Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 90 Evolves to 6 stars (please subscribe)

Chapter 90 Evolving to six stars (please subscribe)
"Reward me with a Destiny Platform and a Machine Emperor Coordinate? Can I use the Machine Emperor Coordinate?"

Lu Chaoding quickly stepped forward to open the treasure box dropped by the Evil God Tank, and immediately received a system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations on getting Blood of the Evil God x 3!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Evil God Parts] x 600!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Weird Parts] x 600!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the [Mecha Cannon King's job transfer certificate]!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the five-star firearm [Evil God's Gaze]!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the five-star mecha [Big Shock]!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the five-star heavy artillery [Collapse Star]!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the five-star [Attribute Fruit] x 2!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the five-star [Battleship Star Upgrade Scroll]!"

"Ding, congratulations on winning the lottery ticket x 2000!"

"So many five-star props!"

When Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt, he was overjoyed at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there wasn't much he could use.

"Off the mechas, heavy artillery, firearms, and job transfer certificates, the [Evil God Parts] and [Weird Parts] can be given to Lu Daxuan so that she can use them to transform the Daxuan Ship. The [Warship Star Rising Scroll] is a good thing, and the Daxuan Sword If you reach four stars, you can use this scroll to reach five stars... Attribute fruit, this seems to be similar to kiwi fruit, will you gain attributes after eating it?"

Lu Chaoding took out two egg-shaped [Attribute Fruits] from the storage space. After observing them for a while, he took out one and swallowed it.

"Ding, you ate the attribute fruit, the range is +50 meters!"

"Increasing the range would be good!"

Lu Chaoding ate the second [Attribute Fruit] again, and there was a ding, this time it was "Hit +50"!
"Hit +50? Hit should be an attribute of players in the Machine King Universe. To me, it doesn't seem to be of much use..."

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He then studied the [Mecha Cannon King's Job Change Certificate] and other five-star props, and couldn't help but secretly say it was a pity.

The firearms are gorgeous, the heavy artillery is domineering, and the five-star mecha [Big Shock] is even more gorgeous and domineering. It's a pity that he can't use these items!

The 2000 [lucky tickets] made Lu Chaoding very satisfied. Now he has a total of 6490 ordinary [lucky tickets].

"Overall, the harvest is average... There are still some combatants left in Nut Fortress, as well as players like Jinx. I'm afraid we don't have time to hunt them!"

Lu Chaoding made a conclusion, and then wanted to drive away with the Daxuan Sword, find a secluded place to have a good rest, and then wait quietly to be teleported away.

The time he can stay in the Machine Emperor Universe is running out!

Suddenly, Lu Chaoding's eyes were fixed on the broken tank beside him.

After the Evil God Tank was killed, it did not turn into light and disappear like other BOSS, but became like a scrapped tank and parked on the ground.

"Does this count as the corpse of the Evil God Tank?"

With a thought in his mind, Lu Chao released a five-star black saber-toothed tiger.

The Black Sabre-Toothed Tiger has a mutant magical power that can only be used once, called [Swallowing]. It can gain the opportunity to evolve and rise to the star level by devouring a corpse.

Lu Chaoding couldn't look down on ordinary corpses.

But if it was the corpse of the evil god, then the weight would be enough.

"Black Sabre-Toothed Tiger, go and eat the corpse of the Evil God Tank!"

Lu Chao patted Black Sword Shihu's head, and Black Sword Shihu whined. Although it had no eyebrows, it had a very human expression of frowning. "Go ahead, that's the corpse of the evil god, it's very rare!"

Lu Chaoding urged, and Black Sword Shihu slowly walked towards the "corpse" of the Evil God Tank. Then, in Lu Chaoding's surprised eyes, he ate it with big mouthfuls, like chewing biscuits. His mouth is full of sparks.

"This tooth mouth is really good!"

Lu Chaoding was immediately full of expectations.

About 10 minutes later, the body of the Evil God Tank was eaten clean by the black saber-toothed tiger. The big tiger roared, and his body immediately shone with colorful light, and suddenly turned into a ball of light, automatically entering Lu Chaodong. of storage space.

"Ding, your black saber-tooth tiger uses the devouring magical power and is evolving!"

"Ding, the Black Sword Sword cannot be equipped during the evolution of Shihu. It is estimated that it will take 24 hours to complete the evolution!"

"Okay, very reliable!"

Lu Chaoding nodded repeatedly. The introduction of [Swallowing] magical power clearly mentioned that the target swallowed by the Black Sword Sword Tiger can affect its evolved form, ability, evolution success rate, etc. Lu Chaoding was very curious about how it will evolve after it completes this evolution. What will become of the guardian?

A moment later, Lu Chaoding arrived at the quiet island in the sea. He had been fighting for nearly three days and three nights. As soon as he relaxed, he immediately felt very sleepy and fell asleep in a daze.

But at this moment, in the sealed area of ​​the third highland, Jinx and others were extremely excited.

Due to the fall of the Evil God Tank, they received the Great Treasure Chest of Glory, but what excited them was not the Great Treasure Chest of Glory, but that Kuosen Island would evolve into a Samurai God battleship.

And they, as players, will become the servants of this divine warship, and they have received related system prompts.

Boom, boom, boom, the earth is changing. According to the system prompts, the power of the evil god is transforming this island and turning it into a battleship. Now battleship protective covers, ship-borne cannons, battleship observation towers and other facilities are being rapidly constructed. Wings and those surviving NPC combatants have become battleship combatants.

"Guys, our Kuosen Island is going to evolve into a Samurai God battleship. Isn't it exciting?"

"With the Samurai God Battleship, we don't need to join any temple forces. We have become a force ourselves. The world is so big that there is nowhere we can go!"

"According to the system prompts, the so-called Samurai God battleship is a battleship that serves the evil god. Our battleship is commanded by an evil god... Which evil god is commanding it? Do you even need to ask? It must be the daredevil swordsman. Besides him, what else can we do? Who is there? I have already told you that the Jingdao Sword Immortal is an AI evil god player, and he will be our leader from now on. We will kill the other evil gods and unify the Machine Emperor universe!"

"Our Samurai God Battleship is called the Jingang Battleship. Everyone is welcome to join us!"

"What, how dare you call us pirates! How could we be pirates?"

Jinx and others started a live broadcast, excitedly showing the changes in Kuosen Island.

Lu Chaoding had no idea about this.

When he woke up again, the power of the Sky Breaking Talisman had been exhausted, and he returned to "outer space".

He would have to stay here for three or four days before the void would be repaired and he could return to Tianxing Island!
"It's a pity that there are still many plane achievements that have not been harvested. I don't know if I will have the opportunity to go to the Machine King Universe again in the future."

Lu Chaoding shook his head.

With nothing to do, he took out a large number of various parts, released the Daxuan Sword, summoned Lu Daxuan, Da Mao and other ship spirits, and began to transform and upgrade the Daxuan Sword.

"I have only one goal, and that is to install all the parts I punched out, regardless of whether they are useful or not, on the Daxuan Sword, leaving no one behind, no one left..."

Lu Chaoding issued an order to Lu Daxuan.

He produced a lot of "parts". For the Evil God Tank alone, he contributed 600 [Evil God Parts] and 600 [Weird Parts]. These parts have no other use and can only be used to transform the Daxuan Sword.

Ship Spirit Lu Daxuan was extremely motivated, and he immediately got busy with his five little ones.

Lu Chaoding also participated, so it didn't feel boring.

After some time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, congratulations, your Black Saber Tooth Tiger has completed its evolution, been promoted to six stars, and its abilities have been greatly enhanced!"

(End of this chapter)

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