Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 89 You killed an evil god

Chapter 89 You killed an evil god

This was definitely the easiest BOSS battle Lu Chaoding had ever fought. He was completely chasing the BOSS.

The Evil God Tank was sleepwalking throughout the whole process. Its unpredictable movement could still threaten the NPC combatants on the ground, but it did not pose any threat to Lu Chaoding standing on top of the Daxuan Sword.

As a result, the battle gradually developed into a farce, and even Jinx, Dalnail and others came off the stage to participate in the battle.

"This is a total brawl!"

"I just want to know what happened to the Evil God Tank?"

"Anchor, tell me how to guide this plot, I will give you 1 Jingdao Sword Immortals, keep your word!"

“Internal beta players said they couldn’t understand it!”

"If you fight like this, won't there be whispers from the evil god?"

"The Evil God Tank was knocked out of two tubes of blood!"

"This is outrageous!"

"The Evil God Tank won't be killed, right?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"What if the Evil God Tank is killed, what will happen to the subsequent plot of Kuosen Island? Will the Samurai God Fleet appear again?"

"Haha, I was laughing so hard. I saw a bow-legged player being run over by an evil tank in reverse!"

"How dare the Sword Immortal's skills are so gorgeous..."

The live broadcast of Jinx and others made countless players laugh, and also made some players frown, such as Maliao and others.

Mari Ao, Mai Pelun and others have already boarded the Samurai God Battleship. According to the plot, the Samurai God Battleship will carry them to the Machine King Continent. Once there, they can join the temple organization. This is undoubtedly leaving the Novice Village. Get more advanced gameplay and a freer gaming experience, so you can take the lead step by step!
However, after watching the live broadcast of Jinx and others, the joy of being the first to leave the Novice Village was immediately cut in half.

"It seems that we haven't studied the plot of Kuosen Island enough. Maybe the Evil God Tank can really be killed!"

Maiperun closed the live broadcast screen, looked at the undulating sea, and continued: "I won't watch it. If they find a high-level treasure, I'm afraid I'll be jealous. By the way, that Jingdao Sword Immortal must be an important NPC. Maybe it’s a big BOSS. When we get to the Machine Emperor Continent, there will definitely be a plot about him. We must pay more attention and try our best to collect information about him!”

"Okay!" Maliao nodded and said: "Captain, it is said that the Machine Emperor universe is controlled by the evil god, and there are countless temple organizations. Which one do you plan to join?"

"There is no doubt that the Ghost Temple!" Maiperun smiled, "Listening to the descriptions of those servant gods, the Ghost Temple is the most suitable for my Devil May Cry career!"

"Then let's join the Ghost Temple together!"

"Come on, we will make the Ghost Temple become the strongest force in the Mecha Universe!"

"Yes, yes, we must seize the opportunity, take the lead one step at a time, and take the lead step by step!"

During the conversation between these people, the Samurai Warship, like a moving island, broke through the waves. After passing through a layer of blue barrier, Maiperon, Marion and others on the bow of the ship could see a vast expanse of land. continent.

They officially entered the Machine Emperor Universe, and a system announcement was triggered. These eight people each received a big treasure chest of glory.

When Lu Chaoding heard this system announcement, the Evil God Tank had already lost eight tubes of blood, and there were no other surprises. It had been in a state of sleepwalking and could not wake up no matter how hard it was beaten.

A moment later, when the Evil God Tank's HP was down to its last 60, Lu Chaoding stopped wielding his sword. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, shouting: "Mighty Tianlong, obey my order and cross the other world. Conquer the demons!"

As if Lu Chaoding had really used a powerful stunt, his Nut Secret Realm's martial arts cannon was activated, and rockets more than 30 meters high soared into the sky, then broke through the void and hit the Machine Emperor Universe, just above Lu Chaoding. There was a roar in the sky and it transformed into a mighty dragon with a blue beard, copper horns and scales like gold.


With an unstoppable momentum, this mighty dragon plunged into the earth with a long roar, hit the evil tank without hesitation, and accurately hit the evil tank, causing the earth to shatter, and then the mighty dragon rose into the sky from the broken ground. It rolled the Evil God Tank and the two B-class combatants next to it into the air.

From the battle to the present, the Evil God Tank has always been like an out-of-control, crazy, and uncontrollable steel bull. Although it has withstood all attacks, it has also shown an unstoppable trend.

Therefore, the mighty Tianlong swept it into the sky all at once, which was so shocking that it made Jinx and others say "fuck".

"How dare the Sword Immortal use his special move again!"

"Oh, this move is so cool!" "How can I use the ultimate move without entering the battle space?"

"The Sword Immortal is not a player, so how can he apply the player's settings to him?"

"Oh my god, that dragon is literally lifting the Evil God Tank up and beating it!"

"The evil god has fallen!"

"Oh, it was blown over again!"

"Well, what's going on? Why did the Evil God Tank disappear?"

"It's not that it disappeared, but it became smaller! It became so small!"

"There was a special effect text prompt just now, subjugate the demon and return to its original form!"

"I also saw it. It appeared four times in total. It didn't seem to take effect the first three times. Did it take effect this last time?"

At this moment, Lu Chaoding was also a little confused.

Since the damage was shared between the two combatants, the Evil God Tank was not killed. However, the demon-subduing feature of [Dawei Tianlong] was actually triggered, and the Evil God Tank was beaten back to its original shape!
In its original form, it was only the size of a basketball. It looked like a toy tank, but it was still in a state of sleepwalking. It was stuck in the gravel on the ground, the body rolled over, and the tracks were idling.

The surrounding NPC combatants were stunned for a moment.

"This tank..."

Lu Chaoding looked at the combatants, as well as Jinx and others who were obviously trying to steal the treasure. He made a prompt decision, rushed down with his sword, put the Evil God Tank into a torn sack as quickly as possible, and then carried it on his back. run.

"Damn it, how dare the Sword Immortal put the Evil God Tank in a sack and carry it away!"

"What are you kidding?"

"Can you still play like this?"

"Leave the Evil God Tank here. It will be killed soon. What do you mean by carrying it away?"

"Made, I have seen people robbing the BOSS, but I have never seen someone robbing him like this!"

"The effect of this program is not bad, I hope you guys can get some gifts..."

Jinx and others shouted loudly, and the barrage comments in their live broadcast room were also unprecedentedly popular.

Lu Chaoding did not dare to stop at this moment. He asked the five Zhutou brothers to pedal their bicycles wildly, and the Daxuan Sword quickly flew into the distance.

The NPC combatants were stunned and did not pursue them. Instead, they dispersed and returned to their respective positions. Even the SS-level combatant, Thunder Wings, was the same.

But just 2 minutes later, there was a bang, the sack broke, and the Evil God Tank fell out of it. It looked like a toy car at first, but after it landed, it changed back to its original form, and with a bang, a deep pit was made on the ground. .

"Evil God Tank, suffer death!"

Lu Chaoding shouted loudly and quickly launched an attack on the Evil God Tank. The Taiyi Light Sword rushed back and forth three times with sword shadows. The Evil God Tank's health bar was finally empty.

The next moment, there was a roar, and the Evil God Tank exploded and caught fire. It rolled on the ground for a while, and finally stood still, and then it did not disappear. Instead, a large number of light points flew out of it, turning into a treasure box in front of it.

"Ding, you killed an evil god, completed the hidden achievement, and obtained an exclusive [Destiny Tower] and an exclusive [Machine Emperor Coordinate]."

"Ding, it has been detected that you already have an exclusive cave. [Destiny Platform] and [Machine Emperor Coordinates] will be automatically installed in your exclusive cave."

"Ding, system notification: The first kill of the world BOSS Evil God Tank has been completed. All participating players will receive a glory treasure chest. Various rankings of Evil God Tank are online on the Kuosen Forum. The data is updated, please check it yourself..."

"Ding, system notification: The Evil God Tank has been killed, and the main plot is advancing. The current Kuosen Island will slowly evolve into the Samurai God Warship. When the evolution is completed, the Samurai God Warship will enter the main world..."

 Thanks to boss A Hanxue Yeyue N for the reward. Sorry for the slow writing. I will update another chapter at night.

(End of this chapter)

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