Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 93 UFO (please subscribe)

Chapter 93 UFO (please subscribe)
"This sword... just sticks out and attacks!"

After Lu Chaoding read the attribute information of [Super Puppet], he silently took out another lottery ticket.

Those are the unreliable lottery tickets he treasures, and they will definitely win the same thing as the previous one.

He raised the unreliable lottery ticket into the sky, and quickly another golden light fell in front of Lu Chao and turned into a ball of light.

Lu Chao broke through the light ball at the top, and without any surprise, he got a super sword again.

Later, Lu Chaoding took out three bottles of [Blood of the Evil God]!
"Blood material... This evil god's blood should be a high-grade blood material. Use it to refine super beasts, and the effect should be very good!"

Lu Chaoding thought about this, immediately communicated with the system, and quickly received the system prompt: "Ding, consume [Blood of the Evil God] × 1, your five-star weapon Super Piff will be refined to +1, and you will gain an additional 500 attack power points!"

"Additional 500 points of attack power!"

Lu Chaoding looked at the super sword with a refinement of +1 in front of him in surprise. Without hesitation, he used two more bottles of [Blood of the Evil God] to refine it twice in a row.

Each time these two refinements gave the Super Sword an additional 500 points of attack power!
So the attribute bonuses that this refined +3 super sword can now provide are: +400 attack power, +40% attack power, and an additional 1500 attack power after three refinements. In addition, it can continue to increase by killing enemies. 600 points of attack power.

Lu Chaoding's current basic attack power is 390, so in theory, equipping this super sword can increase the attack power by up to 2656 points!

This is already an exaggeration. It should be noted that the previous refined +6 Daxuan Sword only increased the attack power by 240 points.

As for the second super sword that Lu Chao drew out, it was to prepare for the third weapon column.

His ten professional characteristics can be strengthened once every 10 levels, so at level 21, the [Double Treasure] characteristic can have a third weapon slot, fashion slot, backpack slot and pendant slot.

"If I can get two super swords with a refinement level of +12, my attack power will be exaggerated!"

Lu Chaoding then went to pack up the remaining 9999 props. This was a lot of work and took him most of the day.

More than 9999% of these 90 props are food and materials, but there are also some good ones. The ones that concern Lu Chao are the one-star [Blood Recovery Grass], the two-star [Water Ganoderma], the two-star [Fire Ganoderma], Two-star fashion [Golden Talent], three-star fashion [Wu Zhuangyuan], three-star fashion [Flying Fish Taoist Robe], two-star pendant [Rich Jade Pendant], three-star back piece [Seven Treasures Miaoqin], four-star weapon [Spirit Fish Sword], four-star weapon [Luoyue Wind and Thunder Sword], and a dozen skill books.

After a lot of work, Lu Chaoding placed three plants in the courtyard of the cave. The blood-recovering grass is the second one, and its ability has not changed. Fire Ganoderma and Water Ganoderma can respectively increase the aura index of the cave by ten points, but Automatically produce fire elixir and water elixir.

As for the three sets of costumes [Golden Talent], [Martial Champion], and [Flying Fish Taoist Robe], as well as the four-star weapons [Spirit Fish Sword], four-star weapons [Luoyue Wind and Thunder Sword], etc., their attributes are average, so Lu Chaoding plans to keep them. Keep it for collection and use it occasionally.

The two-star pendant [Jade Pendant of Wealth] can provide extra drops of gold yuan. Lu Chaoding lacked the pendant, so he equipped it immediately and used the materials obtained from the lottery to refine it to +3. Its ability is to provide 15% of the extra drop of gold yuan.

The three-star back piece [Qibao Miaoqin] can reduce combat hatred. This attribute is of little use to Lu Chaoding, but this guqin can be regarded as a good decoration. Lu Chaoding is not short of money now, and he also treats it as a collection. treat.

It is worth mentioning that, using the materials he drew and the materials purchased from the trading house at any cost, Lu Chaoding refined [Flying Snow Battle Clothes] and [Shenji Miaojue] to the limit, that is, refining +9 .


This four-star fashion can be said to be very powerful.

The Feixue suit with a refinement level of +9 can provide 50% ice resistance and 50% wind and snow slowdown!
"With a 50% deceleration, I estimate that most of the wild monsters, even the BOSS, can be killed by my kite!"

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied with his current attributes, and after resting for a while in the cave, he drove the tank warship, returned to Tianxing Island, and rushed to Dajian Poxu Mountain.

As for the Tianxing Island where Lu Chaoding was located, his sword broke through Xushan, and now it was broken and in a mess everywhere.

It has been seven days since the ancient sword demon Ye Longxing broke out of the forbidden area.

In the past seven days, he has almost destroyed the entire Dajian Sect. Now, almost all the sect buildings of the Dajian Sect have been knocked down. The disciples, hall masters, deputy hall masters of each hall, as well as the sect elders, heads, protectors, etc., All have been killed.

Only the first elder of the Dajian Sect, Ying Xunhai, and a strange Niu Daren were left.At this moment, Zhao Weike sat dejectedly in the camp at the foot of the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain.

This was the initial camp, and Zhao Weike had just been killed.

Beside him, Zhang Defa was running a live broadcast, and the live broadcast camera was aimed at Zhao Weike.

"Old fellows, Zhao Skirt is about to die. Today, his level has finally returned to LV1. Are you happy... Ever since Brother Ding disappeared, the plot of our Tianxing Island has been completely distorted, Dark Niu Daren After killing all the other Niu Daren, he also killed the leader, released Ye Longxing, and stole the secret book. Zhao Jiuquirui said that originally according to the plot, when Ye Longxing was killing everyone, Niu Daren would be led by the sword demon Transformed into a sword god, and as the heir of the Supreme Elder, he alone resisted Ye Longxing and bought time for us to escape. But this is not the case at all now. Niu Daren doesn't stand out at all. Every time Zhao skirt talks to him, He beat him to death...and the great elder actually stayed in the forbidden area, even Ye Longxing ran out, and he was still guarding him."

"That Ye Longxing is also weird. He's crazy. He runs back and forth between Lion Mountain, Dog Tooth Mountain and Dajian Poxu Mountain. He's like a wandering BOSS. He just kills us for fun, and no one comes to rescue him. This kind of thing When will the plot end? Oh, I miss Brother Ding so much now. When Brother Ding was here, the BOSS was killing people... Hey, Zhao Skirt, come over and say a few words to everyone!"

In the live broadcast, Zhao Weike walked up to Zhang Defa, kicked him, and suddenly said with a smile on his face: "Hello viewers, I am Zhao Weike, let me tell you, the plot of our village is stuck, I It is speculated that the main plot will move forward after Ye Longxing kills Niu Daren, but that damn Niu Daren has killed all the other Niu Daren. He is hiding in the forbidden area and cannot come out. Ye Longxing cannot find him. So just wander around Tianhang Island! We have to find a way to let Ye Longxing kill Niu Daren and Ying Xunhai, otherwise the plot will get stuck here and we will never be able to leave Tianhang Island!"

"How could Ye Longxing beat Niu Daren and Ying Xunhai to death?"

"Go and seduce Mr. Ye! Lead him back to the forbidden area in the back mountain!"

"Then he was beaten back to level zero like you? Pull him down, don't even think about harming me!"

"What the hell, at least I'm trying to find a way to break the situation. What are you guys doing? Just lie down one by one! Make sarcastic remarks!"

As they were talking, Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa started fighting. The two men did not move their swords, but just punched each other with each other, and then hugged and wrestled.

Not long after, Zhang Jiaqiang ran over in a panic and shouted: "No, Ye Longxing is here to kill again."

Zhang Defa turned around and ran away without saying a word. Zhao Weike hesitated for a moment, stamped his feet, and then turned around to face Ye Longxing.

Soon, he stood in front of Ye Longxing, who was in ragged clothes, disheveled hair, and a pair of short horns on his forehead, and shouted: "Hey, sand sculpture Ye Longxing, Niu Daren and Ying Xunhai are in the forbidden area where you are imprisoned. , you went over to them!"

Ye Longxing had no expression on his face. He raised his pointer to Zhao Weike, and a burst of green sword energy killed him. Then he stepped on the void and walked forward blankly, murmuring: "The dragon travels in the seven realms, and the Tao sword hides in the sky. Dao Zangkong, Dao Zangkong, where are you hiding? Why don't you dare to come out and fight!"

"Zhao Skirt was beaten to death again!"

Zhang Defa, who was hiding in the distance, pointed the live broadcast camera at Ye Longxing. Suddenly, a barrage comment popped up on the live broadcast screen: "Anchor, what's going on with that plane?"

"What plane?"

"Pull the camera back and focus on the seaside. Do you see it?"

"Hey, there really is a plane!"

"Why did I see there were tanks?"

Zhang Defa saw the comments on the barrage and looked towards the seaside curiously. He actually saw an aircraft. He exclaimed: "Damn it, a UFO was found!"

"Bullshit UFO! That's a flying boat! Do you understand flying boats?"

Zhao Weike, who had just been resurrected, walked over and said clearly.

"Zhao Skirt, do you know again?"

"Hmph!" Zhao Weike ignored Zhang Defa. He waved vigorously at the "flying boat" and shouted: "Here, here, come here!"

Zhang Defa also jumped up and waved his hands, and at the same time said to the live broadcast camera: "Old fellows, things have changed, a UFO has arrived!"

(End of this chapter)

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