Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 91 6-star land and 5-star flying sword

Chapter 91 Six-star earth and five-star flying sword

"Six stars!" Lu Chao's heart moved, "Sure enough, there are six stars!"

He immediately released the black saber-toothed tiger, and his eyes widened when he saw its appearance.

"Is this a black saber-toothed tiger? This is a Decepticon!"

What appeared in front of Lu Chaoding was an all-metal tiger-faced tracked vehicle. Overall, it looked about the same size as an ordinary armored vehicle, and also looked like a tank without a gun barrel. There were tracks and wheels underneath, and the tracks were shiny. The structure is exquisite and the wheels shine, eighteen in total.

On the front, long golden and black bright metal strips are like lines, pieced together to form a three-dimensional tiger's face. The saber teeth are really two tapered swords, and the tiger's eyes are like big lamps, projecting golden light. The center of the eyebrows There was also a huge black bayonet pointed straight forward.

Above it, in the center, there is a circular pit as big as a manhole cover. The pit is one meter deep and can accommodate a person. There is a seat embedded in it, which seems to be the driving position.

Behind it, there are three exquisite and gorgeous metal long tails. The three long tails are thicker than an adult's thighs, swinging freely, like a tiger's tail, and like three war whips.

This six-star [Black Sabre-toothed Tiger] looks thick, stocky, and hard. It is obviously no longer a flesh-and-blood creature. It looks like a modified tank or armored vehicle, but it also shows affection for Lu Chaoding. In Lu Chaoding The front arched in front of him, making Lu Chaoding couldn't help but retreat, fearing that it would pounce and crush him to death.

Land animal: black saber-toothed tiger

Number of stars: six stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV12

Note [-]: [Black Blade Sabre-Tooth Tiger] has both saber-tooth tiger form and tank form. No matter which form it is, it can be ridden. Regardless of whether it is mounted or not, it can provide attribute bonuses and does not affect the release of basic attacks, combat skills and stunts.

Description 12: Riding the [Black Sword Saber-tooth Tiger] in the form of a saber-toothed tiger, it provides an additional 30 points of speed bonus, provides a long-handled broadsword costume weapon, adds a [mounted slash] special effect to basic attacks, combat skills, and stunts, and attacks with mounted slash special effects. The retreat effect is enhanced to 200%, and the critical hit is guaranteed to be [-]%.

Description 120: [Black Sabre-toothed Tiger] in the form of a riding tank, provides an additional 30-meter range, provides mechanical missile weapons, adds [bombing] special effects to basic attacks, combat skills, and stunts, and the knockback effect of the bombing special effects is enhanced to [-] %, and at the same time, it will definitely cause splash damage in the area.

Note 15: [Black Saber Tooth Tiger] can grow and upgrade on its own, up to LV[-]!
After Lu Chaoding read the attribute information of [Black Saber-toothed Tiger], he felt that it was outrageous. He understood that what was displayed in front of him now was the tank form of [Black Saber-toothed Tiger]. With a thought, click, click, [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] 】Deformed on the spot, it put away its tracks and wheels, the metal deck shrank, and after about five breaths, it turned into a metal tiger.

Its appearance is very similar to the original [Black Sabre-toothed Tiger], but it is metalized, and its size is also much larger, and it also looks more ruthless.

Lu Chao rode on top of the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] in the form of a saber-toothed tiger. He grabbed the air with his right hand and pulled out a black long-handled sword.

This broadsword is still the same as before. Now it is a costume weapon. It has the characteristics of covering up the main weapon, but it does not affect the attribute bonus of the main weapon.

Lu Chaoding made the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] transform back into tank form, and he appeared above the driver's seat in the pit. At this time, Lu Chaoding's long-handled sword disappeared, and behind him, Taiyi Spectral Light appeared. The sword and its sword shadows, but quickly, Taiyi's split light sword and those sword shadows turned into mechanical missiles that spewed flames and made a crackling noise.

This is also a fashion effect. Lu Chaoding's weapon looks like a mechanical missile, but in fact it still has its original attributes.

Of course, riding the [Black Sabre-toothed Tiger] in tank form and using them to attack will trigger the "bombing" special effect.

"My original attack range was only 50 meters. After eating the attribute fruit, the range increased by 50 meters. If I drive this tank and add 120 meters to the range, my attack range can reach 220 meters. This bombing is exciting!"

Lu Chaoding felt like driving an armored tank and being a cyber swordsman.

"It's getting more and more outrageous, and it feels more and more like a BOSS. Ordinary players are in front of me, why don't they shout?" Lu Chao felt a little proud, thinking that this six-star land was not bad, so he drove back. It should be quite interesting to show off in front of a tank man.

"There is also the Daxuan Sword. I used to ride a tiger and wield a sword. Now whether I can drive a tank and wield a sword depends on the Daxuan Sword. It must be modified to be larger, at least it must be able to fit my saber-toothed tiger tank! "

Lu Chao thought about this and devoted himself to the transformation of the Daxuan Sword.

There are many "parts" produced by Lu Chaoding, including gears, chains, metal plates, propellers, propellers... there are all kinds of them. At his strong request, Ship Spirit Lu Daxuan selected the usable parts from these parts and put them The Da Xuan Sword was widened and thickened, and two jet aircraft were installed on the back of the Da Xuan Sword's hilt. Then, a large number of Devil Shark Cannons were manufactured...

Time passed, and two days later, the transformation of the Daxuan Sword came to an end.

The Daxuan Sword at this time was about 18 meters long including the hilt, but six meters wide. If you look at it from below, it looks a bit short overall, as if it was made of door panels. It is ugly. A little bit more, but it still has the meaning of the Great Xuan Sword.

But if you look at it from the side or above, this Daxuan sword is a Daxuan ship. It is already as thick as a floor, with a hollow in the middle like a cabin. The tip of the sword is full of patches and transformed into a bullet shape. There is a deck-like platform that is perfect for parking a Sabretooth Tiger tank.

The devil shark cannons on both sides of the Daxuan ship are stacked as densely as drums, with a total of 400.

The power mechanism of the human bicycle is retained, but two propeller aircraft are installed on the back side of the hilt, and the braking system, acceleration system, throttle system, rudder system, etc. are integrated on the hilt, where there are also A comfortable captain's chair was installed.

After undergoing such transformation, the Daxuan Sword is now a four-star refined +6 special battle sword and battleship.

Lu Chaoding took out the five-star [Battleship Star Rising Scroll] dropped by the Evil God Tank and used it without hesitation. With a ding, he received the system prompt that the Daxuan Sword had been raised to five stars.

At the same time, the golden light of the Daxuan Sword in front of Lu Chaoding flashed. Under the influence of the power of the system, the sword body and the ship body were quickly repaired. The parts that were originally patched were quickly smoothed and became a whole piece. Three breaths After that, the sword body and the hull of the Daxuan Sword were polished and polished, as if they were carved and cast as a whole.

Weapon: Daxuan Sword (Daxuan Ship)

Number of stars: five stars

Durability: 30

Toughness: 0
Defense: 200
Occupation: Sword Immortal, Captain

Refining level: +6
Explanation [-]: The Daxuan Sword (Daxuan Ship) has been transformed by the ship spirit and can only be used as a flying sword.

Note 100: The current theoretical maximum speed of the Daxuan Sword is (the upper limit of the player's sword or ship speed + [-]) meters per second.

Explanation [-]: The Daxuan Sword (Daxuan Ship) has the ability to repair itself.

Note 0: Ship-borne refining +400 Devil Shark Cannon
Note [-]: The Daxuan Sword (Daxuan Ship) has been bound to the ship spirit and can be refined (reformed and upgraded) by the ship spirit.

Note [-]: Attacks launched with ship-based weapons will not pull the target into the battle space.

Lu Chaoding looked at the Daxuan Sword in front of him and felt a small sense of accomplishment. He felt that his flying sword had graduated, and he could just refine it according to the circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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