but laugh.

And with its activity like this, the huge magic circle on the ground began to break rapidly.

The seal is indeed being broken!

The large NPC troops stationed in the sealed area also began to take action.

"The evil god is breaking through the seal. All combatants must gather immediately to fulfill their mission. Follow me to stop the evil god. We must not let him leave the Nut Base!"

The only SS combatant, Ben Lei Wing, shouted loudly.

He was a pilot, driving a five-meter-tall angel-shaped combat mecha. The mecha had two wings. At this moment, a large number of arcs were emitted from the wings, making him particularly eye-catching.

"Stop the evil god!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Fulfill your mission!"

"Swear to the death to complete the task!"

The 500 B-class combatants shouted loudly and loudly.

Then they followed the Thunder Wings and jumped into the black pit one by one like dumplings, and then launched an attack on the Evil God Tank.

No battle flag appeared, and those NPCs and evil tanks did not enter the battle space.

The Evil God Tank was attacked, but the sleeping symbol above its head still existed. It did not enter combat mode, and was still sleepwalking, rushing left and right, and its actions were illogical.

At this time, regional announcements also sounded throughout Kuosen Island.

"Ding, system announcement: The plot of Nut Fortress is advancing. The Evil God Tank fell into sleep and began to attack the seal. The combatants stationed in Nut Fortress began to fight against the Evil God Tank!"

"Ding, system announcement: Nut Fortress plot is advancing, all players can go to the sealed area to participate in the plot..."

Jinx and others were shocked when they heard the system notification.

"What, the final battle in our village has begun!" "Who awakened the Evil God Tank? Could it be the Dare Sword Immortal?"

"Old fellows, the final battle has begun!"

"Take everyone to see the final battle in our village. I think it will be different!"

"Half of the combatants in the Nut Base have been harmed by the Jingdao Sword Immortal. The Nut Base is still gone, and they will definitely not be able to defeat the Evil God Tank. If you go to the sealed area now, you will probably die. Old guys, give me 100 Jingdare." A little gift from the Sword Immortal, I will risk my life to go and have a look..."

Jinx and others were scattered everywhere, and they were all running towards the sealed area quickly.

When they reached the edge of the sealed area and saw the scene inside, they were completely stunned.

In their field of vision, the Evil God Tank was like an out-of-control and naughty toy car. Amid the pursuit and interception of a large number of combatants, it went its own way and performed various toy car actions.

Not only Jinx and others were confused, but the viewers in their live broadcast room were also dumbfounded.

"Damn it, what is going on? This is it!"

"Why is the host's Kuosen Island so weird?"

"The Evil God Tank went crazy?"

"No, he was obviously driving drunk!"

"Haha, you made me laugh so hard. Those combatants are probably confused too!"

"Is this the legendary scene of early humans taming wild tanks?"

"I saw Jingdao Jianxian, the sand sculpture anchor, the camera was aimed at Jingdao Jianxian!"

"Haha, I'm laughing so hard, host, why don't you kneel down and broadcast it!"

"It's so weird!"

"The Evil God Tank is so cute, I really want to take it home!"

"Didn't I say that the Evil God Tank is so powerful that it's hopelessly powerful? What is it doing now?"

"Damn Nut Fortress combatants, why are you bullying an out-of-control tank?"

"The Evil God Tank is losing health, will it be lost?"

"@mariao@马波伦, look at how people beat the evil god! Have you learned how to do it?"

"I can't learn it, I can't learn it!"

"How dare the Sword Immortal take action and he also fights tanks!"

"How dare the swordsman not respect martial ethics and sneak attack from behind!"

"Can the anchor tell me what is going on?"

"The anchor is a bastard, he doesn't know anything, he only stares at the live broadcast..."

In the live broadcast of Jinx and others, barrage comments were flying wildly, but Lu Chaoding was fighting seriously at the moment.

He found that the "sleeping" Evil God Tank would not be pulled into the battle space. It just sleepwalked mindlessly and occasionally launched one or two attacks. It was also a random attack, but it killed and injured many NPC combatants.

The combatants led by Thunder Wings just tried their best to attack the Evil God Tank, but because they could not enter the battle space, all attacks were normal attacks and the damage was very average.

In fact, Lu Chaoding can only launch normal attacks without entering the battle space. However, his normal attacks are accompanied by sword shadows and are used continuously. It is tantamount to unlimited release of [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate], and the damage is very considerable.

Not long after, the Evil God Tank's first tube of blood was drained.

Different from ordinary BOSS, the Evil God Tank has twelve tubes of blood, and one tube of blood is 100 million lives. It has no toughness, but its defense is as high as 999, and its defense damage reduction is close to 91%.

Lu Chaoding is blessed with the power of heaven, and his attacks ignore defense. His output alone is almost comparable to that of a large army led by Thunder Wings.

"If we keep going like this, it won't be a problem to kill the Evil God Tank! I just don't know what kind of loot I can get if I kill it!"

Lu Chaoding was full of expectations. He stepped on the Daxuan Sword and kept attacking with the sword. The five Zhutou brothers were also very busy at the moment. They ran around on both sides of the Daxuan Sword and ran behind a Devil Shark Cannon. Just kick the back seat hard, then switch guns and kick again.

This "fierce kick" is firing.

Now a total of 56 devil shark cannons have been installed on the Daxuan ship. Under the operation of Da Mao and the others, the shells flew down from the Daxuan ship, dragging a trail cloud formed by white steam, and the ruthless bombing was carried out on the Daxuan ship. On top of the Evil God tank.

 Ask for all support!
(End of this chapter)

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