Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 94 Heavy Chapter Tianxing Island

Chapter 94 Return to Tianxing Island

Lu Chaoding saw Zhao Weike and others waving to him from a distance, and felt that they were a little bit friendly.

When the Daxuan ship got closer, Zhao Weike and others discovered that the person coming was actually Lu Chaoding, and their expressions became exciting.

"Brother Ding, it's Brother Ding. Where have you been, Brother Ding? Brother Ding, you miss me so much!" Zhang Defa said with a surprised expression, "Old fellows, Brother Ding is back. Brother Ding is riding a tank and driving a spaceship. Back! How can this person drive a tank? How can this person make a spaceship? The guy who asked the question must be a new guy. I don’t know Brother Ding. Now let me tell you, no matter how abnormal things happen to Brother Ding, That’s all normal, right Zhao Skirt!”

Zhao skirt snorted twice, he frowned, hugged his arms, and didn't want to speak.

Zhang Jiaqiang ran over from a distance. He shook his arms vigorously towards Lu Chaoding and shouted: "Brother Ding, Brother Ding, where have you been? We can hardly play anymore without you!"

Xiao Ning and others also appeared out of nowhere and acted very happy!
With a smile on his face, Lu Chaoding looked down at the people below, waved and said, "Good job, comrades. Goodbye, comrades!"

The Daxuan ship did not stop, but jumped directly over the heads of these players.

Lu Chaoding wanted to take a look at Dajian Poxu Mountain.

"Brother Ding, don't leave!"

"Brother Ding, don't abandon us!"

"Brother Ding, where are you going?"

"Brother Ding, where did you buy the tank?"

"Brother Ding, can I interview you..."

Zhang Defa and others followed behind the Daxuan Sword and shouted. Zhao Weike put his hands on his hips and said coldly: "What has this guy been through? To make him so fancy? But he only has AI. Even if he comes back, what's the use? Do you still dare to be alone?" Can't you pick on Ye Lao Mo? I think you should follow me to draw Ye Lao Mo's hatred. It's better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. It may not be a good thing for this AI to come back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Daxuan Sword making a circle and suddenly coming back.

"I almost forgot, who is it? Zhao Jiuirui, and Wang Yingluo, do you still owe me money? It's time to settle this account!"

Lu Chaoding stood on the Sabretooth Tiger tank and shouted from a distance.

When Wang Yingluo heard this, her expression turned bitter and she muttered, "Oh my god, he actually still remembers it."

After saying that, she shook her head. Although she was a little reluctant, she still opened the storage space and prepared to pay back the money.

Zhao Weike, however, ran away without saying a word.

When Lu Chao saw that he had run away, he was not anxious at all. He thought to himself that Zhao Jiuirui was still the same as before. He actually wanted to run. Can he outrun his own tank and Daxuan ship with two legs?

Shaking his head, Lu Chao let the Daxuan ship land, then jumped out of the tank and first collected the money from Wang Yingluo.

She paid back 500 gold yuan more, which made Lu Chaoding very satisfied, and said: "It is only natural to pay back debts. Wang Yingluo, you took the initiative to pay back the interest, which is considered good. I will give you a natural fire sword! Don't imitate Zhao. Skirt, why are you running away? Even if you don’t have the money to pay back, just tell me directly, I am a reliable swordsman who is kind to others, and I do what I do and what I don’t do, will I still make things difficult for him? "

After saying that, Lu Chao gave Wang Yingluo a natural fire sword, and then boarded the Sabre-toothed Tiger tank again. He took a look at Zhao's skirt and saw that the guy stopped running and was looking over a hundred meters away.

"Teach you how to meet the Tank Sword Fairy!"

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, and a large number of missiles behind him immediately took off into the air, dragging their tails, carrying the light of fire, swish, swish, swish...

In an instant, the place where Zhao Weike was was exploded into a sea of ​​fire.

Lu Chaoding had 50 hit points. He didn't know if the 50 hit points had any effect, but he felt that those missiles were quite accurate.

The next moment, Zhao Weike was resurrected under the sword monument. He suddenly collapsed on the ground and shouted: "Holy shit, is this really a tank? Can you hit me even if I run so far?"

Lu Chaoding's heart moved, and he immediately put away the Daxuan ship and the Sabretooth Tiger tank. He quickly came to Zhao Weike, took out a sack and put it on his head.

He wanted to try if he could use a torn sack to carry someone to the Nut Secret Realm.

Zhao Weike groaned, memories of the past appeared in his mind, he stopped resisting, lay down directly, and shouted: "I am now at LV1, what should I be afraid of? Kill me as you want, no money required, countless lives, come and fuck me!"

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face and used a sack to wrap up Zhao Weike and carry him on his back. Then a circle of light appeared in front of him, and when he stepped inside, he returned to the exclusive cave.Feeling that there was nothing unusual about the torn sack behind him, Lu Chaoding steered the Daxuan Ship again and arrived at the center of Nut Fortress a moment later. At this time, he shook the torn sack to the ground, and Zhao Weike fell out, and he Lying on the ground, he said, "Just use whatever tricks you have!"

Lu Chaoding nodded, and then Yujian flew to the high black wall. He released the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] again and set it to a free-range state. This full-metal saber-toothed tiger changed into a saber-toothed tiger form. It howled twice. With a sound, he quickly ran along the black mechanical wall to an armed mechanical arm.

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, the Yueying Qingjiao with the function of "butler" actually flew over, and it also occupied an armed mechanical arm.

Zhao Weike was a little panicked at this time. He looked around. There were only high walls and no exits. It felt like entering the Colosseum.

"What the hell is this place? Brother Ding, what are you going to do?"

Lu Chao said: "Welcome to Nut Fortress, goodbye!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding reached out to Zhao Weike, and a torrent of sword shadows washed out, killing him instantly.

"It seems that the exclusive cave can also bring people in. It is completely feasible to use a broken sack to carry the target to the Nut Secret Realm. The premise is that the target is successfully trapped in the sack..."

Lu Chaoding thought for a while. He felt that it was a bit inconvenient to use the Nut Secret Realm to fight. It was feasible to trap sand sculpture players with sacks, but it would not be easy to trap NPCs. Moreover, there was no need to bring ordinary targets into the Nut Secret Realm to fight. Really If you want to bring the BOSS into the Nut Secret Realm to fight, it will definitely be difficult to wrap it up with a torn sack.

If you use the martial arts cannon's Dawei Tianlong to strike first, knock the target back to its original shape, and then put a sack on it, it will be safer and much easier. However, there is a probability that Dawei Tianlong will return to its original shape. An attack only has four triggering opportunities. It cannot It is also normal to knock the target back to its original shape.

After comprehensive consideration, Lu Chaoding thinks that the function of Nut Fortress is still a bit useless. Now it seems that the most powerful one is the martial arts cannon. Unfortunately, the cooling time of the martial arts cannon is too long.

When Lu Chaoding returned to Tianxing Island, to his surprise, Zhao Weike was waiting for him holding gold coins.

"Brother Ding, this is the money I owe, plus 200 yuan in interest!" Zhao Weike seemed to be a completely different person, with a playful smile.

Lu Chaoding accepted the gold coins unceremoniously. He counted them and found that the number was correct. Then he raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Weike and said, "Didn't you say that if you don't want money, you will lose countless lives?"

Zhao Weike smiled with a smile on his face and said: "This is the moment, brother Ding, I want to discuss with you if you can use your torn sack to carry Mr. Ye to the forbidden area in the back mountain!"

"Ye Laomo? You mean the ancient sword demon Ye Longxing!"

"Yes, it's him! This NPC is stupid, talking about Tao Zangkong, looking for Niu Daren all over the map, but he just won't go to the forbidden area where he was once imprisoned. And that Niu Daren was hiding in that forbidden area, and was even summoned by the great elder. The patrol is on guard, the plot is stuck here, don’t you think it’s annoying?”

Zhang Defa also followed beside him and said: "Yes, brother Ding, it's useless to rely on us alone. Zhao skirt dies dozens of times a day, it's useless, we just have to wait for you to make the decision for us!"

Wang Yingluo and others also talked about top brother at this moment, expecting Lu Chaoding to come forward to advance the plot, but they also told Lu Chaoding what happened in Da Jian Po Xushan during this period.

Lu Chaoding thought seriously for a while.

Obviously, the "Niu Daren" who is maverick, does not play according to the rules, and hides in the forbidden area is the one who once led him to the Tengu Secret Realm. He must have awakened, and it must be because of his operation. The plot of Tianxing Island has developed to this point.

"Tianxing Island is not Kuosen Island. Ye Longxing's strength still needs to be determined. He probably won't be weaker than the Evil God Tank. I'm afraid he won't be able to defeat him in a normal battle. In short, we can't start a war rashly. And we must go to the forbidden area in the back mountain." Yes, Awakening Niu Daren must have important information, and it is very necessary to get in touch with him... Should the Great Elder Xunhai be guarding the forbidden area? His Great World Breaking Void God will not be so perverted..."

Lu Chaoding soon had an idea. He did not intend to directly lead Ye Longxing to the Houshan Forbidden Area as Zhao Weike and the others said. Instead, he decided to go to the Houshan Forbidden Area to understand the situation for himself.

After making up his mind, Lu Chaoding sorted out his equipment, mainly putting the Feixue suit in the first fashion column. Then he drove the tank warship and headed alone to the back mountain of Dajian Poxu Mountain.

After a while, Lu Chaoding found the forbidden area at the back of Dajian Poxu Mountain. The forbidden area was in a canyon, and there were stone steps connected to the dilapidated main hall.

However, the main hall of the leader had collapsed, and the stone steps were mostly buried under rubble.

Lu Chao walked on the top of the ship without having to walk on the ground. It didn't take much effort to enter the forbidden area. Then he saw Ying Xunhai, the great elder of the Dajianmen sitting at the bottom of the canyon in front of the huge stone gate.

It was a white-haired old man, wearing a green robe, with a long sword tilted sideways, and eight long swords floating behind him. He sat still, with a Tai Chi diagram-like air mass spinning above his head.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, it was discovered that the patrol elder of Dajianmen should be patrolling the sea. The branch plot advanced. Senior brother Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua, the head of the Ye family in Tiancong Prefecture, were arrested during a tryst on a small island in the sea. Elder Xunhai was discovered by Ying Xunhai and was sealed into the secret realm of the universe with the Great Universe Breaking Divine Sword. As a survivor who has experienced the plot, you have actually been closely watched by Ying Xunhai. Please come forward and talk to Ying Xunhai dialogue to advance the subsequent plot!”

 Thanks to the boss of "Yan Yu" for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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